The gentle winds crash against the boarded windows, making them creek and groan. All life was still around this small rundown house; the darkness of the night swallowed it whole. The only light that could be easily seen was from the bright full moon hanging above everything watching for the chosen girl to emerge from the house.

The house looked a lot worse then it was. The small single floor house, with the paint peeling from the sides, the windows boarded up to protect the broken glass underneath, and the extremely overgrown grass that surrounded it, had taken on a new owner. The previous owner had not cared for the house very well because he was busy "caring" to the people that lay in the underbelly of the earth.

Finally, the old door pushed open and the hinges screamed in protest. A tall, lean figure stepped out into the moonlight, the pale skin reflecting the bright moons light. The dark clothes that draped her were old and dirty, not that she cared. She kicked the door closed, not bothering to lock it, and walked out though the thick grass.

This is Dani W. you wouldn't know for the look of her that she was a girl. Her chest look masculine, her body was muscular and her face held a continues blank stare. Her short blond hair was swipe back against her head and her pale face was worn and tired, covered in numerous pink scars.

She strolled along, her hair flowing behind her and her eyes glowing amber in the moon. Her arms crossed on her chest, hugging a small book to her as she walked down the street toward her favorite spot aside from her new house. She walked quickly past the faceless blank houses; they were dark and hiding from her.

On the opposite side of the street, a young teenage couple pasted her, giving her looks of disgust. One had muttered something about an ugly freak, wile the other said something about the walking dead. Her first impulse was to go over and gut them, rip them apart and leave them to the wolves in the area.

But she just ignored them and continued to her spot. Soon an open field appeared in front of her, covered in moonlight. The yellow grasses were left uncared for and the tree in the center of this open field cast shadows apron the ground, staining it with beauty.

With the book still enclosed in her hands, she sat thin self under the tree, swallowed in the shadows. A thin steam of moonlight flowed upon her though the thick leaves and onto the book that now rested in her lap.

It was an old notebook, dog-eared in many places of her reading. Small specs of rusty red covered the black notebook, and small cuts from a knife were enclosed in these pages. Her thin figures opened the book to a page covered in spidery writing. Blocky, but thin writing; writing going against the light blue lines on the paper.

Her eyes followed the date on the top of the page. 10/22. They continued to the start of the mess of words.

Dear die-ary,

I meet some new friends today. I nailed the girl to the wall, gutted her boyfriend and let his guts flood from him. I stuffed rats into the other guy's ass and locked him in a box with his hand locked on the outside. Ha ha, I hope they eat him alive.

My name is not faggot. It's Johnny. Johnny c. and I destroy people. Yay

A smile appeared on the young girls face. A small smile, but still a smile. "Yes Johnny." She said, her voice soft. " And you will not be forgotten." The smile stays on her face as she reads on as the glow of the moon fades and the horizon turns it shades of color.

The first color being a deep red. Blood red

Disclaimer: don't own Johnny the Homicidal Manic, not yet anyways. Maybe one day, but not today. Only Dani is mine.

Review if you want.