Gone With the Wind


A-man – Romance? A little, yes. I'm planning out a few little flings, maybe a slightly more serious one… :)

Lil Miss Potter – Dumbledore already knows he is part of the order, he discovered it during the interview. Of coarse he hasn't been welcomed fully into the order at the moment, as he has not been invited to meetings and such, they are obviously suspicious. Questions will come later no doubt, for now the battle is slightly higher on the list of priorities!

Aussie-Girl3 – Harry's scar was on the wrong side??? Wow I didn't notice that, I have never really enjoyed HP movies…I think they should have waited to see the end of the series before starting, they can't add in all the small clues or anything, it's a great world to create on movie but I personally think waiting till it could be properly planned would have been a much better idea. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter….

Princess-Fictoria – Ron and Hermione's reaction is coming, I can't wait to write it…I have it mostly planned but I expect writing it should be fun devilish smile thank you for your review!

A/N: I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and New Year, I've been away on holiday in Bali for most of the break so I didn't have much chance to work on this, hence why it's taken a while. It's not to long but I'm going to try and update quicker. No promises though. I would also like to remind people to help as much as possible in the tsunami efforts, a little help can go very far. There are charities everywhere that are involved, an outstanding amount has been raised already but more is still needed….

This chapter is dedicated to all those involved in the tsunami tragedy…not only the families on holiday but the local people, whose homes have been destroyed.

Chapter 8 – Mad World

"All Students will proceed to their dormitories immediately; the feast will be continues in your house common rooms. No dawdling!" Dumbledore's voice rang through the great hall and echoed into the halls. Students froze in mid bite as teachers began yelling for students to leave their food and hurry to their common rooms. The entire student body began talking wildly and rushed to the exits, the hall had erupted into chaos. Four boys stayed seated while the chaos subsided and students managed to make their way through the double doors, they rose and left the hall to be followed immediately by the teachers who began rushing them towards the marble stairs with quick and distracted orders to stay out of trouble. McGonagall had looked them all directly in the eye and told them this was no time for joking around in these dangerous situations; she made it quite clear they were not to get themselves into any mischief. Of course, they didn't make any promises and before they knew it the castle doors were under lock and key and all exits from the castle were closed, no one could go in…or out.

Harry made his way through the entrance hall and through the doors, passing a few startled looking students who were beginning to leave the great hall. At that moment Dumbledore's voice echoed from the great hall, Harry paid no heed to the distractions going on around him. He made his way towards Hogsmeade, his heart beating rapidly through his long, wispy cloak. He held his breath as he knew what he was going to…for the first time he walked into battle, not simply find himself there because of some bizarre turn of events which lead him there. He gave himself a moment at the gates to catch his breath and prepare for what he was about to face. Harry took a step out of the grounds and apparated to Honeydukes, or what he knew as Honeydukes at least.

A fraction of a second later he appeared in front of an old, beaten up looking sweet shop. Nothing like he remembered but the small sign above still read Honeydukes; he figured they had undergone some serious reconstruction by the time he first saw Hogsmeade, years from now. The town was full of life as young witches and wizards walked around in costumes, a tradition the muggles had 'borrowed' unknowingly from wizarding culture, and it was some witches smart idea to introduce wizarding the muggle society without actually revealing themselves. Her plan had gone disastrously wrong when they turned the holiday from children dressed as witches and wizards giving out free sweets (candy), to them going to houses and demanding it. If they didn't give them their sweets they could put a spell on them, or trick them. Wizards followed the adapted muggle tradition to acknowledge the fact that the two communities would never mix, and many believed this was for the best. The holiday was not much different from the muggle one, following the tradition of pumpkins, bats and other magical things, and of course – costumes. Wizards, however, tended to dress in what they believed to be muggle clothing, this resulted in a rather amusing array of kilts, sarongs, sombreros and sock heads (socks that you wear on your head)

Unfortunately this made it easier for death eaters to, hiding among this pandemonium was the perfect disguise. Harry lurked in the shadows, not wanting to bring attention to himself as he picked out hidden death eaters from the crowded street. Some he recognised and some he suspected, using legilimency he managed to tell who was who from the crowd.

He didn't like it.

