Well folks I was sitting here going over fiction crap and suddenly and idea hit me and inspired me to write this. Yes, just like my other stories it is a crossover fic. But anway, Kagome learns some devestating news about the Shikon no Tama and must come to terms with her new abilities, while completing the jewel, defeating the notorious and evil, Naraku, and on top of that has a year to find a mate. If you want to know more, just read the ficcie. I promise you people will like it. So, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I've said it before and I'll probably continue to say ut, I DON'T OWN INUYASHA!!!!!!

Chapter 1

Secret of the Shikon

"Inuyasha, watch out behind you!" Kagome cried while drawing back the string on her bow. Carefully taking aim she fired a quick shot, intent on striking the oni who, just like all the others, came looking for the jewel. Inuyasha just barely moved out of the way, as her arrow streaked towards her target, just barely missing her mark.

"Watch where you're aiming that, wench," Inuyasha shot back before flipping to his feet and transforming his precious Tetsusaiga. He stood cockily in front of the youkai, a smirk pasted on his face.

"Well if you would have moved when I warned you, you might have gotten away quicker, stupid," she ravaged, eyes burning holes into Inuyasha's head.

"Um, Kagome-sama, Inuyasha, perhaps it would be best to save your fighting for after we destroy this demon, hmm?" Asked Miroku, brining up his staff to block the blow headed for his head.

"Feh," Inuyasah muttered before streaking in front of Miroku. "Just stand back and stay outta' my way! Wind Scar!" he cried thrusting forced his deadly attack. He smirked proudly as the attack made it's way directly towards the oni in front of them. There's no way he can get out of the way in time, he thought to himself smugly.

A moment later the blast hit and dust immediately flew up blocking everyone's view. "You did it, Inuyasha!" Kagome yelped in victory upon finally spotting the downed demon.

"Yes, that was indeed quick work," Sango, the Taijiya agreed, letting her boomerang hang loosely on her back as she relaxed.

"Feh," Inuyasha said again, blushing a little from the praise. He directed his attention to Kagome. "Hey, wench, what are you waiting for? Go and fetch the jewel shard."

"Inuyasha, osuwari! I am not a wench!" she huffed as Inuyasha's head met mister and mrs. grass and all their lovely green children as well. But nevertheless she walked forward intent on picking up the shard when suddenly something caught her eye. The arm...it was moving. "Uh, Inuyasha," she stammered stepping back warily.

"What is it now?" he demanded roughly.

"Inuyasha I don't think it's dead," she whispered still backing away.

"What!?" he cried. "How can it not be dead? It took that blast head on. There's no way he could have lived through that attack. You must be seeing stuff."

A roar sounding suspiciously like the oni they'd just killed, rang throughout the vicinity as the monster sprang up seemingly unharmed.

"AAAHHhhhhh!" Kagome shrieked when the demon swiped its claws at her, digging its long talons into her forearm.

"Kagome!" Everyone cried.

"Kagome-mama!" Shippo shouted racing towards his mother figure.

"Shippo, no, don't come any closer," she screamed from the ground. Her arm was bleeding from the claws and she felt like her ankle was twisted. But Shippo didn't listen and continued to run headlong into the fray to try and save his mother.

Sango wasted no time in bringing forth her attack. "Hiraikotsu! (SP?)" She threw her demon weapon and managed to clip him on the head. But the monster's head merely snapped back and he grinned evilly at the Taijiya and threw back her weapon.

"Sango!" Miroku cried before rushing in front of her and throwing her out of the way as the huge boomerang just barely missed them by inches. Sango gave a sigh of relief before realizing who was holding her and now attempting to get close to her...

"Hentai!" She cried, smacking Miroku upside the head and throwing him off her person. "There is no time for this," She huffed before averting her gaze to the ongoing battle.

Shippo had made it to Kagome's side and helped her stand while Inuyasha was standing protectively in front of them.

"I don't know how you survived that attack, demon, but don't think to underestimate me!" Inuyasha said. He went to throw another wind attack, but the oni managed to nock the hanyou out of the way and into a tree, leaving Kagome totally unprotected. Shippo shivered and burrowed deeper into his mother's arms.

Kagome managed to not look afraid, but Shippo could smell her fear as well as the oni. Bringing her head down, Kagome whispered in her adopted son's ear. "Shippo, when I let you down I want you to run away and hide somewhere," she whispered.

"But, kaa-san I..." He stopped his protest upon seeing her stern expression. He nodded and gulped.

"I love you my musoku (I think that's how you spell son)," she whispered before dropping him and yelling, "Shippo now!!!"

