Author's Note: Okay, here's the attempt at the sequel. Thirteen new students arrive at the Xavier Institute just before the end of the Christmas break. How will the Xavier students and faculty react to these new teens once they return from their Christmas Vacation? Read and find out. If you're wondering about the beginnings and about the specifics of these people's powers, please read the prequel to this, my first story, "Our Kind of People." For now however, here is the first featurette of this story. I'll begin each chapter with a miniature biography on one of the Warriors. Today's is.... Michael Young.

Name: Michael Young

Codename: Psychic

Age: 14 soon to be 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'

Build: Skinny and scrawny quite small in build and somewhat adorable to older girls.

Eye-Color: Green

Hair-Color: Brown, usually kept short and fuzzy.

Personality: Personality: He is a romantic and a reader, not just at heart, but also in his daily life, openly. He writes poetry, and creative writing pieces when he feels like it, though he mostly writes poetry. He has a bookcase, with two shelves filled with notebooks one shelf contains his poems, the other shelf his creative writing. He reads with a passion, he loves to do it, so he does it. His favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe, with T.S. Elliot in a close second, and Emily Dickinson in third. And of course, he is appreciative of older authors as well, such as Shakespeare, among other Elizabethan authors, his favorite play being Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. He does not participate in much physical activity, or exercise, he prefers more to exercise the mind then the body, and loves strategy and logic games, such as chess, checkers, mastermind, and even some tabletop strategy games. He tends to keep to himself when he can, not because he prefers to be alone, in fact he prefers to be with a small group of close friends, but because of his powers he tends to enjoy quiet as he reads, which means he tends to try to be at least ten feet away from someone when he does so. He does not like big crowds, and as mentioned earlier he's the kind to have a few very close friends, as opposed to having many friends that he barely knows.

Power: He can hear what is on the surface of other people's minds. Or in essence, what they are thinking in that exact moment as they think it. He has no control over this and hears their thoughts as they think them, not being able to block the voices out. In populated crowds it can become overwhelming and result in extreme headaches, and the activation other abilities (continue reading for more information). His powers have a range of about ten feet, so if anyone is within ten feet of him he automatically hears their thoughts. His mind is also fairly sensitive, able to differentiate the brain wave patterns between a mutant and a human. It's the equivalent to someone speaking with an accent, he can just tell whether the thoughts he's listening to belong to a human or a mutant, though it can be very confusing when he has more then one person in his mind at a time, especially if some are mutant, and some are human. The draw back to his abilities is that when overloaded with too many people inside his head, for too long a time, anywhere from fifteen minutes to half an hour, at the most, he can cause a temporary mental shut down in others. Or in other words, knock them out, with his mind. It happens as a sort of shockwave effect, causing anyone within ten feet of him to become unconscious. It only happens when he is overloaded, or during times of extreme emotional upset. Usually the effects of the shockwave only last between five to ten minutes, but it varies.

Chapter 1: Warriors and X-Men

"Dude, this place is huge." Will said, as he was the first one out of the passenger van that held eight other teenagers his age. They had all been in there from the airport. Except for Michael and Rebecca, they had driven all the way here on Rebecca's Motorcycle. And they weren't here yet. They probably wouldn't get here until later that night. And of course James and Jessica King, who had come back from New York City with Scott and Rogue.

"Welcome all of you, to Xavier's Institute for gifted children." Charles Xavier said as he wheeled up to them, a blanket covering him in his wheelchair on this cold winter morning. Scott and Rogue walked behind him, Scott with a smile on his face, and Beast was the only other one at the Institute at the moment, but he was in the library, too busy reading at the moment to greet the others.

John, Will's identical brother, both of which had dyed blue hair, stepped out of the Van next with a slight smile on his face. "Thanks for having us." He said as he came out, Elise and the others behind him. The only real way to tell Will and John apart was how they dressed and sometimes acted. John was very proper and usually wore a fancy outfit with expensive and tasteful shoes. However Will was anything but proper and usually wore ripped up Jeans and some sort of T-shirt, mostly ones with obnoxious yet humorous sayings written on them.

