Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

A/N: This story is NOT part of the Nekoyasha arc. It's just an idea I had. This is what happens when I tell an idea to a friend. She goes out, buys a notebook, and tells me to write it down because she wants to read it. Thank you Mattisune.

Be advised that there are references to the second movie, Castle Beyond the Looking Glass.

As always in one of Catleana stories:



I'll Come For You

Kagome stood in front of her mirror brushing her long hair. She had let it grow ever since… ever since she came home two years ago. It was now almost the length of what Inuyasha'a was. She sighed as she slipped once more into the sad memory.


They had managed to the jewel shards from Naraku. It hadn't taken the demon long to find out about it.

Kagome had managed to use his shards to complete the jewel. (They had received Kouga's and Miroku's shards a few days before.) She was amazed that she was able to do it considering they were fleeing for their lives. However, Kiara was managing a smooth ride for the miko.

The team was shocked that so many other creatures had come to help them. Kouga and his pack had stayed behind to give the team more of a head start. But Naraku was still pursuing them and Kagome feared the worse.

Her heart became even heavier when Miroku had dropped behind to see if his Wind Tunnel could do any damage. He hadn't returned yet either.

Their ultimate destination was Kaede's village and the well. That was where everyone would regroup. Kagome prayed that they could make it there.

After she had put the jewel together, Kagome looked around her. Inuyasha was covered in blood and other stuff she didn't want to think about. He was cutting through all the demons trying to hinder their progress. Sango was fighting off those demons chasing them. The help from other youkai was largely in part due to Shippo communicating as the passed the areas. Help also came from the people they had met on their travels.

They were entering Kaede's village. Kagome spotted Kikyo's grave. They raced through the town trying to keep the damage minimal.

Inuyasha seemed to regain some of his spirit as they entered his forest. The well was in sight. Kagome's heart soared when she saw who was waiting. Kouga and some of his pack, Miroku and even Kaede. This was where they were going to make their stand.

Kiara and Inuyasha turned to face the oncoming threat. Inuyasha placed Kagome between him and the well.

He looked at her. "Whatever happens, keep that Jewel safe."

Kagome nodded. She placed the jewel where any girl places something valuable… in her bra.

The lesser demons came first. They were disposed of in a rain of sutras, arrows, claws and Hirokutsu.

It was too much for the lesser demons and they fell. Then tentacles started coming at the group. Again miko arrows flew as did more sutras. The wolves tore into them.

However it wasn't enough. Naraku kept coming. Twice he had grabbed Kagiome and both times Inuyasha had saved her. The second time she had saw fear in his eyes.

He sat her on the well so she could rest. A third tentacle tried to grab at her, but Inuyasha hacked it to pieces. He turned to Kagome. She saw the sadness and determination in his eyes.

He came toward her and pulled her into his arms.

"I am sorry about this. Please forgive me. Remember that I'll come for you," he whispered.

With that he pushed her into the well.

Of course she came back to her own time. She tried to get back. She climbed out and jumped back in, but to no avail.


Kagome put her brush down and dried her tears. For two years she had waited for him and had tried to return to him.

She had a completed Shikon Jewel now, but that didn't seem to matter. Although she always kept it with her, it made a great keychain. She never lost her keys and it was a good cover due to all the keychains Grandpa had.

She was vaguely aware of a phone ringing as she got her school things together.

As she entered the kitchen, her mother was talking on the phone.

"Yes, that would be wonderful. There are no plans right now. Thank you. Yes, it was good to hear from you as well. Sayonara."

Kagome's mom turned to look at her. Kagome raised an eyebrow.

"Good morning, sweetie," she greeted. Kagome replied in kind.

Her mother continued. "Try not to make any plans for your birthday, dear."

Kagome nodded. Her eighteenth birthday was in two weeks. She hadn't really planned on doing anything special. Her friends might want to do something, but it wouldn't be anything big.

