Title: Going Fast

Name: Joy

Email: [email protected]

Rating: R

Spoilers: Very end of Rising. My own interpretation of what might happen next.

Max stood staring into Logan's eyes, amazed by the sight of him standing. She watched him falter before lowering him back to the chair. "Take things slow," she said to be a good friend. He said he wanted to go fast, with a cocky glint in his eyes. She decided to help him go fast by strapping him to her bike and taking off. The simple freedom to go fast.

Logan beamed with excitement over their drive. // I didn't realize he had so many teeth. I wonder how fast he really wants to go? // As they reached his apartment, Max decided to keep the exercise going. "Logan, how much of your legs to you feel?"

"I'm not really sure. Doc mainly checked my feet. Why?"

"Just curious… Hey you a brief or boxer guy?" Max asked nonchalantly.

"What?" Logan responded in shock.

"Briefs or boxers? Simple question." Logan turned very red.

"Boxers. Why?"

"Go sit on the couch."

"You're not answering my questions." Logan said as he made his way to the couch.

"Experiment." Before sitting him down, she undid the top button of his pants.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I have to remove your pants to get to your legs for the experiment."

"Why does that not make me feel better?"

"Just sit. I promise not to hurt you or embarrass you. OK?" She said saccharin sweetly.

"Fine. What are you going to do to me now that you have taken my pants off with out permission?" He said irritated but excited.

"Close your eyes…" Logan complied. Max ran her fingers up and down his legs very lightly to see if the skin itself responded to the stimulation. "Do you feel anything?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. You just describe what you feel."

"Movement. You were running your fingers through the legs hairs on the left side of my right leg…"

"Good. Now how 'bout this?" She smiled as she ran her fingernails on his skin.

"You are scratching under my left knee."

"OK, now where?"

Logan swallowed hard as he realized that he was turned on by Max's touches. She had started touching his left thigh with her hand and it was coming dangerously close to his groin. He could feel his body begin to stiffen and hoped she wouldn't notice. She was looking for that response from before she started playing so the reflex of blood filling his extremity was a welcome sight. "Uh… You have your hand on my left thigh."

He began to perspire out of fear and anticipation of what was to happen next. He said he wanted to go fast but now that she was taking his invitation he wasn't sure. He licked his lips as his breathing increased. "Do you feel this?" Max asked as she leaned toward Logan before stroking her hand down the length of him.

His body responded immediately with an audible groan. "What are you doing?"

"Going Fast," she whispered in his ear before kissing his lips.