Cher rubbed her eyes sleepily. She had been working for 48 hours straight. But she couldn't go home yet. Not when she was so close. It would only take a bit more work before the impossible could become possibly. Until she could turn the lunar flower human. The rest of her work was mere waiting. She rewound the tape that had been recording the whole process. She played it again in fast-forward, to view the progress made so far.

First she saw the small plant, floating there in the water. Then it began to grow. The petals turned into a soft, pink, hue. The sepals surrounding the flower moved to either side of the bloom, and little by little turned into two delicate arms. The stem of the plant began to divide, and soon resembled two slender legs.

It wasn't a flower anymore; it was a girl, and a beautiful girl at that. Her skin lost its greenish hue, and was now a pale pink.

Cher watched it again, amazed at what she had just done. She had turned a simple flower growing on the outside of her wall into a real human being!

No. She told herself. She's not a human. She's a flower, merely taking the form of a human. She didn't even know if her creation would have the capabilities to speak.

She looked back to herself on the days when she merely pondered of the possibilities. She had no idea that one day, her simple daydreams could possibly be one of the high-techest advances in science of all time.

She remembered being a simple adolescent in her science class, contemplating if it was possible to create life in a human form out of the DNA of a simple flower. That is where it began. But as soon as she began graduated college, she teamed up with her current co-workers, and discovered ways to actually transform a living object into a human until their death.

And this was what had happened. She had done it. She told herself that it was unfair to say that she had done this herself. Her colleagues had done their fair share of the work, but only she had put up with the exhaustion to persevere and stay up all night for two nights straight without a wink of sleep and little food. She thought to call them, and tell them that Operation: Flower Maiden was near completion, but she didn't think that it would reach its final stage for a few more hours.

She then wondered if her husband would be upset with her. She felt a momentary pang of guilt. But it was brief, for as cruel as it sounded, this was much more important than anything else could possibly be. It was hours, possibly only minute's before-


Cher looked up.


She wondered in her sleepy daze-


What was causing the sound-


Before she realized in shock-


That it was the Flower Maiden's heart monitor.

She was complete.

Somewhere far away, a shaggy-haired boy woke with a start. He felt the oddest sensation that something deep, deep inside of him had just awoken.