Legal blurb – I have made no money, therefore it is not mine. Honestly people, I think everyone understands that no one here owns Zelda or any of its characters and games. I'm not even sure anyone reads the disclaimers anyway, I certainly don't.

Okay then, I started this story back when I was known as Ookami, things have obviously changed in my rather long absence, my name is now Shift for one, and for a second I'm completely redoing my stories, mostly just correcting mistakes, fixing stuff, adding stuff where needed and changing things that really made no sense. So its not going to change anything in the plot, at least not the plot I've set up thus far, the ending I had planned is simply different.

As those who've read my stuff before have noticed (all two of you ;P) I have trouble with procrastination, please, feel free to e-mail me with flames and rants and insults at your own discretion. It actually helps me get back on task.

Also, I am seriously gonna try to not fall into a slump like last time, and by try I mean I won't, there are consequences now. Anywho, on with the show.


I have borrowed some characters and things from Lady Rose and her story "The Return", if you haven't read it check it out, its great -

And I'm dedicating this renewal to my Dog Pudgy, who died recently, may there be plenty of tennis balls for him in heaven.


Chapter one

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Robert Fulghum


It's been almost four years since Impa took me from the castle after Ganondorf's takeover. Almost four years since the Triforce mark appeared on my right hand, and Kaepora told me I was a sage... since Link was sealed into the sacred realm.

I still blame myself. I was young and stupid. I had honestly thought that Link and I could save Hyrule, that we could get into the sacred realm and take the Triforce so Ganondorf wouldn't get his hands on it. Because of my stupidity I had Link gather the spiritual stones, and practically handed the Triforce to Ganondorf on a silver tray.

After we escaped Impa took me through one of the lost doors and into the Kokari forest, from there we went through another door and found ourselves in Goron city.

We stayed there all this year; hidden from all the Gorons with the exception of Darunia, Impa gave me Sheikah styled clothes, and taught me all about her people. She wanted me to be able to live alone amongst them without giving away my secret, without her help. Then she took me to the top of Death Mountain, to Kaepora, and he taught me how to use my sage powers and my part of the Triforce to hide myself behind the image of a Sheikan boy. My bright golden hair turned a dusty dirty blond, and my blue eyes turned crimson, my now developed young woman's body now looking like a lightly built young boys. I don't think I'll ever get use to this.

I hate being a boy.

But I suppose if Ganondorf is looking for a young girl then it's only logical to be hidden as a young boy. After that Kaepora flew me into Kakariko, where a Sheikah woman was waiting for me.

Apparently Impa had informed her I was coming, and of my delicate situation.

And that's where I am now.

A young boy of the Sheikah, learning my ways in espionage, assassinations, and other such shadow trades the Sheikah are famous for, or at least they would be if more people knew of their existence, Ganondorf had certainly forgotten about them, probably assumed they had all left the country after the Great War. This was exactly what the Sheikah wanted when they themselves had spread that rumor. Solitude and privacy are important to them. I watch from my perch on the look out tower as some more refugees make their way into town, pulling from my silent reflections, I watch them walk, and the familiar emotions of anger, hatred, and loathing, for both Ganondorf and myself, begin to take a hold on my mind. Even after all this time it still hurts to see them, my people, thinking themselves abandoned and alone, nothing left for them but the hopelessness of the future ahead of them.

It's too late to change anything though.

At least there's enough room in Kakariko. After Ganondorf's take over of Castletown reached the ears of whatever Sheikah still held residence in the town, they abandoned it for their underground caverns. Leaving plenty of room for refugees, who seemed to be adjusting as well as anyone could.

I look off into the horizon where the castle used to be, where Ganondorf is building his huge monstrosity to replace it. For just a moment a dull resentful anger seems to fill my chest, almost painfully, replaced almost instantly by a dull resentful guilt, that hurt even worse.

It's my fault he became so powerful.

It's my fault for all of this.


I look down the ladder to see the frustrated face of Rin. She tosses her ponytail of silver hair over her shoulder and puts her hands on her hips, ice blue eyes glaring up at me in mock anger.