Shippo hurriedly scrambled away. Kagome expected the oni to continue on its direct path to her, but instead it decided to make a very foolish decision. It touched her son. "Mama," she heard his cry as Shippo was picked up and heald tightly in the large demon's smelly claws.

"Shippo," she cried, before something began to happen. Inuyasha went to try and pull off the backlash wave, while Sango got ready to thrust her weapon and Miroku brandished his ofudas, when suddenly everything seemed to get real quiet.

The trio stopped in their tracks as they all turned to stare at Kagome who by now was radiating power and anger. Her eyes were glowing red like a demon's, yet her spiritual powers were going through the roof.

"Kagome, stop you're pulling in too much power," Inuyasha cried realizing that even if she had this much energy, she was still ningen and her body wouldn't be able to sustain that much energy.

But Kagome wasn't listening. Actually Kagome wasn't aware of anything but the fact that a demon had dared touch what was hers. In the blink of an eye she was gone and standing directly before their adversary, a scared yet relieved Shippo held tightly in her grasp. She disappeared once again before coming to rest directly in front of Kilala. The big cat was standing at her master's side, while her friends till looked on in shock. Kagome smiled sadl before setting down her precious kit on Kilala's back. "Look after him please," she whispered before darting away.

Now she walked slowly but steadily towards the demon that was smirking evilly. "You dared to hurt my friends," she started talking, her voice coming out in a deadly whisper sending those around her into a trance. "You dared to hurt me. You dared to come for the Shikon and most importantly you dared to touch what was mine! And for that you must die," she finished. Her pupil-less eyes were now glowing with a strange pink color and her body was emanating a weird energy.

"Inuyasha what do you think is happening to her?" Miroku asked.

"I don't know," Inuyasha whispered stunned. "Her energy still feels pure, but something is added. It feels," his eyes widened.

"Demonic," Sango finished.

"Wait....demon?" Miroku asked. He brought his hand to his chin. "It certainly feels different, but how?"

"How can a miko suddenly change her priestess powers into Youkai powers?" Inuyasha asked angrily. If a human, especially Kagome who smelled no different than normal, turned demon before he did, he'd kill himself.

"I don't know," Miroku whispered. Suddenly he shielded his eyes as a pink barrier suddenly wrapped around them, keeping them in place so they couldn't help their friend. Miroku knew immediately this was Kagome's barrier. But why would'nt she them out?

They could do nothing but sit back and stare as Kagome's body suddenly grew brighter than the sun and her miko powers began to swirl around the demon, effectively trapping him in his place.

"What have you done to me, wench?" The oni demanded, attempting to approach her again. But her web stayed put.

"By the power of everything holy and good, I, protectoress of the Shikon no Tama, hereby condemn you, demon trash, to the void of hell, never to set foot upon earth again," Kagome said evenly as she thrust out her hands and the power began to shrink his body in size. The oni let out agonizing screams as his body began to burn and shrink until finally there was nothing left and the bright spot where his body was, disintegrated leaving no trace of the demon.

Kagome's shield fell down and the last thing she saw before falling into unconsciousness was her kit and friends rushing towards her and calling out her name. She would have responded, but by that time she couldn't open her mouth and she fell spent and dead to the world.

"Is she awake yet?" A soft unrecognizable male voice asked.

"Ssh, Nisa, be quiet, her body has gone through quite a strain," Another voice, soft and feminine replied.

"But Riko, there's so much to tell her, I just want to..."

"I told you to be quiet," the female voice demanded.

Kagome groaned. Great now she was hearing things.

"Hey, looks like she's coming to," the male said.

The female nodded and waited for Kagome's eyes to blink open. The first thing Kagome could make out were two black spots hovering over her body with a white background behind them. As her vision cleared, she could vaguely make out the figures to be that of a woman and a man.

Startled Kagome shot up, a moment later moaning with the pain in her head. She looked around. "Where am I, who are you?" she asked averting her gaze to the two people standing before her. She could tell right off the bat that one was a demon, some kind of dragon and the other was, human...yet seemed vaguely familiar, a miko?

Kagome glanced curiously at the demon. He was tall and handsome with long shimmering blue hair that hung loosely down his back, sort of like Sesshomaru's only it was an aqua marine color that was streaked in blood red. The demon also had weird markings on his face. He had black stripes on his cheeks, wrists and, she was pretty sure, on his ankles. On his forehead was a red sun, covered in half by a solar eclipse. The strangest part was that he seemed to have wings and a tail and ears. His Kitsune ears and tail were a silver color, tipped in red while his wings were bat-like black wings. (Just think of Kuronue's wings from YuYu if you've seen the movie with him in it.) All in all he was very handsome. Kagome turned her attention to the female.

