I, Tracy

By Arashi no Baka

Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be.

Notes: Second chapter up, finally. This one took a little bit more research ;;, and then I don't think its totally okay…

I also have a request, once again. I would really like a Beta. But, I'm going to annoying and ask for an American Beta. Purely, because the Tracy boys are American and it would be really nice if someone could help with the American side of things.

I would like to thank Tikatu for all the information you've given me so far., but I don't want to keep asking you questions and stuff because it can get annoying. I figured if I asked in general someone might help…

I would also like top point out a little research I did into he dates. I searched for a five year calendar and actually figured out what day It would really be on the 25th of October! And here's the result : P

Chapter Two: Saturday 18thOctober 2053



Gordon jumped and the carton he had taken from the fridge slipped through his fingers, spilling its contents across the tiled floor. He frowned, glaring up at Virgil as he gestured at the orange mess, branching out through the gaps in the white tiles. "What'd you make me jump for? Now look what you did…."

Virgil rolled his eyes and plucked two towels out of the cupboard. "Then we clear it up, don't we Gordie?" So saying, he threw one towel to Gordon and bent to his knees. Together they cleaned up the mess, as Virgil spoke, one eye trained on his brother. "I wanted to talk to you. I found your report card Gordon…."

Gordon froze, his eyes panicking and he paused in his cleaning. "I don't know what you're talking about…."

"Oh come on Gordon. I'm not stupid! I saw you throw it away the other day…." Virgil waited to see what reaction Gordon would have. His younger brother gave up all pretence of cleaning, and abandoned his cloth. He sat on the tiled floor, looking down at his feet.

"Have you told dad?"

"No Gordon. It's none of my business what you do with your report card. I wanted to wait and see what you'd do first…. And I don't suppose you've told him judging from that reaction." Gordon snorted at Virgil's words and raised a red eyebrow, picking at the cloth he had abandoned.

"That's a joke right? You saw how angry he was at Alan….I wasn't going to make him mad at me too…" Gordon took to cleaning the floor again, to distract himself from his thoughts, or just because he wanted to, Virgil wasn't sure.

"Your marks weren't terrible Gordon. And they're not the end of the world."

"Says you. You're marks are never bad. I know what Dad would say if he saw my report card….what he says to Alan when he sees his." Gordon refused to make eye contact with Virgil, but his elder brother spoke anyway.

"And that's what you're basing this on? What dad says to Alan?!" Virgil didn't even bother to try and mask the disbelief in his voice. The tone brought Gordon's head up and he looked at the brunette, confusion masking his features. "Gordon…Alan makes no pretence of being tolerable of Dad, and vice versa. Those two have a relationship all in its own league and you should never base anything against it. What Dad says to Alan has absolutely no reflection on what he'd say to you. Whatsoever."

Gordon had been angry at the start of Virgil's words. But he soon came to realise the truth behind them. Whether he liked it or not, Virgil was right. Alan and Jeff had a relationship that didn't match any of the other relationships Jeff held with his sons. But there was still some feeling inside of him….

No child wanted their parents disappointed in them. And Gordon was no different. He'd seen that disapproving face on his fathers face once to often, and it hurt. Every time, Jeff would shake his head and walk away. He didn't want that anymore…

"How many more report cards are you going to throw away Gordon? How many more times are you going to wonder what Dad is going to say unless you actually do it?" Gordon bristled at the words and threw the cloth on the floor, climbing to his feet.

"It's alright for you! It's not your report card! It's mine! And its my decision what I do with it! Just leave me alone Virgil! It's my choice and I'll make it!" With that, he strode out of the room, leaving Virgil to stare at the small orange puddle that was left to clean up.

"That could have gone better…."


He leaned against the kitchen door, frowning. As the eldest Tracy he knew he had an important job to do. He was supposed to look out for his brothers. But how far could you take that? Were you supposed to lie to protect them, against a parent? Were you supposed to tell the parent? Even if that meant betraying the sibling?

