Konichiwa minna-chan, I have returned from a rather long absence. I'm sorry it has taken me so long, but things have been steadily changing in my life to keep me rather busy. As it stands I have also been revising all of my stories so that they are more up to my standards of writing now. I do hope you enjoy the work I put into re-writing these stories as I do them for you. Now, on to the legal stuff, I do not and never have owned Sailor Moon as much as I would love to. I do however own some characters that will be mentioned at various points throughout the story. I do not write stories with the intent of sex. I can be reached for comments and flames at As always please enjoy the stories and continue to live another day

One True Love

Chapter 2 By: Serenity Darkness

I stood in the park head tilted back eyes closed, I wasn't dreaming, so I was surprised when I heard her voice again. "Endymion, my prince… the time has come to release me from my prison…" I heard her say when I looked up I saw a vision of her standing in front of me "Serenity!" I said softly as I looked at her, and the more I did, the more I saw Usagi standing there before me. "Wait here… Sailor Moon will come, and together you will both release me." She said softly as she vanished. I couldn't understand this, for the first time she appeared to me in my waking dreams. "As I you wish it Serenity, I will wait for Sailor Moon, but not like this…" I said softly but I didn't do anything. I would just wait for whatever was going to come would come, and Sailor Moon would be there.

I could tell something wasn't right by the way things were by lunch time, I saw both Makoto and Ami sitting at a table talking when I walked up "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked them as I looked at them. "Usagi, we just got a call from Rei, "Oh what about?" I asked as I sat down next to them. "She had a vision, and wanted you to contact her as soon as you could." Makoto said as I looked at her. "Alright, I wonder why she didn't just contact me at first." I asked softly both Ami and just shrugged and I pulled out my communicator and called Rei. "What's up Rei?" I asked "Usagi, what was that with Ashtare?" she asked me. My face paled, "Rei-chan… he's the enemy" I said softly. Both Ami and Makoto looked up in shock as they heard it. "So then my vision was true then." Rei said as I sighed and nodded "yes it was Rei…" I started before I dropped my communicator "Usagi? Are you there? Usagi!" Rei's voice sounded over my communicator. I didn't see anyone else around me, but I saw Endymion standing in front of me "Sailor Moon, the park, go now!" he said and I nodded. I took off "Usagi! Matte!" I could hear voices behind me as I ran off towards the park. I don't know what it was but he was there and I had to go.

I stood there and I suddenly felt something odd something very evil and before I knew it I was standing face to face with Ashtare. "What the… how did you get here" I asked as I became worried. "Oh, only you should know, you were dating Usagi!" he said as he raised his fist "No, I wasn't dating Usagi, I never would date Usagi, she's to much of a cry baby for me." I said defensively as I got ready to defend myself. "Don't lie! I saw her get out of your car. I saw her kiss you!" He screamed at me as he swung his face to hit me in the face. I dodged the blow and frowned "I was being nice to her because you were being so mean!" I yelled as I was able to land a blow to his gut "You lie!" he said after he felt the blow pushing him back before he started floating. "And now you die!" he yelled at me and I looked shocked at him before I turned to rum and find a place to hide but there was none. I could feel the power being drawn to him and I pulled a rose out of my pocket and transformed just like that into Tuxedo Kamen.

I ran through the school up to the roof before I took a jump, no one was around and during the jump I willed myself to transform. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop till I found my way to the park; I could feel the energy of the enemy, shimmata, I willed my body faster and I came to a stop as I saw Ashtare attacking Mamoru, but that wasn't the shock that I had, it was the fact that Mamoru was Tuxedo Kamen. "Stop right there!" I yelled out grabbing Ashtare's attention. "What the! If it isn't Usagi, the cheater." Ashtare said as she frowned " No, to you, it's Sailor Moon, Champion of Love and justice!" I said as I threw my tiara at him. It was of course not my strongest attack but it was strong enough I had hoped. Ashtare stood there laughing and did not see the tiara coming at him until he let out a scream and turned to me blood starting to appear on his once, in my mind, beautiful face. "Now… you die Sailor Moon!" He said while he began to build a massive energy bomb to throw at me.

I looked at Ashtare who had stopped his attack on me when she came, Sailor Moon. She had arrived, and man was I ever grateful to see her. Her long flowing streamers of gold, her bright blue eyes full of courage. "Stop right there!" I heard her voice yell out. "What the! If it isn't Usagi…" that was all I heard, I didn't hear anything else come from him, I didn't hear whatever he said next. Usagi, the klutz was Sailor Moon? All this time I was protecting Ondango-atama that was all I could think and then I heard something the sent chills down my spine "Now… you die Sailor Moon!" Ashtare said. I wasn't going to let him do that, Sailor Moon just stood there defiantly. I ran towards her. "Sailor Moon, Move!" I yelled

"Sailor Moon, Move!" Tuxedo Kamen yelled at me as I turned to look at him. I never saw the beam of energy coming towards me but I never felt it hit me when It did, as Tuxedo Kamen had used his body to block the beam from hitting me. "NOOOOOO" I yelled as I watched him fall limp to the floor. By this time the other senshi had shown up and were standing just off to the side each one in shock. "Tuxedo… Mamoru…" I said softly as I kneeled down next to him "What in the hell!" Ashtare screamed as he saw us "You'll both pay, and Queen Beryl will make me her top general after I destroy you both!" He said as he grinned. I looked up at him, defiance strong in my eyes "You will not have the pleasure…" I said as the moon wand appeared in my hand. "We shall see about that." He said as he shot another energy beam at me, using the moon wand I tossed it right back at him. He dodged it and was amazed. I did not feel the tears running down my face nor did I notice the bright light that had begun to shine around me, and Mamoru.

