Ron felt his temper on the rise and he couldn't help but wonder what had possessed her to do something so extreme. Looking across the hospital wing, he saw Daphne lying awake and listening very intently to everything that was going on. Though, she too seemed surprised, she was almost more impressed looking than anything else.

"Albus," Hestia spoke up, "Why don't we put Hermione in a room by herself for awhile? I'm sure Ron's friends are going to come looking for him and I think she and I need to have a long conversation in private."

"A very good idea," Professor Dumbledore agreed and with a few flicks of his wand and Hermione wrapped in her blankets and floating out of the room with the Professors and Hestia Jones all following.


The six of them sat at one long table, Neville and Susan reviewing Herbology notes, Ginny and Luna working on a Charm's paper and Harry and Blaise comparing notes on the maps that Blaise had been creating. Leaving Ginny, Harry, and Blaise on one side of the table, and Susan, Neville and Luna across. Even though their friends were stuck in the infirmary, they were putting their time to good use in the vacant library until they received word that visitors would be allowed back in. Unfortunately, things did not seem well between them.

Ginny was still furious with Hermione, and though Harry had asked her many times, she would not say anything about what had happened. Susan too remained silent, but after spending enough time with her, Harry saw the hard edge in her that let him know that she was not happy either. Even Luna was more vague than usual, but still the girl's said nothing, just continued to stew between them.

Harry had even gone so far as to ask Blaise about what had happened, but the dark Slytherin seemed just as uninformed and baffled as he was. Still, they made great progress. Harry and Blaise spoke at length about the different spells that Blaise had used and what he had found in his exploration and Harry in turn shared what knowledge he had of the subject. Eventually though, their conversation turned towards the upcoming Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Quiddich final the following weekend and everyone became quickly engrossed in the possible outcomes and strategies. Thus, all six of them were vigorously whispering and none of them noticed when Malfoy and his goons approached them.

"Well, what do we have here?" Malfoy's snide voice broke through the whispers. "A model Slytherin sitting with Gryffindors, a loon, and his Hufflepuff whore?"

Blaise rose to his feet, with Harry and Susan both reaching for their wands. Blaise shook his head at Susan and looked down at the blond headed boy before him, "Just discussing a little Quidditch with a Seeker that knows something about how to fly. Now, is there a purpose for interrupting us?"

"I just wish the Slytherins could see you now. Where is your pride? Look at how you've lowered yourself and our house by associating with a half blood, half wit like Potter and these other fools. I just wanted to know if this was the glory days you saw for the future of the Slytherin House where the best we could hope for was a date with a Hufflepuff that should have learned her place."

Susan looked around the library and saw that Madame Pince had left and that they were attracting a good amount of attention to themselves, "Perhaps you should not do this here," she whispered looking towards Blaise.

"Oh no," Blaise replied with a sarcastic smile towards Susan, "You see, that is the entire point. Malfoy likes to make his embarrassment and ignorance as public as possible. Now, as for my choice in friends and the future of the Slytherin House. The Slytherin House had already made its determination on the path it shall choose and I know that I will choose who is and is not worthy of my time without your advice."

Malfoy didn't back off from Blaise, but instead stepped forward, "For a family so highly revered, what would your parents say to find you were sleeping with a Hufflepuff poser? Ah yes, Lord Zabini is all wise and all powerful, but I bet he hasn't the nerve to tell his parents. Why is that you wonder? Because he knows somewhere in that twisted little brain of his, that there is no possible way that she is worthy of him."

Susan paled at Malfoy's statement, Neville putting a comforting hand upon her shoulder and the entire table dropped into silence. Blaise's frown was fierce and his knuckles were white from the tension, "I've said my piece and refuse to dignify that with an answer."

"Why, truth hurts, does it?" Lenore laughed at Draco's side.

Malfoy nodded in agreement, "Yeah, let's get out of here."

As the Slytherins made for the door, it was Susan that didn't leave it alone, "Take that back."

"What did you say? Bonesy? I couldn't quite hear that," Malfoy's sneer was horrible as he turned away from Blaise and glared at Susan.

"I said, take that back," Susan replied, her voice rising in quiet library.

"You know, I don't think I will," Malfoy laughed and his little gang behind him followed suit.

"Come now Blaise, you always did have a thing for long legs, but I'm sure we can find someone more suitable for you," Lenore added at Malfoy's side.

"Lenore," Blaise's voice rumbled. "We're through."

This time Lenore's laugh followed with Malfoy's as they grinned at the pair of them, "What? You think you are some great wizards? Very well then, I think we all know who the great wizards are in this room and I believe I just said they were leaving."

The pack of them turned around and Blaise looked over to Susan, but the blond girl stepped forward, her wand drawn, "Draco Malfoy, I challenge you."

"Excuse me?" Draco asked turning around.

"Malfoy, I challenge you to a wizard's duel. The time and place are yours to declare, if you should so accept," Susan answered.

"Susan," Neville's worried voice spoke up.

"Shut up, Longbottom," Lenore hissed and then looked to Draco who hesitated, "If you don't accept her, I will. This is your chance, Draco. Wipe the floor with her."

Shaking off the girl, Draco looked around the library, seeing that Madame Pince had yet to return he raised his voice drawing the attention of every student in the room. "I call you all as witnesses that Susan Bones has challenged he to a wizarding duel and I so accept it."

Susan nodded once as Malfoy continued, lower this time, "Goyle will serve as my second."

Nodding, Susan looked back over her shoulder, "Harry?"

Surprised, Harry could only nod as she smiled at Malfoy. "When and where?"

"The Room of Requirement, Friday at dusk," Malfoy replied.

"I'll be there," she answered. "It's time to settle this argument."

"I'll look forward to it," Malfoy sneered and then turned and left the library.

Susan looked at her friends, but said nothing and just resumed her seat. Ginny and Luna followed her, but Harry, Neville, and Blaise all remained standing as they started realizing what had just happened.

"Susan, why did you do that?" Neville asked the first one that seemed to recover. "We all hate him, but you called him out and you know he won't fight fair."

"So, who does?" she asked. "I'm not afraid of him."

"He's right," Harry agreed resuming his seat, "Malfoy is dangerous, Susan. You should not have done that."

"Right and let the smarmy bastard continue to walk around treating others like that? I don't think so. He caught me exhausted last time, he won't be so lucky a second time," Susan returned. "Thanks for standing up with me, Harry."

Harry ignored Blaise's fierce frown and nodded, "No problem," he replied trying to sound casual.

The entire table fell silent and they all waited for Blaise to say something, anything about what had just occurred. Susan studied her notes obviously trying to ignore him, and looking at Blaise, it seemed as if he was debating what to say.

Harry glanced over at Ginny who shook her head in warning, urging him to be quiet and she seemed almost gleeful about what was going to happen next. Even Luna hummed to herself oblivious to the tension on the other side of the table.

Ginny pulled out a piece of scrap paper and scrawled one word across it, "Mistake."

That confused Harry even more, why would Ginny be glad that Susan had made a mistake challenging Malfoy? Then things became abundantly clear, "You can not go through with this," Blaise's deep voice began as he finally resumed his seat.

Susan looked up at him, "Give me one good reason why not?" she asked her voice low and she seemed to match him in icy stares.

"You'll lose."

Closing her book with a snap, Susan rose to her feet, "That wasn't a good enough reason."

"You could get hurt," Blaise added rising to his feet as well.

"Funny, that's already happened once," Susan replied and Zabini paled at the jab. "I'll see you guys later," she spoke up looking at the rest of the table and pointedly ignoring Blaise.

"Susan," Blaise tried once more, taking her arm.

She shrugged him off, grabbing her pack and swinging it over her shoulder, "I think you've said enough today, Blaise, or maybe it was more along the lines of you not saying enough?"

Blaise frowned and Harry finally understood she wasn't upset about Malfoy or his concern, she was upset about what Malfoy had rattled on about and Blaise hadn't denied. Looking over to Ginny, she nodded quickly confirming it for Harry.

