Day of Monentous Events Marimeia's Summer - Part 1 - Day of Momentous Events
By West Wind

Disclaimer: I have no claim to any of the Gundam Wing characters in this story. They belong to someone else. [I am sure you were quite aware of that already.]

Author's Note: Since some readers ( ^_^ ) really wanted a continuation, this story is starting right where Marimeia's Crush ended. So, if you have not read MC, then here is the rundown so this story will make since…. When Marimeia was thirteen, she had a crush on Heero which over time turned into love. She attempts to get him to fall for her too. In the end, Heero succumbs to his feelings for her, and it closes with them kissing.

Other background for this story: Marimeia adopted Trowa as an uncle and he married Relena and they have two children. (detailed in Trap Backlash)

Thanks to Anime Princess and Kiyoko for there suggestions for this story. ~ Greatly appreciated. =)


"Heero, you just made me the happiest person in the world," whispered Marimeia as they broke their passionate kiss.

The corners of Heero's mouth turned slightly upward in a smile at her as he brushed her red bangs away from her face. She giggled as the recently removed bangs fell back to their former location. Heero sat up on the couch bringing Marimeia with him. She nuzzled close with his arm wrapped securely around her waist. Marimeia let out a contended sigh as she rested her head against Heero's chest. He gently stroked her shoulder length hair with his other hand.

"What have I gotten myself into," he thought to himself as he looked down at the young woman in his arms. "Your taking you own advice and following your emotions," he could hear Trowa's quiet mater-of-fact voice repeating Heero's own advice to him. Now that he had admitted to himself that he did have feelings of more than friendship for Marimeia, he reflected on his actions and wondered how he could have missed it. No one else has ever made him feel uncomfortable when she danced with him, and him being jealous of Kiel. Yes, he had been jealous, he admitted. He had told himself it was only concern for Marimeia's safety and wanting the best for her, but he was deluding himself. He was in love with the red head, and she welcomed him with arms open, when he realize it. The slight shaking of his head was the only sign of Heero's internal pondering and swirling emotions.

If you had told Heero over a year ago that he would be in love, he would not have believed it.

"But," he countered, "if you told me after the war that I would be more than a forgotten solder who faded into history and had nothing more to fight for, but I would become a cherished member of Relena's and the other pilot's families, I would not have believed you. Time has changed me."

"Heero," called Marimeia and pulled him from his thoughts.

He smiled down at her beautiful up turned face and placed a kiss on her forehead before responding with a "hum." He watched the contentment and pleasure reflected in her half closed eyes and in her smile. Heero marveled that he could bring so much joy to her.

"You want to go out and have dinner?" she asked. "It could be our first 'date'."

Heero nodded his consent and they left.


Relena watched them pull out of the drive and let out a sigh. She hoped what she just witnessed meant what she thought it did. Marimeia had confided in Relena her plans to apologize to Heero and restore their friendship, so she was not surprised when Marimeia's car was in the drive with no sign of the driver. Relena only hoped that her surrogate brother would come to his senses and admit his feelings for Marimeia. Relena could see it in his eyes and in his subtle changes in posture and actions when Marimeia was around, even if no one else could.

"What's the verdict?" asked Trowa as he slipped his arms around his wife and rested them on her belly.

"The only thing I can say for sure is that they are still friends since they drove off in Heero's car, but I won't know anything else until I see Marimeia's face," she answered as she leaned back into her husbands warm embrace.

Trowa moved her hair and gently kissed her neck. Relena let out a moan of pleasure before facing her spouse and looking him in the eye.

"That, sir, is what got me in the state I am in now," she accused pointing to her abdomen.

Relena had just found out yesterday that she was pregnant with their third child.

"We were planning on having another one," smiled Trowa.

"But, not THIS soon," retorted Relena.

"You weren't complaining when we created it," he purred in her ear.

"YOU," she growled indignantly before she was caught up in a passionate kiss from her love.

They reluctantly pulled apart when their daughter entered the kitchen requesting dinner.