Xavier smiled and nodded slightly. "Please come inside all of you, we'll show you your rooms first so that you can leave your things there and enjoy seeing the rest of the institute. Scott."

"Yes Professor." Scott said turning to look over at the man.

"Show Chris, Nathan, Joe, Will, and John their rooms, and then start them on their tour of the upper levels." Xavier instructed. "Rogue, you do the same with Elise, Danielle, Grace, and Megan." Xavier said as Rogue nodded. "And James and Jessica, you may go with or do whatever you want while I speak with Mr. Walkner."

James and Jessica nodded slightly and returned inside as Rogue and Scott along with their selected groups followed behind. Jessica was glad to be reunited with her friends again, as was James. But Rogue was a little nervous; this place would seem crowded now.

"You want to go inside?" A man dressed in a rather matrix looking outfit asked as he came around the van putting on a pair of heavily tinted shades. The sun was hidden behind a few clouds at the moment, so it seemed odd at first that this man would wear shades now, but then Charles remembered what Scott had told him. This man's mutation affected his eyes so that his pupils were extremely large, gathering in a lot of light. It allowed him to see in the darkness quite well, but too much light could be extremely painful for him.

"We should go inside Mr. Walkner." Xavier said, as his wheelchair started moving towards the front of the Mansion. "Can I offer you something to drink?"

"I could go for a cup of some hot cocoa if you have any." Mr. Walkner said as they entered into the large front hall. "And please, I told you last time, call me Thomas, or Tom, most adults call me Tom."

"Very well Tom. Hot cocoa it is." He said as they started off towards the kitchen. "As you can see the Institute itself is quite large and there are plenty of rooms for your younger members here. However I hope that you don't mind that I took the liberty of splitting some of them up. Rooming them with various X-Men and such. That way it helps to break the barrier between the two groups."

"I don't mind at all. I would do the same thing personally. But you'll find that some of them, specifically Nathan and Michael, don't spend much time with anyone at all. Well, except for each other mostly. Even Joe can be anti-social every now and then." Thomas explained.

"That is understood, what with Nathan and Michael's mutations I can't say that I didn't expect for them to be anti-social. However it is Joseph's mutation that intrigues me. As you know his power is quite similar to that of a mutant already staying here. Rogue."

"Yes, she'd said as much at that party when we first met her." Thomas said as they reached the kitchen and Charles started making the hot cocoa.

"Yes. Well I know that you agreed to have me train them with the equipment here, the same training I give the X-Men, but I would like to first now the limits, boundaries, extents, and origins of their powers first, as you've said once before not all of them are mutant."

"True. And I thought you might be interested. So I brought this." Thomas said as he reached into his coat and pulled out a two-inch computer disk. "This contains complete bios on all of the students here, even James and Rebecca. But I didn't include any of their backgrounds. Their origins are there, I even have their exact heights, weights, eye-colors, everything, but I left their histories for you to discover, or for them to tell you. Some of them weren't brought up in nice places, and some were. James and Jessica have had a rough time of it, but Will and John have pretty much just been normal their entire lives. You'll have to ask them if you want more information on it."

"I understand. I would not want you telling me something that they themselves would want kept hidden." Xavier said, as the cocoa was just about finishing up.

"Nor would I." Thomas agreed as he took a seat at the kitchen table. He put the disk on the table in front of him.


"Dude. This room is huge." Came Will's voice as he looked around the large room that Scott had showed him to. "Who am I rooming with?"

"You'll be staying with Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler. I have a feeling you two will get along fine. That bed over there is yours. You can leave your suitcases on it, you'll have plenty of time to unpack later." Scott answered.

"Sweet." Will said as he walked in and looked around the room. "My kinda ceiling. Nice and high up. Plenty of crawl space."

John rolled his eyes as the other guys waited for Will by the door. "Come on man. We want to see the rest of this place before the day ends."