Susan walked away from the table, but then stopped and turned around, "Tell me they weren't right, Blaise."

"You know, I can not," Blaise kept his voice low.

Walking back she stood in front of him and the hurt Harry saw there was intense, "You know? I'm glad we found out now, at least we didn't waste a lot of time. Don't show up on Friday, Blaise. I don't want you there."

"Susan, it doesn't matter," Blaise tried once more. "I meant everything I said and you know it."

"Do I?" she replied. "I guess it makes it easier then, just lying to me. That's what you are really interested in, isn't it? Whatever is most convenient for you."

Blaise didn't say anything as Susan continued, "Here's another lesson for you about feelings, Blaise, being someone's friend is hard. Standing up with them, even if you don't believe in what they are doing. Supporting them, no matter what the odds and obstacles. It means putting them in front of you and sometimes it means sacrificing your dignity, your pride, and yourself for their benefit. I don't think you get that and I can't be your friend unless you do."

Turning on her heel, she made it about another ten steps before a first year stopped at the table, "Ron's awake. He and Daphne are asking for you lot."

Harry and Ginny leapt to their feet as they all hurried to gather their things. Susan just glanced over her shoulder, "I will meet you guys there."

As the seven of them entered the infirmary, Ron opened his eyes and was admittedly all at once glad to see his friends and still wishing for some more time alone to figure out just what had happened.

He was able to give Daphne a warning glance so that she wouldn't say anything about Hermione's strange actions just before Ginny through herself at him. "You really are a large prat, you know that? Could you please try to make it through the rest of the year without ending up in here again?"

"It's good to see you too," Ron replied.

"You know, we have a game this weekend, Ronald. We are still expecting you to show up all in one piece," Ginny added taking a seat next to him.

"Really mate, how are you feeling?" Harry added with a frown at Ginny.

"Better already. Madame Pomfrey thinks I will be out of here by Tuesday and there isn't a thing in the world that will keep me out of that game," Ron replied with enthusiasm.

"Where's Hermione?" Neville asked looking around, "Isn't she usually the first person in here?"

Ron sent another warning glare over at Daphne who seemed totally serene, "She's been here and gone already. Something about needing some rest. She looked exhausted."

Blaise pulled up a seat next to Daphne's bed and propped his legs on the corner of it, "That is no joke. She did look rather tired this morning."

"What happened to you?" Ginny asked looking to her brother again. "You like it must have been some kind of fight."

"It was," Ron replied, but stopped there not really wishing to speak anymore about what had happened.

Ginny frowned, obviously worried, but Harry put a hand on her shoulder, "Well, you didn't miss what is going to shape up to be a good one. I need you better and quick, Ron. We've got more than our work cut out for us."

"Why is that?" Ron asked. "I told you, I will be fine to play in the match this weekend."

Here Luna smiled, and gracefully took a seat next to Ron, "Because, Susan challenged Malfoy just now in the library."

"Bull shit," Ron couldn't believe it. Susan? Hanging out with the three of them was definitely starting to wear on the girl.

"Nope, that's right, mate," Neville answered, "and she asked Harry to be her second."

Turning startled eyes on Harry, who shrugged, "What else was I supposed to do? She asked me and I would have liked to see you turn her down in front of Malfy."

"Did you try to talk her out of it?" Ron asked looking over to Blaise.

The Slytherin shifted uncomfortably in his chair, "It is her life," he replied trying to be casual, but it fell flat and Daphne looked over at him sharpy.

"What did you do, Blaise?" she asked her eyes narrowed. "Please tell me you weren't stupid enough to try to talk her out of it."

The Slytherin didn't reply, but Daphne rolled her eyes, "Let me guess. You told her she was going to lose."

Again, Blaise maintained his silence, but Ginny's and Luna's unhappy faces were enough to confirm Daphne's theory on her best friend.

"Blaise, you are an idiot," she replied. "She's got as good a chance as I have to beat Malfoy and almost as much as Ron or Harry would have."

"She's a Hufflepuff. What does she know about fighting?" Blaise snapped.

"Plenty," Ron spoke up. "She bested me once and I'm just waiting for the day when she catches Harry."

"Yeah, but you blokes follow the rules. There are no rules with Malfoy, he'll cheat to win and she has no sense of that," Blaise replied.

"I agree," Neville spoke up, "She's great at defense, but actually winning?"

"Neville!" Luna shook her head, "She will be fine. You'll see."

It was this point that Susan actually walked into the Infirmary and directly over to Ron's bed. Giving him a tender hug, she shook her head and apologized, "I went to find Hermione, but she wasn't in your Common Room or the library. I don't know where she is."

"That's alright Susan. I'll speak to her eventually," Ron replied, but he wasn't able to keep it as light as he had intended.

Susan pulled back with surprise and looked to the others for an explanation, but they were all equally as baffled and Daphne, bless her, wasn't saying anything.

"Well, it is time you kids got going. These two need their rest," Madame Pomfrey ordered walking into the infirmary. "You can see them both tomorrow after class."

Reluctantly, they gathered up their things once more and left. Ron couldn't help but notice that neither Blaise nor Susan said one word to the other, but still he had his own problems to worry about and she was resting in the next room.

Looking over towards Daphne, he grinned, "I owe you for that."

Daphne just shrugged and settled back into her bed, "I figured I was the one that owed you from yesterday. How did you get out of there?"

Ron shook his head, his memories were foggy, "I don't know. Some woman helped me. That's all I have got."

Daphne's brow furrowed, "The only people that were there were Death Eaters Ron. Who of them would want to leave you alive?"

"I don't know," he answered. "I really, just don't know."


Three days. Three of the longest days of her life that reminded her so much of first year right before the troll broke into the school that she was beside herself. After an incredibly long discussion with Hestia Jones in regards to the potion and the spell she used, including Hermione turning over the book Ron had given her, the lady had finally left the castle promising to send word when she knew more. Still, Ginny refused to speak to her, the rest of her Circle were avoiding her as well, following Ginny's lead. Only Luna remained about the same towards her.

Hermione found out about Susan's challenge to Malfoy and subsequent ending of things with Blaise from Neville during Transfiguration. She had tried to find time to speak to Susan afterwards, but it seemed most of the school wanted to speak to Susan. It took her two days to catch the girl relatively by herself before breakfast and after her training session with Ron, Neville, and Harry.

Walking down the hall, she turned the corner to find Susan walking towards her, in her running clothes and red faced. "Susan, hey!" Hermione smiled at her friend and stopped her.

"Hermione," Susan nodded and paused, looking down at her.

Susan said nothing more, but it wasn't in her to be rude and Hermione took a deep breath. She had a lot of people to apologize to and it seemed that Susan would be a logical first step, "I am sorry about what I did. It was wrong, I should have warned you all about it beforehand. I should also have listened to your warnings, it seems that you were spot on with your tarot."

Susan nodded, but said nothing, as Hermione continued, "Look, I know Ginny hates me, the rest of the girls don't trust me, and honestly I have made a total mess of things with Ron, but really, I wanted to wish you luck on Friday and say that I am sorry about Blaise. I just thought you may want to talk."

Susan crossed her arms and looked down at the girl, before shaking her head with a chuckle, "There isn't a lot to talk about. Blaise wasn't the guy I thought he was--end of story. I wasn't wrong about the Slytherins, just in that I thought there may be something different about him. That's it."

"Susan, are you so certain about that?" Hermione asked surprised by the girl's vehemence. "He's pretty reserved, but I don't think he's beyond hope."

Susan shook her head, "No, Hermione, he doesn't think I am good enough to be with him. He so much as admitted it in front of all of our friends and Malfoy and his gang. It was horrible. If he had a single iota of kindness or thoughtfulness, he wouldn't have done it."

"Well, he definitely isn't as smart as I thought he was," Hermione agreed.

"He's smart," Susan shook her head, "He just doesn't know anything about people or how to be a friend. He's lazy and he's a coward."

"So, when did this happen? Before or after you challenged Malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"Well, in the midst thereof," Susan answered. "Blaise didn't think I can beat Malfoy."

