The Dance

­by Experiment 6462

Disclaimer: I do not own "Lilo & Stitch: The Series", nor any of it's characters, locations, etc...

I know that some of you may have been expecting my other story to continue, but I had to put it on hiatus for now... I'm trying to get some dialog from the game, and have not been able to touch the game in a while... So, I figured I'd write this story while I try to get my hands on the dialog...

The title comes from a country song by the same name, sung by Garth Brooks... It's one of my favorites.

As the summary stated, this story will be Angel's episode, seen through Stitch's eyes... even though first person POV has not really been one of my strong suits...

Also, anything in parenthesis means there's an author's note explaining it at the end.

So, here is 'The Dance'. Enjoy.

I yawned and stretched as I woke up that morning. Another beautiful day... I smiled, wondering what was going to happen today. Ever since the Grand Councilwoman put Lilo and I in charge of finding all of my cousins, and figuring out their one true place, we have been busy.

And there have been times where I had to find a few of them on my own. You would think that someone like me would have no problem trying to capture (623) cousins, especially since I am the most powerful of all of Jumba's experiments... Except for 627, but he's dehydrated, so he doesn't count.

But I've had to rely on Lilo quite a bit, and that's not easy when she's not always here. I can understand her hula lessons and performances... but when she wastes her time with that Keoni... sigh I think he's more worried about looking cool than he is about Lilo...

Which is why I had convinced myself that love was nothing but bad and icky... since Lilo had been trying to get Keoni to notice her, she's been ignoring me more and more. I get used to it sometimes, but there are days where I just want to rip him to shreds... not because I love Lilo like she loves Keoni, but because I hate her ignoring me for long.

I expected to probably fight Gantu once or twice, trying to protect another one of my cousins, and then trying to find their one true place. But that day was different... very different...

Lilo woke up not too long after me, and we ate breakfast... or rather, what was edible after Pleakley was finished with the food... One of these days I'm going to do all the cooking, whether he likes it or not.

"C'mon Stitch! Let's go outside, see what we can find!" Lilo suggested after we finished eating.

"Ih!" I agreed, chasing after her.

It didn't take too long for us to find something that she thought was interesting.

"Look Stitch! There are some slugs! Those are snails without homes..." she explained to me.

I thought that they looked tasty; I picked one up, ready to eat it.

"No Stitch! We gotta help them live! The only way they can survive is by joining the circus."

"Oh... Okay," I said, helping her gathering them up and putting them in a glass jar. The lid didn't have any holes in it, but I remedied that by pushing my nails through a couple times.

We brought the slugs into the house, and Lilo opened up the jar and poured the slugs out onto the living room table. Pleakley, who had his attention distracted before by another Earth television program, now noticed the slugs, and cried out in surprise.

"Lilo! I thought I told you not to bring bugs in the house!" he scolded.

"These aren't bugs, they're slugs. That's a snail without a home. Their only hope of survival is to join the circus," Lilo explained to him.

The show that Pleakley was watching came back on, as music started to play.

"What are you watching?" Lilo asked.

"'America's Gushiest Home Love Stories'!" he answered. "Love crazed Earthlings send in homemade documentaries of their absurd courtship rituals. It's absolutely fascinating!"

I shuddered when I heard the word 'love'. It makes people do crazy things to try and get one person's attention. Now, I'll admit, I like to attract all the pretty ladies... but trying to impress just one, just to live with her for the rest of our lives... What's the point in that?!

"Blah! Love icky!" I cried, shuddering again.

"C'mon Stitch, you've got to believe in love," Lilo told me.

"Lilo's right," Pleakley agreed. "Just you wait. Some day you'll find another little monster, who shares your likes and dislikes, who finds all your little quirks," he went on, as I sniffed and picked my nose with my tongue, "just oh so adorable."

"Oh, ka chaga!" I cried.

"C'mon Stitch," Lilo said, "we need some more things for our slug circus."

I followed her out the door, as we headed into town.

'A slug circus...' I thought. 'They're so slow, they won't be able to do anything like Elastico and I did when the circus came through here.'

(Yes, I know there are 628 altogether, but I don't count those who weren't around at the end of Stitch! The Movie. And I'm going by Jumba's number of 623 yet to be caught.)

And this is the end of the first chapter. This story should hopefully go faster than SoF II... I think I might be able to update that by next week. Please review.