A/N: Keep this in mind. This is a two-shot, not a new full-length story like my other ones. Oh, and if you haven't read the other two of my stories, I recommend that you should. I would definitely appreciate it. Thank you for choosing to read and review this story!

Summary: One day at school Kagome finds out that there is a Halloween Dance...tonight! She needs a date quickly, so she shyly asks Inuyasha. Will Kagome finally get the courage to tell him how she really feels? This is a fluffy two-shot, so read! IK pairing. Please...r & r!


The Halloween Dance

By: Sanci J

Chapter 1: Will you go Inuyasha?


"Please Inuyasha? I won't ask for anything else..." Kagome pleaded.

Inuyasha groaned from his place high up in the Goshimboku tree. Whatever Kagome was asking him didn't seem like something he would want to do. She said it was a dance. His question was, what was a dance? He knew how to dance...sort of...but she said it was something different. Well, whatever it was, it seemed important to her. 'She's pleading...almost begging. She never does that; she usually just 'sits' me when she wants me to do something so that I'll have no choice. So, why is she asking?'

Kagome sighed when he didn't answer. 'Oh Gods, I am so pathetic...I'm begging him to go with me. He's probably laughing inside about how pathetic I am.'

"Why don't you just 'sit' me, so that I'll have to go?" he replied dryly. "There's no point in asking me if I want to gowhenyou can just make me anyway."

Kagome stared down at her school shoes, tears threatening to prick her lids at his words. As much as she tried to hide it, she was deeply hurt at his words. Did he really think she was that mean? "Who said I was planning on 'sitting' you?" Kagome asked tightly, defending herself.

"Kag-!" Inuyasha growled as the necklace glowed and plummeted him to the hard ground.

Kagome bit her lip and hurried to where he lay on the ground. "I'm sorry Inuyasha...I didn't mean to say it." She touched his arm to help lift him up.

"Sure you are." He pushed her warm hand away from his taut body angrily.

He apparently didn't believe her by the way he glared daggers at her.

"I am!" she protested.

"Oh, shut up Kagome!" he growled as he stood up, wiping the grass stain off his face. "I am not going to some 'dance' with you. Don't you get it? I don't want to."

Kagome stared at his serious face in sad shock. 'Inu...yasha...' What could she say?

"Go on. Do it. Sit me. You can do it as many times as you want, but I will not go with you!"

"You won't go...even if I don't...you know?" Kagome spoke in a soft voice, avoiding his eyes.

"No. I'm sick of doing whatever you want me to do Kagome. I'm staying here," he said firmly.

Her raven black hair fell down, covering her pained eyes. 'I...I actually thought he would say yes. Boy, am I pathetic as ever.' A knot grew in her throat as she fought the tears fighting to come loose. In defense of her vulnerability, she narrowed her eyes in abrupt anger instead of the latter, crying. "You know what? Fine..." she yelled. "Fine! Be the insensitive jerk you've always been! Because...I could care less!"

Inuyasha's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected Kagome to be that upset.

"I have feelings you know! Just because I'm Kikyou's reincarnation doesn't mean I'm heartless!"

"Can you just be quiet for a minute?" Inuyasha asked exasperated.

"No! I don't have to be quiet!" she cried.

"Shut...UP wench!" Inuyasha did not know what to do about Kagome's new attitude.

"You blockhead! Don't tell me to shut up! With the way your acting, Inuyasha, I should use the command on you."


"Sit! Sit, sit sit!" she yelled, turning back and stomping her way to the well.

Meanwhile, Miroku and Sango were hiding in the bushes trying to see what was going on.

"This isn't good..." Miroku murmured.

Sango shot him a look. "What did you think it would be?"

"I was being serious Sango. Kagome looks really upset. Do you know what she's wearing anyway?"

"I don't know. Some weird costume." Sango sighed, her head bobbing every time Inuyasha hit the ground. "She was almost in tears when he told her no. Why is he being so cruel?"

"I don't know..." Miroku groaned. "He is such an idiot. Why doesn't he just go with her and be done with it?"

"Because he can't get over Kikyou." Sango said through her teeth.

"Now that he screwed up, we can make him feel guilty when she leaves. Then he'll feel bad and follow her to apologize. But he can't know we were spying."

Sango narrowed her eyes. "It was your idea, remember?"


"Come on, let's get back to Kaede's before he smells us."

