Title: Sugar Suicide - Summing Up
Author: AngelKitty

This is a story about the way some teenagers tend to feel, and the measures they take to rid themselves of those feelings.


I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

Gray clouds darkened the sunny sky as a young girl walked down the street. Droplets of rain fell upon her paper and she sighed to herself, for it was yet another failed test.

She'd been failing many lately. Her grades and her activities were very poor, as was her self-esteem. She just couldn't stay awake long enough in class, and her attention span was close to nothing. Her teachers fumed at her every single day, in front of everyone. She just couldn't get through a period without snoozing or dazing off. The problems, equations, and questions just never made sense. To others, it was obvious, but she just couldn't do it.

Maybe the reason she was always falling asleep was because of her late nights up. If it wasn't her father yelling at her, it was her Senshi duties.

For over a year now, Serena had also been known as Sailor Moon, the champion of love, and of justice. She thought that maybe, the pain of it all would never end.

What made it worse was that a little over a month ago, her mother, Ilene Tsukino, age 37, died in a DWI case. The man that hit her was the one that was intoxicated, but he survived the crash with no more than a little spill on his pants from the beer he had been holding in his hand. Serena was there when it happened. She had just gotten one of the 7 rainbow crystals.

Remember the good times that we had?

I let them slip away from us when things got bad

How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun

Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

A tear ran down Serena's cheek, as she remembered that night clearer than daylight. Ami, or Sailor Mercury, had taken a hard hit to the arm by one of Zoecite's rose petals, though she was all right. All the girls pitched in to cover her wound by tearing their skirts. Once her wound was covered, Serena inspected the little item she had just stolen from Zoecite's grasp. It was a dark blue color, very beautiful. It about matched the color of Ami's eyes.

As Serena placed it in her space pocket for safekeeping, she heard a squeal from skidding rubber nearby. A car came swirling around the corner, and then, a familiar scream reached Serena's ears.

Serena had ran down to the scene, followed by all of her loyal Senshi. The man stumbled out of his car, moaning and complaining about the spilt drink. Serena hurried down to the front of the man's car, but she couldn't hold back the tears when she saw her mother, squashed in between the car, and a large oak tree.

"Mom!" Serena had called, choking on her tears. She ran to her side, but nearly froze in shock when she realized she had been standing in her mother's own blood. She looked up at her mother, tears streaming down her face. "Mom…" she whispered lightly. Her mother looked tearfully up at her.

"Sailor Moon?" She said as a little blood spilled from her lips from the strain she had to use on herself to speak. Serena almost cried. While holding her mother's hand, she quickly deformed out of her Senshi form, and back to her normal self, as Serena, Ilene Tsukino's daughter. Ilene's eyes went wide.

"I'm sorry I never told you mom." Serena choked, "but I didn't want you to get scared, or hurt, or worry about me…" She trailed off. Ilene's smiled lightly.

"I was just walking down to the store, for some sugar…for your chocolate cake…"

"Mom, don't talk." Serena begged. Ilene smiled gently.

"I love you sweetie." She said lightly. Serena began to sob,

"I love you too Mom." She managed. Serena reached up to grip her own heart, for it felt as if it were about to burst. A weak smile crossed Ilene's lips. She cringed a bit, and then began to fight for strength to stay alive, "Sweetie." She began to cough.

"Mom, please stop talking." Serena begged, seeing her mother become even paler, but her mother was persistent.

"Tell your father he has to take care of you guys and that everything ends up okay, if it doesn't end up okay, then it's not the end."

Tears threatened to spill from Serena's eyes. She never realized her mother was so wise,

"Tell Sammy to brush his teeth every morning," She continued, "or else he'll have to get for fillings, and that he has to stand for something or he'll fall for anything" She said, Serena nodded, trying to stay strong for her mother, but tears racking her body.

"Okay mom." She said, "I will."

"And Tell Darien," she fought for her last breaths, "To stop being scared, and be true to his heart…tell him many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. That he needs to tell someone what she means to him. Because when he decides that it is the right time it might be too late. That if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. Tell Him. Serena tell him that life is what happens while you are making other plans."