Heero and Marimeia settled on a small Italian place to eat. They sat in a booth along one of the walls and waited for their food. The restaurant was dimly lit with candles on all the tables. Marimeia thought it had a romantic feel to it. They talked. Well, mostly Marimeia talked and Heero stared at her in wonder. She could tell he was still coming to grips with the change in their relationship. Not that she blamed him. He had been content to play the bachelor uncle and had never considered falling in love himself.

The waiter brought their food, refilled their drinks, and left. They started working on their plates of pasta.

Marimeia looked up at Heero and asked, "What do we do now?"

Marimeia had never been in a serious dating relationship and neither had Heero. Sure, she had dated a few guys, but that was to get to know them. Usually, once she got to know them, she did not like them. Heero was different. She already knew him. She had been studying him for years. She was ready to marry him next weekend if he asked, but she knew he was not ready for that yet. That left her with the question of where do they go from here.

Heero shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I'm not sure," he added. "Take it one step at a time."

They finished their meal and drove back to Heero's. Marimeia gave Heero a light kiss of farewell before she entered the Barton residence.

"Call me," she told him before she left.

He signaled he would before she vanishing into the house. He knew Relena would be waiting to talk to her about their talk. Well, he knew he could not keep it a secret. He shrugged off the feeling of apprehension and entered his apartment.

Heero shut the door behind him. As he walked down the entryway, a little girl came bouncing out of his living room to greet him.

"Uncle Heero!" she exclaimed at his homecoming.

Heero picked Christine up, and she gave him the biggest hug her little arms could manage.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Dad brought me," she replied as she pointed into the room she had just left. "He said we could wait for you."

Heero looked in the indicated room. Trowa sat in a chair with a book in hand and there was a coloring book and crayons spread out on his coffee table. Heero eyed Trowa suspiciously. Trowa returned a "not what you think" look.

"Heero," said Christine demanding his attention as she placed her little hands on either side of his face. "Guess what!" she declared while bouncing joyously in Heero's arms.

"What?" he replied.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna get a sister or brother," she declared overjoyed. "I hope it is a sister. I already have a brother."

She chattered on about what she would do with her new sibling and the fun they would have. When she had exhausted the topic, she squirmed to be let down and went back to coloring. Chrisy still amazed Heero. Much of the time she was quiet like her father, but when there was something that excited her, she would talk about the subject until she was thoroughly finished with it. When she was in that mode, she reminded Heero of Duo.

Heero entered the room and sat beside Trowa.

"So, Relena's pregnant again," he stated.

Trowa gave an affirmative nod.

"Don't you two know what causes that, yet?" muttered Heero.

Trowa got a sheepish grin on his face but did not answer.

"Congratulations," offered Heero.

"Thanks," accepted Trowa. "Marimeia???"

"We talked."

"And?" Trowa asked knowing there was more to his friends story.

"We kissed."

"Good," said Trowa knowing that meant his friend had admitted his feelings for the girl.

The two men sat in silence as Christine colored.


Marimeia entered the house and found Relena sitting at the table with two cups of milk and cookies looking at her expectantly.

"Well???" Relena asked as Marimeia took the seat across from her.

Marimeia could not keep a large grin from spreading across her face.

"I knew it!" crowed Relena.

Marimeia recounted the evenings events to Relena while they munched on cookies. As she finished her tale, Trowa and Chrisy came in. Chrisy spotted Marimeia and was soon in her lap looking at her mother for permission to have a cookie. Relena nodded her head and her daughter quickly snatched the treat and bit into it.

While munching Chrisy looked up at Marimeia and asked, "Did Mom tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"No, I haven't told her yet," said Relena as Trowa took the seat beside her.

"Can I TELL her?"

"Yes," said Relena.

Chrisy's face lit up with excitement at being able to tell two people the news.

"Mom's having a baby!" she exclaimed.

"Congratulations," said Marimeia with a smile to Trowa and Relena. "If you keep this up, people might think you are trying to keep up with Duo and Hilde," she teased.

"Hilde is hopping for another girl this time," commented Relena, "and she swears this is going to be the last one even if she has to get Duo fixed to do it."