"Fine." Miroku grumbled. His mood brightened when Sango stood and gave him a great view. 'He'll feel guilty, alright.'

"Have you had enough yet?"

"If you're still trying to force me to go, then no," he replied.

Kagome seethed openly. "I never...tried to force you to go Inuyasha! You are just so dense!"

She stomped the rest of the way to the Bone Eater's Well and put her legs over the side.

"And your costume sucks!" Inuyasha retorted from behind.

Kagome froze and was blatantly reminded of the poor excuse of a costume she was wearing. It was her mother's old maid's outfit. The white was turning gray and the frills on her backside were tearing from old age. Hey, it wasn't her fault she hadn't known about the Dance early enough to buy an outfit. She had been in the Feudal era...again.

Personally, she had thought it was a good last minute idea. She had thought Inuyasha would like it. But...it seemed he didn't. It made her anger spark even more. "I'm so glad you dislike it so much Inuyasha!" she said sarcastically, this remark hurting her the most. 'I can't believe him...how could I fall in love with someone so mean?' A tear ran down her flaming cheeks. 'I don't need him.'

Inuyasha watched carefully. She was being pretty silent, and he wished he could take back the last remark he made. He could smell her sadness and hurt feelings vividly and winced in guilt. 'There I go again...saying things I shouldn't.'

"I don't need you Inuyasha." Kagome said, anger evident in her voice right before she pushed herself off the side and into the magical well.

Tears ran helplessly down her face as the well glowed purple and took her back home. 'How can I ever speak or show my face to him again?'

She recalled his words towards her.

'There's no point in asking me if I want to go when you can make me anyway.'

'Oh, shut up Kagome!'

His words hurt her more than even she thought possible. She felt as if it were the end of the world. How could she go to the dance now? His words echoed as a cruel reminder in her brain.

'Go on. Do it. Sit me. You can do it as many times as you want, but I will not go with you!'

'Don't you get it?'

'Yeah, don't you get it Kagome? Give up. Inuyasha will never have any feelings towards you like the ones he has for Kikyou.' she thought, sniffling. She blinked several times so she wouldn't ruin her makeup.

'I'm sick of doing whatever you want me to do.'

Did she really make him do whatever she wanted him to do? Did he feel confined by her?

The pain hit her all at once. He didn't like her one bit. And now she knew exactly how much. In all reality, she couldn't blame him for his harbored feelings. She wouldn't like herself much either if the situation were switched and she were in his place. 'I am a terrible person...'

She cried as she climbed out of the deep well, silently hoping she could sneak past her family without being noticed. She didn't want them to worry about her. This was her problem. Her mistake to learn from.

She tried to ignore his voice echoing in her head, but it couldn't be stopped.

'Shut...UP wench!'

She stopped at her door and wiped her eyes before opening it and walking to her room.

Kagome was about to flop on her bed when the phone rang. She groaned and sat on her bed and reached for the phone. "Hello?" she said weakly.

"Kagome...is that you?" the voice asked.

"Oh, hi Ayumi!" Kagome said, perking right up.

"Kagome, are you alright? You sound like you've been crying."

"It-it's nothing." Kagome sniffed.

"Kagome..." Ayumi warned. "It isn't just 'nothing'. I can tell."

"You're right..." Kagome said softly.

"Did your boyfriend break up with you?" Yuka's voice reverberated through the line.

"You guys!"

"I'm serious Kagome. Did he dump you for a biker chick?" Yuka blurted.

"You mean the possessive one?" Eri cut in.

"What the-?" Kagome asked into the plastic telephone.

"Ugh! I told you he was bad news!" Yuka stated.

"You were too good for him anyways Kagome." Eri said.

"Yuka! Eri! Stop assuming things and let the girl speak!" Ayumi barked and all was silent.

Kagome could tell that Yuka and Eri were both astonished by Ayumi's outburst. After all, Ayumi rarely ever got upset. She was always even tempered and a quiet person. Yuka was the exact opposite of her. She was loud and her words were blunt. She never held anything back. Eri was similar. She was loud too, but she thought about what was going on before she spoke, unlike Yuka. Kagome was in between Eri and Ayumi. She could be loud when the time called for it, but mostly she was observant before admitting any of her thoughts or feelings.

"Wow Ayumi...thanks." Kagome said, still partially surprised.

"Your welcome." Ayumi bubbled.