Sometimes Scott hated this job. He hadn't meant to overhear anyway. He just happened to be walking past the kitchen when he heard Virgil's words. It surprised Scott to learn that Gordon had thrown his report card away. But things in the Tracy household had been turning upside down for a while now.

He knew why.

For the past thirteen years, Jeff had done an amazing job of keeping the Tracy family running smoothly, taking all of his sons in hand when they got out of control, including the wild Alan. But recently, things had started to unravel, from the bottom up. Alan was no longer willing to keep within his father's boundaries and was finding new ways of angering his father faster than his brothers could smooth the previous ones over.

And it was effecting them all more than the small blonde realised. Jeff was at the end of his rope, and Scott had even heard his father on the phone to his grandmother, asking for her advice. If there was one thing that could put Alan in his place, it was Elaine Tracy. But Scott knew his dad didn't want to resort to that. He knew his father, and to hand control of the family over to his mother would spell some sort of weakness in Jeff.

And weakness was one thing Jeff Tracy didn't tolerate. In himself, or in others. So for now, Scott knew his family was safe from his grandmother. But for how much longer could Jeff continue the pretence that he knew what he was doing? Every day Alan was getting wilder and wilder, and nothing that could be done helped any.

And now, to make matters worse it seemed Gordon was starting to follow in his brother's footsteps. Scott didn't know what to do anymore. He settled for letting Virgil get through to Gordon. After all, if he was busy keeping his father sane, Virgil could handle the rest of the family.



The door to Jeff Tracy's study slowly creaked open, and a blonde head peered through the crack.

"Dad? You in here?"

There was no reply, so Alan stepped fully into the room, his eyes landing on the chair behind the mahogany desk. It was empty. Frowning, the young blonde turned to leave, when the bright blue folder on his father's desk caught his eye. He knew he shouldn't look, but the words on the front seemed to jump out at him, and made his heart leap into his throat.

Slowly walking over to the desk, he held out trembling fingers and picked up the folder. Shaking his head in denial, he put the folder down again, turning his eyes to look at the title on the other folders and booklets littering his fathers desk.

This was impossible…this couldn't be happening. The bright blue folder with its sharp black words seemed to seep into his brain. He picked it up again, trembling fingers clenching the soft laminated cover, the pressure creasing the edges. Wharton Academy. The Massachusetts Boarding School for Boys.

Massachusetts? That was a state further form Kansas than Ohio. Surely his father wouldn't send any of his boys to a state that far away?

Alan shivered. He hadn't finally driven his father too far…. had he? But they all read the same…Boarding schools…and not just in Kansas and New England….they were scattered across America….one was even in Canada.

Alan couldn't help the fear settling in his gut. He'd done it. he'd finally driven his father over the edge. He had to know if it was him they were sending away, and there was only one person he could get the truth from.


The red-head was staring at the ceiling, as if in a daze, when his younger brother came into the room. When he saw the state his brother was in, he sat up immediately, glancing at Alan in concern. "Alan? What's the matter?"

Alan slipped onto the bed, burying his face in his hands, trying to collect himself together. He was still shaking, but gradually his heart started to slow. Pulling his face away, he turned stricken eyes to Gordon and took a deep breath. "Gordie….dad….he isn't sending me away is he?"

For a minute a frightened look entered Gordon eyes. But it vanished just as quickly, making Alan think he had imagined it. The look that erupted onto Gordon's face a second later made Alan's heart race for the second time in the space of five minutes. Fierce denial entered his heart and he refused to hear the words coming out of his brother's mouth.

"Alan…. dad's sending you to boarding school. He doesn't think public schools are 'good for you'. Says it's because you're not getting…" Alan cut across his brother angrily, not even remembering that this was Gordon he was talking to. "I don't care Gordon. He's sending me away! Do you know that that feels like? Its like...he doesn't want me anymore! I've tried! But how am I supposed to fix whatever I broke between us, if he sends me away?"

"Don't yell at me! I'm not sending you away!"

"I know that!"

