Disclaimer: Yes, yes I know. I don't own Harry Potter. No need to rub it in.

Chapter One

Ginny Weasley woke up with the sun shining on her face and rubbed her eyes. It was almost the end of the summer before sixth year and she wanted to sleep in while she still could. But not today, she was too excited. She was going school shopping in Diagon Alley with one of her best friends, Ariel Stone.

Ginny rolled over to her left to see if Ariel was awake. Her shoulder length blonde hair was all over her face and she was of course, still sleeping. All summer Ariel had stayed at the Burrow where the two had hours of fun painting their nails and curling each others hair. What Ginny really wanted to do was sneak out and go to Seth's house, but Ariel was the type who had more of a head on her shoulders.

Seth Waldorf, who was the third and final member of their group, wasn't staying at the Burrow for the summer because Ginny wasn't exactly sure her parents would go for it. He wasn't offended though, he barely ever was. He was the most easy going and carefree of their trio. Seth was up to anything as long as it didn't involve his hair. Let's just say he loves his hair. He had long, black, wavy hair and deep blue eyes that made most girls swoon.

Later that day, Ariel and Ginny were to meet him at Diagon Alley and go shopping together, despite Seth's complaints about being bored and carrying clothes all day.

Ginny jumped out of bed and threw a pillow at Ariel's face.

"Wake up!"

Ariel squinted and groaned. "Bloody hell, it's seven o' clock!"

"Yes, but we told Seth we'd meet him at Diagon Alley at eight," Ginny replied while grabbing her bath robe and running to the bathroom. "Fine, Ariel! I'll let you sleep in," Ginny shouted from the bathroom. With a sigh of relief from Ariel, she closed the door.

Ginny jumped into the shower and turned the water on. Then she began to sing at the top of her lungs, making her voice as high pitched and annoying as she possibly could.

"If you want my future,

Forget my past,

If you wanna get with me,

Better make it fast,

Now don't go wastin',

My precious time,

Get your act together and we'll be just fine,


"Ok, ok, I'm up!" Ariel groaned from Ginny's bed.

"That doesn't mean I'll stop singing! If you wanna be my lover…"


Ginny and Ariel ran to the front of Flourish and Blott's into a three person hug.

"You just saw me a couple of weeks ago," Seth said laughing as his friends gripped him tighter.

"But we just missed you so much!" Ginny said while giggling.

"Alright, alright," Seth said as they all let go of each other. "Do I have to shop with you guys? You're just gonna make me carry clothes all day."

"Well you can go do as you like. Ginny and I will meet you in an hour right here," Ariel said grabbing Ginny's hand.

"No! I need to have a boy's opinion," Ginny said quickly.

"What for?" asked Ariel curiously.

Ginny let out an exasperated sigh. "Let's start walking to Madam Malkin's and I'll explain." Seth was beginning to open his mouth. "That means you too, Seth."

They began to walk towards Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions when Ginny explained her situation.

"Okay. Well, when Harry came over to the burrow this summer, I was sure that I was over him. I mean, I've been over him for years right? Of course after dating Michael, Dean, Julian, Tristan, Matt, C-"

"Your point?" Ariel interrupted politely.

Ginny gave her a joking glare." My point is that I've never truly been happy with any of them. When I started spending time with Harry again, those same feelings came back and I realized," Ginny said as her eyes took on a dreamy state. "That the reason I could never hold a boy was because I was constantly comparing them to Harry. Obviously none of them were close enough to the real him so I was never satisfied. Which is why I'm going to win the heart of Harry Potter." Ginny stated confidently as quickened her pace.

Seth groaned as he and Ariel matched Ginny's pace. "Why is every girl obsessed with either Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy?" Seth said accusingly.

"Of course we'll help you Gin," Ariel told Ginny, ignoring Seth's comment.

"We will?" Seth replied surprised.

"Of course we will!" Ariel said glaring at him.

"Oooo, look at that one with the frills!"

"No! The green one would really set off your eyes!"

"Yeah! Will you carry that one too, Seth?"

Seth was now carrying a pile of robes bigger than him for both Ginny and Ariel.

"How many robes could you possibly need?"

"Oh, stop being so overly dramatic Seth! The pile isn't that big!"

Seth rolled his eyes." Not that big! I could build a second Hogwarts with all these robes!"

Now it was Ariel's turn to roll her eyes. "Come on Gin, let's try these on."

Draco Malfoy was on his way to Madam Makin's Robes for All Occasions with the 500 gallons his father had given him for new robes. His entire summer had been long and boring. He kept in touch with his friend, Blaise Zabini, but besides that he hadn't talked to anyone for the past two months.

He didn't have a girlfriend; he'd broken up with all of them before the year ended. If you call a snogging partner that changed every week a girlfriend.

Draco had finally reached Madam Malkin's where he was greeted by the owner.

"Good day Mr. Malfoy, may I help you?"

"I'm here to pick up my new school robes."

"Oh yes, of course. I'll be right back."

The woman walked to the back of the shop. Draco took a look around. The whole store was pretty much empty except for a few people in the dressing rooms. He walked a little further into the store to see if he recognized anyone.

He saw a boy with wavy black hair seated in a chair next to a blonde. In front of them was a tall red head in black sleeveless dress robes that went down to her knees. The robes were very form fitting and showed off her curvy figure. The rich color of her red hair that went down to the middle of her back was accentuated by the dark dress. Draco couldn't take his eyes off her. Long legs. Nice ass. Definitely his type of girl.

Wonder if she goes to Hogwarts, Draco thought. She does look kind of familiar. Maybe she's a sixth year?

Draco began to approach the red headed beauty, when Madam Malkin returned with his robes. He gave Madam Malkin his money and once again tried to approach the girl.

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy," said Madam Malkin as she stood in his way. "But I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I was just about to close; I'm just waiting for those three to leave. Do you mind?"

Draco looked over the store owner's shoulder. He was dying to see the girl, but he didn't want to start a scene and ruin his chances. He sighed. "Of course not," he replied to Madam Malkin.

I'll just wait for school. Hopefully she goes to Hogwarts.

This first chapter isn't really that good but it does get better! So PLEASE REVIEW. Even if you don't like it I would appreciate it. Yes, burns are accepted. Just as long as you review!