Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Rainforest Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

The poem which appears for its second time here I have found out is by my friend Emma. The other poem which is read by Albus is one I found on the internet and did not have an author name with it.

Epilogue - Funeral Letters

The next few days passed slowly and were agonizingly painful but thanks to Minerva's practicality free of the press. Her funeral arrangements were made, the simplicity in them obvious.

But through all of it Albus just felt alone. Funny, he was in a castle filled with hundreds of students and teachers and he felt alone. Hermione obviously felt the same; she had come to his quarters the day after, seeking a haven away from pity-filled eyes. That was when he remembered the letters. He retrieved them and held in a sob when he saw her familiar, spidery handwriting.

He handed Hermione hers without a word, just gesturing for her to sit with him. So side by side they sat, reading in silence, tears streaking down each of their faces as they read her last ever words.

Dear Albus,

I love you and I know that you will carry on the face of a mourner who will move on. But you won't move on and I'm not asking you too.

All I ask is that you remember that I am always with you.

Do believe I'll never leave you:
Always I'll be in your heart.
Don't forget my soul is near you:
Death might take my presence from you,
Yet we'll never be apart.

We will never be parted Albus. And before you know it we will be together again, never to part again in a place of wonder and happiness. Days filled with sunshine and laughter as well as the beautiful perfume of flowers which live alone the rolling hills and riverbank.

As constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved.


Your Minerva

Dear Hermione,

I told you you were like a daughter to me, and this is the truth, you are the daughter I never had but always dreamed of.

I know I have told you the regrets of my life, not telling Albus and missing out on motherhood even if I had thousands of children through my years of teaching.

Live Hermione, I cannot stress this enough. That is why I have enclosed that poem you first saw in my office. Live by it for it is the only way to live.

Don't hold back your tears, let them fall
Don't be afraid, fear is living after all
Remember to say 'I love you', at any given chance
Don't sit and watch the others, don't be afraid to dance
Don't ever say goodbye, just say I'll see you soon
Listen to the rainfall, and look up at the moon
Don't let your friends become your enemies, you may never get them back
Think of what you have, and not of what you lack
Don't worry about tomorrow, or regret what's in the past
Remember life's about quality, not how long it will last
And life may end tomorrow, or next week, month or year
But try to make an impact, in the time that you are here
Enjoy the life you have, each opportunity each chance
For life may end tomorrow, enjoy every slow dance.

Most importantly Hermione, dance. Dance with your lover at every given chance. Even he knows not a single part of the art you will find yourself floating in his arms, simply because it is him. I had that with Albus and it was all I ever dreamed it could be but so much better!

As constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved.

All my love,


Minerva's funeral was held on the Hogwarts grounds, up on the Northern side. The other side of the castle to where the lake and Whomping Willow were.

The crowd was huge, both current students of Hogwarts along with ex-students attended along with the members of the Order. Many Ministry officials came as well to show their respect for Minerva, for she had played prominent roles in both of the wars against Voldemort.

So it was a large crowd that met that quiet autumn day at Hogwarts. As the first strains of music spread through the crowd silence reigned. The quiet strains of some classical music played through the crowd, leading their minds to who they were remembering today. A great woman and teacher by the name of Minerva McGonagall-Dumbledore.

The lyrics seemed to strike deep into many people's hearts. It spoke of a love so strong that when someone left they simply could not live without the other person. Many people realised just how lucky they were not to be in Albus Dumbledore's position.

As the low strains of music began to die away the man of everyone's attentions rose from his seat by the coffin and walked to a stand. From there he looked out over the large crowd, seemingly thinking.

"I remember how it used to be
When I had you by my side.
I remember the nights you kept me warm
And I still feel the love that never died.

I remember the smile you wore
That always made my heart race.
I remember the smoothness of your skin,
And every single line of your face.

I remember the comfort of your presence
When I had nowhere else to go.
I remember the warm spring memories
And watching all the flowers grow.

I remember the cold winter days
When even the ice melted at your touch.
I remember the autumn drives,
And watching the leaves change...you enjoyed it so much.

I remember the long summer evenings
When your laughter filled the air.
I remember the love I have for you,
but now you're gone...and it's just not fair."

Albus glanced down and spoke the next part softly. "But not everything in life is always fair."

Without waiting for a response Albus left the stand and walked back to his seat, stopping at the coffin. There he conjured a beautiful, vibrant red rose and placed it gently on the coffin's lid before bowing and walking to his seat.

Next to stand was Hermione. She had obvious tear streaks across her face and yet she still walked confidently to the stand.

"Minerva taught me privately in my last year of school and we became great friends. She was not just a teacher, though she did teach me many important things. The first being that each person in life needs to live, to live and enjoy life. I cannot tell you how important that was to her in the end, or how important it has become to me. All I ask is that you take that thought away with you today, its what Minerva would have wanted."

While she had spoken Hermione's tears had begun again in earnest but her voice had remained strong.

The next part of the ceremony was simple, filing past Minerva's remains and though it took a great many hours it was a silent process. Once everyone had paid their respects to Minerva and she had been buried they left the grounds, remembering Minerva's advice but not truly remembering the woman for they had not truly known her.

Eventually only one man was left, standing beside a new gravestone. It was the simplest stone in the graveyard, for a simple woman.

The old man stood beside it, tears running down his old, careworn face as he read the words inscribed on it.

Minerva McGonagall-Dumbledore

Born 15/10/1930

Died 1/10/1997

She lived and loved


A/N: Well its over. Thank you everyone who read and special thanks to those who reviewed and stuck with me through the story despite many opposition to the storyline.

Thanks for reviewing chapter 18 bigkihap, TartanLioness, Quill of Minerva, Always Hopeful and TabbyMinerva.

The song I imagine playing at Minerva's funeral is 'With or Without You' sung by Hamish Cowan. I'm not sure who wrote it but the version by Hamish Cowan is from the movie 'Looking for Alibrandi', the music is truly heart-wrenching. Please read the lyrics.

See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait....without you

With or without you
With or without you

Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you

With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you

And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away

My hands are tied
My body bruised, she's got me with
Nothing left to win
And nothing else to lose

With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you