Garden Of Promise

One summer night

Shortly before dawn

You took my hand

And led me on...

Onward to a little plot of land

Your own sacred haven...

We sat amidst the fragrant bushes

With flowers heavily laden...

For a moment we were silent,

Then you looked at the sky...

I thought I saw some faint tears

Lingering in your eyes...

Promise me, you whispered

That if our souls have to go,

You'll come back and meet me here

In sunshine or in snow...

You turned you eyes towards me

Tears streaming down your face...

Unnerved, I quietly swore

To meet your soul in your favorite place...

For days I silently pondered

Your most recent and strange request...

Perhaps the pact we made that day

Was just made out of jest...

Life went on as usual

And then, one fateful day

You fell while you were in battle,

And doctors came to take you away...

Afterward, we visited daily

And slowly you improved...

With each visit I felt the worry

In my heart slowly being soothed...

It all happened so suddenly;

The day came much too fast...

Sadly I wasn't there with you

When you finally breathed your last...

My world crashed down upon me...

The news I could not accept...

Your other friends around me sighed

While some others wept...

I left the stone-cold building

And entered the nearby park...

I needed someplace quiet

To soothe my broken heart...

All around me were flowers

Like the ones you had at home...

They served as reminders

Of the promise we both had sown...

It was then that I understood

Why you did what you did that night...

The burden of knowing you were going to die

Had to be made somewhat light...

The tears started as soon as I

Recalled the whispered vow...

Though I was in tears, I was happy

Because of what I knew now...

No matter what would happen

I knew we would meet again...

Our souls would grow together

As flowers in your special garden...