Here's a new chapter! I started school now and it has been a pain in the ass… I'm having trouble to find any good idea for this chapter. I do have plenty of ideas for Love among Celebrities, but I'm too lazy to write them down… Sigh!
Anyway, enjoy this new chapter.
"Hmm… Where am I? Ow… My head hurts… What in the world happened?" Mimi asked herself as she looked around her, still lying on the floor of an abandoned old wooden house. There were spider webs all over the place. The feeling of loneliness scared Mimi. Mimi got back up from the ground that was covered in dust. As she was wiping the dust off her yukata, the door slammed opened.
A figure of a young man stood at the door. Mimi had trouble to see his face with the brightness of the sun the door led in.
"Hey! You're finally awake." The deep voice said. The young man shut the door.
"You are…?" Mimi asked nervously. She can finally see the man. He looked around her age and pretty handsome. She couldn't help but blush.
"I'm Taichi. And you?"
"I'm Mimi Tachikawa. What happened to me? Where am I?" Mimi asked nervously. The last thing she remembered was that she was about to challenge Daisuke in a fight.
"Sit down. I know it's not really clean here, but bear with it. Here eat up. I'm going to tell you." Taichi took out some wild fruits and handed them to Mimi.
Taichi's POV
I was on my way back to my hometown after a job for a princess. I was riding a horse at full speed to find my sister as soon as possible. I was really worried about her. When I finally reached the town, I decided to leave my horse and take a short cut to get back home. This alley is always very quiet since nobody passes by here. Then I suddenly heard two people argue. I thought it was a lover's quarrel so I decided to ignore you guys and pass by unseen. It was at that time when I finally see you guys, but you were unconscious already. On the ground, was a broken flower pot. I thought the pot was either fallen from one of the window of the second floor or the guy just hit you with it.
I still thought it was a lover's quarrel until… I heard that you wanted to do –beep- with you and –beep- and –beep- and he wanted to –beep- you and… ("Okay! I got the idea so get over it! Did you save me!" Mimi shouted at Taichi and pounded his head many times. )
Ah hum… Since I am a man, I have duty to protect a young girl. Even if he was the guy you liked, it is unacceptable to do those things before marriage. So I punched him really hard on his face and took you away with me.
Taichi's POV ends.
"Wow… I was so lucky that you were passing by. You really saved me big time. Thanks!" Mimi thanked Taichi. She grabbed both of his hands in hers and there was a star in each of her eye shining. "I never knew nice guys like you still exist in this world."
"Well… You don't have to worry. I didn't do anything to you." Taichi explained carefully incase of misunderstood.
"Yes! By the way, don't you have to go find your sister now?" Mimi asked Taichi and set his hands back free.
"I don't know why but I can't find her home and where she works." Taichi answered with a worried look on his face. By his look, Mimi can tell Taichi searched all over for his sister while Mimi was still unconscious.
"Sorry to hear that… I'm sure your sister is fine though." Mimi tried to reassure Taichi.
"Oh… Where do you live? I'll escort you back home." Taichi proposed.
"Sure!" On their way back to the Takenouchi's residence, Mimi spotted a couple of Daisuke's men wandering around the house. Mimi quickly dragged Taichi away from the crowded street.
"What is it?" Taichi asked nervously. Mimi was hanging onto him so closely in a dark alley that Taichi's heartbeat accelerated. For Mimi, it was a simply and usual thing since Americans are used to hug when they greet each other.
"Look." Mimi pointed out.
"Those guys are…"
"Yes. They are Daisuke's men." Mimi explained.
"Daisuke is the guy that I beat up?"
"Yes. Over there, is the place where I work." Mimi pointed at the Takenouchi's residence.
"What? I also need to go there too… The lady that I escorted was a job Princess Sora gave me. Now, I have to go ask for the other half of my pay." Taichi explained.
While the two of them were so busy discussing with each other, a black shadow appeared and grabbed Mimi away from Taichi.
"Mimi Tachikawa?" The dark figure asked.