"I know Neville's worried about you," Hermione added, not wanting to voice her own worries.

"Neville's a good friend, but he needn't worry," Susan replied. "Anyway, the morning is getting away from me and I need a shower before breakfast. I'll catch you later, OK?"

"Sure," Hermione replied as Susan smiled at her with the first look of friendliness Hermione had felt in days.

Susan walked past her, but before she left, she heard the Hufflepuff say her name, "Hermione?"

"Yeah?" she asked looking back to the blond girl as she came back to stand in front of her.

Susan took a deep breath, "Look, Hermione, things will get better. Ron loves you and your friends are still your friends. They will come around. You made a mistake, but that makes you human just like the rest of us. You've just got to learn to trust us, because if you don't, you'll drive everyone away."

"So, you think they will all forgive me?" Hermione asked and the answer was terribly important to her.

Susan smiled, "Given time they will forgive you and that includes Ron."

Susan left her in the hallway then and Hermione found herself smiling again. Susan's simple faith that everything would be well again comforted her more than she could have suspected. Blaise Zabini was totally a fool to have walked away from that girl.

With newfound determination, Hermione started her day determined to make a change. She had to learn to trust her friends and she would begin with Susan and end with Ron. She had too, Hermione was no fool and she would learn from her mistakes, even if it killed her.

Hermione spent the rest of Wednesday and Thursday trying to sit down with every person she had wronged to apologize and talk and by Thursday afternoon, the only people she had left were Ginny, Daphne, and Ron. She and Ron were to do their rounds together that night and Hermione planned on speaking to him then.

For the most part, Susan's predictions had proven true, as Hermione admitted her fault and apologized the girls had all reacted with understanding and seemed impressed by her own humility. If anything, she was getting along with her roommates better than she ever had and had even agreed to allow Lavendar to fix her game for the celebration after the Quidditch game on Saturday.

Hermione spent a good deal of time with Susan during the week. She suspected that Susan was worried about her and checking up on her, but she still appreciated the girl's thoughtfulness. Harry told her that she and he had doubled their training practice and Harry assured her that Susan stood a good chance of actually winning on Friday, but there were few people that believed that.

The entire school whispered of nothing other than the duel and Quidditch. Malfoy was definitely the favorite to win and at any point you could walk by and hear him loudly proclaiming of his own skill and the subsequent quick and easy defeat of Susan. Susan herself said nothing about it. She neither bragged of her own skill, nor said anything negative in regards to Malfoy.

The more she left the matter alone, the more the Hufflepuffs rallied around her. The most surprising of her supporters though were members of the Slytherin House, Caleb, a first year, Trenton, a massive seventh year, and several others that Hermione did not know. Even Ginny and Luna had taken up for Susan, but a good portion of the school was undecided in regards to the outcome.

Hermione also watched Blaise through all of this. The dark Slytherin kept out of the debate, never made a move to choose one side or another, and the only thing Hermione ever saw that indicated he even still thought of the blond Hufflepuff, were his eyes. He watched her constantly, and Hermione saw the same pull for her friend.

Still, as much as the school couldn't get enough of the duel, the Quidditch championship game was that Saturday. Harry had their team out training during every possible free moment, thus Ginny and Ron were gone to all hours out flying and even when they were around, it seemed neither one had any interest in speaking to her.

Hermione had tried to give them some time to relax, figuring that she could speak to them after the game, but when she glanced at the schedule and saw that she and Ron were on duty together, she realized it was time.

That night, Ron came down the stairs right on time, and said nothing to her, but opened the door and allowed her to precede him out of the door. Hermione turned left and headed for the dungeons, figuring they could start at the bottom and work their way to the top.

She walked through the halls fidgeting, trying to calm her nerves and searching for the right thing to explain what she had did, why she had done it and beg him for forgiveness. The more she looked at him though, the angrier he got, and the cold fury in has gaze kept her silent.

Finally, the silence between them became too much for her, "Ron, this is silly, say something."

"What do you want me to say?" Ron asked his voice rough and low as he opened another door and looked inside.

Hermione frowned, "Ron, look, I didn't think it would be quite like that."

"Oh really, so you were only going to partly control me? What like Wednesdays and Fridays I can do what I want and the rest of the week, I'm allowed to do things so long as I get your permission?" Ron sneered at her.

"That isn't what was going on," Hermione protested. "If you had the sense of a cockroach, I wouldn't have had to go to such extreme measures."

"A cockroach?" Ron thundered at her and Hermione saw the color rising on his face.

Looking up and down the hall, Hermione took his arm and pulled him into a nearby classroom, "How many times have you been hurt this year, Ronald? How many times has someone brought you back here bleeding or unconscious? Bellatrix Lestrange brought you back this time, Ronald. What am I supposed to think?"

"That I can take care of myself, Hermione," Ron snapped back at her. "I'm still alive, no thanks to you or some crazy magic."

"For how much longer, Ronald? How much more luck do you have?" Hermione hissed and she felt her eyes water. "How many times have you promised me that you would be more careful and then the next thing I know is that you've disappeared and someone brings your broken body back to me. How many times do I have to go through this with you?"

"Hermione, there is a war going on and people fight in it. I am just trying to do my part," Ron replied.

"No, Ron, you just love the recklessness, the adrenaline rush, the fighting. You're losing the lines between the good side and fighting because there is no other choice and fighting because you love it."

"What are you trying to say?" Ron demanded of her.

"I can't take this anymore, Ronald, the waiting to find out whether or not you are going to come back to me safe and sound. I can't do this anymore, Ronald. I love you, but I can't."

Ron looked at her like she had just slapped him, but she realized that she had told him the truth. "I was just trying to protect you."

"Well, I don't need your protection and if you can't do this anymore, then there is a rather simple solution to that as well," Ron nodded.

The door opened suddenly stopping what Hermione was about to say, "Mister Weasley, Miss Granger, am I interrupting something?"

"No, Professor," Hermione answered automatically flicking a quick glance at Ron.

"Mister Weasley, would you be so good as to finish your rounds? Miss Granger and I need to have a few words and I will leave her at the Common Room when I am done."

Ron nodded, his face red and left the room as if he couldn't wait to get away from her. Trying to hide how much that hurt and afraid of what he had meant to his "simple solution," Hermione looked back to the headmaster. "You wanted to speak to me, Headmaster?"

"I wished to speak to you in regards to your summer plans, Miss Granger," Professor Dumbledore began. "You see, Mrs. Jones has offered to work with you to undo the rather creative spell you cast on Mr. Weasley this summer at the Castle Tintagel. I have written to your parents and they have given their permission for you to study with her over the summer."

"I understand," Hermione agreed. "What did you tell my parents?"

"Just that you have been offered a research position for the summer and that you will be perfectly safe while you are there," Professor Dumbledore explained.

"I see," Hermione replied. "Very well then, is anyone else I know going to be there?"

"Yes, at various times, but most importantly, Mrs. Jones would like you and she to speak with Miss Greengrass in order to gain her assistance. Hestia believes that Miss Greengrass will be most beneficial in aiding you this summer."

"Daphne?" Hermione asked with some surprise. "Are you certain?"

"Quite. Miss Jones will return this weekend and you may both speak to Miss Greengrass at that time and to arrange for your transportation."

Hermione nodded, suddenly depressed. Of all of the people in the school, Daphne was the one she needed help from?

"Good, good," Professor Dumbledore nodded and then gestured towards the door. "Perhaps we should get you back to your Common Room then? I dare say Mister Weasley may be waiting on you."

"No," Hermione replied. "I don't think he will."

As Hermione returned to the Common Room, the door swung open. A small portion of her had expected to find Ron there. Instead, she saw a shadow heading up the boy's staircase as she entered and Harry and Ginny still seated below. Both trying to act like they had been diligently working on their homework.

"Harry?" Hermione asked deciding to continue to take the bull by the horns.


"Would you go on to bed? Ginny and I need to talk."

Harry nodded, kissed Ginny quickly on the cheek before going up the stairs and leaving the two girls alone to hash it all out.