The two of them glared at each other, before the stupidness of the situation hit them both. They hadn't argued like this in a long time…arguing for the sake of arguing. Gordon apologised first, his eyes meeting his brothers, reassuring Alan that he was here for him.

"I'm sorry Al…I just.…"

"I know Gordie. And I'm sorry too." They both sat on the edge of the bed, side by side, but not speaking. Eventually, Alan sighed slowly, his eyes meeting Gordon's once more, a frightened look in the blue depths. Gordon's wallowed at Alan's words.

"I don't want to go Gordie…"

"I know Alan. I won't let you go. Not without a fight."

14:10 (simultaneously)

"What's going on Dad?"

Virgil frowned as his father entered the lounge, Scott and John trailing him. Gordon and Alan were nowhere to be seen. Placing the piano lid down gently, Virgil swivelled on the chair, to face his father and brothers, who all seated themselves on the couch. The fact that they weren't in Jeff's office made Virgil even more wary.

Converging in the lounge meant that Jeff was trying to put him at ease. Not good conditions for good news. Sighing slowly, Virgil's father ran a hand through his hair, and then seemed to grow taller, a sign that he had steeled himself for what he was about to say. Definitely not good news.

"I'm sending Alan to boarding school. Wharton Academy in New England."

Virgil blinked slowly, trying to let this news sink in. He never thought it would come to this. "You're not serious…" The words left his mouth before he could stop them and was rewarded by a silence from Jeff and harsh looks from his brothers.

So this was what the arguing had been about. "Let me get this straight., You want to pack Alan off to boarding school, because?…" Virgil trailed off, waiting for his father or brothers to finish off the sentence,

"It's the only way I know how, Virgil. I don't know how to deal with this anymore. With every day, Alan gets more and more out of control." Virgil nodded slowly, still trying to get his head around this.

"You told him?" Jeff shook his head and stared at the floor, not sure what he should be saying to reassure his sons. "Not yet. I've only told you three. And Gordon."

Ouch. Virgil winced visibly and gestured out the doorway, in the direction of Gordon's bedroom door. "Alan will know by now."

"I told him not too." Scott's words made Virgil stare at him in disbelief. He wanted to scream in frustration. "And you expect him to listen?! They tell each other everything Scott! And no doubt he's telling Alan right now what you're planning to do! Still. Boarding school? You think that's the answer? That if you send him off to New England somebody else will do what we can't and tame the Tracy wild child?"

"I don't know Virgil. But right now I need him to be someone else's headache." Virgil though that had entered the Twilight Zone. This wasn't his father. Jeff would never give up on Alan so easily…But then this was Alan. And Alan was something Jeff couldn't control or understand, And Jeff's solution to things he couldn't understand was to push them aside.

But his was a son

"If that's what you think is best…I just…. don't like it"

"I know. But it's the only way. I contact them, again on Monday. They'll give me an admissions date." Virgil and his brothers nodded, slowly. John sighed and frowned. "I hope its not too soon."

Virgil, adept at reading people, sae the expression on his fathers face and felt a hollow feeling settle in the pit of his stomach. Maybe Dad is…..


The silence at the dinner table was deafening. The tension made them all feel uncomfortable, but none more so than Alan. He picked at his food, aware that everyone was looking at him. Gordon took a deep breath, and decided to speak, wondering if now was such a good time.

"We got our report cards on Tuesday Dad."

Jeff looked up interested and completely missed the way Scott had frozen, and the panicked look on Virgil's face. Surely Gordon wasn't going to say this now? After what they all knew was happening to Alan? For his part, Alan looked straight at Gordon, worry etched onto his young face.

"You did? I haven't seen it yet." Gordon swallowed, and then looked down at his food, only half eaten. Pushing the plate away, he faced his father fully. "That's because I didn't want to show it to you." Jeff looked at Gordon silently, his expression blank. Gordon felt uncomfortable, and stared down at the table.