The woman was dressed in a blue and white fighting kimono with some kind of metal armor covering her chest and abs. The woman also had armor covering her forearms and calves, but her face was unprotected. She had kind wide ocean blue eyes and a pretty face. Her long black hair was hanging down her back in a long braid that went past her waist. Kagome's eyes widened upon realizing who she was.

"Midoriko-sama!" She exclaimed jumping back. "Where am I? What's going on? Why are you here? What happened to the oni? Am I dead?"

Midorkio began to laugh as the demon beside her chuckled at Kagome's rapid questions. "Kagome, sweetie, calm down, we are inside your mind, you fell unconscious after you defeated your enemy, and you are not dead."

"Oh," Kagome sighed. "Who are you?" she asked turning to the Demon.

"Oh, my apologies, milady, I am called Nisa," he said taking her hand and kissing it. Kagome blushed and giggled.

She studied him. "Um, Nisa-sama, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of demon are you? You seem to be a kitsune...but the wings have m stumped."

"Well, Lady Kagome, I am half dragon-half kitsune," the man responded proudly smirking his canines at the young miko, causing her to blush again.

"If you're done, flirting, Nisa," Midoriko said, whapping him upside the head good naturedly.

"Oh, Riko, darling, you know you're the only one for me," He replied, wrapping one arm around her waist, speaking innocently.

"Uh, huh," Midoriko said dryly pushing him away.

Kagome giggled. "So why am I here?" she asked again.

She watched as the demon and miko exchange glances. "Kagome what we are about to tell you is going to be a life-altering situation, one that we wouldn't be offering you if we didn't know you could handle it," Midoriko began.

"Life-altering?" Kagome asked seriously. "And just what am I to be handling?"

"Kagome, how much do you know about the jewel?" Nisa asked.

Kagome thought back. "Hmm, I know that it came form Midoriko after she was battling a whole bunch of demons. Eventually she was about to be killed by the last demon. Upon her last breath she thrust out the jewel, containing her spirit and the last Youkai she was fighting. The jewel was then entrusted to the Taijiyas who in turn gave it to Kikyo. When Kikyo died it passed on to me. Also it is said that the battle still wages on between good and evil and that it can cause a demon to gain great strength in coming into possession of even one shard." Kagome stopped her speech as a though crossed her mind. "Midoriko if you're supposed to be battling inside the jewel right now, how are you speaking to me now."

"Well, Kagome most of what you replayed it the truth," Midoriko replied. "I was fighting demons and I did imprison myself and the last demon inside the Shikon. But tell me something, Kagome, have you noticed an increase in the amount of power a youkai that possess a shard carries?"

"Now that you mentioned it, the youkai we were fighting today was quite powerful. It took us double the time it normally takes us," Kagome answered. "Why and how did the jewel get so powerful all of a sudden?"

"It's because the two sides of the jewel are no longer fighting. Good vs. evil is no more, and the balance of power is at an equilibrium," Nisa said, glancing at Midoriko.

"Wait," Kagome said standing up and pacing around. "You're telling me that the battle that you have been fighting for centuries is over? Does that mean you defeated him, Midoriko-sama" she asked. The answer she got was not the one she was expecting.

"Er, uh, not exactly Kagome," the elder miko said. "I've kind of madehimmymate." She said the last part so fast that Kagome nearly didn't catch that. She sat in shocked silence before falling over in shock.

"WWWHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!?!?!?!?!?!?" Kagome shrieked. "You mean to tell me that instead of destroying the evil demon from so long ago, you mated with him?" Kagome eyes were bug-eyed as she digested this new information. Midoriko looked quite sheepish, while blushing slightly and Nisa was frowning for some reason. Kagome studied him suspiciously until she noticed the way both the demon and miko were standing next to each other.

Kagome's hand twitched as she pointed at Nisa. "Y-y.yyou!!!!" She shrieked, causing Nisa to back up. "You're the evil demon?"

"I prefer to think of it as simply 'led astray'," Nisa answered dryly.

"Okay, okay, let me get this straight," Kagome panted. What did this mean? Was the Shikon going to disappear now that the battle was over? This time when she glanced up she was smirking evilly. "Midoriko-sama, shame on you. Falling in love with your enemy? What would your mother say?" she taunted teasingly.