It took roughly half the night for Hermione and Ginny to finally come to terms with everything. Hermione explained what had happened, her reasoning, being caught, her plans for the summer, Susan, Daphne, and the book and the Cauldron—everything.

Ginny covered the entire spectrum from seething fury, to laughter, to tears, and back. However, in the end, things were finally settled between Ginny and Hermione. At that point, the clock tolled 3 a.m. and the two girls were sitting on the sofa in front of the fire as Ginny rehashed what had happened with Blaise and Susan.

"Do you think she will win tomorrow?" Hermione asked Ginny, honestly she had no idea as to the girl's abilities.

"Harry said that there is no way to tell," Ginny replied. "Poor Harry, it's a wonder he's slept at all this week what with the Quidditch game and practice and Susan's duel and their practices."

"You think he shouldn't have seconded her?" Hermione asked.

"Absolutely not," Ginny replied sharply. "Harry is the best of the three. Ron was hurt, and let's face it, would you have picked Neville?"

Hermione shook her head, "No, you're right there. Still, I hope everything goes well tomorrow. You don't think there will be many people, do you?"

"No," Ginny answered. "I don't think very many people know where it will be."

Nodding, Hermione hid a yawn behind her hand, "We really need to turn in."

"Yeah," Ginny answered walking back over and gathering up her schoolbooks. "If anything, tomorrow is going to be a busy day."


As Ron, Harry, and Ginny walked in from their last early morning practice, his stomach rumbled as they walked into the Common Room.

"Let's hurry up and get down to breakfast," Ron grumbled to the other two.

Harry nodded and headed up the stairs, but Ginny paused, "Aren't you going to wait for Hermione?"

"No," Ron answered a little too quickly.

"Ron, she told me what all happened," Ginny started.

"Great," Ron snapped in reply.

"Look, prat, if you want to talk or anything," Ginny offered, turning her older brother so he would face her.

"No, I'm good," Ron answered. "Thanks for the offer though."

"Sure thing," Ginny smiled and then headed up the girl's staircase.

Just then the door to the Common Room opened and Professor McGonagall entered, "Mr. Weasley, the Headmaster would like a word with you before your classes begin."

"Yes, Professor," Ron nodded trying not to be too glum. He'd been expecting that since he'd been released from the hospital wing on Tuesday.

Hurrying through a shower and breakfast, Ron returned to the Headmaster's Office and as he entered, he heard, "Ah Mr. Weasley I have been expecting you, please come in and have a seat,"

The jovial tone in Professor Dumbledore's voice caught Ron by surprise. Truthfully, he had been expecting a dressing down ever since he had returned from the botched attack on the Death Eaters. Ron gave the Professor and uneasy smile and took one of the chairs in front of the ornate desk.

"Now, I am quite certain that you have been giving what to do about the current situation of your own Order and I thought I might have a way to help you if you wish to hear it?" the Professor began.

Ron's outlook brightened considerably at the Professor's words. He had been wracking his brain during the time he spent recovering. Well that and brooding about the entire Hermione situation. Since he didn't see how he could do anything about that particular problem, he had tried to focus on the pressing matter of the almost total destruction of his order.

Ron looked at Professor Dumbledore and nodded, "I'd love to Professor, because right now I don't have a clue where to begin. I sent an owl to the Magisters and Artificers asking what their thoughts were and I haven't heard back from them yet. Honestly though from everything I have read they will just defer to my and Val's judgment as the senior knight," Ron paused and took a deep breath and steadied his breathing "I am fairly certain they are going to name me Grandmaster as all most all Grandmasters have been Knights of the Sword rather than Knights of the Shield like Val."

The Professor nodded, "I think that perhaps you will need a symbol for the remainder of your Order to rally around, something inspiring, something out of legend."

"That sounds really good, Professor Dumbledore, but I don't have anything like that and if I knew where to find something like that I would have already gotten it."

Professor Dumbledore laughed, "That is precisely the area that I can help you in, Mr. Weasley. Have you ever heard of a quest, Mr. Weasley?"

Ron nodded, of course he had heard about quests. Every little wizarding child knew about Merlin and the knights he surrounded himself with. Not to mention all the times they talked about this quest or that in Professor Binn's History of Magic classes. Now though, Ron was certain that Professor Dumbledore was referring to something more personal.

"May I be frank, Mr. Weasley?"

"Of course, Professor."

"Your Order will not survive without strong leadership, that is plain enough. Yet you do not feel in your heart that you are up to the task at hand and I right?"

Ron swallowed hard and answered, "Yeah, that is true I suppose. It is all moving so fast now."

Here Professor Dumbledore smiled and asked, "Have you ever heard of the Holy Grail, Mr. Weasley?"

"Sure, in History of Magic. It was supposed to be some form of magic cup that Merlin's knights searched for,"

The Professor smiled, "Very good, Mr. Weasly, though it was Artos's knights that searched for the Grail."

"Artos?" Ron asked puzzled.

"Sorry, Artos is the old way of saying Arthur, who was King of the Britons at the time," The Professor explained. "Arthur's knights believed the Grail had miraculous healing powers and that it showed the way to enlightenment."

Ron scooted forward to the edge of his seat, "Does it, do you think?"

Professor Dumbledore beamed, "Absolutely, Ronald, the Grail brings enlightenment to all those who find it. Now what can you tell me about King Arthur?"

Ron shrugged, "Not much I remember Hermione telling me that he was a muggle king who knew about magic and that Merlin worked with him to bring about the 'Summer Kingdom.' Honestly, it was very confusing and it was such a nice day that I wanted to go play Quidditch instead of listening to Hermione recite lessons."

"Well Miss Granger was correct; Arthur was a muggle king who was very familiar with magic. He fought for many years to keep invaders out of Brittan and when he was finally slain his body was taken to the Isle of Apples from where it was said that he would return to Brittan when its need was greatest." Dumbledore paused and looked at Ron over his glasses, "Very inspiring, don't you think?"

Ron didn't quite believe his ears, was the Professor suggesting what it sounded like he was suggesting? "Professor are you saying I should try to find this Arthur bloke and get him to help with the Order?"

"It would certainly be a great point to rally around, wouldn't it Mr. Weasley?"

Something about the twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes was a bit unnerving to Ron, but still the idea of bring back an ancient hero to help was more than Ron could resist. "Where do you think I should start, Professor?"

The Professor paused and tapped his fingers together lightly, "Well you certainly cannot start until the term ends. I understand that you have one more Quidditch game to play. Now, I know you want to get started, but Professor McGonagal would never forgive me if I sent her House teams Keeper off just before the final match of the year. She has become quite attached to the Quiddich Cup, I fear."

Ron nodded in agreement, Professor McGonagal had gotten quite adamant about keeping the Cup out of Slytherin hands for another year. So much so in fact that several students commented that Oliver Wood must have learn his training routine from her. "Okay then, right after the end of term,"

Professor Dumbledore nodded, "I will have several books that you might find useful in your search brought to you. Oh and Mr. Weasley, I know you might find it tempting to take Miss Granger with you. Let me stress that you can be around Miss Granger for quite a while yet until we have broken the power of the spell she cast on you."

Ron nodded more than confused than ever about what to do about Hermione, when the Professor spoke again, "Taking someone with you was an excellent idea, Ronald, just not Miss Granger this time."

"But who them, Professor? I can't take Hermione. What about Harry or Daphne?"

"I'm afraid they both have other plans this summer, Ronald."

"Who then?"

Professor Dumbledore cocked his head at Ron and his eyes twinkled annoyingly at Ron again. "Then you know of none who might be able to aid you? Is there no one in your own house who has courage and loyalty enough to be worthy of your trust?"

Ron pondered the Professor's words for a moment and then an image of Neville trying to stop them from leaving Gryffindor tower so many years ago when they were trying to protect the Philosopher's Stone. Neville had come farther than any of them in his training it could be argued and he would be utterly loyal to Ron's secrets.

"Neville would do a good job, I think," Ron finally said aloud.

