Cloud walked down the spiral staircase, Tifa, Aeris and Cid close behind him. There was no railing, though that didn't bother Cloud much. All that bothered Cloud was the fact that one of his friends could fall. He slowed his pace so everyone could catch up.

It was getting colder. The air being sucked into their lungs was damp and as cold as ice. It burned into their throat and lungs. They could see the soft whiteness of their breath as they walked further ,1 ,and further into the basement of the old Shin-ra Mansion.

The very last step of the long,spiral staircase was broken. Cloud stepped off the staircase and onto the earthy floor. The floor was mossy with specks of frost around the walls. Cloud continued to walk, anticipation rising and running swiftly through his veins.

There was a crash and a muffled yelp. Cloud turned around quickly to see what was wrong. Aeris had tripped over the broken stair and was now hugging her scraped knee. Cloud walked over to her to examine her wound. It wasn't serious. All it needed was a good cleaning and a bandage. Cloud helped her up and, from the corner of his eye, found something shine gold. He bent and picked it up. It was a key. A large key with a ruby in the middle. There was also writing:

"The key to my creation," Cloud read aloud "Basement Key."

"What do you think it means, Cloud?" Tifa asked.

"Well, it's obvious really. The door down here that's locked... holds some sort of 'creation' in it."

"How do we know what door to go to?" Tifa questioned.

Aeris looked further down the dark, damp corridor and seen a door. It was slightly open, but only a crack. She looked around again and found another door, closed and ,quite certainly, locked. She began to walk towards the door, absentmindedly.

"Where ya off to Aeris?" Cid's voice boomed in Aeris' head.

"I think I see the door the key belongs to." Aeris replied dreamily.

Cloud followed her and, in time, they made it to the door. It was obvious the key belonged to this door. The handle was covered in moss and was slimy from the damp air.

"I think this is it. Aeris, give me the key." Cloud said.

"Yes sir!" Aeris smiled as she handed the key to Cloud.

Cloud placed the key in the knob and turned it. It didn't work. It was so covered in moss that Cloud had to wiggle it a bit before the knob would even start to turn. Finally, there was a click. It was quite loud, due to the silence that had overcome the four.

Cloud pushed the door open, leaving the key in the slimy door knob. He stepped into the room.

The room was only dimly seen. The light was provided by three candles on the walls. There were five coffins2, four in which were open and held skeletons and spider webs. The outside was full of cobwebs and dust. But there was one coffin, in the very middle. It was a dark purple color, and it was closed.

Cloud shivered. Something was in that coffin, and that something knew they were there. Still, Cloud walked towards the coffin, gaining all of the courage he could muster. He stood beside the coffin. It was specked with white dust, 30 years of it at least.

Cloud rubbed his hand across the smooth exterior of the coffin. Adrenaline was pounding in his ears. The dust stuck to his hand. He brushed his hand off and read the coffin's words.

"If you shall find it right to open this coffin and face my creation, I warn you. His reaction is unknown."

"What does this mean?" Cloud whispered to himself. He knew it was warning him of the dangers that inhabited the coffin. Perhaps it was a prank. Just a skeleton. Or some rats. Cloud ran his hands down the length of the coffin. Bringing his hands back to the center, he gathered all of the courage he could and he lifted the coffin.

His eyes visibly widened. He was expecting a skeleton, or rats... but not a human. The figure had a crimson cape, a black shirt and black pants. His left arm had a golden claw on it. At his side was a black pistol. One in which looked as though it could send any man running in terror. His chest rose and fell in a tranquil fashion. Ebony hair poked through a red headband, and framed his creamy white face. His eyes were closed and peaceful. Cloud was taken by the beaty of this man. The serenity of his face. If only Cloud could touch him.....

Cloud's hand reached towards the sleeping man's chest. Just before his hand could make contact, the man's eyes darted open, making Cloud's hand snap back to his side. His eyes, like pools of dark crimson stared up at him.

"Why have you disturbed my dreams, Cloud?" The man said. His voice was deep, filled with wisdom... and pain.

"H-how did you--?"

"Know your name? I can not tell you." Cloud watched as this man sat up in the coffin. The crimson cushoning indented from the many years of rest.

"What have you come here for? Why have you disturbed me?" The creation's words were full of sorrow and guilt. But the reason for this, Cloud did not know.

"I was---"

"Just curious?" This man seemed to know everything Cloud was going to say, before he even said it.

"Yes." Cloud felt fear tickle through him as the creation lifted the arm with the claw on it. Cloud stepped back as the creation jumped down from the coffin and stood in front of him. He was about 6 feet tall; at least 5 inches taller than Cloud.

"There is no need to be frightened of me. My name is Vincent. What have you come here to discuss with me?" There was silence. Cloud couldn't get himself to talk.

"If it is nothing, then would you kindly leave and let me get back to my slumber." It was more of a statement than a question.

"U-um. We are here to talk about Sephiroth." Aeris said nervously.


The friends took turns telling Vincent about the situation Sephiroth had put the planet in.

"I see. I thank you for enlightening me on the situation and giving me something else to think about. Now, I would appreciate it if you kindly left." Vincent got back into his coffin and the lid closed.

Cloud sighed and walked out of the door. "What're ya doin' Cloud?! Ask 'im to come with us!"

"I don't think he wants to." Cloud continued to walk along the earthy ground.

"Wait!" Everyone turned to see Vincent standing behind them. "Do you mind if I come with you? Perhaps I can offer some service."

"Sure." Said Cloud.

They walked out of the eerie coldness of the basement and into the warmth of the Shin-ra Mansion. Vincent wasn't much company; he barely talked to anyone. Only when speech was necessary.

Cloud couldn't stop looking at this man. He didn't know why.

Author's Notes:

1- Is further even a word?

2- I just guessed on how many coffins there were. :: cowers:: don't hate me...

I am not sure if I like this, but whether I like it or not, it's up to you guys if I continue it or not. I just want to know how I'm doing and if you like it or not. By the way, I change my username quite often, so don't be surprised when it changes. Ja ne! I DON'T OWN ANY FF7 CHARACTERS!!!