Hermione stared at Professor Dumbledore.

It wasn't unsual, since at one time or another everyone stared at the headmaster of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, usually since it involved him being considered crazy at one time or another, but this was a first for her.

"Are you sure about this Professor? Espicially with the given situation?" Hermione said in an amazed voice.

Dumbledore smiled, "Yes, I'm quite sure. The position is quite old, and it is quite respectable in our society. After all, it was proven by a two people who were considered somewhat as outcasts in our society. Admitedly well respected outcasts, but outcasts all the same. I myself follow their teachings, which is why I do not dismiss the minds or workings of the non-magical people, which most of our society name muggles."

Hermione was agast, "But to use magic in front of them? To reveal magic in such an open manner? Without removing their memories afterwards?"

"Quite," Dumbledore replied, "For this summer assignment, you and young Ronald Wesley will be allowed to use your magic."

"But how will I be able to help at all? I have no idea about taking care of children."

Dumbledore pulled out a package from behind his desk. "This should help you. It usually isn't given out, except to the best, and to a person who can fill the shoes of one of the greatest of our people. She never needed a wand, nor did she suffer from lack of happiness or joy."

From the box, he pulled a black umbrella with a parrot head, a small case, and a small book.

"Being a nanny is a great position to help those who cannot help themselves. These are the enchanted items of the greatest nanny of all time, Mary Poppins. Use them well, and help all of the children of the world."