OK I did warn you that this was short. The finale completion. I don't have anything planned for the future but with my brain you never know. OK so again I failed my driving test. I did a Virgil I'm afraid took too many pills and went all dosy nearly crashed, and a bit of Alan in there for measure. I hope you enjoyed and looking forward to reviews.

International Rescue Needs You!

Due to recent unexplained dismissals of several key members of International Rescue. It has come to the attention that new members will need to be recruited. We are looking for around six new recruits.
Two pilots
Two astronauts
One aquanaut
A housekeeper.

The jobs are very dangerous and needs people who can uphold the responsibilities of the previous staff.

We are looking for outstanding people who hold a valid drivers licence and pilots licence? The rest you will be trained for.

If you think that you are one of these outstanding members of the public and would like to apply, please write a letter of why you would like to be a member of International Rescue and send it to the address below.


Now, I wonder how the boys will react to being told that I will never allow them to fly one of my expensive devices ever again. Let alone my mother! Now you see, I arrived home from a business trip around an hour ago and I found six accounts on my families' driving. Now I would have expected a wee bit of retaliation from the boys. However, my mother… that took the cake! The woman has no shame. I now know where the boys get the driving gene from and sadly, it was not from Lucy, as I had hoped.

As a father I always thought that I knew what was happening in the boys' life. How wrong was I?! Scott uses the girl procedure on everyone including his own grandmother. I had a slight chuckle with Gordon's comeback, but I am a bit upset that my mother got presents, whilst I got excuses.

Poor Johnny. He has the whole family petrified. It reminds me of how close everyone was in Kansas. Especially that Doctor. I swear, he was always trying to give me Ridaline for Gordon. He was not that bad, except maybe when he was driving. But John could have used some of those pills. Hmmm, maybe I could slip some into his coffee in the morning.

Virgil, oh that boys need to learn to concentrate! He really does. Crashing into a fire hydrant. They are bright red! How you could miss a big red pole?! To top it off my mother managed to make him break the law by running away!

Gordon. Well, I wasn't happy to see that he had lost his licence but to be honest, it was no surprise. I am amazed he had the guts to buy a car. But this is Gordon; full of surprises. For example, I've always wondered why my mother's car suddenly changed colour after a visit to the beach. I swear, these boys are terrible.

Alan. My word, that boy deserves to lose his licence! Poor mother lost Trixy. I bought her that cat as a sorry for… well, me and Scott killing her previous cats. Maybe I should buy her a plant.

Ah well, I am glad the boys got their own back by writing their own accounts of their driving. It tells me never to trust them again, even with a Thunderbird, hence the new job application. Let's hope we can put this behind us and all have a great big laugh about the terrible drivers we are. At least we can be weary of one another.