"C'mon Sheik, enough of this, you know your not allowed in town without another Sheikah with you! And you know I get blamed every time you take off to cloud gaze!"

I sigh and roll my eyes. Rin is older then me by less then a couple months, but because she was a born and raised Sheikah she already outranked me. "I'm coming, I'm coming," I grumble as I make my way down the ladder. "It's not like anything ever happens, Ganondorf isn't going to attack Kakariko. He didn't go to all the trouble of taking over to rule a dead kingdom."

"It doesn't matter kid," Rin says in her I-know-better-then-you-so- don't-bother-trying-to-argue voice. "Rules are rules, and you broke them. Again! Mother's not gonna be happy with you!"

I would have considered her words insulting if she wasn't grinning while she said them. "Your mom's always angry," I defend. "I think it would do her some good to get out of those caverns and see the sunlight again."

Rin frowns, but her eyes seem to agree with my words, "You know like I do that my mother's busy all the time with planning and what not,"

Yeah I know, but I don't see a point to it. No one stands a chance of fighting Ganondorf unless all the races stand together to fight. And that is as close to impossible as going back in time and changing all of this for the better!

As things stand now, the Gerudo serve Ganondorf, and they alone would take almost all the people the Sheikah could gather apart, and the Zoras and Gorons are under constant harassment from Ganondorfs' monsters!

Things aren't good for the people of Hyrule, Kakariko is the only safe place left, and that's only because Ganondorf doesn't know about the Sheikah. He just thinks its Hylians here.

And I hate to admit it, but as a fighting force my people aren't exactly useful as anything other then cooks and messengers and other non-combative tasks! "I know," I answer finally. "But I don't see why, there's no way the Sheikah can stand against Ganondorf." And she knows I'm right.

Rin grins, "Stand against him? Of course we wouldn't be able to do that, he'd rip us apart once he finished laughing. But you forget Sheik, we of the Sheikah have never been the 'here's a sword, kill something' type,"

Right. Assassins. "It's still impossible. He's got an army of Moblins, and the Triforce of power. Not to mention some kind of mountain tall fortress with god knows what waiting behind the doors and behind every corner for some stupid Sheikah with too much gut and not enough brains to waltz right in."

Rin pouted. "Come on Sheik, don't be such a downer. Honestly, the way you talk all the time we may as well be dead."

"Sorry for being a realist," I answer pessimistically.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Come on, you're in enough trouble already without me keeping you out longer. Honestly, you're more trouble then any other boys our age. Didn't anyone ever teach you respect, or discipline?"

I stick my tongue out at her.

"Never mind, lets get going,"

Childish maybe, but effective none the less.

I let Rin walk a few steps in front of me, there's no way in hell I'm going into the caverns first, the way she going on it sounds as if her mother, Aria (leader of the Sheikah in Impa's absence) is waiting with a whip just beyond the opening!

It's a pretty short walk to the graveyard, and I help Rin pull back one of the tombstones, exposing one of the many entrances into the Sheikah caverns. "After you," I chirp half-heartedly.

She nods and jumps down. Not an ounce of hesitation.

I still get a shudder going through these entrances. None of the true Sheikah seems to find it creepy that to get into they're home you have to go through a graveyard and into a grave.

Here goes nothing.

I take a deep breath and jump through the now open grave, the tombstone, another creepy thing I've noticed, slides back to its original position as if it had a mind of its own, and everything goes dark.

I've always wondered if there are coffins in the ceiling, but I've also always been terrified to ask. Some things are just better left as mysteries.

"Come on then Sheik, lets go,"

"Easy for you to say!" I grumble. "You're a true Sheikah! You can see in the dark! I, on the other hand, am a chosen Sheikah,"

I don't think she heard me.

That or she's ignoring me.

"Your so pathetic,"

I hear the distinct sound of her striking a flint on something, and then a torch flares to life in front of me. She shakes her head in disdain and gives it to me. "And I can't see in the dark you know, I simply understand how to adjust them better then you.

Think you can keep up now that you can see?" Rin teases as she starts down the tunnel.

"In case your memory is as faulty as your mind, I'm still faster then you!" I hate it when she teases me like this.