"Where is it?" It was as if Jeff already knew what had happened. Gordon swallowed again, feeling tears prick at his eyes. Here it came…that disapproving look. "I threw it away. I didn't want you to see how bad I did…" Hearing no words from his father, Gordon risked a glance upwards, and then wished he hadn't. The anger on Jeff's face was like none that Gordon had directed at him before. Pushing back his chair, Jeff stood, still not taking his eyes off of Gordon.

"Your room. Now." His tone suggested immediately, so Gordon pushed back his chair, dejectedly. Silently he slipped out of the room. Jeff threw a warning glance at the rest of his sons, before following Gordon. Almost immediately, Alan pushed his chair back.

"Alan! No!" Scott words made Alan turn back, his blue eyes flashing. "I can't just leave him! It's my fault this is happening! If I hadn't made dad so angry, Gordon wouldn't be being punished this bad!"

"You think that matters to dad, Alan? Stay out of it! If you want to help Gordon don't make it worse by interfering!" Alan knew that Scott spoke the truth, so he settled for eating in silence, and being ready when Gordon would need him.


Alan crept through the open door slowly, staring helplessly down at the sobbing bundle on the bed. His father had come down only ten minutes ago, making it clear that he wanted no questions from his sons. Scott and Virgil had adhered this almost immediately, ushering Alan upstairs, to see to Gordon. John was nowhere to be seen, and hadn't been since dinner.

Alan slipped across to the bed, holding out a trembling hand. "Gordon?" The sobbing figure jerked a little before continuing to sob. His heart wrenching, Alan sat next to Gordon, placing his hand on his brother's back. Gordon tensed before he relaxed and shifted closer, so that his head was in Alan's lap. He spoke, his words muffled by Alan's lap.

"He was so angry at me Alan. It hurt badly, even when I told him it didn't. I don't think he believed me. I hate disappointing him…" The sobbing bundle across his lap seemed weird to Alan. His brother was the strong one. The one who never let anything get to him. Sighing slowly, Alan wrapped an arm round Gordon's shoulders bring him up, hugging him close.

"I know. And I'm so sorry I couldn't help…" Gordon sniffled against Alan's shoulder and clung to him, in an unusual display of affection. "Don't be. There's nothing you could have done. But it hurt so bad…and now…you're leaving me too….Alan….I don't know what to do…"

Mention of his imminent departure from the Tracy household brought tears to Alan's eyes and he started to cry too. Soon the both of them were curled up on Gordon's bed, crying.


For a Saturday night it was unusual for any of the boys to be in bed already, but when Scott went to check on his brothers he was surprised to see both Alan and Gordon asleep on the red-heads bed. But then, Considering the day they had had, it wasn't surprising at all.

"They don't deserve any of this."

Scott jumped at his brother voice, wondering how it was that Virgil managed to sneak up on so many people, and not be noticed. "I know. And it seems unfair. But…I can see where Dad's coming from."

"I can't. Sending him away isn't the answer, Scott. Dad needs to fix the problem between them, not make it worse by ignoring it. Alan's going to hate him more for this, more than he ever would when things get out of hand around here."

"And you want to continue fixing things do you Virg?" Scott shut the door so that they wouldn't disturb Alan and Gordon. He sighed slowly. "Because, frankly, I'm sick of being the glue that hold's this family together, and I know that you're feeling the strain too. Do you know how many times I've had to go to the school because dad's not been around? How many times I've listened to dad complain about Alan? I don't want that anymore…"

"So you're all for throwing him out too? Because you know that's what Dad's doing! He's our brother Scott! We're supposed to look out for him. So tell me. How are we supposed to do that if he's in a completely different state?!"

"Look. I don't know okay?! I just don't want to have to carry this around anymore! Ever since mom died, its like I became the second parent. And Ijust want it to stop! Is that too much to ask?!" Scott stormed off down the hallway without waiting for a reply, and Virgil stared at his bedroom door, but wasn't so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he missed the figure of John creeping into his own room, or the smell that lingered after him.

Virgil tensed. On top of everything else he know had this to contend with. John was supposed to be the sensible one! The one that Virgil didn't have to look after. This was just perfect.

Maybe Scott had the right idea by wanting out.