The Professor beamed at him, "Yes truly he will, Ronald. I must confess I am very proud of so many of your fellow students, but Mr. Longbottom has won my deepest admiration for his efforts while here at Hogwarts. Now, Ronald, if you will excuse me, I have much work to do today. I will send you those books I mentions before the day is over."

"Thank you, Professor," Ron replied and then left the office without another word. Ron's mind raced with thought of all the things he had suddenly become responsible for and for one horrible moment he felt as though he was doomed to fail and let so many people down in the process. Then he stood straight up and said "I will not let anyone down," to no one in particular.

"Oh and Mr. Weasley?" Professor Dumbledore spoke up.

"Yes, Professor?"

"Susan Bones, how has she been going with your training?" the Professor asked.

"Good, very good," Ron answered.

The Professor nodded, "It would be a mistake to assume that your group is the only group getting advanced training in Defense. Now, you should hurry on to your classes."

Ron made it in time for his first class and warned Harry. Malfoy was always full of surprises.

That day flew by. It seemed even the teachers knew of what was coming that night. Harry was awarded forty points by Professor Sprout for turning in his homework on time and even Professor McGonagall chipped in another ten for Harry's successful transfiguration of a goblet into a globe with mostly accurately described landmasses. Hermione's globe was, of course, perfect, but Ron still had not spoken to her from the night before. He knew he needed to stay away from her and with where they had left things, it sounded like that was what she wanted as well.

Dinner that night was a quiet affair, with lots of whispers and talk. It was almost pensive in the silence. Susan ate quickly and early and left the Hall as Ron, Harry and Ginny were entering. Ron wished the blond girl luck. She smiled and seemed her normal quiet self, but Ron knew she was nervous. Even Harry seemed on edge, picking at his food.

"So, what are you going to wear?" Ginny asked Harry, taking one of his hands in her own.

Harry blinked with surprise and then looked at her, "I don't know. Should I have asked Susan?"

Ginny smiled and shook her head, "Susan's wearing jeans and street clothes. You should probably do the same."

Harry nodded and smirked to Ron, "Ever thought about what you should wear before getting in a fight?"

"Nope, sorry mate," Ron replied with a smile of his own.

Ginny rolled her eyes and looked over to Hermione and Lavendar for help, "Oh and these two just want to see Susan Bones rolling around on the ground with her skirt wrapped up around her waist."

"Well, I could definitely think of worse things," Seamus spoke up with a big grin.

"Seamus!" all the girl's cried. Harry and Ron just shrugged at one another. Seamus was right.

Unphased, Seamus just looked at Harry, "So, we're going to meet you in there before dusk."

"We?" Harry asked surprised.

"Yeah, didn't you know? At least half the school is going to be there. They ended up moving it to the Quidditch stadium."

"What about the professors?" Hermione piped up.

Seamus just shook his head, "Malfoy swears he has it all covered."

"Covered?" Ron asked rather worried.

"Come on, Malfoy is in this too. Don't you think it is in his best interest not to be caught?" Seamus defended the Slytherin.

"Well, I'll just be surprised if he actually shows up," Ron answered. "We probably need to head out there. If that many people are going to be there, I want to be sitting down in front so Susan can see us. She'll need all the support she can get."

It ended up not being half the school, but still a good fifty to seventy-five students were gathered on the Quidditch field in the quickly darkening stadium. Harry had left to find Susan after dinner, making a stop back at the Common Room to change like Ginny had suggested.

Ron looked around the Quidditch pitch. A good number of older Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were all gathered along one half of the circle while the Slytherins stood in two groups on the other, all surrounding a large white circle that had been cast upon the ground.

Ron saw Cho, Daphne and Seamus, Parvati and Padma Patil, Dean and Katie Bell, all the sixth and seventh years from actually all four houses were there that night. "Susan forbade anyone below fifth year to come," Neville spoke up to Ron as he glanced around the crowd.

"Well, it seems one kid didn't listen," Ron replied motioning over to where a first year Slytherin stood next to that huge Tristan bloke, one of the Slytherin beaters.

"Caleb and Susan have a special friendship," a slow, cultured voice replied. Ron turned and saw Blaise standing beside him looking immaculate as ever.

"I thought you weren't coming," Neville frowned at the Slytherin, reaching for his wand.

Blaise frowned at the Gryffindor's ire, "I'm not delusional enough to think that I didn't in part cause this fiasco."

"Well, no one ever claimed you were stupid," Neville replied and his continued anger surprised Ron, making him more sure in his choice.

Blaise ignored his remark and looked once more to Ron, "I would speak with you, in private before they arrive."

Ron nodded, suddenly curious and followed Blaise back in behind the crowd, "So?" Ron prompted as they stopped outside of hearing distance.

"Your brother works at Gringotts, right?" Blaise asked carefully.

"Yeah," Ron agreed admittedly caught off guard by his question.

"Does he like it? Professor Dumbledore mentioned you interned there last summer," Blaise continued.

"It was decent work. I spent the summer in Egypt dodging curses and trying to stay cool. I have to say, it isn't the worst job you could have. Why care though? Surely you don't need the money."

"No," Blaise shook his head quickly. "Once the Professor heard about my 'research' this year, he put a word in with the bank and they have offered me a position, if I am interested."

"Barmy, that'd be great. I thought you liked all that hunting around stuff?" Ron said surprised. "What's the issue?"

"It's a job," Blaise answered. "No one in my family has held a job for twenty generations. That and we have recently acquired an organization that I was hoping to help reorganize."

Ron paused for a minute, and Blaise's expression was as blank as it always was, but a sudden excitement that only Ron's other instincts detected triggered something in him, "You bought the Arrows?"

Blaise's eyes immediately narrowed, "What would make you think that?"

Ron shook his head, Blaise's annoyance proof enough for him, "Why aren't you shouting it off the rooftops? Your own Quidditch team, Merlin, you must be the luckiest bloke alive. Why would you bother with that job?"

Blaise shook his head, "I don't know. I will tell Dumbledore that I cannot. It is the right thing to do," Blaise answered. "I would appreciate it you kept your opinions on that matter to yourself. The owner's weren't planning on announcing the acquisition until the end of the summer."

Ron nodded, understanding his meaning, and suddenly the crowd grew silent. As the sun finally set, Malfoy and Goyle and Susan and Harry were approaching from either side of the field.

"Blaise," Ron stopped the Slytherin as he watched Susan with worry evident upon his face.


"You know, you need to do what will make you happy no matter what anyone, including your parents thinks. That includes that job at Gringotts and Susan Bones," Ron told him bluntly. "You're a damn fool if you do anything else."

Blaise ignored that comment as Susan and Malfoy reached the edge of the Circle.

"Well, I see you didn't chicken out," Malfoy sneered at Susan across the Circle, but did not enter it.

Susan wore her hair back in braids, jeans, and a Chuddley Cannons t-shirt. She looked more like she was hanging out on the weekend and not there to fight some duel. Still she stepped into the Circle, "I have challenged you Draco Malfoy, that what you have said of my friends and this school was dishonest. You have no honor, Draco, and you are a coward. Do you accept my challenge to prove that you are not?"

"I accept, Bonesy," Malfoy sneered and handing over his cape to Goyle entered the ring after her. Daphne stepped forward as the director for the night as the two approached one another and stood back to back, their wands drawn.

"The victor shall be the last witch or wizard standing in the Ring. Stepping outside of the ring, losing the ability to rise, and attacking any other than those participating in the duel are ground for automatic forfeiture. No one is to speak other than the two combatants. Those serving as your second may help to remove the effects of spells, but will not participate themselves. They will keep the peace. Each of you may call one 'Halt' for a one minute break throughout the course of the duels. Do either of you have any questions?"

Susan shook her head and Malfoy copied the movement, "Very well then, please approach the center of the ring and place your back to your opponent," Daphne spoke aloud.

Malfoy walked forward and waited for Susan. Susan instead turned and looked to Harry, paying no attention to the crowd. She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed, "You can do this, Susan," Harry whispered encouragement to her.

