Okey, we have here my first completed Teen Titans Fanfiction! Okay, so it's pretty much Star/Rob Fluff with a bit of humor thrown in there. Well, read and you'll find out!

Read and Review and I'll put the next chappie up quickly. So tell me what you think!

Robin slowly staggered into the main room of Titan Tower, rubbing his eyes with a small yawn. Early morning Saturday and he couldn't stay asleep. As he came to the last few feet of the hallway, a very huffy looking Beast Boy stormed by, followed by a disgruntled looking Cyborg. Robin shot them a puzzled glance, as they spared no words of enlightenment as they disappeared towards the training room. Speaking of training, perhaps he himself would go join them after he got something to eat. With a final yawn, he wandered towards the fridge and rummaged around. No food, well, at least nothing edible.

The Boy Wonder straightened up in time to see a certain redhead sitting on the couch, seemingly fascinated by the movie that was playing. He smiled to himself as he took a few steps towards her. So that's why BB and Cyborg were all huffy; Starfire got to the TV before them, he thought, coming to stand behind the couch. "Morning Starfire." He said lightly, and judging by her small jump, he must have startled the alien girl.

A smile lit up her face as she turned around however, her green eyes surveying him. "Good morning friend Robin!"

Robin looked at her for a moment, seeing her big green eyes shining with excitement and a beautiful smile lighting up her face. The beautiful but strange alien girl shot him a puzzled look. "Robin?" she questioned.

He quickly shook his head. I can't think of Starfire like that, she's my best friend! But she is beautiful... Robin smiled apologetically at her. "It's early, and I didn't sleep well." He explained.

Starfire gave him a wide smile and nodded. She then turned back to the screen with interest.

"Whacha watching?" Robin asked, leaning against the couch and looking at the screen.

Starfire looked delighted as she told Robin, "I am watching a movie on the moving picture device. It is a movie of romantic..." she said, sounding slightly confused.

"Would you like to join me in viewing the movie?" Robin began to pull a face at the thought of a romance movie, but as he looked back at Starfire's eyes stopped midway.

"Sure, Starfire, that sounds fun." He answered. Ok, so I might not survive the cheesiness, but at least I'll be spending time with Starfire...

Starfire looked pleased and turned back around as Robin quickly jumped over the back of the couch and landed softly beside her.

Starfire turned and offered him a bowl. Robin peered cautiously into it, and was relieved to find it filled with flavored popcorn, something the alien had recently taken a liking to. He gladly accepted it and munched contently. So she found the last edible food in the house, he thought, i time to send someone shopping...

"So what movie is it?" he asked her.

"It is a story of two friends." Starfire explained. "And they are angry with each other. I do not exactly understand..." Starfire said, and Robin couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"Understand what?" Robin asked her, but she did not answer, watching intently. Robin shrugged to himself and started to watch the movie, occasionally zoning out into his own thoughts, which seemed to mainly consist of Slade, Starfire, the Titans, Starfire, and Starfire. He finally shook his head, taking a sidelong glance at the strange girl sitting beside him, sitting up straight and watching the movie intently.

The Boy Wonder turned his attention to the screen, eyes widening slightly. great time to tune in, Robin, he thought, pulling a face. The two characters onscreen were kissing. Well, kissing was an understatement, a big understatement. Robin turned as he felt a pair of eyes on him, and turned to see a pair of familiar green eyes fixed intently on him.

"Friend Robin, why do they look as though they are trying to bite each other's tongues out? On my planet we have different methods of doing so, but I do not believe either has done anything to deserve such punishment." Starfire inquired curiously.

Robin gulped, and he almost laughed. "Ummm, Starfire?" he asked, sounding slightly nervous, "They aren't trying to 'bite each others tongues out'. In fact, that's kinda weird," he said, and Starfire's face fell. "No! That's not what I meant! It's called...erm...kissing Star, and two people...kiss...when they like each other." He tried to explain.

Starfire sat there, looking further confused. Then her eyes lit up. "So it is a sign of affection, no?" she asked, and Robin nodded, "Those two are best friends, like us, correct Robin? So why do we not partake in such an activity as kissing?" she asked, letting the new word roll off her tongue.

Robin fought to keep his composure. Starfire examined the Boy Wonder carefully, and he felt his cheeks heat up, knowing he was blushing violently. Oh, next time I am not watching a romance movie with her...how do I explain this?

Starfire continued to look at him. "It is enjoyable, no?" she asked. "I would like to try this kissing sometime, is it not what best friends do?" she asked him with a smile, eyes flitting to the screen as if studying it. "I wish to learn such a procedure."