Will laughed as he threw his suitcase on the bed and plucked off his shoes and socks, setting them by his bed too. He liked to go barefoot whenever he could, and since he'd just be inside anyway, he figured he might as well.

The tour continued as Scott led the guys down the hall. Will fell to the back of the crowd a bit. "So Nathan, who you rooming with man?"

"I have my own room." Nathan answered with a straight face.

"Aw man, that's no fair, how come you get your own room?"

Nathan just turned and stared at him as they continued walking. Will smiled sheepishly as he realized the reason. "Oh... Right... Sorry. I forgot there for a second."

Nathan didn't answer; he just walked ahead, playing a bit of catch up with the rest of the group.

"What about you bro? Who you rooming with in this great mansion of Xavier's?" Will asked as he put his hand on his identical twin's shoulder.

"Apparently I'm rooming with Scott over there. Which is fine by me, we seem to get along well." John answered.

"What about you Chris?" Will asked as he looked over to the shoulder-length blond haired boy walking next to them. "Who are you staying with?"

"Joe and I are sharing a room for now, Scott said that the Professor said it was temporary cause he wanted to split us all up, but he's having trouble placing us with roommates that we'll get along with because he knows so little about us. Or something like that." Chris answered.

"Cool." Will nodded as the group made their way back down to the main hall.


"So are the guys here cute?" Grace asked as the girls made their way from room to room on the girls' floor of the dormitory wing.

Rogue was getting tired of these preppy girlie questions that these girls seemed to be asking, but honestly that had been the first one that she had gotten from Grace, all the rest had mostly been from Elise.

"Ah think that's a question you'll have to answer for yourself once you meet them all." She said in her slight southern accent. "But Kitty thinks that there a few worth looking at either here or at school. Ah kinda tune her out when she starts babbling on about different guys to be honest."

"Kitty's your roommate?" Megan asked speaking for the first time to Rogue since their little tour began.

"Yeah." Rogue nodded.

"So what's my roommate like? This... Jean Grey." Megan asked as Elise put her things in the room that Rogue had showed her.

"Uh... Well Ah think you'll have to find out for yourself, I'm not that good at personality descriptions." Rogue answered shrugging. "Sorry Ah'm not much help."

"I see." Megan said with a slight nod.


"So when do these regular students of yours get back?" Thomas asked as he sipped the cup of hot cocoa that Charles had just given him.

"Tomorrow morning actually. I think the two groups will get a long quite well. I won't be showing the Warriors the lower levels until the others get back. Maybe I'll have Logan run them both through a training session. Maybe even have a little healthy competition between the Warriors and the X-Men."

"Well just to warn you, there are a few that'll take that whole competition thing as far as you'll let 'em." Thomas warned with a smile. "For example John might be all adult about it, but I know for sure that Will won't be able to do anything but think about it and prepare for it."

"Well I have noticed that all the members of your groups seem extremely physically fit. James for example has the body of a professional body builder. No doubt somewhat larger than most body builders with his height and everything factored into it." Xavier said as he sipped his own cup of hot cocoa.

"Well that's mostly because he is." Thomas answered. "For the last two years he's really done nothing but work out, he's even been in a few smaller competitions. You see Rebecca, James, and Quinn are the ones in charge of training and excercising programs. James gives the guys a real work out, at least those that want it. As you see Nathan and Michael don't exactly exercise much at all. You might have a harder time getting them to train than you think."

"Well I can understand Nathan's resistance to it, he has a few boundaries to over come psychologically. At least according to what Scott and Rogue tell me."

"A few?" Thomas scoffed. "I don't know what's with that kid, cause he's never told me, but he is messed up in the head. If you ever find a more cynical and more self-torturing, depressed, and depressing person let me know, because it should be in the book of world records if it can beat Nathan."

"Is he really that bad?" Xavier asked with a brow slightly raised.