Darien? Why was she talking about Darien?

"Serena…" She quickly looked directly into her mother's watery eyes, and then gripped her hand tightly. "It's okay to hurt and it's okay to cry. That's how it gets better." She said, "It gets better…" Serena smiled through her sobs and tears.

"Okay Mom, I promise-", A gasp escaped Serena's lips. Her mother's hand went limp. When Serena looked up at her mother, her eyes were closed, and body lifeless.

She was dead.

I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

Serena slowly dragged her feet into the arcade, for the first time in a long time. She'd been avoiding all contact with people other than school. It was a little after 5 o clock. Since Tuesday of last week, she has stayed after school with Miss. H. to be sure she passes the grade, plus her everyday detention. She sat down on a stool at the counter. She really wasn't up to being here today, but really wasn't looking forward to going home. She sighed to herself,

"Why me?" she mumbled. The reason her father began to drive her so hard was because he blamed Serena for the death of his wife. It was Serena's cake she was leaving to get sugar for, and it was Serena who got to say goodbye to her.

He just didn't think it was fair.

As she sat there and stared upon her paper, she didn't know her former crush, Andrew, and his best friend, Darien, or 'The Jerk' to Serena, were discussing her distraught mood at that very moment.

"What's with the Meatball-Head?" Darien asked, sipping his coffee. Andrew shrugged, wiping some spills off the counter,

"Don't know. She's been so depressed lately." No one but the Senshi, and a few close friends were told about Ilene's death. The Obitchuaries seemed to take forever to post deaths, which was a relief. No one wanted to talk about what happened, and if either of the children tried to, their father scolded or punished them. "And don't you go bug her Darien, I don't think she'll be too lenient."

"I wasn't going to, I swear. I just wonder what's wrong. She's usually so loud the whole arcade shakes." He mocked. With a roll of the eyes Andrew continued serving other customers. Darien tried to shrug it off, but the longer Serena sat there moping, the more it got to him.

He watched her as she laid her head in her hands, and a tear slid down her cheek. 'That's it, can't take it anymore' He decided mentally, and sat down next to her. Maybe, just maybe, he could get her in a better mood. 'Why am I letting this bug me? It's Serena for God's sakes' He thought to himself. But, as he tried avoiding what he knew he wanted to do, he realized that he couldn't go a day without talking to the little burst of sunshine. It had become routine for him to argue with her everyday. Though, as of lately, it had been on the streets, because she never visited the arcade anymore. With a heavy sigh, he gave in, and headed toward the small girl, head buried deep into her arms.

"Hey Meatball-," he paused, stopping himself from saying the full nickname "Serena." He corrected.

"Darien, go away please? I don't need…" but Serena stopped, and her head sprung up from the table, eyes wide in shock, "What did you just call me?" she asked – her mouth slightly ajar.

"Serena." He answered, "That's your name isn't it?" he asked. She closed her mouth and furrowed her brow. It was true, he was just playing nice, but for good intensions. Serena didn't see that though.

"What do you want?" she asked bitterly.

"Well…" He fumbled with his words. What could he say to her? Why was it that every time he was near her, only insults came to mind. Today though, he thought hard, and focused on the main goal: Get Serena back to normal. "You know you look nice today." He managed to say.

"So you're saying I don't look nice any other days?" She asked, turning fully toward him, arms crossed. Darien bit his inner lip.

"That's not what I meant." He began, but was abruptly cut off by Serena's loud and demanding voice.

"Well that's just fine!" Grabbing her bag, she said, "You know Darien, I don't see why you make it a point everyday to bug me the way you do."

"Serena!" Darien called out, but to no avail. She was already out the door. It was then that Andrew had chosen to walk in.

"Darien, What did you say to the poor girl?" He asked, appearing beside Darien. Darien ran a hand through his ebony hair, crinkling his nose, and narrowing his eyes in slight annoyance.

"I guess the same thing I usually do." Andrew laughed loudly.

