Living in Captivity

Author: Gaarasama

Email: angelayahoo888 at hotmail dot com (A/N: they won't let me write my email in its actual format, LOL:P)

Summary: Sex slavery was not what Sasuke would have preferred, and he couldn't wait 'till the day he gets out. But then Itachi comes back in his life, and uses him for sex. Making Sasuke put aside his pride and pray for his blond lover to save him. (Yaoi)

Disclaimer: All characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. And the plot belongs to me.

"blah blah blah" –talking

'blah blah blah' –thoughts

blah blah blah –narration

blah blah blah –flashback

blah blah blah (whatever number) –will be explained at the bottom of the page

blah blah blah's POV –blah blah blah's point of view

(A/N: blah blah blah) –author's note

blah blah blah -song lyrics

I apologize for not writing for a week but I had a loooooooooot of homework, so you have to forgive me, and plus…actually, that's it. This is the last chapter, hope you enjoyed the story.

Chels-Dawg, you'll see how he got the tape in this chapter:D

Kyuubi-chan, Orochimaru probably edited the tape.

Bryce, the detailed descriptions of the blood and torture are what makes my story unique, I can't just take them out! Well, not really unique, but my style's different and I like writing them, so yeah. Skip them if you don't want to read it.

THE LIST OF FAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Yaoilover S, Chels-Dawg, Malitia, Chibi Zia, eclispe-moon, Kyuubi-kun, Tamara2187, YoungSasuke, yaoiangel14, hogo-chan, Phoebechan, bryce, and REDWOLF who reviewed.

Chapter 17: Owari…

Sasuke's POV

"Wake up Naruto!" I said quietly, shaking the sleeping Naruto.

Naruto slapped my hand away and snuggled further into his pillow.

I sighed, "Naruto, there's no time for this, we have to go!"

No response.

"Naruto! Naruto wake up! I mean it!"

I shook him harder and continued to shout and scream at him. Finally I gave up and started thinking of a way to wake Naruto up.


Sasuke sighed and waved his hand in front of Naruto's face. "Hello? Anybody home?"

No reaction.

"LOOK NARUTO, WE HAVE TO…AHHHH!!!" Sasuke screamed as Gaara pushed him out of the way and kissed Naruto.

Immediately Naruto responded. Sasuke twitched…and twitched some more as Naruto and Gaara continued in their kissing. 5 seconds…10 seconds…20 seconds…30 sec… "OKAY YOU GUYS, YOU CAN STOP NOW!!!" Sasuke yelled.

End Flashback

'Hmm…it's worth a try.' I thought, and bent down to give Naruto a gentle kiss.

Naruto moaned and leaned into me, and trust me, I was just as aroused as he was, but I can't do this right now! So I pulled away and said, "Okay, as much as I'd love to get laid, we need to get out of here, NOW!!!"

Naruto pouted, "No fair."

It was all I could do to stop myself from jumping on Naruto right then and fucking him senseless, he just looked so cute with that pout on his face!

Naruto sighed, got out of bed, and changed into his normal clothing(1). "So what's so important that can stand in the way between me and your erection?" He asked.

I blinked, "What?"

"I said, what's so important that you had to wake me up for?"

"Oh." I must be hearing things. "Turns out the police found out it was us who killed Itachi and now they want to put us in jail."

"WHAT!?!?! I thought Shikamaru said his plan was foolproof!?!?!?"

"Well, unfortunately, he didn't think that Orochimaru would be kinky enough to install a video camera in Itachi's house to watch him fuck us."

"WHAT!?!?!??!" Naruto looked angry and shocked. I don't blame him, I was pretty mad myself when I heard the news.

"Part of Orochimaru's deal with Itachi was that he gets to have unlimited porn of Itachi's sex life, whether or not it involves me."

"And you know this how?"

"Shikamaru told me. He was just doing some random hacking this morning and he managed to hack into some top secret police documents. Lucky he did too, or else we'll be in jail for sure. Now come on! We can't just sit around in your house waiting for the police to show up!"

"Where's Gaara and Shikamaru?"

"Right here." We turn around and see Gaara and Shikamaru walking through the front door.

"Ohayo(2) Shikamaru! Ohayo Gaara!" Naruto waved.

"Yo." I said, as usual. I can't afford to show off any more emotions than I already have. These three's seen enough of my feelings to last a lifetime. I nod mentally. Hopefully, they will never see me have another breakdown again.