"To set the record straight, Inuyasha is not my boyfriend. He never was...and probably never will be. He doesn't like me that way, the way I like him."

"Is that why you're upset?" Ayumi asked.


"Why that good for nothing-" Yuka began.

"I can't blame him really. He's in love with another girl." Kagome's voice caught at the end of the sentence.

"So he was only using you like a dirty rag?" Yuka asked.

"No!" Kagome protested. "He doesn't even know I like him in that way."

"What did he say to you?" Eri asked, finally rejoining the conversation.

The memories of his hurtful words were practically in scripted in her head. How could she ever forget? "He...It was all because I asked him if he wanted to come to our Halloween Dance tonight."

"He told you no?" Ayumi interrupted.

"Yeah. He thought I was controlling too much of his life." she whispered and sighed.

"No way!" Yuka exclaimed in disgust. "After the way he treated you, how can you still love him?"

"I don't know Yuka."

"You should have stuck to Hojo." Yuka said, as if it would solve all of Kagome's problems.

"I hate to say this Kagome, but I agree." Eri said. "Hojo really likes you. As a matter of fact, he called me a few minutes ago wondering if you were going to the Dance."

"Really?" Kagome asked. She waited for Ayumi to say something about Hojo, but she didn't.

"Yep." Eri squealed. "Now that your not going with that bad boy you can go with Hojo."

"That's perfect!" Yuka said.

"Uh, guys...I don't think so." Kagome said slowly.

"WHAT!" All three of the girls asked, including Ayumi.

"I'm not ready...Remember, I still love Inuyasha."

"Alright." Eri complied.

"So...what are you guys wearing to the Dance?" Kagome asked, knowing her mission to change the subject would succeed.

When Inuyasha returned to Kaede's, they were already eating.

Shippou saw that Kagome wasn't with him and his lip puckered. "Inuyasha...where's Kagome?"

Sango knew exactly what had occurred. Inuyasha had been mean and insensitive again, resulting in an absent Kagome. She snarled and glared at Inuyasha as he sat down, his legs crossed.

He growled right back. "What're you guys looking at? She went home for some stupid Dance thing!"

"I think more happened than that Inuyasha." Kaede commented and handed him a bowl of stew.

"How would you know anything hag?" Inuyasha snarled and then dug into his steaming bowl.

Miroku looked to the left at Sango and sent her a look that said, 'See what I told you? He needs help.'

Sango's eye twitched when she looked up from her food to see Miroku's look. She hated when Miroku was right. It made her start to like him more and more...and that annoyed her. She gave off a slight nod and turned towards Inuyasha. "So Inuyasha...what did Kagome tell you about this Dance of hers?"

Inuyasha gulped a chunk of beef down and glanced up. "I don't know. She said it was some thing that was called a Dance. I don't know anything else."

Obviously Inuyasha figured Sango would drop the subject, but when he started to eat again, Sango cleared her throat.

"What now?" he all but growled. He was hungry and wanted to eat, not talk all day.

"Nothing Inuyasha. I was just going to say something." Sango quickly stated.

"Oh." Inuyasha stuffed a potato in his mouth.

"I was going to say that a little while ago Kagome told me about her Dances. The way she expressed them made them so...nice, and...fun." Sango had guessed at what Dances were really like in Kagome's era.

Inuyasha wasn't in the least bit affected and got a refilled bowl of the stew from Kaede.

Sango groaned inwardly at his lack of reaction. 'That sounded boring even to me...what else did Kagome say happened at a Dance?' She was so busy thinking that she didn't notice she had stopped eating and just sat there staring off into space.

"Sango, why aren't ye eating?" Kaede asked.

Sango blinked. "Oh, I'm just thinking."

Inuyasha stared at her warily and Miroku jerked his head to the right.

She looked around him and saw one of Shippou's drawings. This drawing showed Inuyasha and Kouga glaring at each other. She looked back at Miroku in question.

He gestured to Kouga and then Inuyasha trying not to look too obvious.

Sango's eyes widened. "Oh!" she exclaimed when she understood what Miroku was trying to say.

Everyone looked at her suspiciously.

"Sorry." she apologized and took a bite of her soup.

Miroku rolled his eyes and grinned.

Sango smiled to herself. "That reminds me, Kagome also told me that when one goes to this Dance, you go with a member of the opposite sex."