"Does Duo know that?" asked Marimeia.

"He was there when she told me, and you should have seen his reaction."

"He passed out," Trowa informed a bit too happily (at least for Trowa) at his fellow pilot's discomfort.

"When he came back around," added Relena, "he protested adamantly until Hilde told him they would talk about it when they got home."

"Sorry, I missed that conversation," said Heero who had quietly entered while they talked. "I am sure Wufie would be too."

Heero turned a chair around and straddled it, placing his arms folded across the back. He glanced at Marimeia and winked at her with the eye hidden from Trowa and Relena. She gave him a big smile in return.

"Relena, I hear that congratulations are in order," monotony stated Heero as he turned his attention to her.

"Number three on its way," she confirmed and Trowa squeezed her hand under the table.

Chrisy was beginning to drift off to sleep in Marimeia's arms.

"I think it's time for someone to go to bed," said Relena.

"I'll take her," said Trowa as he walked around the table and lifted his daughter out of Marimeia's lap.

"I don't want to go," mumbled an almost asleep child as she leaned against her father's shoulder.

Relena watched him walk out of the room admiring his cat like grace. Even after all the years, she still marveled at his poise and the quiet confidence he radiated. Marimeia's laugh brought Relena's attention back to those at the table.

"I am glad to know you are still in love with Uncle Trowa," commented Marimeia to a confused Relena. "You looked like a school girl drooling over the star sports player."

"She has been doing it for years," commented Heero dryly.

Relena felt a slight blush color her skin and reprimanded herself for it was nothing to be ashamed of. She loved her husband and everything about him, from his looks to his gentle and caring personality.

"I should be getting home," said Marimeia.

"I'll see you out," said Relena.

As Marimeia walked behind Heero, she brushed her fingers across the back of his shoulders in a farewell.

Relena soon returned from seeing Marimeia out.

"So?" she asked Heero.

He looked at her then shrugged. Relena eyed him carefully. Over the years she had learned when she could push him for an answer and when she couldn't. This was one of the times she might be able to. She looked at him expectantly.

"We talked, There has been a modification in our relationship,"

"A modification in your relationship! That's an understatement," retorted Relena.

Heero smirked. Relena was not the only one who knew how the other thought and how to get a reaction. He was going to make her work for the information she desired.

Trowa entered the room and took the seat he had earlier vacated, but did not enter the conversation.

"Is that all you have to say about it?" she calmly asked.

"Marimeia told you," he stated.

"Yes, but I want to hear it from you."

"You did."

Relena sighed in exasperation. Maybe it wasn't one of those times. She shook her head. She was just to tired to pursue that matter with him this evening. Another time she told herself.

"I'm tired and going to go to bed. Goodnight," she announced before getting up and walking out of the room.

Heero and Trowa bid Relena goodnight as she left and sat at the table in comfortable quietness.

Trowa broke the silence

"She cares and worries," Trowa commented on Relena's earlier inquiries to Heero.

"I know," Heero replied.

He knew Relena was only wanting to know his thoughts and views on his and Marimeia's relationship and how he was dealing with the change because she cared. He knew she would be there in a sisterly way any time he should need to talk, but it didn't mean that he did not enjoy ruffling her feathers occasionally.

Trowa looked at Heero knowingly and a small smirk appeared.

"She might have stopped for now, but she has not given up," Trowa said.

"That's the fun of it," replied Heero as he got up to go back to his place for the night.

Trowa was on his way out of the kitchen when the phone rang. He answered it quickly so it would not wake Relena.

"Hello," he answered. "Heero, don't leave yet. It's Marimeia," he called his friend back with concern peeking through his normally steady voice. "She has been in an accident."

Heero stopped in his tracks as fear like he had never felt before shot through him. He prayed that she was alright. He just could not lose her now. He was at Trowa's side in a heartbeat.


Author's Note: Cliffhanger, I know. ~_^ [smiles evilly at the outcry from readers] I will get the next part up as soon as I put the final touches on and finish proof-reading it [at a time when I have had more sleep], but let me know what you thought, please.