A/N: Heh, looks like I'm back to the world of writing. It just took the right inspiration! Not my first fic but my first Video Game one anyway. Hope you enjoy! Suggestions are keenly welcomed! Alas, I don't own any of the characters seen her, except for Aya and anyone not in the game "Tales of Symphonia." Please, R&R, don't flame me, but criticize constructively!

Tales of Symphonia: Gaiden


The world was empty. No one had lived there but him for so long, that even he himself no longer remembered when he came. The grays of the architecture blended with the purple hues of the sky for a very mellow environment.

He sat, relaxed, staring out into the purple sky, and thinking as he did everyday. His legs stretched out before him, one bent so he could rest on elbow on his knee. There was a light wind which lightly tossed his dark brown hair, as it did everyday. The weather never changed in this place. It was monotonous.

Sighing, his gloved hand pushed his hair out of his eyes. Something seemed different today; yet he could not put his finger on it. And he, Kratos Aurion, did not like the unsettling feeling.

Realizing he could continue in with his reflections until the feeling was gone; Kratos rose, straightening the sword at his side. He had no need to carry it, for there were neither monsters nor people with him in this place. It was total solitude, a perfect prison for his crimes.

A prison named Derris-Kharlan.

He turned, his footsteps resounding off the cold, gray floor. Kratos nearly blended it with the skyline, his purple attire almost matching the sky. As he walked, brown eyes scanned the bleak area.

Everything, of course, looked normal. Yet something still nagged at his senses. Something that said something was amiss. He checked every floor, even the old prisoner cells. Kratos frowned, worried about his predicament.

He turned; ready to examine an old warp site on the other side of the city, when he felt something on the edge of his senses. He turned towards the small warp pad above him.

"Of course . . ." he mused, having forgotten about the lower levels of Derris-Kharlan. It had been so long since he'd been here and he had never ventured below since arriving.

Within minutes, he stepped out of the other side of the warp pad. The grays of the upper-level were replaced with browns of the maze-like tunnels. Taking a few steps forward, Kratos could feel the presence a foreign mana.

He drew his sword, not sure if he would actually need it. But he felt it would better to be safe than sorry. Drawing on his mana, two transparent wings sprouted from his back. Fluttering softly, he rose a few inches off the ground and floated down the hall, alert for anything.

Several minutes and several times around, Kratos felt his patience waning. Beginning to think of giving up and blaming his uneasiness on paranoia, he suddenly heard a loud crash.

With a burst of energy, he propelled himself forward, flying down the hall in the direction of the sound.

Rounding a corner, he stopped abruptly, eyes wide in surprise. Supply boxes and barrels had been turned over, healing potions and supplies spilt over the floor. Lying in the middle of the mess was a body, clothed in nothing but a simple brown dress that had seen better days.

Kratos hadn't moved, still shocked at the presence of another being in Derris-Kharlan. He was supposed to be alone, with no way for him to leave. And if he could not leave, there was no way for anyone else to visit.

The body twitched, followed by a light groan. The figure tried to sit up, but one arm collapsed under her weight – obviously broken. As she managed to get into a sitting position, dark blonde hair cascaded down her back and away from her face. Lavender eyes framed by a dirt-covered face blinked as they took in the surroundings, stopping on the male figure floating in the air.

Kratos mentally slapped himself, regaining his composure.

"Who are you?" he asked, moving a few feet forward. The woman caught a glimpse of the blue wings behind him and gasped in fright. She scurried backwards, limited in movement due to her arm and condition.

Kratos landed on the ground and dispelled his wings. The girl seemed less afraid, but not by much.

"Who are you?" he tried again, his voice deep and partially laden with concern.

"Aya," she replied, trying to stand.

"I don't think you should move," Kratos warned, noting her condition wasn't optimal. She waved it off, leaning against the wall for support.

"I don't have time," she muttered. "I have to find him."

"Him?" Kratos replied, confused. He was about to ask her to elaborate, when something let out an angry growl behind them.

"Shit," she cursed, turning around. "I can't believe it followed me all the way here!"

Kratos didn't need to ask what "it" was, as a large dog demon rounded the corner. Its fur was black and there were hints of blood around its mouth.

Yellow eyes rolled around in its head as it looked past Kratos to Aya behind him.

"Get back," Kratos ordered, getting into a defense stance, sword held in front of him. Once again, blue wings flickered behind him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Aya cried out. "We need to run! He's too strong!"

Kratos said nothing, though Aya thought she heard him chanting softly.

The dog demon growled deep in its throat, baring his fangs. He leaned back preparing to pounce.

"Eruption!" Kratos called out just as the demon moved forward. The demon yelped as fire surrounded him. As the spell ended, the dog shook embers from its fur. It looked down at the ground; Kratos had disappeared.

The demon looked up as Kratos dived for its head. He trusted his sword, stabbing the demon between the eyes. The demon howled in pain as Kratos pulled his blade out and darted backwards in the air as the demon collapsed and disappeared, dead.

Sheathing his sword, Kratos landed dispelled his wings.

"I want answers," he stated, though his tone clearly meant silence was not an answer. He turned to glare at his unwelcomed guest, only to find her collapsed on the floor. He jogged over, feeling her forehead. She was warm, he mused mentally, which meant a fever.

Sighing, he bent down to pick her up. He would tend to her wounds upstairs. Kratos did not like the confinement of the tunnels.

He had no sooner lowered himself to pick her up when she suddenly came to, grapping his cloak and pulling herself closer to his face.

"Where's the Eternal Swordmaster? I need to find him!" she demanded outright, her eyes unfocused.

"What?" Kratos replied, shocked.

"He's in danger. I need to find the one who made a pact.... with.... the one called Origin..."

Aya again collapsed, unconscious. Kratos shook the body, now extremely worried.

"No! What's going on? What's happening with Lloyd?" he demanded of the unconscious woman.

Derris-Kharlan had been monotonous. Kratos, sent there of his own will in order to punish himself for the crimes of his past, had never felt a need to return to Sylvarant.

For the first time in years, he desired to be back on that world. He needed to know what happening. He feared for his son.


Who is this Aya person? What will happen to Lloyd that she's so worried about? Will Kratos get off of Derris-Kharlan? Find out next time...