Inuyasha stopped dead.

Sango's smile grew. "Supposedly, there's this guy named Hojo who likes her too. Do you think he'll ask her to this Dance, Miroku?"

Inuyasha's right eye twitched and he swallowed his food.

She looked at Miroku, who winked at her, and her stomach flip-flopped.

"Oh yes. I think he is the boy who is in love with Lady Kagome." he made up, but he hadn't the slightest clue that what he had said was the truth.

Inuyasha's eyes widened even more and he choked on his large piece of beef. "What did you say?" he exclaimed.

Sango smiled and nodded her head excitedly. "Kagome said she didn't have anyone to go with and she was sure this Hojo guy would ask her once she returned to her era. She told me that all the girls at her school like him a lot."

Miroku muffled a short laugh when they heard Inuyasha growling at them.

"She told me that at they're dances, it's really romantic and they dance together real close." Sango waited for Inuyasha to burst.

'What! Kagome is going to...to...be close to another guy? Does she like him?' Inuyasha thought, filled with panic. 'She can't go with anyone else but me!' He stared into his bowl of soup. 'What the hell...what am I thinking?'

"She's probably with Hojo right now, don't you think?" Sango asked Miroku.

Miroku thought carefully, his eyes roaming the ceiling of the brown hut. "I would think so. See...she said it began at dark."

"I hope she gets her first kiss then..." Sango concluded with a dreamy sigh.

"Eww...gross Sango!" Shippou made a face in between small bites.

Inuyasha spit his mouthful of stew all over Sango and Miroku and Sango screeched. He stood up. "I have to go...uh-go to...the bathroom." he said and zipped out of the hut.

Miroku stared ahead blankly, shocked that he wore beef stew.

He heard Sango's screeching and turned to look at her. She was covered in juice and had carrots and beef on different parts of her body.

He couldn't help it.

His insides tightened and he burst into laughter, holding his gut.

Sango glared at him. "What are you laughing at, lech?" she threatened, her right eye twitching repeatedly.

He stopped and gulped. "N-nothing..."

Then she smirked.

"What?" he asked warily.

"You have a potato wedge stuck to your...your..." Sango laughed gaily as she pointed.

Miroku looked down and blushed. "Uh...I didn't do that..."

Sango kept laughing and pointing. Shippou had seen and was also laughing; Kaede was smiling.

"Sango-you-hey, stop looking!" he exclaimed, quickly removing the potato from his...um...(you know what...) from the front of his kimono. "You all are worse than I am!" he cracked, still the hint of pink in his cheeks.

They all started up in laughter.

As they laughed Sango leaned close to him with her teary eyes and said, "I hope Inuyasha makes the right decision."

"Me too." he whispered back.

Inuyasha growled angrily to himself for the umpteenth time that day. He jumped into the well, his thoughts centered on Kagome. 'Who does she think she is, getting all chummy with some guy she doesn't even know? I mean, she probably knows me more than she knows this Hoho guy. I'll make sure she doesn't go to that Dance thing with anyone...anyone but me. And it has nothing to do with that kiss of Kagome's either.' He told himself calmly.

He jumped out of the well to see that the sun was already setting. "Damn it!" he muttered under his breath as he climbed up the tree that lead to her window.

Just as he reached the window, he saw Kagome talking on the phone in her costume. His ears leaned towards her to listen in.

"Thank you Hojo." she said. "I'll take you up on that offer."

Really? You will? Hojo asked through the phone.

She smiled as she listened. "Yes, I will go to the Dance with you."

Great! Do you have a costume prepared?

"Yes, I do." Only recently though. She had gone to the Halloween store down her street to quickly purchase a costume, and she had found the perfect one!

What is it? he asked curiously.

She grinned to herself and looked at her long black strapless dress that spoofed out at the waist. It had crimson red lace frills down the back of her dress and along the top rim in the front. She wore black dog-ears on her head to blend in with her dark hair and she had long blood red fingernails. Once she put her vampire fangs in and put her dark red shawl over her bare shoulders, she would be ready to go.

"I'm going as a vampire dog-demon."

Silence was the only thing heard on the other side of the line.

Kagome didn't notice Inuyasha staring at her costume out her window as she ran her tongue over her fangs.

That's cool. I'll come and pick you up, ok?

"Um...how about if I just meet you there?" she offered, not really wanting it to be like a 'date'.