She had her breakfast. Kagome had to admit that she was mildly curious about the phone call, but didn't want to pry. After she finished eating, she gathered her school things, and headed to school.


It was a couple of days later and Kagome was meeting up with her girlfriends and Hojo.

She had tried dating Hojo when Inuyasha hadn't shown up for several months. It hadn't worked out. She had finally confessed to him that she cared for someone else. Hojo had taken it extremely well. He still cared for her as a friend and even continued to bring her gifts every so often.

Today was one of those days. Hojo came up to the girls and handed Kagome a bundle.

"I'm sorry, Higurashi, but you can't keep this gift. I thought it might make you feel better though," the boy explained.

Kagome unwrapped the package and a pink silk cloth fell onto her lap. She touched the silk lightly and remembered feeling it before. She opened up the cloth. Her friends gasped at the beauty of it. Kagome spotted a small stain. She stared at it as her fingers hovered over it.

Hojo filled in for her. "It's called the Cloth of Heaven. It has been the Hojo family's responsibility to keep it safe. There is a story behind the stain. It is the blood of a miko. She was shot while trying to save her lover."

Kagome nodded quietly. She remembered that day all too well.

Hojo continued. "I thought you would enjoy it, knowing how you like history and mythology."

When Kagome realized that she couldn't get back to the Warring States Era, she started reading everything to see if she could find out what happened to her friends. When the history books hadn't given her any specifics, she turned to folk tales and mythology. The end result was that she had become an "A" student in history and literature.

She sighed. Her lover. She looked up at Hojo. "Do you know what her lover was?"

"See that's the odd part. He was a demon. Can you imagine? A youkai and a miko?"

Yes, I can imagine. Kagome smiled. "Actually he was a hanyou… a half-demon."

Her friends gave her a look.

She shrugged. "Lesser known legend." She sighed. "Your basic story of boy meets girl."

Everyone nodded. Kagome wrapped the silk around her.

"Speaking of boys," Yuka started and holding up a tabloid, "the younger Oboro brother was seen buying…" She looked around at everyone in the group for emphasis. "… An engagement ring!" She giggled a fangirl laugh.

"You're kidding!" Eri grabbed the paper away and flipped through it. "Hey! There aren't any pictures!"

Kagome blinked. "The who brothers?"

Her friends sighed. Even though Kagome had been healthy for the last two years, there were still some things she didn't know about.

"The Oboro brothers," Yuka started. "They are only the richest family in Japan."

Eri nodded. "And they are suppose to be really hot, too."

"Suppose to be?" Kagome asked.

"The thing is, no one can get a picture of them and only very few people know what they look like," Ayumi explained.

"Maybe they're vampires," Hojo said thoughtfully.

"Nani!" the three girls exclaimed. Kagome shook her head.

"Well, there are no pictures of them, and they are very secretive…" Hojo started.

"But the younger one bought the ring in the daytime!" Eri exclaimed.

Hojo shrugged. Kagome giggled and put her hand on his shoulder.

"If they aren't vampires, perhaps they are youkai."

"Kagome, please don't put thoughts like that in his head," Eri complained. Yuka nodded her agreement.

"Well, with all the mythology she has read, Kagome would most likely know if they were, " Ayumi supplied. Yuka and Eri gave her a look.

"Guys, I was just kidding. Besides we need to be going if we are going to catch the movie," Kagome commented.

As the group was walking towards the cinema, Yuka asked, " Kagome, what are you doing for your birthday?"

"Dinner I think. Mama is making a big fuss over it. We're going shopping tomorrow for a new kimono." Kagome sighed.

Mama had been getting a lot of strange calls lately. She didn't want to think on that now because she was with her friends and they had now arrived at the cinema.


A/N: So this story was suppose to be a one shot. However, it didn't turn out that way. I already have 17 handwritten sheets (front and back). So since I was writing it like that, there really aren't any clear-cut chapters. This one just worked out well. The rest is an ongoing story and it is going to be really hard to figure out where end a "chapter." Please be patient. Thanks.