"Let's go, the police just left the station." Gaara said, "They're going to be here any minute."

"How do you know that?" I asked, confused. 'Oh shit! I showed emotions again! Damn! This is all Naruto's fault! If I didn't fall in love with him, I'd be all stoic and perfect right now! But then again, I would still be in that brothel…but this isn't much better! We're going to go to jail!!! JAIL!!! ME!!! Uchiha Sasuke, JAIL!!! I can't believe it! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!'

"Hello?" Naruto asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I ask, snapping out of my stupor, "What did you say?"

"We were going to leave!"

"Oh, yeah, right, let's go." I said, and walked to the car, feeling like a complete idiot. And then, as if it's not already bad enough, I had to trip on the stupid doorframe. 'FUCK YOU YOU FUCK ASS DOORFRAME!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!?! YOU MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!!! YOU ASSHOLE!!! YOU BASTARD!!! WHY DON'T YOU PARK YOUR FAT ASS BUTT SOMEWHERE ELSE!?!??! JEEZ!!! …Oh greeeat, now I'm talking to a doorframe.'

"Sasuke? Are you okay?"

"I'M FINE!!!" I snapped.

Naruto's POV

I'm trying my hardest not to laugh, I can't believe Sasuke tripped on a doorframe, he's really out of it today, he's just spacing out every few seconds, and he just snapped at me, I wonder what's wrong? Oh well, he's always yelling at me. It's probably nothing to worry about.

I follow him into the car and sit down. Suddenly I hear sirens approaching. 'Oh shit, the police!'

"FUCK!!! GET IN THE CAR, QUICK!" Gaara shouted. He jumped in the driver's seat and drove as fast as he can. Unfortunately, he forgot to close his door and it was flapping around like crazy until it hit a telephone post and broke off completely.

The wind from outside was drawing us out since we weren't wearing our seatbelts and we scramble to put it on. Sasuke looks really funny because the wind totally messed up his gel and now his hair is just sticking out every which way. He seems to be really frustrated about it too, judging by the way he keeps trying to flatten it.

The police were following us, sirens blazing. Gaara stepped on the gas and the car accelerated up to 225mph; it's a really good sports car, Iruka gave it to me for Christmas. He may be just a teacher, but he's really good at stocks and he made a lot of money off of it. Well, now the car's ruined, the door's broken, the paint's scratched, the headlights are smashed, and the tires are eroding away due to the speed. But I guess it doesn't matter now that I'm going to jail. 'Come on Gaara, drive faster!'

Gaara suddenly made a U-turn and the car skidded around and into a row of neat looking houses, a neighborhood where everything is peaceful and quiet, with their perfect lawns and perfect cars, and their stupid sprinklers on in the middle of the night. Well not anymore! Any minute now, the people inside these houses are going to wake up and wonder what the hell's happening with all the smoke and bangs and engine sounds and sirens, and what the fuck has made their dogs bark like there's no tomorrow.

We keep turning around and around, and every once in a while we'd turn around and go the other way. Finally, just before our gas ran out, about an hour after the chase began, we lost them.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but at least the police are gone!" Gaara said, cheerfully.

I glared at him, "You're always so distant and cold, and you choose a time like this to be cheerful!?!??!?!"

"Well if you're not cheerful, someone's gotta be!" Gaara said matter-of-factly.

No one said anything.

Taking a look at everyone's glum faces, Gaara said, "I was just trying to cheer you up. I guess you guys are worried about the police right? Well, I know how to get rid or them, although you guys probably don't want to…"

"Tell us!" Sasuke asked.

"Well, I have the tapes of everything that happened at Itachi's, if we show the jury what happened, we can prove that we're innocent, and we only did what we did to protect ourselves."

"…" I didn't say anything. 'If we were going to show the tape to the jury, everyone would see us get raped.' I could tell Sasuke was thinking the same thing by the troubled expression on his face. 'I can endure the humiliation, if it'll get my friends out of jail. I mean, it's not that big of a deal, right?'

"Alright." I said.

"Yeah." Sasuke agreed.