That's fine. I'll see you then. Bye.

"Bye!" She set the phone back in its receiver and caught her bottom lip between her fangs in thought.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha couldn't keep his eyes off Kagome. Or, what he thought was Kagome. She looked so different than before. And he couldn't stop his gaze from straying to her mouth every few seconds. She had fangs. Just watching her play with them was making him go crazy. She even had black ears on her head...resembling a hanyou. A hanyou like him.

One who still needed to find a mate.

He sniffed and noticed her scent was somewhat different now. She wore something intoxicating. He clenched his fists when his primal instincts cried out to him. 'No...stop it, Kagome is just in costume. She's still a human.' He groaned when she grinned to herself and jumped right through the window, pieces shattering everywhere.

Kagome gasped and screamed. "INUYASHA!"

Inuyasha just looked around him abashedly. "Uh..."

"What are you doing here?" she asked in an annoyed voice.

His eyes narrowed. "I came here to...tell you that..."

"That this costume stinks even more than the last?" she asked sarcastically, folding her arms across her chest.

He shot her a glance. "No...I came here to say that I'll go to the Dance thing with you." He avoided her gaze and stood there uncomfortably.

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really?" She gulped and felt her heart melt.

"Sure." he said.

Kagome gnawed on her lower lip to fight back tears as she plowed into Inuyasha's arms. "Oh Inuyasha...thank you... You don't know how happy I am!" She hugged him tightly, burying her face in his warm neck with happiness. 'Oh...Inuyasha, now I am sure I'm in love with you...'

Inuyasha was enveloped with her scent and froze. All he wanted to do was claim her as his mate right now, her scent enticed him that much, but he didn't. He held her at arms length, his throat clogged. "Shouldn't we go now?"

Kagome squealed and let go of him. "Oh no, we need to go!" She slipped her shiny black heals on and pulled him out of her room and down the stairs to the door. "Come on...I don't want Mom to catch us." she whispered in his ear as they walked out.

Right as they reached the driveway, a white dodge Cherokee pulled up, filled with two giggling girls. Right when they saw Inuyasha, they hushed each other and stared at them.

Yuka frowned at Kagome once they got in the car with an uneasy Inuyasha. "I thought you were going with Hojo, Kagome."

As Yuka emphasized Hojo's name, Kagome groaned, and put her head in her hands. "I forgot all about Hojo. I'm supposed to meet him at the Dance!"

Inuyasha barely paid any attention to the conversation on the way to Kagome's school. He was too busy looking out the windows as if someone would jump out and attack him at any moment. Also, he bounced in his seat from the bumpy road and kept hitting his sore ears on the ceiling.

"Then why are you back with..." Yuka looked in the rear-view mirror to see Inuyasha trying to grasp hold of the seat to stop him from bouncing. "...that thing."

"He isn't a thing Yuka! He's Inuyasha!" she said defensively.

"So, does he know about your feelings yet?" Yuka innocently asked as she turned at a stoplight.

Kagome's eyes widened and a deep blush was seen on her cheeks. "Yuka!" she hissed, and glanced at Inuyasha, who was still trying to hold onto Yuka's chair. So, he hadn't noticed what Yuka had said. Good. She sighed with relief.

"So he doesn't?" Yuka pried.

"No, now would you please just drop it?" Kagome asked through clenched teeth.

Yuka sighed heavily as she turned the car into the school parking lot.

Inuyasha was thankful when the car finally stopped. He scratched his right ear with a wince. "How can you stand riding in this...this thing?" he accused with narrowed eyes.

'Oh no...what will Yuka and Eri say to that?'

"Well, it gets me where I want to go, plus I can play awesome tunes." Yuka said. "But of course you like the life of freedom. Is that why you ride a motorcycle? What-do you want to be a notorious bad boy or something? Is that how you get chicks?" Yuka blurted out. What kind of a biker boy are you?"

Inuyasha blinked in confusion.

Kagome swallowed. "Uh, Yuka that's enough with the interrogation. Let's go in." she said and pulled a still confused hanyou out of the car.

"Hey Kagome, what's a biker boy?" Inuyasha whispered to her.

She looked up at him and smiled at his innocent look. He was just so cute when he didn't know something! She reached up and rubbed his right ear where it was sore, but let go before her friends saw.

He stared at her as she happily greeted her friends. She laughed and he felt a smile cross his face. Just then she caught his golden gaze and smiled.

