Disclaimer: Don't own "Harry Potter" or any of the characters. Too bad, if I did it would really help me take care of those student loans...

Summary: Harry and co. discover fan fiction. Set after the summer after Book 5.

"Arthur Weasley! I will not have you bringing another piece of rubbish into this house!"

"But Molly, dear, it's for work. No one at the Ministry can seem to figure out what this is, and I thought, well, since Harry's here and he was raised by Muggles, he could tell us what it does."

"No one at the Ministry could tell you Arthur? Not even Muggle Relations?"

Arthur Weasley didn't answer.

"Did you even ask the Department of Muggle Relations..."

Molly Weasley took a small, calculated step towards her husband who, at that moment, was standing outside their front door holding a large box, which seemed to be completely plastic, except for one side that looked like it was made out of glass.

Arthur gulped and took a small step back, trying to figure out what he could possibly say to appease his furious wife. Unfortunately, when she was this mad, there wasn't much anyone could do to distract her, unless of course you were Fred and George Weasley.

And fortunately for Arthur, his twin sons picked just the right moment to apparate into the family kitchen.

"Now, I know we had some bezoar around here somewhere..."

"...I think it was near where we got the Doxy eggs..."

"...Do you think it'll work well with the boomslang skin?"

"...Of course, George as long as we..."

"...mix it in the right proportions..."

"...Right, we should have no trouble..."

"Fred and George Weasley!"

Molly quickly spun around to face her mischievous entrepreneurs, who at that moment were beginning to rummage through kitchen drawers, searching for what they came for.

"Hi Mum!" They both cheerfully replied.

"What are you doing in my kitchen, and why are you looking for bezoar?"

"Well I think you just..."

"...answered your own question..."

"...but if you must know..."

"Enough! If you want to run that joke shop of yours, fine. At least your working! But if you two can afford to keep a shop open on Diagon Alley then things must be going well enough that you don't have to sneak into your mother's kitchen and steal her own ingredients..."

As Molly continued to argue with her sons on the right and wrong way to run a business, Arthur quickly took this opportunity to run inside the house, well as fast as he could carrying that large box, and headed up the stairs to his younger son Ron's room.

He quietly knocked on the door.

"Boys, quick, let me in," Arthur whispered.

Ron answered the door, somewhat surprised to see his father asking to come into his room.

"Hey Dad. Uhm, what are you doing?"

"Quick, let me in and I'll explain everything."

Ron shrugged his shoulders and stepped aside, allowing his father access to the small, Chudley Cannons-themed room, where he and Harry had previously been trying to work on their History of Magic essay, with little result.

Arthur set down the large object on the bed.

"Quick, close the door."

Still confused, Ron shut the door.

"Hi, Mr. Weasley."

"Hello Harry. Good to see you. In fact, you're just the person I wanted to see."

This time, Harry exchanged confused looks with Ron.

Mr. Weasley stood ringing his hands for a moment from the door, back to the rest of the room, certain his wife would burst in at any moment.

"Uhm, Dad? What..."

"Oh, right. Thanks Ron."

Mr. Weasley begin pulling things out of his robe: a thick rectangular piece of plastic that had all sorts of letters and symbols on it, and an oval-ish piece with a long cord attached. He set them on the bed next to the box.

"In the name of Merlin! What is all this stuff?"

"We're not sure Ron. That's why I brought it here. I was hoping Harry, being raised by Muggles and all, could tell us. We think it may be some form of speaking device for Muggles, with the letters and all, but we're just not sure."

Harry chuckled to himself.

"It's a computer."

Both Ron and Arthur stared at Harry, amazed.

"A what?"

"A computer. Dudley has one. They use it for writing and playing games and stuff. I'm not sure exactly everything it does, the Dursley's have never let me use one, but they're pretty popular."

"Hmm, a Com Pewter..." whispered Arthur.


"Oh, I gotta run boys. Would you mind keeping an eye on this for me? Oh, and don't let Molly see it, alright?"

"Sure Dad."

"No problem Mr. Weasley."



"Gotta go!"

Arthur opened the door and quickly ran down the stairs.

"Coming dear!"

"So why'd your dad bring a computer here if this is for work? Couldn't he have just asked some muggle-born at the Ministry?"

"Well, you know Dad, Harry. Can't help him self when it comes to collecting Muggle stuff. Every time I'm home he's been sneaking things into the house. Keeps'em mostly in Percy's old room. Mom still can't bear to go in there."

"I thought things were a little better with Percy?"

Ron shrugged.

"So, how does it work?"

"Well looks like you're dad's got the monitor, mouse, and keyboard here, but no hard drive. That's really the thing that makes it run..."

"A mouse? I don't see a mouse."

"It's this," Harry said, picking up the oval-ish piece of plastic.

"It doesn't look like a mouse. I mean, I guess that part could be the tail, but it doesn't have any fur or ears or anything. Why would they call it a mouse?"

"I don't know Ron."

"Muggles are so weird. So, can we do anything with it?"

"Well, without the hard drive, not really."

They both thought for a moment.

"Wait, Muggles need this, this..."

"Hard drive?"

"Yeah, hard drive to make it work, because they can't use magic. I mean, that's why they're Muggles, right? And we can use magic! There's got to be a spell or something that could make this work..."

"Yeah, but Ron, it's the summer, remember? We can't use magic outside of Hogwart's unless it's to defend ourselves from Voldemort. I don't think the Ministry will believe that enchanting a computer was a life and death situation."

Ron sighed and slumped onto the bed.

"As long as you two are here, you at least could stay for dinner. You've both been so busy lately that I keep forgetting you're part of this family!"

In Ron and Harry's silence, they could hear Mrs. Weasley's voice echoing from the kitchen.

Harry and Ron grinned at each other.

"Fred and George."

They heard Ron's twin brothers start to head up the stairs, mumbling something about bezoar and Erumpent fluid.

Ron ran over to his door.

"Oi! Forge and Gred!"

"What it is dung brains?"

"Come here a sec."

Fred and George stood in front of Ron's door, unamused expressions on their faces.

"Alright, I'll help you pull that prank on Perfect Percy, if you just come here and help me and Harry with something."

The twins smiled and entered.

Ron explained the situation with the Com Pewter, with Harry filling in the more technical Muggle details that Ron still didn't seem to understand.

"Then why is it a called a mouse?"

Once they were finished, Fred and George were intrigued enough to help their young friends with their dilemma.

"Well Fred, what do you think?"

"I think there could be a spell for this..."

"...if we just think hard enough..."

"...there's got to be something..."

"I've got it!" They both exclaimed at once.

Taking out there wands, they pointed them at the computer, and in unison said:


A/N: Stay tuned. In our next episode Harry, Ron, Fred, and George discover FanFiction, and more specifically "Snape is Harry's Father" fiction.....