"Ahh… let go of me, you creep! What do you want from me?" Mimi asked as she was trying to free herself from the dark figure's grip. Sadly, he was too strong for her.
"Hey you! Let go of Mimi now! If you're a man, come fight a one on one with me!" Taichi yelled out frustrated from the fact he couldn't protect a girl that was standing right in front of him.
"My mission is to take this girl with me. I didn't receive the order to fight with you for this girl. Goodbye." The dark figure jumped on the roof of a nearby house in a split second. The figure was a ninja with his face covered.
"Don't underestimate me!" Taichi jumped on the roof and followed the ninja. The ninja jumped roof by roof in an incredible speed as Taichi was trying to follow by running on every roof. Both of the men had an unimaginable speed that made the villagers feel a breeze of wind. But, they were unable to clearly see the man.
"Oh my god! This is so cool! It's like a rollercoaster!" Mimi shouted out in excitement. She was still in the arms of the ninja, but she wasn't struggling anymore. She was just hanging onto him very tight in case he drops her.
"Stop right there, you chicken! I'm not going to let you get away with this!" Taichi yelled out still running after the ninja. Their distance was becoming closer and closer by every house.
"Lollerkoste? What in the world?" The ninja tried to pronounce the English word of rollercoaster. His eyes looked puzzled. Mimi, just simply started to laugh at the way the ninja tried to say it.
"Never mind, you won't understand anyways. Why don't you just… let me see your face?" Mimi quickly detached the piece of cloth that covered the ninja's face before he could react to Mimi's action. "Wow! You're pretty young and cute!" Mimi praised the man. "What's your name? I'm Mimi as you know already."
"My name is Ken." The ninja answered in a very low voice. He blushed a little from the fact Mimi was staring at him with her eyes shining.
Before Ken realized it, Taichi already caught up with him, but he was almost out of breath. Taichi jumped and swung his foot at Ken's face making Ken drop Mimi.
"Kyaaa! Help!" Mimi shouted out. Mimi fell into a tree safely. The guys, who saw her landing so safely, continued to fight each other. Mimi stared at them in amazement. She was just sitting on a branch when she suddenly heard it cracking.
"No… You've gotta be kidding me." Mimi hugged the tree tightly before the branch broke. When the branch finally tore, Mimi slid down slowly and carefully off the true. The moment she landed on the ground, she found herself in a very big and beautiful territory. There were many rooms in this huge house. Every one of them was very tall and spacious. Mimi wandered around and found many soldiers and maids.
Mimi was very curious about this place but she also had a bad feeling about it too. As she started to wander off, she suddenly felt something pulling her to a certain room. Mimi followed the sensation carefully without being seen by anyone and found herself in front of a locked room. Mimi grabbed the lock. A small blue light suddenly appeared from the crystal ring she found in the temple and the locked broke.
Mimi stared at her ring impressed. What was that power? Could it be… that this ring is the key for me to return to the normal world? There must be something in this room. I have to find out. Mimi slowly stepped in the room. She walked up to a small golden box. She took a big breath and opened the box. As soon as she opened it, in the box was the same ring Mimi had around her finger. Mimi slowly approached her own ring to the ring in the box. As soon as the two touched, a flashy light appeared and Mimi felt pressure all around her. The poor young girl couldn't help but fall onto her knees. She felt as if her head was going to burst.
Suddenly, a beautiful young girl's voice talked in Mimi's mind. Future meets past. Help me… Change my destiny… I am now awake…
"Who are you…?" Mimi tried her best to ask. The air around her was pressuring her so much she collapsed onto the ground. She held her head that gave her so much pain. "Argh… It hurts… What is happening?"
The past must not meet the future… or it will reveal the unacceptable ending that awaits her… Change her fate… and my fate… Where is my love? The voice continued to talk.
Suddenly, the door slammed open. Both the voice and the light disappeared. Mimi closed her eyes and fainted.
Oohh! Who is the person who opened the door? What will happen to Mimi next? Find out in the next chapter!