Robin's eyes twitched. "Ummm, Starfire? I think you have the wrong idea about...kissing..." he said, turning redder as he said the word. Geesh, for a hero that continuously saves the world and faces terrifying monsters everyday, this is first, impossible to explain, and b, really hard for me, he thought in frustration. "People only do that when they care for each other..." he said, words failing him. How to explain this one to Starfire. Where's Raven when you need her?! "Do you get it?"

Starfire still looked confused, saying, "But I care about you, and I am pretty sure you care about me, no?" she asked, then a look of hurt filled her green eyes. Robin quickly shook his head.

"No! I mean, yes, of course I care about you Star!" More than you probably think... "But it's when two people...you mean you don't go on dates on your home planet?" he stumbled.

"Dates?" she asked, clearly confused. "They also did that in this movie, is that another activity friends partake in?" she asked. "Perhaps we should go on a 'date' then, Robin!" she suggested brightly.

Robin gave her a half smile. If only she knew what it actually meant...and then asked...I have to tell her the truth though, as much as I don't want to. "That's not exactly it either Starfire," he began, but she let out a small whine.

"What is it that you mean then?" she asked in confusion, "This kissing and dates are so very confusing!"

Robin nodded. "You have no idea..." he muttered, and she looked up at him. "Nothing, Starfire. You see, if someone really likes another person, they might ask them out on a date, which is like hanging out but only with the two of them, and sometimes they find they really like each other. In that case they might become a couple, you know, girlfriend and boyfriend?" he asked, sounding slightly desperate. "And then they might move on to," he cleared his throat, "kissing..."

Starfire remained confused. "But we have partaken in the hanging out just with the two of us, as we are right ? And we are best friends, like in the movie!"

Robin shook his head slowly. How easy it would be just to agree with her and let her have her way, Robin sighed. "We're friends, right Starfire? Well, when people date, it means they want to become more than just friends, or best friends." He said, hoping that would explain it better.

"So they would become boyfriend and girlfriend?" she asked, never turning her eyes from Robin. The movie had ended and now cheesy music played in the background. "Exactly!" Robin exclaimed, blushing again as he realized that Starfire's concentration and interest had brought her inches away from him. He could hear her soft, even breathing.

"So such activities such as kissing only take place between people who wish to be more than friends." She continued, "Meaning since we are merely best friends we do not partake in such activities..." she said, and Robin looked up sharply as he thought he heard a note of sadness in her voice. I must be imagining things, she looks kind of sad...why would she be sad? Robin was suddenly struck with a very brave and crazy idea. I wonder what she would think if I kissed her right now... he thought, although doubting his ability to go through with the plan.

Starfire nodded slowly, then looked at Robin, still only inches away from him. "How does one become more than simply friends?"

She would probably slap me, or refuse to speak to me, or hate me forever, he thought to himself, missing her question completely. Although she's the one leaning towards me...I can't do that! I'd never risk our friendship...why in the world didn't I just go with her original thoughts? Because you wouldn't want to lead her on by lying to her! A second voice answered wisely, and nothing will ever be accomplished if you don't do anything!

"Robin?" Starfire questioned, and Robin looked up, closing the distance between the two even further. With an embarrassed yelp he jumped back, sitting up straight on the couch. Starfire's eyes widened slightly sand she avoided his eyes for a moment.

"Yes?" the Boy Wonder replied, returning his gaze to her face. She's so beautiful...and funny, and sweet, and perfect...Robin shook his head as Starfire repeated her previous question. "Well...there are a lot of ways to become more than friends, I guess..." he answered nervously. None of which have worked for a coward like me, Robin thought, slightly bitterly.

Starfire turned pink for a moment and then smiled softly at him. Robin felt himself melting. "I wish to 'kiss' you." she proclaimed, slightly shyly, as if she did not understand the meaning of the word. Which she did, although Robin did not realize that.

Robin's mouth hung open in slight surprise, but before Starfire noticed he had regained a small piece of his composure, although words were not making sense to him any longer. He could not grasp what she had just said, and panic took over. The Boy Wonder quickly stood up, knocking over the bowl of popcorn, and turned to avoid Starfire's eyes. "Uhhh, Star, I forgot, I have to...go, uh, do some research in my room!" he lied quickly, sweeping out without a word. He didn't see the embarrassed and heart-broken Starfire staring after him. In a huff, she rose and disappeared towards the roof.

Alright, was that okay? Tell me what you think!

Next Chapter: I'm not gonna tell ya much, but its more humor than fluff, Raven decides to give our very own Boy Wonder a little advice.

See the little button down there that says "review"? Click it! heh, hope ya like so far