Usagi looked at me, she didn't see the beam coming at her but I willed myself to go faster, and I jumped in front of her. The pain from the beam hitting me was excruciating but I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of hearing me scream as I bit down on my lip. I was so weak and injured from the blast that I slumped down to the ground "NOOOOOO" I heard Usagi yell before she to fell to the ground "Tuxedo… Mamoru…" She said softly, that was the last I heard as I lost consciousness. This has happened before… I thought as memories started to run through my mind, of stuff I had never thought I knew… the face of Serenity, this time was in full view, and there it was, Usagi… she was Serenity, she was the princess I had been seeing in my dreams, she was, the women who had loved me. I felt myself regaining some sort of consciousness and I looked up "Serenity…" I said softly

As the light from my tear dimmed I heard one word… one voice… "Serenity…" I heard and I looked down at Mamoru, however; it wasn't Mamoru that was lying in front of me… it was Endymion. It was as I had thought earlier. Mamoru and Endymion were one in the same person. "Endymion…" I said softly, it was then that I noticed it. In one hand, I had unconsciously cupped the Ginzuishou. The crystal I had been searching for all this time was within me. "What the… the Ginzuishou!" I could hear Ashtare's voice as he flew towards me. "Not again…" I said softly as the Ginzuishou pulsed with hidden power, power that was within me. A bright light shot forth from the Ginzuishou and pushed Ashtare back away from myself and Endymion.

She sat there, her fuku had vanished, and there she sat, my princess, my Serenity. Her dress was pure white and her blond hair had changed into a beautiful silver color, I was still stuck staring at my beautiful princess as she spoke. Then I saw it, the Ginzuishou, the crystal she had been asking me to find I saw Ashtare flying towards us before he was pushed back I took Serenity's hand in mine and looked at her. "I will help you." I said softly as I moved so I was kneeling behind her. Lending her my strength. It didn't take much to defeat Ashtare, as he was no match for the power of the Ginzuishou.

I felt Endymion take my hand, as he looked up at me, love shining in his blue eyes. "I will help you" he said softly as he moved behind me. The feeling of him with me filled me with new hope, new love and a new life. Even though I did not use much of my own energy to defeat Ashtare, as he was rather weak compared to the power of the Ginzuishou. I felt myself loosing consciousness.

I felt Usagi slowly loosing consciousness in my arms, I couldn't believe what was happening, here I had just found her, the one I had been searching for all my life and yet I was loosing her. Usagi, Usagi… come back to me." I cried softly as she just went limp in my arms. I was heartbroken thinking I had lost her.

I felt the darkness, it was overwhelming, I didn't want to leave Mamoru, not after finally finding what it was I had been searching for all this time, the crystal, but most of all it was him, finding him made this all worth while, finding the man in my dreams was very important. "My dearest daughter…" I heard a very soft voice, much like my own calling to me. Slowly I began to awake, but I was no longer in the park, instead I was in the palace of the place I once called home in my past life, The Moon Palace. I looked around trying to find the person who that voice belonged to. Only to find myself staring right into the face of someone who looked just like me. "I'm not surprised you don't recognize me, I look just like you… don't I" she asked me and I nodded, but I knew instantly who she was. She was Queen Serenity, the woman who was responsible for my life having been returned to me… she was my mother. "Serenity, you and Endymion have revived this kingdom. It is now up to you to restore what was once had, here upon this moon, the Silver Millennium." She said softly and looked at me. I didn't know what to say. "I want… I want to create my own millennium… with Endymion" I said looking up at her "because earth is now my home." I said as she smiled "Then that's what you will do. Go on my dearest, and be happy" She said as I felt the darkness consuming her and myself from view.

I looked down at Usagi, I couldn't believe this, here she was, the one person who meant the world to me and she was gone. Leaving me here, "Usako… don't go… not again.." I said softly as I laid my face against her chest and began to cry. At that moment I felt a soft hand caress my hair and a soft voice filled my ears. "I will never leave you, ever again Mamoru.." I could hear her say softly, I sat up and looked down into the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. "Usako…" I said softly before I kissed her softly on the lips. She was my true love.

"Usako…" I heard the voice of Mamoru calling to me, "Usako… don't go… not again…" he continued, brining me out of my unconsciousness. I lifted my hand very weakly before I placed it on his head and smoothed his hair down a bit "I will never leave you, ever again Mamoru…" I said softly. He lifted his head from my chest, his blue eyes filled with tears "Usako…" He said as he kissed me… Now I was no longer alone, and neither was he… we were complete… and he was my true love.