"Come on, Inuyasha."

"So, what is he supposed to be, a dog?" Yuka asked.

Inuyasha growled at her.

"I guess that is a yes." She said quickly and pulled Eri away.

"Inuyasha, you could have been nicer to Yuka." Kagome said as they walked through the small crowd to the gym doors. Just as she was about to pull them through the doors, Inuyasha stopped her.

"Stay back, there might be a demon in there." He said.

"No Inuyasha!" she grabbed his hand. "This is a Halloween Dance. This is where humans dress up like demons, vampires, and fairies."

"Then...what's that?" he protested, pointing at a skeleton hanging on the hay beside the door.

"It's fake. Now come on." She said and dragged him inside to see lots of different costumes. The music flowed about her, getting her in the ultimate Halloween spirit. Ghoulish songs were thundering from the stereos. She recognized Monster Mash. It was a faster re-mix of the old version.

-I was working in the lab late one night

When my eyes beheld an eerie sight

For my monster from his slab began to rise...-

Kagome looked at the decorations in awe. The student council had done well this year with white, black, and purple flashing lights draped on the beams. The cords held a bunch of spider webs with bugs attached to them. To the left of her was the picture stand where there were four bundles of hay with a cracked mirror for the background. A witch and a Count Dracula sat down on the hay and smiled evilly to the camera and she smiled.

-He did the mash

He did the monster mash

The monster mash...-

To the right was the snack table. It was covered with webs and different colored gourds were nicely strewn about the long table. There were pumpkin squares on a white plate; ghost and bat shaped frosted cookies, and a bowl of a regular mix of Halloween candy. In the middle of the table was a huge plastic punch bowl. Kagome wanted to jump with excitement. "Wow...I love it!" she squealed.

-From my laboratory in the castle east

To the master bedroom where the vampires feast

The ghouls all came from their humble abodes...-

Kagome stared at the bemused look on Inuyasha's face. "What? You don't like it?"

He looked at her. "This is very...crowded." He said.

Kagome's eye twitched. "Never mind Inuyasha. Come on." She said and guided him to the dance floor. "Let's dance...I love this song."

Inuyasha watched her dazzling smile. 'That's why I'm startled...damn...it's because of Kagome...' He allowed her to guide him through the bodies.

-They did the mash

They did the monster mash

The monster mash

It was a graveyard smash

They did the mash

It caught on in a flash

They did the mash...-

Kagome started fast dancing and laughed when Inuyasha stared, dumbfounded. "Inuyasha...you're as stiff as a board!"

He reddened.

"Just move with the beat. It's easy." She encouraged.

Inuyasha listened intently and was shocked when his feet started moving in dancing motions. He looked around at other people and saw one person dancing really weird and fast. One girl whistled and clapped her hands when he finished and then threw her arms around him. 'Hmmm...I wonder what Kagome would do if I danced like that.' He kept watching other people as Kagome danced around him. Once he got it down, he broke out with new and improved moves.

Kagome gaped when she saw him dancing like a pro and stood back, and when others saw him, they moved back into a circle and clapped to the beat.

-Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band

And my monster mash is the hit of the land

For you, the living, this mash was meant too

When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you...-

Kagome squealed when Inuyasha danced faster. 'I didn't know he could break dance! He's so good!' Her heart picked up pace when he grinned at her, his fangs poking out.

-Then you can mash

Then you can monster mash

The monster mash

And do my graveyard smash

Then you can mash

You'll catch on in a flash

Then you can mash

Then you can monster mash-

The song ended and with the big finish Inuyasha did by doing the worm, Kagome was amazed. 'Does he know what he's doing to me by acting this way? I feel like glowing...'

Inuyasha frowned when he saw Kagome staring at him in amazement. 'Well, I guess that answers my question.'

She broke into a big grin. "Inuyasha, you were the best!" Her eyes sparkled from the lights and she hugged him tightly. "I didn't know...how did you learn how to do that?"

He grinned to himself and pulled her tightly against him, his arms crossing at her waist. "Kagome..." he whispered. He breathed in her feminine scent that ever so enticed him and rested his head beside hers.

"Yes?" she asked dreamily and looked into his beautiful golden orbs.

Inuyasha stared into her chocolate brown eyes and opened his mouth.

"Kagome! Kagome, it's me, Hojo!"


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