"Are you sure?" Shikamaru asked, "There's no turning back once we hand ourselves over to the police."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Two Weeks Later…

The Japanese Minute(3)

Local teenagers Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru, and Shukaku(4) Gaara were captured yesterday for the murder of Uchiha Itachi, heir to the Uchiha Corporation. Uchiha Itachi was found dead in the bath of blood with a suicide note stating that he was "tired of living in a word full of complete morons who think that they know everything when they don't know shit", and that he did not blame anyone for his death except himself, because it was his choice and "there is no one who can change someone's opinion on life except for the person living it". The following is the complete suicide note:

To whoever cares,

If you are reading this note, then you would have already seen my body. I am fully aware of the sadness and torture my family and friends would go through, but sadly, I have family, and I have no friends. The only person that I have is my little brother Sasuke, to whom I leave my estate and my fortune. I apologize to you, Sasuke, for ruining your life and selling you out when you were only a kid. I apologize, for using your trust in me. I realize now how selfish that was of me, and I cannot believe that I could do such a thing. I want you to know that I love you and that I only did what I had to do. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you and all the suffering you have gone through. I know saying this will not change the course of history, but I have to say this because I want my death to be a new start for me, and not another ending. I want this to be a new adventure, where I leave everything behind, and start off anew. I hope you will forgive me, Sasuke, and I hope you will learn to accept who I was.

Furthermore, I'm writing this note for all who care for me, be it for my money or for who I am. I am perfectly aware of what I am doing, and this is no one's fault except mine. I'm tired of living in a world full of complete morons who think that they know everything when they don't know shit, and I'm tired of the rules and the deception. I'm sick of all the crimes, and I'm sick of all the lies. I want to get away from it all. Moreover, this death isn't one filled with misery and regret, it was one filled with hope and trust. Hope for a better future in death than in life, and trust in where my fate will lead me. I want you all to know, that there is no one who can change someone's opinion on life except the person living it. I hope that my death has not hurt anyone, and I hope that if it did, whoever was hurt could get over it.

Lastly, I don't want any of you to feel bad for me, because as I've said, this is not an ending, this is a new beginning.

Yours Truly

Uchiha Itachi

Police were unsure of whether this death was murder or suicide, although judging by the scene of the crime, it was pretty clear that it was suicide. However, on the same day that the body was discovered, businessman Suneku Orochimaru showed police chief Takahashi Goro a tape of the death. It clearly shows that Uchiha Itachi was murdered by none other than his own brother, Uchiha Sasuke, with the help of his three friends.

The trial of these four teenagers concerning the death of Uchiha Itachi, was held a week ago, on November 14, 2003. In a surprising turn of events, the defendants provided the jury with other videotapes of what really happened in the Itachi mansion. These videotapes showed the abuse the older Uchiha has caused on his brother and Uzumaki, they contained verbal harassment, physical harassment, and sexual harassment. The tapes clearly show that everything the four did were for protection of their lives. A portion of the tape also showed a "business" deal between Suneku and Uchiha, about a certain slave boy in Suneku's brothel.

Police have taken action in raiding the brothel and are currently trying to capture Suneku, who seemed to have disappeared right after the trial.

Uchiha and Uzumaki are currently in therapy for their horrendous torture, and they are free to go.



Shikamaru became a professional hacker and part time trader. He went back to the brothel to pick up Ino, they got married and now have 2 kids.

Naruto and Sasuke got out of therapy and are now living normal lives. They plan to get married in April.

Sasuke began volunteering at sick children's hospitals to help other kids surviving rape.

Naruto opened his own ramen shop featuring over 2 hundred types of ramen, Uzumaki style. He still hasn't given up on his president dream, but he's deciding to take it slow, one step at a time.

Gaara became an artist, a full time sand sculpture. He'd go to the beach and sculpt random things and film them as they get washed away by the tide.

They remained friends and would help each other out of a tight spot every once in a while.


(1) in this story Naruto does not wear the hideously bright orange jumpsuit, he wears a T-shirt and jeans, like any other teenager.

(2) ohayo-good morning

(3) The Japanese Minute-The Japanese Minute is a magazine that I made up, I'm not sure if there actually is one, but I'm pretty sure there isn't.

(4) Gaara doesn't have a last name so I used Shukaku:D

(5) Orochimaru doesn't have a last name too! Suneku, judging by this online dictionary, means snake.

Whew, that was the longest chapter I have ever written, I just wanted to make this the last one:D and I wanted the last one to be long.

If you have any questions, ask away, I might create a new chapter for answers.

That's the end! Hope you liked the story. Review!