"The exact WRONG thing" He said flatting, with a shake of the head, and then walked off, mumbled about the problems Darien seemed to have. Darien, with much dismay, could only agree.

I'm so tired but I can't sleep

Standin' on the edge of something much too deep

It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word

We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard

Serena hadn't wandered far after her little scene in the arcade. Serena knew Darien meant well, but she just didn't want to respond anymore. She just didn't feel like she looked nice, or pretty, or anything at all. She felt depressed. Like a void; she felt nothing.

As Serena continued to walk down the busy streets, she felt a tingling in her stomach. At first, she thought maybe she was getting hungry, but then she realized it was a "Tickle Feeling", which Mina and Serena called it. It was also known as the 'Sixth Sense' by Rei. As if on cue, the crescent wand began to go off, indicating the last of the crystals was nearby. Serena only had one, while Tuxedo mask had two, and the Nega force had the other three.

There was one more left, and Serena was determined to get it.

She quickly ran behind a building, then held up her hand, briefly touching her locket,

"Moon Prism Power!" She called out, and the energy and power of her birthplace flowed through her veins.

Back in the Arcade, Darien was slightly upset at himself for the way he let her walk away. He really hadn't meant to hurt her feelings. In his head, he felt that he shouldn't really care, because it was, after all, just Serena. But in his heart, he felt the guilt swelling up. Or maybe it wasn't just guilt. Darien began to grip his head.

"No not again." He mumbled to himself. He quickly ran out the door, and in between to buildings, out of anyone's view. He held tight to his stomach. Sailor Moon was about to go into battle. That was the only time he ever transformed. He'd found out about his Senshi form when Tuxedo Kamen had gotten himself one of the rainbow crystals.

In a matter of seconds, Darien stood as his alter ego, Tuxedo Kamen.

"Now to find Sailor Moon" He told himself.

But Serena was already engaged in battle with Zoecite. The Rainbow crystal was being bounced between the Senshi and The two lovers, Zoecite and Malachite.

"Give it up you little pest!" Zoecite called in her annoyingly loud voice, while snickering at Sailor Moon. Serena growled slightly, and then charged carelessly at Zoecite. The woman merely laughed to herself, and then sent her rose petals at the young heroine. Serena didn't scream as the sharp petals hit her un-shielded body, but boy did it hurt.

"Jupiter Thunder Crash!" Lita called out, throwing a lightening ball at Malachite, which he easily avoided. Mina tried out her Crescent Beam, but it failed also.

"He's just too strong." Rei admitted bitterly.

But I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

"Would you just give up?" Zoecite smiled heartlessly down at Serena, cringing in pain as she suffered the abuse of the petals down on her knees. "To bad I have to kill you," She said mockingly, "You make a good play toy." In her hands, she formed a dark crystal. The petals stopped their abuse against Serena's body, but now, there was no escape from the dark crystal hurling at Serena. She was too weak to even move now.

"Say bye-bye Sailor girl!" Zoecite snapped viciously. Serena closed her eyes, but as she began to scream, it was quickly muffled, and warm, comforting arms lifted her from danger.

"You're safe now." Tuxedo Kamen said, landing in a near-by tree. Serena looked up at him with adoration, but it only showed on her face for a moment, and he missed it. "Now," Tuxedo Kamen began, "Get rid of her while she's confused." It was true; Zoecite was looking all around for Sailor Moon, who was nowhere to be found.

Serena sighed slightly, then held out her Crescent wand, and swiftly struck Zoecite. From her jacket-pocket flew a tiny crystal. She had only been carrying one. Tuxedo Kamen quickly snatched it up.

"Good hit Sailor Moon." He said commented, turning to face her. "Now, give me the crystal you have." Serena was taken aback

"Why should I?" she asked. Tuxedo Kamen groaned slightly, but didn't argue any further.

It wasn't a moment later that Malachite realized his love was rendered unconscious, and he was at her side. Serena reunited with her friends, who were visibly exhausted, as was Serena. They watched for a moment as Malachite held Zoecite close to him, whispering something to her.

"You stupid wench!" Serena almost felt bad for what she did.