Susan nodded and looked around the gathered group of people, neither smiling nor frowning, but more seemingly resolute than anything else. From his place in the back, Ron doubted she had seen either Ron or Blaise at his side.

Susan put her back to Malfoy and held her wand before her, Draco copied her movements and then Daphne began to count off the steps. They walked outwards, but just after Daphne had said nine, Draco turned and as she counted ten, cast his first spell, "Petrificus Totalis!"

Having expected the maneuver, Susan did not turn as Daphne spoke, but instead stepped to the side, the curse rushing past her and cried, "Expelliarmus," in her turn. The spell narrowly missed Draco as he dodged at the last second and the wizard and witch faced off against one another.

As the casting began, Malfoy hammered at Susan who sidestepped and blocked the curses with little strain, but her own attacks were reserved as if she was allowing Malfoy to tire himself. Ron realized early on to watch for Harry's reactions, her slow attacks did not surprise him, it must have been part of the plan they had worked on to defeat Malfoy, and indeed that seemed the case.

As Malfoy pressed his attack even harder, Susan began to seem to be struggling in her defense against him as he hammered at her with every common curse Ron knew, "Expelliarmus, Stupefy, Fernunculous!" hammering at her with any number of jinxes and hexes, but none of them struck home. Still, Malfoy's confidence continued to grow as Susan continued to dodge and feint and Susan's supporters grew quiet, worried that this challenge may have been as much of a farce as Malfoy had been asserting.

Finally, a curse struck home, but this time it was Susan's. After a particularly slow dodge, she cried, "Levicorpus!" and struck Malfoy in his face, the blond Slythering flying up into the air, upside down as if an invisible hand had grabbed him by his angle.

The blond boy cried out in surprise, but did not lose his grip on his wand and shouted, "Engorgio!"

Susan tried leaping out of the way, but the curse hit her right foot and it quickly swelled to four times its normal size.

"Liberacorpus! Stupefy!" Susan cried back to back as Malfoy dropped to the ground and took the brunt of her Stupefy curse in his chest, throwing him across the circle to fall the merest on inches from the border with a sick crunch of something breaking.

"Reducio," Susan cast on her foot managing to decrease it back to only twice its normal size before Malfoy regained his feet, cradling his left arm, his wand lying on the ground in front of him.

Susan held her wand before her, and the two stared each other down. It was a mistake. Ron and Blaise tensed at the same moment, Susan needed to blast him out of the ring before he got his wand back, "Diffindo!" Malfoy shouted, without the wand and Susan tried to dodge away from it, but her foot tripped her up and a large gash opened on her shoulder. Hitting the ground hard in response, Susan rolled with it and came up as Malfoy cast another, "Accio!" and regained his wand, though not before Susan cried "Incendio!" and managed to catch the cuff of his pant legs on fire.

"Stupefy!" Draco shouted, striking Susan and throwing her back several feet as he stamped and swatted at his pant leg.

Susan finally struggled back to her feet, blood running freely down her arm and her foot still swollen as she cast another curse towards Malfoy, "Fernunculous!" she cried and the curse struck home, and Malfoy skins broke out with boils.

"Lumos!" Ginny called from the front row and the others followed and as the light began to fill the circle, Ron could see the boils broken out over Malfoy's skin, his broken arm, and the scorch mark on his pants. His face was white with fury, as he took deep, gasping breaths. Susan stood across from him, looking rather haggard herself with the blood running down her left arm, her face pale, but determined and her clothes covered in grass with her right foot still swollen.

Ron chanced a glance over at Blaise as he started pushing his way to the front. Malfoy wasn't the only one beyond furious at this point. Ron followed him, hoping to catch up to him before he did something horribly stupid, like something he would do, which would be to beat Malfoy to a bloody pulp and then drag Susan kicking and screaming out of there.

"Well, Bonesy, it seems about time to end all of this fun and playtime, don't you think?" Malfoy sneered.

Blaise brushed past Ginny who saw the look on his face, "Blaise, don't!"

The sudden sound in the crowd drew everyone's attention and Susan raised her wand, "Ancile!" A large, golden shield created a dome over the circle as Blaise reached the front of the crowd. Even Goyle and Harry were left outside of it.

Blaise reached out with a fist and struck the dome as it echoed with a dull ring to it. Susan looked at him with an apology on her face and Ron knew how much of her strength she had just used to cast such a thing.

"We can leave it, but they can't come in," Susan told Malfoy.

Draco cackled with mirth as he looked to Blaise again, "What, you're little boyfriend becoming too much of a distraction?"

"He isn't anything to me," Susan answered. "Stupefy!"

Draco dodged the curse easily, but the smug smile stayed in its place, "Well, I'm sure it isn't me he is here to see."

Susan remained silent, limping on her foot, she waited out Malfoy and Ron saw that she was conserving her strength.

"You know, Bonesy, that is such a lie. If it wasn't for him and your foolish misconception that Lord Zabini would ever care for any other miserable wizard or witch even a third as much as he cares for himself, you wouldn't even be here."

Susan looked at Malfoy, "No, Draco, he was just the last straw, but he wasn't the first or one of the millions of others that ended up with you and I standing here. Now, are you here to fight or to talk?" "Expelliarmus!"

"Stupefy!" Draco cried at the same time, the two spells ricocheting off of one another, "I hit a nerve there, Bonesy? What did Blaisey hurt your feelings? Did he put on a good show of being a decent sort?"

Susan said nothing, but Malfoy started walking towards her, "Did he tell you that he trusted you? Of course he trusted you, you're a Hufflepuff and haven't been dishonest a day in your life. Did he tell you you were beautiful? I bet he never said the words. We already know he never told his parents, but here's the truth of it, I bet he wasn't ever going to."

Susan still stood where she was, waiting him out and now Malfoy stood about five feet away from her. Every instinct in Ron screamed at her to blast him out of the ring. Blaise looked like a man about to commit a murder, "Get him, Susan!" Blaise muttered under his breath, but neither of them paid him any mind.

"You're so innocent, Susan, so terribly naïve. That's why he's here you know, to make sure he can't be blamed for this. He doesn't really care if either of us win. The more we fight, the more we give him exactly what he wants," Malfoy tried again and took another step closer to her. Now standing less than an arms length away from her.

Susan looked Malfoy in the face and Ron thought for an instant that she was going to agree with him. Blaise thought it to, but Ginny moved up beside him, taking a hold of his arm and warning him with a shake of her head not to say a word.

Susan lowered her head and her wand, switching it over to her left hand with the wounded shoulder. Everyone thought she was going to drop it then, and listen to the slimy bastard, but Ron saw her ball up her fist and as she raised her head once more, that fist came with her. She slammed it into his jaw with a strength that Ron was admittedly quite proud of. The extra training she had been doing helped give her enough momentum to knock the smarmy bastard on his arse, "Shut up and fight you coward. Expelliarmus!"

She knocked Draco's wand out of his hand, but the Slytherin wasn't to be outdone, driving his foot into her kneecap, Ron heard another sickening crunch and this time Susan landed hard on the ground.

Her wand went bouncing across the grass and the two figures both reached for it at the same time. The group drew a collective grasp as a tussle ensued and finally Malfoy came up the victor. Susan and Malfoy clambered to their feet, "Accio wand!" Susan cried, calling for Malfoy's loose wand as the Malfoy in his turn blasted her with a powerful Blasting Curse that Ron had never heard before. Susan raised a shield at the same time, and the two spells collided with a large blast of light.

Averting their gaze until the light and the roar died down, Ron turned, but Blaise was already moving. Susan's shield, the spell, and the circle were all gone. Only Susan and Malfoy lay on the field and they were both unconscious.

Blaise reached Susan first, turning her over and the scorch marks from the blast were all over her body and her clothes. "Merlin, Susan," Blaise hissed. "I swear I will make this up to you."

"Well, that is enough for one evening," Professor Dumbledore's voice came from behind them. "Professor Sprout, Professor Snape, I trust you will see to your students? It seems that their Defense practice has gone on too long unsupervised. The rest of you should return to your towers. There is nothing more to see here tonight."

