Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my plot.

A/N: I've decided to write another story and let this idea come into play. Enjoy!!

Summary: Hermione, the ever so goody know-it-all has a wild side to her after all. Thing is no one knows about this wild side...well maybe except for one person.

Dangerous Liaisons

Chapter 1: Prolouge

Hermione Granger was aboard the Hogwarts Express with her best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Her life has been going better than expected, especially when she recieved her letter congratulating her for becoming Head Girl. She sighed as she stared out the window watching the sun begin to set. She was sad for main reason. This was her final year at Hogwarts.

It was the end of her extra studying and extra credit. It was the final year before she, Harry and Ron went their seperate ways. She was truly saddened by this because she loved her friends so dearly. They were the brothers she never had. She sighed and smiled as she thought of the good but crazy times she had in Hogwarts.

Hermione remembered the time they first saw Fluffy, the huge three-headed dog. She giggled as she remember putting Millicent Bulstrode's pet cat hair into her Polyjuice Potion and had soft cat fur all over her body. But what caught her attention was when Malfoy was turned into a ferret. She couldn't stiffle the laughter in her so she let it out.

Harry and Ron stopped talking and turned to look at her. "What's so funny?"

"I was reminicing the past and I remembered when Malfoy was turned into a ferret," Hermione chuckled remembering how frightened he looked once he was changed back.

Harry and Ron soon began to laugh also as though remembering the whole ordeal all over again.

"I think that was the greatest thing I've ever seen in my entire life," Ron said laughing. "The Amazing Ferret Boy."

"What did you just say?" A cold voice asked opening the compartment door revealing himself and Hermione, Harry and Ron laughed even harder.

"What's so damn funny?" Malfoy asked angrily standing at the compartment door with Crabbe and Goyle at his sides.

"You are...Ferret Boy," Ron snapped but continued to laugh.

"Ha ha, very funny," Malfoy said and looked as though he would attack anyone in any minute.

"I know, isn't it," Harry said chuckling.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you," Malfoy snapped.

"Look Malfoy, we were doing fine without you. So if you don't mind," Hermione said finally gaining composure and motioned for him to get out as she began to feel her temper rise.

"Like I would listen to a stupid Mudblood like you," Malfoy spat.

"Watch your language Malfoy, you don't want to be turned into a ferret again would you?" Hermione asked and slowly stood up and took out her wand. "This should spook him out," she thought.

Malfoy's eyes widened. "You can't."

"Oh I can, and I will," she said now pointing the wand at him. "It would be funny to see him as a ferret again," She thought wanting to really hex him instead of just a trick.

Ron looked as though he was about to open a present. Harry just watched both of them waiting to see who would snap first.

"Please Mudblood, I do have some tricks of my own," Malfoy said now pulling out his wand.

"Then lets see them," said Hermione. "I do wonder what they are," she mused in her mind.

"I'll be more than happy to," said Malfoy.

They were now staring into each other's eyes. Stormy gray meeting chocolate brown. Hermione felt a spark light up inside her but she ignored it. She was just about to say a hex until she heard Professor McGonagall's voice.

"What's going on here?" Professor McGonagall said walking up to them.

"Nothing Professor," Malfoy growled putting his wand back into his robes. "Just a friendly chat."

"Well if your planning to have a chat, I would like for you to go into the compartment rather stay out here, especially with these two. Your blocking up this whole area," Professor McGonagall bickered.

"No, I have a campartment I'm in," Malfoy snapped.

"Then go to it," Professor McGonagall snapped back.

"Fine," Malfoy said angrily then looked at them, scowled then walked away along with Crabbe and Goyle.

"One main thing I'm happy about this being our final year is that we won't see his ugly face anymore," Ron growled and both Harry and Hermione nodded.

After a while later, the train stopped at Hogsmeade and everyone began to walk towards a carriage. Hermione found an empty one and rushed Ron and Harry inside. She was about to close the door when she felt someone pull on it.

"I don't think so," Malfoy's voice drawled and he climbed inside with now only Goyle.

"Get out," Harry growled at Malfoy.

"Don't tell me what I have to do Potter," Malfoy snapped. "All the carriages were filled up. This was the only one that had room."