Now, she regretted it fully, for Malachite was charging her, full force. No one even saw them connect, but Malachite was a good 20 feet away from where Serena had stood before.

He was straddled atop the small blonde, one had on her neck, and the other pounding recklessly at her face, sometimes, missing it fully, other times, hitting her cheek dead on. Serena's biggest worry was that he'd hit her nose.

The last thing she wanted was a broken nose.

Serena noticed something though. She could see the three other crystals in his pant-pocket. Without another thought, Serena reached up, and slid her hand into his deep pocket.

She knew he was aware that her hand was in his pants, but he didn't react right away. Malachite was stunned. In the time of his shock, Serena did nab the three crystals; but when he realized what had happened, he was enraged.

"You little…" he trailed. He raised his hand, and placed a dark crystal in it, ready for the kill. But before he brought it down, Tuxedo Kamen managed to get enough force to push Malachite off of Serena. But, as he soared up Serena's beaten body, the three crystal's Tuxedo Kamen had fell right into Serena's lap.

Serena was breathless as she cradled the six crystals in her hands. Serena quickly took hers out of her space pocket. The second it was exposed to the light of the other crystal, they all left her hands, and soared eye-level with her about a foot away. Everyone began to stare in astonishment as the Crystals began to glow. Serena hadn't even noticed that her Crescent Wand had also left her to join the crystals.

"Look at that…" Mina murmured.

"They're joining together." Lita stated, though it did seem as if it were a question. That same question was on everyone's mind. Everyone's except Serena's. The pupils of her eyes had gone blurry, and faded away as she stared at the formation of the crystal. As they joined in the heart of the Crescent Wand, Serena lifted herself off the ground, and slowly stepped closer to the wand.

And I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

The light of the silver crystal shinned in her blank eyes, and then, Serena reached out, and took hold of the wand. As if it were in the blink of an eye, Serena's Senshi uniform disappeared, and was replaced by a dress, that was very familiar to the Senshi.

"Sailor Moon's the Moon Princess…" Ami stated with eyes wide.

"No matter" Malachite snapped, rising, "I'll still kill you!" and with that, he sent a deadly attack at Serena. She easily blocked it by simply holding up the wand, then, as if she wasn't controlling herself, she sent a attack right back at Malachite.

As he faded away into the air, The Moon Princess simply stated,


Not long after Malachite was dead, Zoecite was spirited back to her world. The Moon Princess was once again returned to Sailor Moon, and before Tuxedo Kamen had a chance to even say a word to the Princess, whom he had been searching for since he was born, she was gone.

Serena's Senshi congratulated her efforts, and her defeat, then, obliged to her wish to return home. The second she walked in the door, she was yelled at for being late, and failing her test, then given chores to do. Serena hadn't even been affected by the way her father threatened her, or the surprise that she, Serena Tsukino, use to be a Princess.

As 1 AM came around, Serena ditched the rest of her chores carelessly, and then headed up to her room.

She was so distraught, but not because of the events of the day, because of the event that no one but herself knew about. When she had been there, gripping the Crescent Wand, her transformation into The Moon Princess in progress, she'd had a visit.

Her mother had appeared before her. But she wasn't quite herself. She discovered that her mother on the moon kingdom had also been reincarnated as well, and was born as her mother in the present.

Tears pricked her eyes. All her mother had done was smile.

Simply smile

"Mom…" Serena whispered into the pillow as tears began to flow down her cheeks. And then, she sobbed.

And I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

Weep not for the memories

Well, everyone knows the rules: at least 10 reviews (or close to it) or no next chapter. I don't' like posting something no one likes P

Remember: DWI's, or Drinking While Intoxicated, Is a very serious matter. True, you might not always get hurt, but the person you hit might.

Friends don't let friends drive drunk.

Friends also don't let friend drink and take home ugly men…(sorry, had to)

Also: Child Abuse is a large issue as well. If you feel your being Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, or Sexually abused in any way, talk to someone you trust, such as a teacher, officer, or responsible adult.

Well, that's all! I hope you've enjoyed!!!