"Care to wager that?" comes the haughty reply.

Dammit, I don't want to race! I get lost to easily down here. I can't back down now though... "Fine then, what are we gonna wager for the outcome?"

In the light from my torch I can see her eyes glint in that way that makes me nervous. The way that says I'm-going-to-eat-you-now-BWAHAHAHA.


"If I win," Rin says slowly. "You take that scarf off and tell me the truth about where you come from. You're too smart to be Hylian."

Well ouch.

"And even if you are there's only one Hylian I know of that Impa catered too..."

At these words a child promptly ran down my spine.

Double Damn.

She lets those words hang between us, a friendly threat mixed in with her challenge.

Even taking the scarf off could be damaging to my disguise. The magic Kaepora showed me only changes the colour of my eyes, and hair, and makes my body look less girlish. It doesn't touch my face. My face still looks like a girl, Like Zelda the princess of Hyrule. If she sees my face and starts to think about what she sees, the spell will brake and she'll see me for who I really am!

Judging by that look in her eyes though I'm thinking she already knows and is just looking for conformation.

Goddesses on high, please get me out of this! I promise to-

"Sheik! Rin!"

Ah hell. Out of the frying pan...

"Hello mother," Rin says in a voice saved for authority, and immediately dons an emotionless mask.

I'm, naturally, not gifted with that talent. Aw well, my scarf hides my face, so I'm sure Aria doesn't see the guilt probably plastered across it. I haven't exactly been obedient lately.

"I want both of you to your rooms now!" Rin and I turn to leave. "Sheik!"

I freeze, fighting the urge to growl. "Yes Ma'am?"

"You I want to go to my room. We're going to have some words between us,"

Which translates into. 'Sheik, go to my rooms so that no one can hear you cry when I rip you to shreds with my voice and then deal out an unusually harsh and long punishment because I alone of the Sheikah here know who you really are and will beat you to within an inch of your life to keep you from getting into any potential trouble that may get you hurt'. Yeah. I know that code. Too well I think.

My next words are growled. "Yes Ma'am."

I hear Rin snicker as she makes her escape into the darkness. Great. How do I get to the rooms again? "Um... Aria, can you tell... me..." she's gone already. Stupid Sheikah.

Well, I guess it's time to get lost again. I suppose she'll send someone after me soon enough, when I don't show up she'll know I got lost again.

'Yay' for me.


"Honestly Impa, I don't know what to do with the child!" Aria complained as she paced the floor in her room. "I know she's had to deal with a lot but she's just. Impossible!"

Impa nodded gravely. "I had suspected as much when I first took her from the castle. She's never had this much freedom, nor this much responsibility. It doesn't help that she has to hide as a boy and watch as her whole world is slowly torn apart. You're just going to have to give her time, she's been here for a couple years now, she should have adjusted even if she's still rebellious, and she's got your daughter to keep her out of trouble."

"That's great," Aria sneered, "My daughter has been a trouble maker since the day she was born. Zelda, or Sheiks', complete lack of respect for rules and authority just makes her worse! They encourage each other Impa! And now they're even getting some of the other children following their examples."

"It's only been a few months since I was last through here, and everything was fine then, the way you talk you make it sound as if she's imploded the caverns, set fire to Kakariko, and single handedly destroyed Hyrule." Impa shook her head. "You should get outside more Aria, see the sun, breath the fresh air."

"Alright, I admit it, I've exaggerated. But I can see where Sheik is headed, even if she doesn't, and my daughter will be right there pushing her to it. In the few months you've been gone I've already lost count of the number of times I've called her in for punishment."

"You should have expected that, Aria," Impa said knowingly. "Zelda use to be a princess, she use to make the rules, and break them at will. I expected her to act out like this, all she'd doing is venting, Aria, only she's got nothing to take her frustrations out on except for us."

Aria looked frustrated but held her peace.

"Now, tell me about our current situation, you know as I do that my time here can only be brief and it is a business call."

