Shout Outs: Thank you Cards, SmartassLeprechaun, Lady of Tir Na Nog, Pyromaniacal Llama, B and Hope Diamonde for the reviews. I am far too lazy to give you all individual shout outs right now, so I'm going the cheap route and doing one big group one. You all Rock my Piratey Socks!

Chapter Two: How the Mighty Will Fall

Saint Vincent's.

To tell the truth, I don't know why everyone expects me to be so scared of the place. Dad has threatened me with the name a few times; 'One more time, David, and it's Saint Vincent's for you.' I thought he was talking about sending me to church. So, here I sit at family court just staring at Judge Walsh. I've been sentenced to Saint Vincent's and I'm expected to stay there until I either graduate from high school or turn 18 years of age, whichever may come first. She's staring at me like I'm a little bug on her perfectly polished robe. I think she's expecting me to squirm in my seat or beg her not to send me off. So, here I sit staring at her blankly.

"Do you understand, Mr. Jacobs? Saint Vincent's is a reform school. You will attend all your classes and keep your grades above a C average. You'll receive counseling and meet with a therapist once a week. If you are to be expelled from Saint Vincent's or end up back in my court room for any reason, I will see that you are sent to a psychiatric clinic until you are 21. Is this all clear to you?"

I nod my head, "Yes, ma'am."

She bangs her gavel and court is dismissed. Mom comes over to me with a large suitcase in her hands. She must have suspected I wasn't coming back home any time soon. Sarah isn't here and Les is clinging onto Mom's pant leg like it's a lifeline. Dad looks at me with pure anger. He hasn't spoken a word to me since I was dragged from the house in handcuffs. He doesn't have to, his eyes express everything words don't -- anger, disappointment, disgust. But it's Mom's eyes that are killing me. In the last two days she must have aged ten years. I did that too her. I made my mother grow old.

Mom hands me the suitcase with tears spilling down her cheeks. I try not to cry, but I can't help it. If they wanted me to feel bad then they win, I do. But not for cutting Sarah and not for making Les petrified of me, not even for making my own father hate me. I feel bad for causing my mother so much pain. I'm racked with guilt for hurting her so bad. I wrap my arms around her waist and press my face against her belly. Les jumps backwards and Mom sobs harder. I'm sobbing now too. I tell her I'm sorry over and over again.

Oh, what a mighty thing a guilt trip is, and how the mighty have fallen for it.

After Chapter Note: And so ends chapter two. The next chapter should be longer, David'll finally be at St. Vins and I've gotta introduce those wacky characters.

As usual, loves, read and review.