"Please spare us the bullshit Malfoy," Ron muttered sarcasticly and Malfoy glared at him.

"Like I even want to share this bloody carriage with Gryffindorks," Malfoy spat out with disgust. "Especially having to sit by a Mudblood."

Ron lunged at Malfoy but Harry held him back as Goyle threatened to punch him. Hermione stayed quiet watching the whole fight errupt. She frowned as her mind continued to repeat Malfoy's harsh words. Then an idea struck her. "He thinks I'm so contamined...so tainted. I'll show him who I really can be. He won't believe it for a minute."

Hermione didn't realize she was smirking until Malfoy pointed it out for her.

"What are you smirking at?" Malfoy asked angrily.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," Hermione answered slowly and almost felt like giggling as she saw Malfoy stare at her as if she'd gone crazy.

The carriage moved slowly and everyone sat in an uncomfortable silence. Harry was glaring as he stared out the windows, his emerald eyes showing complete anger. Ron stared at his hands, his ears had a very red color to them. Malfoy would take turns glaring at the trio, looking as though hoping one would say a word so another fight could errupt. Goyle cracked his bones in a meancing way, growling at anyone if they looked or even glanced at him. But out of all Hermione was most relaxed as her head continued to think very different thoughts.

She closed her eyes and felt his lips on hers. She could hear his breathing grow faster as the kiss continued. She felt arms wrap around her pulling her close and smiled as she felt how excited he was getting. She let her hands touch his body, memorizing the sounds of his moans. She sighed as she felt his lips kiss her neck then moaned as she felt him bite her.

She pulled off his shirt and felt his strong muscles, she then smirked as she gave teasing kisses on his midriff. He pulled her shirt off roughly not caring how gentle he was. She grinned as she was thrown into the wall then was ravished by his now rough kisses. She then felt him pull off her skirt. He then pulled down his pants and took her in his arms. She moaned as he lifted and entered her. Her nails then dug deep into his back.

Their bodies were moving in a fast pace, their breathing becoming heavier with each thrust. She finally opened her eyes and smiled as she stared at who held her. His eyes were closed as his face had pleasure written all over it. She moaned feeling him move faster inside her.

His eyes finally opened and they stared into each other's eyes. Stormy gray meeting chocolate brown. She saw the lust in his eyes, and she definitely knew the desire was showing in hers. She smiled as he grinned at her. They both moaned as they reached their climaxes. She closed her eyes as she let her breathing come back into place. She then heard voices speak to her.


"'Mione you okay?"

"Granger, open your damn eyes would you."

Hermione smiled as she heard his voice enter her head. Her eyes opened slowly as she saw him come into her sight. She frowned as she saw the hate in the eyes she once thought were passionate, but it was all a dream. He wouldn't smile nor grin at her. He wouldn't show lust in his eyes. He would just stay cold.

Her head was on Harry's shoulder and she felt the carriage no longer moving. She raised her head and looked at Harry.

"Sorry about that," Hermione said with her voice a little scratchy from waking up.

"It's ok," Harry said and grinned. "We're home."

Hermione smiled at him as he said this and heard Malfoy scowl. "More like hell if you ask me."

Hermione glared at him. "Hogwarts is perfect, but if you ask me its you who makes it such a living hell."

She saw Malfoy's eyes widen and look as though he was hurt by this comment. She then saw his eyes darken and he muttered curses to her as he and Goyle left their carriage.

"I can't ever understand him," Hermione growled as she watched him leave. Now she had the hatred in her eyes.

"Why would you want to understand him anyway?" Harry asked and Ron nodded looking at her.

Hermione didn't answer as they walked towars Hogwarts. Harry and Ron gave her another look and shrugged. She sighed in relief as they finally began to talk about Quidditch. But her mind kept working. Did she really want to try and give herself up to show how she can really be? Did she really want to understand him? She felt her smirk replace her frown. She now knew her answer. She looked up at the school she'd love for so long and sighed deeply. "This is going to be one hell of a year." she thought and walked into the school waiting for the new year to begin.

A/N: There's the end of that chapter. I hope everyone liked it. Please review and tell me what you think.