Chapter 1

Katie's POV

I looked at photo in my hand, a sad smile on my lips. The old Gryffindor Quidditch team, the first and last time we'd won the cup, while I was in the school at least. Alicia, Angelina and I were standing together on the left, our arms around each other, cheering our hearts out. Fred and George were doing a kind of manic war dance of triumph, tossing a shell-shocked but delighted-looking Harry between them as if he weighed nothing at all. Oliver Wood, our Captain and Keeper, was standing in the centre, tears of joy streaming down his face as he yelled himself hoarse, holding the glittering gold cup up to the sky.........

I sighed. Ah, good times. I missed my Hogwarts days. I missed the castle. I missed my lessons. I missed Dumbledore, and most of the other teachers. But most of all I missed Quidditch. I didn't play half as often now. I just didn't have time.

But I suppose I'd better introduce myself before I go any further. I'm Katie Bell. I'm 22 and I live in an apartment in London, on the Muggle side of town. I work in Quality Quidditch Supplies on Diagon Alley.

Oh shoot, work! I'd forgotten completely!


Ten minutes later Katie tumbled out of the fireplace in the back room of Quality Quidditch Supplies. Her boss, Sam, looked up from the large cardboard box he'd been rooting in.

"There you are Katie. It's pretty busy at the moment, so you can go and start unloading the new arrivals straight away. Hurry up though, and don't be late next time!"

He snapped his fingers and returned to his box. Sam wasn't that bad really, a bit snappy at times, but he was a softie underneath. Katie grinned, and went through to the front of the shop, where the new orders were waiting for her. She was slim, and of about average height. She had pale green eyes, a mischievous grin and long strawberry blonde hair that cascaded over her shoulders in loose curls when she let it out loose, not that that happened too often.

For work she usually wore jeans, trainers and a tee-shirt. It may not have been the most glamorous of jobs, but she then she was more of a tomboy anyway.

"Hey Oliver!"

The tall young man who had just walked in grinned at her.

"Hey Katie. How're things?"

"Fine, and yourself?"

"Not too bad. I need some new gear though."

Katie rolled her eyes. "You always need new gear. You're in here every other day!"

Oliver laughed. "Yeah, I know. The life of a Quidditch player is tough," he said, mock self-pity in his voice.

Katie grinned. "Oh shut up. The stuff's over there, as you should know by now."

"Why thank you, good Lady Katherine. I'll be forever in your debt."

Katie rolled her eyes again and turned back to the display of Quidditch robes she'd been organising.

Oliver Wood was one of the shop's best customers. Since becoming Puddlemere United's official Keeper he was always in and out, replacing damaged pieces of kit. He was tall and athletically built, with a cheerful smile, dark brown eyes, and a short mop of tousled chestnut hair. Even after years of living in London, his Scottish accent was as strong as ever. He and Katie got along well, although they didn't see that much of each other outside of the shop. He was still fanatical about Quidditch though.

Some things never change, thought Katie with a smile.


Katie's POV

"Hi Katie!"


I returned my friend's hug. Angelina is a tall black girl with twinkling dark eyes and long dark hair that she wears in tight braids that reach most of the way down her back.

"Where's Alicia?" I questioned, sitting down opposite Angelina.

Angelina opened her mouth to answer, but at that precise moment the door opened and Alicia Spinnet practically fell into the Leaky Cauldron, earning dirty looks from the patrons nearest the door. She is of slighter build that Angelina and I, with a pretty face, blue eyes and thick brown hair that was cut straight across just below her jaw-line. She was dressed in tight cut-off jeans and a floaty blue top, black bag swinging haphazardly from her shoulder.

"Hey guys!" she gasped, plonking herself down in the third chair. "Sorry I'm late, Madame Malkin held me afterwards to help her with the latest delivery."

Yep, you guessed it; Alicia works in Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, No. 53 Diagon Alley. Angelina works for the Ministry, in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, actually, so she can usually get us good tickets to all the Quidditch matches, which is cool.

Ange and Alicia are my two best friends. I don't have a favourite; I'm equally close to both of them. The three of us are really different, but that's probably why we get on so well. We balance each other out.

Seeing as everyone always wants to know what happened to the rest of the team, I'll tell you what I can.

Oliver, as you know, is the official Keeper for Puddlemere United. He lives in Muggle London, near enough to me actually. I'm probably the one out of the three of us who sees him most often. We keep in touch, but we don't meet up that often. He's a fun person to have around, though.

The twins are still running their joke shop, doing a roaring trade too. We see them quite a bit, seeing as Alicia and I both work on Diagon Alley, and we meet up with them regularly enough. They're still as crazy as ever, but no surprises there!

Harry- well I don't really know to be honest. I haven't really seen him since I left Hogwarts. Obviously, he was all over the news after he defeated You-Know-Who, but since then....I think I went into training as an Auror. I think.

"So, Ange, how are things with Lee?"

Oh yeah, I forgot. Ange's been going out with Lee Jordan almost since we left Hogwarts. They've been having some problems recently, though.

Angelina sighed. "Not good. We keep arguing. It's not, like, vicious, but we just don't really get on any more. I still like him, though. I don't know."

"Don't worry about it Ange. Lee cares about you, he won't do anything to hurt you. It'll sort itself out."

Angelina smiled at me. "Thanks Katie. I know it could be worse. I should stop worrying."

"Yeah, you should," laughed Alicia, "you're more willing to spend money when you're relaxed!"

Angelina rolled her eyes, but paid for our Butterbeers anyway. I love my friends.

"What about you, Katie? How's your-"Alicia paused, pouting and fluttering her eyelashes ridiculously, "-luuuuurve life?"

I swatted her on the arm. "Non-existent, thank you, and yourself?"

"Now, now, Katty, stop trying to change the subject!"

I scowled at Ange, who ignored me. She knows I hate that nickname!

"Yes Katie daaarling, we just haaave to get you a boyfriend! It's the way these days!" Alica drawled in an exaggerated Hollywood accent.

I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Oh is it? Well, I'll have you know that I perfectly happy single, thank you very much!"

"Spoilsport," muttered Alicia, dropping the accent. "You're no fun."

"Yeah, terrible aren't I?" I answered unconcernedly. "But seeing as we're on the topic of romance, how are things with Kevin?"

Alicia's sulky mood vanished instantly at the mention of her boyfriend.

"Wonderful," she said dreamily. "he's my knight in shining armour."

Ange and I rolled our eyes at each other. Alicia and her boyfriend Kevin were really sweet together, but it could be a bit much sometimes.

"Care to elaborate, without-"Angelina shot Alicia a warning look. "-making us puke?"

Alicia glared at her. "Some friend you are."

Angelina shrugged. Alicia answered anyway, ignoring the insult.

"What's there to say? I love him, he loves me, we're happy."

"Aw," Ange and I chorused together, and Alicia giggled despite herself.

Alicia's boyfriend, Kevin Danes, was a Chaser for Puddlemere United (yes he knows Oliver, before you ask). He's really nice, and he's perfect for Alicia.

Angelina glanced at her watch. "Oh, sorry guys, I have to go, I need to pick up a copy of the league match table before six," She got to her feet and grabbed her bag.

"Bye Ange!" we called.

"Seeya! I'll owl you!" she called as she headed out the door. I got to my feet as well.

"I'd better be going too. Say hi to Kevin for me!"

Alicia smiled.

"I will!"



What do you think? Should I continue? Whatever you think, please review, I need feedback! Thanks a million!

Love Doodleflip.