The students started heading back into the school, but Blaise lifted Susan himself, "I will take her back to the Hospital Wing, Professor."

Professor Dumbledore looked at Blaise, and Ron swore he saw the ghost of a twinkle in his eyes, "Very well then, but she is fine, Lord Zabini."

With a quick flick of his wand, Malfoy's unconscious body raised in the air and Dumbledore allowed the proud boy to carry Susan back to the Infirmary.

"How much do you want to bet that he will be there when she wakes up?" Ginny asked to no one in particular.

"He will be," Luna answered. "He will be for awhile. There are too many couples that are getting hung up on silly problems when in the end, they both know that they love one another. They just need to remember that to make it work," Luna continued looking pointedly at Ron before dragging Neville away.

Ron looked over at Hermione then, where she walked on the far side of Harry, but she seemed to either ignore or not have heard what Luna had said.

"What are you so upset about?" Ginny asked suddenly looking at Harry.

"It's stupid really, I just wanted one good shot at Malfoy and Susan got them all," Harry answered and suddenly he began to laugh. Ron quickly followed and even Ginny and Hermione joined in. "At least tomorrow, we've got Quidditch."


It was a perfect spring day for Quidditch when both teams had stepped on to the pitch. The Gryffindors had sat together at the breakfast table and had not allowed any non-members anywhere near them. Once they had quickly eaten they quietly went over the days strategy and then walked slowly out to the pitch. There didn't seem to be a need for a great deal of talking or any rough housing before this game. The team seemed to be intensely focused and ready to begin.

The roar of the crowd was deafening as they flew out of the Gryffindor changing rooms to see the Ravenclaw team already waiting for them on the pitch. As Ron took a few warm up laps around the pitch he caught sight of Draco's haggard face and noticed that Susan and Blaise sat with Neville and Luna with the Gryffindor team. They looked tired and haggard, but Blaise had his arm possessively around Susan's shoulders and they were both smiling like fools. At least one relationship had gotten straightened out last night.

To Ron's and many others surprise the first goal of the game was scored by one of the Ravenclaw chasers who totally faked Ron out and toss a cross body shot into the opposite goal. This of course occasioned a rousing Slytherin rendition of "Weasley is our king!" from both the Slytherin and Ravenclaw crowds. The Slytherins it seems hadn't forgotten that the Gryffindors had beaten them in order to play in the final.

This turned out to be a mistake as both Katie and Ginny scored to quick goals a piece and Gryffindor took a early 40-10 lead. Ron looked around to see Harry floating high about the pitch whipping his head back and forth looking for any sign of the snitch. Since the Gryffindor chasers were the superior to the Ravenclaws, the game was being played for the most part on the end of the pitch near the Ravenclaw hoops.

A minute or two later one of the Ravenclaw chasers intercepted one of Katie's passes and broke away toward the Gryffindor end. A loud cheer arose from the blue and black clad stands and the red and gold answered with encouraging cheers as Ron shifted a bit to the right and then steadied himself.

This time she feinted the cross body shot and then dove hard and fired to his left. Ron had seen it coming though and had moved left even as she fainted. Ron threw a long outlet pass to Ginny who was streaking back down the pitch towards the Ravenclaw goals. The Ravenclaw chaser hung in the air in front of Ron and then inclined her head in a gesture of respect, "Well done, Weasley. I thought I had you that time."

Ron nodded as she too turned and streaked down the pitch. Why don't I know her name? We have gone to the same school for six years how can I not know her name?

Ron was jerked from his thoughts by a loud roar and he saw Harry go into a step dive followed by Cho Chang. Ron laughed as Harry seemed to nonchalantly reach out and snare the Golden Snitch and then he flew to where the Gryffindor team was starting to celebrate when Ginny broke away from the floating pile and flew towards him.

When Ginny reached him she hugged him hard and then frowned a bit. "I know you are going away for a bit after term. Don't ask me how I know, because I can't tell you. Before you go I want you to talk to Hermione," Ginny held her hand up before he could interrupt. "I know you are mad at her and you have every right to be. But I also know you don't hate her and she is moping around the school thinking you do. We both know what she did was wrong, but she did it for a very good reason. Well, it seemed like it was a good reason to her."

"She should have trusted me," Ron spat.

Ginny spat right back at him, "You do know you have scared us all have to death this year right? I may not agree with what she did but I might very well have done the same thing if Harry had been taking such chances."

Ginny sighed at Ron's silence, "Look, just talk to her. I know this is going to sound crazy, but Luna says a lot of very bad stuff is going to happen if you don't. Before you say anything you would do well to remember that even though Luna is a bit odd she knows things somehow."

Ron shrugged "Okay Ginny, I'll talk to her but right now I need to talk to Neville."

Ginny looked at him oddly and then nodded, "Well go on then. I'll see you back at the Common Room."

Ron glanced around the crowded Quidditch pitch and finally spotted Neville walking back towards the castle with Luna. He guided his boom towards them with a lack of any real haste and caught them once they had gotten about half way back. Ron came to rest about a dozen feet in front of them and called out. "Oy Neville, can I have a word?"

Neville nodded and then looked at Luna to see if she would mind. Luna nodded at Neville and then continued one towards the castle. As she walked by Ron she looked up at him and said softly, "You bring him back to me safe and I'll make sure Hermione doesn't go mad."

Ron shook his head to clear out the confusion and then looked back at Neville. "After the term is over I need to go do something and Professor Dumbledore suggested I take someone with me that I could trust. Well I reckon there aren't many people that I trust more than you, Neville, so what do you say, fancy a bit of adventure this summer?"

Neville smiled but looked at him curiously, "Why not Harry?"

"Harry can't go. Look Neville, I'll be honest. I wish Harry could go. I mean, he is my best mate. But since he can't go, I was hoping you might be willing to go. I won't try and trick you, it could be very dangerous."

"Is it important?" Neville questioned.

Ron nodded, "I think so. I think it is going to be very important."

"Then count me in. Just let me know what I need to plan for."

"Cheers Neville, I'll tell you a bit more in a few days."

Neville nodded at Ron, "Well, I best get back to Luna, she worries about me for some strange reason."

Ron watched Neville run off and decided that now would be as good a time as any to deal with the whole Hermione thing. Tossing his broom over his shoulder, he headed to the one place he knew he could always find Hermione--the library.

Sure enough, she was sitting at the same table she had used since they were firsties. The sight of her hunched over some textbooks drained any remaining anger out of Ron and replaced it with a deep sense of regret. Regret for things both of them had done and a few things he should have done. Hermione never looked up as he approached and he chuckled at her single mindedness. Her head jerked up at his laugh and she paled when she saw him standing there.

"So the match is already over?" Hermione asked softly.

"Yep, really Harry made it look too easy. I imagine Cho Chang isn't very happy right now,"

"Was Cho ever happy?" Hermione replied.

Ron laughed "Doesn't seem like it. Listen Hermione we need to talk."

Hermione paled again and nodded, "Okay Ron"

Ron started pacing back and forth in front of the table, "I was really mad when I found out what happened. I didn't understand why you did something like that."

Hermione opened her mouth to reply, but Ron held up a hand, "Well I am sure I have done some things that you didn't understand and, barring present circumstances, you have been pretty understanding about the whole thing. Anyway, Dumbledore said you and I can't be around each other much until you guys get this spell thing figured out."

"I am so sorry Ron," Hermione blurted out, "I didn't mean for this to happen at all."

"I know, Hermione, maybe it was supposed to happen because I have to go do something this summer and I don't think you could have come anyway. I am going to leave the morning the rest of you will be taking the train back to King's Cross Station."

"You aren't going back with us on the train?"

Ron shook his head, "I will see you and Harry off though. I can't make any promises, but if you can get this spell worked out I will do my best to come see you."

Hermione nodded, "I will break the spell Ron, I promise."

Ron laughed, "Of course you will, Hermione. Well, since we won't see each other for a bit would you like to take a walk and talk?"

Hermione smiled and reached out to take his hand.