Midoriko blushed some more, before grinning. "What can I say, after some period of time he finally wore me down to the point that I actually looked past his, well past, and saw him in a way I hadn't ever before," she answered, casting a smile to her love.

Kagome had now calmed down to a certain point, but was still quite dumfounded. "So, what does this mean for the jewel?" she asked.

"Kagome, think about it," Nisa answered. "Think about how strong the Shikon was while we were fighting each other. Now think about the power of the jewel when we combine our energy into one?"

Kagome shivered. "My god," she whispered. Her face went white. "So what do we do? Are you free?"

Midoriko smiled sadly. "We cannot be freed unless the jewel is whole again. Had we gotten over our differences while we were protected inside your body, we would have already moved on. Unfortunately, for all of us, certain events led to the destruction of the jewel and now it is scattered."

Kagome looked down, once again blaming herself for the shattered shards. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "If I hadn't have shot that arrow maybe the jewel wouldn't have been broken and the jewel would have been whole long enough for you two to move on."

"Kagome we don't blame you," Nisa spoke gently to the distraught girl. "If anything we are grateful that you've kept up with your search so far. And that is why we wanted to bring you here and bestow your gift."

"My, my gift?" Kagome asked confused.

"Yes, and Kagome, you must know that there is a way for us to be free again. Continue what you are doing, defeat Naraku, do whatever, but Kagome you must complete the jewel within a years time, otherwise we will be trapped in here forever. Once the whole thing is back in your possession we can once again be free. But I am also afraid there will be one thing you must do before that time."

"Anything, I'll do anything to help you guys," Kagome answered truthfully.

"Kagome, you must find yourself a mate before the year is up," Midoriko winced, waiting for the inevitable protesting.

When it didn't happen, Nisa took his hands off his ears and they both turned to stare curiously at Kagome whose mouth had dropped open in dismay.

"Mate, as in married?" Kagome asked, her voice just above a whisper.

"Yes, and he must be a demon, pure of heart," Nisa finished.

Kagome couldn't stand it anymore and flipped her lid. "How the hell am I supposed to find a mate in a year? A demon mate, no less?" She screeched in frustration.

Midorkio moved to embrace the emotional miko, "We're sorry, but it must be done. We cannot explain more, just that he must be demon."

Kagome frowned unhappily. "Well, I suppose I'll have to start looking soon. Now what about that gift you told me about?" she perked up a little.

"Oh, right," Midoriko smiled. "Well, for one it has already begun....your gift I mean," she said upon noticing Kagome's confused expression.

"Kagome when you were fighting that demon back there, what did you feel?" Nisa asked.

Kagome thought about it for a minute. Hmm, what had she felt? Well, first it had been the rise in her miko powers. She'd released her hold and it had magically wrapped around her like a newborn. But there had been something else aiding her also, a strange foreign magic that felt sort of like....

"Youkai?! You mean, I'm going to become a demon?" She asked, wowed and awed, while strangely liking the idea.

"Yes," Midoriko replied. "You see, Kagome, because of the jewel's rising ability to grant power it also must have a strong protector. Now as the jewel was before you were strong enough to protect it by whatever means necessary. But now, even stronger demons will be after you in an attempt to steal the shards. You must be as strong as the jewel and in order to do that, Nisa will grant you demon abilities while I strengthen your miko abilities.

"Wait, you're saying when I become demon I'll still keep my miko powers?" Kagome asked. "Wouldn't they cancel the other out or fight for control or something?"

"No, because of our strength you will learn to harness both, and both powers will be able to work together as the jewel is now a combined force," Nisa answered.

"Oh," Kagome said. "Well, this is a lot to take in." A smile began forming on her face. "But you know, I'm not as shocked as I was before....so, Nisa demonize me!" she ordered.

The pair laughed before Nisa grew serious. Without warning his hand flew out and touched her forehead and Kagome was momentarily stunned. "Uh, Nisa, what are you doing?" Kagome asked after realizing he wasn't attacking her.

"Don't worry, Kagome, Nisa just has to pick out the perfect demon for you to become," Midoriko replied for her mate who had closed his eyes in a trance-like state. After a few minutes of silence other than the sounds of breathing, Nisa drew away and smiled.

"I've got it. She will become....."

Wahahahahahahahaha! What is Kagome going to become? Will she like her new changes? More importantly what will everyone else think when she finally returns to the outside world. But for more, you must review, maybe then you'll find out what she'll become. Well, that's it, please review my story and don't worry, I will be updating all my stories within the next few days for those of you who actually like my stories.