"Well from what I gather, I guess I should let you know this... He blames his father for his mutation. You see his father was a mutant, and after he found out that Nathan's mother was pregnant he split. I don't know what happened to the dad, because Nathan doesn't even know, but his mother knew that his father was a mutant, or at least that he had a special power, some sort of plasticity or something. Anyway Nathan blames his father for giving him this 'curse' as he sees it, and blames him for whatever deaths Nathan might've caused during his lifetime."

"Has he ever actually killed anyone?" Xavier asked now concerned.

"Not on purpose you understand." Thomas tried to explain. "The best I know it is some girl who was really close to him for years didn't realize, or did realize and did it anyway in an exited moment because she forgot and kissed him on the lips. The girl he loved decayed in front of his very eyes, and I think it was then that something just sort of snapped. It's a sad story really."

"Indeed." Xavier said solemnly.


"And this is the library." Scott said opening the large wooden doors, revealing the bookshelf-lined walls of the room that held a chair and fireplace at the one end of it. Including chairs scattered throughout the room itself along with a few tables here and there.

"Dang. I know that Mike will love this place." Chris said with a slight smile and nod.

"Ah, I see that the new students have arrived." Came a voice from the chair in front of the fireplace. A tall dark-blue fuzzy man stood to face them and was honestly surprised when there were no gasps or momentary hesitations on the guest's part when he offered his oversized hand to Chris for a shake. "My name is Dr. Henry McCoy. But people here call me Hank. Or Beast."

"Dr. McCoy. I'm Christian Hart. Or Dragon as the codename thingie." Chris said as he shook the man's hand. "This here is Joseph McKinley, AKA Clone. And Will and John Howlett, also known as Warp and Force. And this is Nathan Albarran."

Beast shook the hand of each as they were introduced by Chris, even the gloved one that Joe offered, the only one he didn't shake was Nathan's, who did not offer his hand, but nodded instead.

"It's nice to meet you all. I can't wait to learn more about you, but for now, if you'll excuse me, I have some research to get back to." He said with a polite nod as he left the library.


"Well, I can tell they're going to be fine here. I better get going." Thomas said as he finished his cup of cocoa and stood up. "Tell everyone that I wish 'em the best. And tell James I said to keep in touch. Oh and Professor Xavier..." Thomas said reaching inside his coat. "You call this number if you need me. James and Rebecca know it as well. It's my personal cell." He said with a nod as Xavier took the piece of folded paper.

"Very well." Xavier said with a slight nod. "I'll see you to the door."


"Hey Rogue, is that a pool?" Elise asked looking out the back window in the stairwell that they were currently descending.

"Yeah, but it's not open right now with it being winter and all." Rogue answered with a nod.

"I see. Well that's cool, it'll give me something to do once the weather gets warmer."

"Yeah right. You don't even know how to swim." Danielle said with a smile.

"I don't need to know how to swim, I'll just use it to get a tan."

"Who are you rooming with anyway?" Elise asked looking over to Danielle. "You never said."

"Oh, I'm staying with some girl named Rayne. From a quick glance at her stuff she seems pretty cool, a decent taste in music anyway." Danielle answered.

"Cool." Elise said with a nod as the girls made their way to the bottom of the stairs just in time to see Thomas driving off and Professor Xavier coming back in from outside.

"Ah. Rogue, how was the tour?" He asked as he came in the doors.

"Good Professor, I'm just now showin' 'em the downstairs of the mansion."

"Very good." He said with a nod. 'Leave the basements for later if you will." He said telepathically. 'I want the others to be here, as well the rest of the faculty."

Rogue nodded as she headed towards one of the hallways. "Come on." She said as she turned. "I'll show ya'll the dining room and kitchen."

Author's Note: I hope you guys liked this first chapter. Hopefully it's a lot better than the first chapter of the prequel. Anyway, if you read this story, please remember, it's polite to review. Even if you don't like my writing, a critique, or even a flame, is welcomed as well. I hope you keep reading. I'll try to get the second chapter up as soon as I can.

Coming soon - Chapter 2: Meet the roommates