Hermione ran of the doors to the Castle and ran smack into Harry knocking them both to the ground. She stood and helped Harry to his feet. "Harry have you seen Ron?"

Harry shook his head, "No, I was going to ask you the same thing," he answered.

Hermione looked around frantically, "Harry, if he doesn't hurry I won't get a chance to say goodbye."

"He won't let you leave without saying…" the rest of Harry words were drowned out by a dull roar that was coming from around one of the corners of the castle. It was obvious after a moment that the noise was only getting louder and several students drew their wands uncertainly.

One or two minutes later several students yelled as Ron and Neville came flying around the corner on top of what Harry was certain was Sirius's old motorcycle. They came to a wobbly stop just a few feet away from Harry and Hermione.

"You didn't think we would leave without saying goodbye, did you?" Ron yelled over the noise of the motor.

Hermione shook her head, "I had forgotten about that."

Ron climbed down off of the motorcycle and Neville followed him, "Meet you back here?" Neville asked.

"Yeah, just hurry mate."

Neville walked off as Ron reached out a hand to Harry, "Have a good summer, mate. I'll be in touch, but make sure the Dursley's don't get too annoying."

"Be safe, Ron," Harry answered taking Ron's hand. "It looks like I'll only be there a couple weeks and then I am spending the rest of the summer with Hermione and Daphne."

"That's terrific Harry," Ron answered admittedly reassured that Harry would be around Hermione for the summer.

"Anyway, I'm going to go find Ginny," Harry replied and walked away rather nervously.

Ron looked at Hermione and took her hand, "I will miss you this summer."

"I'll miss you too," she smiled, but Ron saw her eyes water. "You'll be safe, won't you? You won't let something happen to you or Neville?"

"Not a chance," Ron replied. "I'll stay in touch via owl, but I will be traveling around a bit. I should be back with all sorts of interesting stories for you."

Hermione just nodded, "I'm sure you will."

Neville walked back into the room with Luna and Susan in tow, "You keep him safe, Ronald." Luna warned him walking up and giving Ron a hug where he stood.

"Will do."

Susan just smiled at him, "Both of you keep up your running. I expect you in good shape next fall."

"I will, but Susan if Blaise does anything…" Neville began.

"I will take care of him myself," Susan answered. "Just be safe and have fun. I may even run into you at some point. I will be working as the Ministry liason to the centaurs this summer with Bane. I will spend most of my summer traveling as well."

"That's great, Susan," Ron answered with some enthusiasm. "That sounds like the perfect job for you."

Susan nodded, "Anyway, have a great summer you two. I've got to go meet Blaise."

Hugging each boy in her turn, Susan left the four of them in the hall. Luna leaned up and kissed Neville rather passionately leaving the shy Gryffindor red in the face when she was done, "Get going so you can come home faster, alright?"

Neville nodded and looked expectantly at Ron.

Ron and Hermione looked at one another suddenly unsure of what to say. Ron leaned over and kissed her cheek, "I will see you soon. I promise."

Hermione nodded and whispered, "I love you, Ron."

Ron smiled at her and climbed back onto the motorcycle, while Neville got on behind him and pulled out of the school. It had been on interesting year to say the least.

In retrospect, the only good thing that came after Ron was returned to the school was a sudden end to the hostile activities that fooled no one, but it did allow for the school term to end peacefully enough.

Ginny and Luna took their OWLS. Ginny accepted a summer position working at the Ministry and Luna was to return and work at the Quibbler with her father. Hermione and Daphne were doing research together on the Cauldron, potions, and general other items that all blended together for Ron. Harry was returning to Privet Drive for a few weeks as his last required trip there before he was to join Hermione.

Looking across the compartment, Hermione realized it was full of very sad people. Harry and Ginny sat close together, both having fallen asleep together and leaning against the car wall. Hermione kept a book firmly planted on her lap, but she couldn't concentrate on it. Luna sat next to her, reading the Quibbler, and looked up to smile at her reassuringly. "They will be fine."

The train whistle blew as it slowed to a halt at the station. Students began clamoring down from the various platforms while the six of them slowly gathered their things and walked off the train.

Ron's Mum and Dad were waiting on them, standing with Hermione's parents and even Luna's father.

"How was the rest of your year, Hermione?" Molly Weasley asked after giving her one of her famous hugs.

"Interesting," Hermione answered simply while Mrs. Weasley turned her attention to Harry and Ginny.

Looking around the platform, Hermione saw Seamus and Daphne speaking to their own parents, the two of them noticing his glance and waving in her direction. Hermione felt sorry for Daphne, she seemed to genuinely like Seamus and they were going to be spending their summer apart as well.

"Well, I never would have guessed I end up spending this summer with a Slytherin," Hermione remarked to Harry as he walked over stand next to her.

"Well, it seems we are all in for some surprises this summer," Harry added and then noticed Amelia Bones surrounded by several Aurors down the platform.

"Hermione," Ginny whispered joining them and all three of them were looking over to where two of the most reclusive wizards in England stood speaking amicably with Susan's Aunt.

Suddenly curious, Hermione saw Susan and Blaise get off the train and head towards the group that was surrounded by aurors and private guards.

Hermione looked questioningly over at Ginny who nodded, "Absolutely," she smiled, "Mum, Dad, we are going to go say good-bye to some friends of ours!" Ginny called before pulling Harry and Hermione back off into the crowd with her.

As they approached the group, Hermione saw Blaise take Susan's hand and the two passed through the guards, "Aunt, I thought Mum and Dad were picking me up?"

"They will visit in London on the weekend, but you are staying with me this summer," Amelia smiled at her niece and Hermione was suddenly amazed at the resemblance between the two.

"Aunt, this is Blaise Zabini," Susan replied introducing the proper Slytherin to her Aunt.

"I'm pleased to meet you," Blaise answered respectfully.

"I'm pleased to meet you as well," Amelia answered before turning to his parents. "I have heard good things in regards to some of your talents. We always have needs for a good Auror, Blaise."

"Thank you, Minister," he replied. "Mother, Father, this is my girlfriend, Susan Bones."

Lord and Lady Zabini were both dressed fully in black, their dark hair slightly silvered, but easily they were as striking as Blaise was himself. They looked at Susan with the same aloof expression that Hermione had seen Blaise use a number of times, but after a moment, Lady Zabini extended her hand, "Miss Bones."

"Lady Zabini," Susan answered taking the hand as it was offered to her. "I have heard much about you."

"As we have about you," the woman returned coldly.

Lord Zabini stepped forward and looked to Blaise, "We have invited the Minister and Miss Bones to join us for dinner tomorrow evening so we can all get to know one another a little better."

Blaise nodded, "Thank you, father. Minister, Susan, will you be able to attend?"

"Well, we knew that was coming," Daphne's voice interrupted their eavesdropping. "I knew he wasn't stupid enough to screw it up twice."

"I don't know what Susan would see in that cold fish," Seamus answered. "Other than all his money."

"Charm, good looks," Blaise's slow drawl answered Seamus, "And the ability to know when to keep my mouth shut."

"Blaise," Susan admonished. "We just wanted to say goodbye to everyone."

Everyone spread hugs and handshakes around and then began to break off to return to their parents. As Ginny and Harry led Hermione back, she found herself looking over towards the platform once more already missing Ron.

"He'll be back, dearest," her mother smiled, hugging her shoulders. "Just you wait. He'll be back."

Hermione looked from her mother to her father and suddenly felt comforted, "You know, you're right. He will be back."

Well it has been a interesting journey to get to the end here. I want to thank everyone who reviewed this story. I didn't answer them all but you should know they meant a great deal to me.

Many thanks to JKR who came up with such a wonderful world that we all want to add our own little bit to it.

Last but certainly not least I want to thank belana30 for being my beta, co-writer and all around best girl. Sometimes things take you by surprise, such as how important someone can become who you met through a simple email. With out her help I would have never finished this fic and I would have a lot less joy and fun in my life.

After a bit of a break I will continue with the squel to this fic. Look for A Midsummer's Night Dream in a couple of months.