Almost every third adult he saw passing him on the street seemed to have thoughts related to Voldemort. He stood for a good ten minutes, allowing time for the order and ministry aurors to organise themselves while he tried to come to grips with the death eaters plans. As far as he could tell, all they wanted was to create havoc. Kill only muggle borns, that was their orders; from what he could tell, they were directly from the dark lord. Harry weaved through the masses of Halloween costumes, looking for the easiest way to lead the trick or treaters to safety. Harry knew anything he tried would cause an up-roar and cause the death eaters to attack early. They were waiting for something, Harry thought it wise to bring as many to safety before that time. He began activating small objects around the village into portkeys, including several bowls of sweets and chocolate hung on shop doors. All went to the train station just outside the village. Not far, but far enough…he hoped.

Children began running up to the bowls reaching up and as they grabbed the handfuls of sweets, they disappeared. Harry looked around and slipped back into the crowd as parents noticed their missing children. Harry led as many as he could without being spotted to take their own sweets wrapped in colourful wrapper so they could join their children, who knows why they trusted him…Harry was just glad they did. Death eaters began to notice as more and more people disappeared off the street. There time had come to attack, in a blink of an eye the street was echoed by dozens of ear-splitting screams. As soon as the death eaters made themselves known, hundreds of ministry officials and order members, and many more Harry could not even begin to discover who they were and why they were there. It was army against army as the two sides met. Many of their number began fighting their way through to the innocent bystanders left on the street, Harry among them. He dodged around shots of light that missed by mere centimetres as he made his way to a small boy dressed in knee high socks, both different designs of coarse, a long orange trench coat covered in green polka dots and one of the infamous sock hats that had recently been discovered as amazing fashion accessories that looked great and made kept you warm.

The boy, no more than seven years old, was standing with wide eyes as he stared on at the scene that flashed with everything from electric blue to the deadly green; spells that no child should have to witness and yet so many did. Harry did a spectacular dive under a bench as a shot of green light shattered the rubbish bin at his feet and he grabbed the boy's legs and dragged him behind the reasonable safety of the bench before turning the bench into a portkey and setting the boy on top, he instantly disappeared. Not everyone was doing quite as well; there were a few body's lying on the street, their wide eyes and unmoving posture told him in an instant there was no helping them. Harry rose and darted to better cover, noticing the same boy he just sent to the train station standing at the other side of the street. Harry frowned at his appearance, there was something about the boy Harry simply could not place…he looked the same, dressed the same, and stood with the same petrified look over his face as Harry had seen only moments ago. No nothing was wrong, he convinced himself, just a trick of the mind. He dashed across to where the boy was standing, cornered by two death eaters who seemed to think the poor guy would need two people to take out.

"Hey kid, what wrong? Awww you look a little scared, so cute. Shame he has to die ain't it G? Pooooor ickle baby, are you scared of the big, nasty death eaters? You should put him out of his misery, before he starts to cry," the death eater said in a pitiful baby-like voice, Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry would recognise that taunting voice anywhere.

To Harry's surprise, and Lestrange and 'G's too, the boy looked up at the masked faces and said, "At least I'll be missed when I die!" The comment seemed to stab Bellatrix like a thousand knives and Harry could almost feel her eyes turn cold, no longer mocking him, as she raised her wand to point at the boy's chest. Harry could see his chest rise and fall quickly as he took deep breaths, Harry had to act quickly. Coming up from behind he sent a stunner at the one at Lestrange's side, G, then turned quickly to shoot the same spell at her. She managed to dodge and tried disarming him instantly, sending Harry flying back into a wall.

"Who the hell are you!? Stupid kid, didn't your mother teach you any manners," The joking in her voice was long gone, replaced by unfathomed hatred and Harry sent three spells in quick succession sending Bellatrix flying to the roof and knocking her unconscious.

"That's for snuffles," Harry whispered under his breath. He wished he could have blown her brains out but keeping her alive was crucial. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Sirius had to die, in the end it was Sirius' death that had saved him. Harry ran over to the kid and told him off for running off and not going where he was supposed to, the boy frowned in confussion but Harry was to busy to notice. He made yet another portkey but before he even had a chance to activate it, he felt a want tip on his back. The boy was staring behind him, standing so still he looked as though he had been hit with Avada Kedavra. The only thing that showed he was still alive was the fact he was still standing. Harry rose to his feet slowly and turned to look into the cold, hard eyes.

"Hello Mister Potter"

A/N: Please review……..any guesses who it is?