A/N: You guys are great. Thanks for the reviews. It does a writer wonders to get feedback!

Format is the same as last time.

A Lion's True Love: Revealed!!!!!

Author: HDalltheway

Summary: Harry finds his true love. Will his friends accept the truth?

Ron: H. Dalltheway? I've never read any of his stuff.

George: That's cause you don't read.

Fred: Maybe he's a Muggle author.

Harry: I've never heard of him.

George: But you're not a Muggle, are you Potter?

Ginny: Yeah, maybe they teach his stuff in Muggle schools.

Harry: Maybe.

Harry was alone. Lost and alone. So lost and alone he didn't know where to go.

George: Go left!

Fred: Go up!

Ron: Go across.

Harry: That's strange. I don't feel that lost and alone. In fact, I'm feeling quite fine right now.

He wandered the halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry aimlessly, pondering is lost and alone state. He kept away from his friends. He didn't want them to see him like this.

Ron: Don't feel so glum, mate! I'll always be there for you.

Ginny: And me.

Twins: Us too.

Harry: Get off me! I'm not lost or alone.

Fred: But you do seem a little angry.

Harry: That's because I'm being smothered by Weasleys.

All (except Harry): Sorry.

Harry: Thanks.

The only person he truly loved hated him.

George: Aww, I thought Buckbeak was really fond of ya, Harry. Ow!

What was a boy in love to do?

Fred: If the girl's really giving you that much trouble Harry I do know this one spell...

Harry: Oh no. No more spells from you two. Look where it got us last time.

George: What? It only led us to these perfectly harmless stories.

One night, Harry, being so lost and alone, wandered over the astronomy tower. He climbed to the very top and sat looking at the stars, pondering his pathetic life.

Ginny: Don't jump Harry!

Harry: I'm not going to jump Ginny. I'm not even in the astronomy tower. And I've never wandered around at night.

All (except Harry): cough grumbles yeah right, etc.

Harry: Well, not because I was alone and helpless.

Ron: You mean "lost and alone."

Harry: Whatever.

Suddenly, a cool voice came from the shadows. "What are you doing here Potter?" it asked. No, it couldn't be! It was. Harry's secret love.

Ron: Hermione.

Ginny: Cho.

Fred: Loony Lovegood.

George: Ginny.

Ginny: Hey!

George: Ow! Sorry Ginny.

Slowly, he stepped out of the shadows.

Harry: He?

Ginny: Maybe he means you.

Ron: "You stepped out of the shadows"? That doesn't make any sense.

Ginny: I mean Harry.

Ron: But I didn't think Harry was in the shadows.

Ginny: He was in the astronomy tower night. There's shadows everywhere.

Ron: Which he are we talking about? And how would you know what the astronomy towers look like at night?

Fred: Can we keep going now?

George: You two bicker like mum and dad.

Harry: Where do you think they learned it from?

"I can't believe you came," Harry gasped, "I didn't think you cared."

"How could I not care about you Harry." And slowly, Draco Malfoy came closer to his troubled lover. With gentle care he lifted Harry's forlorn head, and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

All: ....

Five minutes later:

Ron: I don't feel right.

Ginny: I think I'm going to vomit.

Fred: I think I've lost my innocence.

George: I think you lost that a long time ago.

Ron: Harry? Harry are you alright?

Ginny: Is he still breathing?

Ron: Maybe it's just a dream. Keep reading. Let him know it's just a dream.

Harry was taken aback.

Ron: See Harry! You were taken aback! Malfoy wasn't your, your, uh...you know.

But then, eagerly returned the forbidden kiss.

All: ....

Five minutes later:

Ron: Oh, well it could still be a dream sequence. Harry?

Slowly, Draco began to undo Harry's robe. Harry didn't protest, but instead returned the favor, doing the same for Draco.

Fred: Why do all of these stories involve someone...

George: ...disrobing someone else?

Ron: Guys, I don't think he's alright. Harry? Harry can you hear me?

Soon, the two young men were completely naked and alone.

Ron: He's not moving.

Ginny: He looks so pale. Harry?

And they shared a night of deep, intimate passion. The next day, Harry and Draco professed their passion in front of the whole school and everyone was accepting and was finally glad they admitted their true feelings for each other. They finished Hogwarts, they killed Voldemort, got married, and had three kids.

"That's not possible, is it?" Ginny muttered.

"A night of deep..."

"...intimate passion?"

"It's okay mate. Who ever wrote this is just a stupid wanker anyway. It's all fake," Ron said, trying to comfort his shocked friend.

Harry just silently at the end of the bed. No color in his face. He didn't move. He didn't speak. He was barely breathing. Suddenly, he jumped up from the bed and into the hall, almost knocking over Mrs. Weasley in the process.

"Harry, dear, are you alright?"

Harry didn't respond, but instead just finished running to the bathroom. He slammed the door behind them, and all any one could hear was Harry vomiting in the toilet.

Deeply concerned, Mrs. Weasley rushed to the bathroom door and started knocking.

"Harry? Harry? Are you ill? Do you need anything?"

Ron rushed over to his mother.

"He's alright Mum. Just accidently ate one of those earwax flavored beans. You know how they can turn a stomach."

Mrs. Weasley eyed her son suspiciously, but decided to let the matter rest.

"Well, if he needs anything, you just let me know, alright?"

"Alright, Mum."

And with that, Mrs. Weasley headed back downstairs, just as Harry emerged from the bathroom. Still pale, he leaned against the doorframe. Ron hurried to his side.

"You alright Harry? Really?"

"We are never reading a 'slash' again. Ever."

"I completely agree with you Harry. C'mon. Let's go back to my room before my mum thinks we need to ship you off to St. Mungo's."

When they entered Ron's room, they were greeted by another surprise.

"Hermione? When did you get here?"

"I owled you last week asking if I could come over and spend some time with you and Harry, Ron, and you said it was perfectly fine. Don't tell me you forgot. Harry, are you okay?"

"He's fine. Just sit here Harry, there ya go."

"So what are you all doing in here?"

The Weasleys and Harry shot glances to each other, wondering how to explain their interesting, and disturbing findings. Finally, it was Ginny who was able to fill in Hermione on all the details, carefully excluded those of the last story, however.

"Well, isn't that unusual...Can I pick a story?"

"As long as it doesn't involve me," Harry whispered.

Fred and George moved away from the computer and let Hermione scroll down the page.

"Here's one."

"What's the summary?" Ron asked.

"Ron finds the person of his dreams. Slash..."

"NOOOO!!!" all the others screamed.

"Uhm, okay..."

"Oooh! Here's an interesting one Hermione! It has you in it," Ginny remarked.

"I don't know if I really want to read one about me..."

"Oh come on Granger."

"Be a sport."

"Well, okay."

And Hermione clicked the mouse button.

A/N: Poor Harry needs a little bit of a break, don't you think? So next up is a "Hermione goes Goth" fic! But don't worry, Harry won't be able to rest for long. And no one is safe. What will Ginny think of a "Ginny and Tom" story? And what is Twincest?