Aria sighed in defeat. "Forgive me Impa, I'm just tired and stressed. And I'm afraid none of the news I have for you is good. We can expect no aid from the Gorons. That dragon has already given them more then they can deal with. We can expect no help from the Zoras, they're having trouble enough just keeping afloat, and my spies have given me a report of increased activity from the Gerudo. I don't like this Impa, not in the least little bit. There are reports, however, of a Gerudo elite named Naboruu, who is going against Ganondorf. If she can rally enough of her people against him it may give us the diversion we need to infiltrate the palace."

"Aria stop right there." Impa growled suddenly. "Don't be stupid, I know you're angry and want revenge on Ganondorf, we all do, but we cannot hope to stand against him, The worst we could be to him is a temporary annoyance. You know that, I know that, and let's face it, it'd be suicide anyway."

Rage flashed across Arias' features.

"Aria, we have been friends since the day we could walk. Don't do this to yourself, don't do this to your people. I've already told you, The Sheikahs purpose is this and this alone. Hide ourselves from Ganondorf's eyes, wait for the hero of time to awaken, and then give him the support he needs when it really counts."

"You would have us hide and cringe like whimpering dogs when we could be trying to do something now! Stop Ganondorf before he digs himself too deep into Hyrule soil. Forgive then Impa, but I wont sit by and watch as the land we were taught to love and protect is raped and burned by a madman!" Aria snarled. "I wont hide!"

Impa stood her eyes burning, hands held in fists at her side. "By my order and by my wish you will hide Aria! You will lead the Sheikah and you will hide until we can stand against Ganondorf and actually stand a chance of victory. You go against him now and you lead our people to their deaths, you lead your daughter and Zelda to their deaths! Do you want him to obtain the second part of the Triforce!"

"At least I'll be leading them, Impa! Which is more then I can say for you!"

Impa flinched, the words striking home. "If I could stay I would, but I have to keep Ganondorf's nose off your scent, and off of the princess."

Aria glared at her long time friend for another moment, then turned away. "Has it already come to this?" she asked in a pained whisper. "Has Ganondorf's power already grown so strong we would turn on each other? I'm not asking you this as a friend, Impa. I'm telling you this as your second. Remove me from command. I can give a few names better suited to it, and all of those names would handle the pressure and stress better then me."

"You would retire?"

"Yes, I've walked these caverns for a long time Impa. You walked them with me, but I'd like to move on to Summer-fell."

Impa nodded sadly at the name of the town on the other side of the mountains. The town where a Sheikah could go if they didn't want a life in espionage and service. Where they could have an easier life. "Are we that old?" she asked, her words lightened with a grin.

Aria matched it. "Maybe not, but I've been feeling more then my years these past seasons."

Impa nodded, "Then I'll release you from your duties. But what about your daughter?"

"Rin?" Aria made a mocking face, "That girl will do what she wants, even if I leave, you can bet she'll stay. The girl just isn't made for a happy peaceful life, she'll remain where there's always a scent of danger and adventure."

Impa nodded, "Sounds like us when we were young,"

"Who will become Zelda's new nanny?"

Impa shrugged. "If she was so intent to ruffle your feathers I have a feeling she'd rather raise herself. But as a precaution I'll hand her care over to Khaz."

Aria raised an eyebrow. "Khaz? Are you sure that's... suitable?"

"Well, if there was anyone who knows how to keep someone safe it would be him."

Aria grinned. "I see what your planning." She said playfully, "keep the girl out of trouble by working her so hard she wont have time to daydream, let alone wonder off."

Impa's returning grin was the only answer she needed. "Speaking of Zelda, didn't you send her here a while ago?"

Aria rolled her eyes. "The child still has a severe problem navigating the caverns."

"Before you leave you should see to it that that problem is fixed."

"Of course."

-------------------------------- Okay, I'm sure I saw that mark before, and I'm almost sure I turned left at it last time, so this time I should go right. I wonder slowly through the mazes of the caverns, not really aware of anything except the fact that I'm horribly and unexplainably lost.

For a cavern full of people it sure is empty . . . and quiet . . .

And creepy.

I turn another corner to see my torchlight dance across the stone and earth wall of a dead end. "Merciful Din, if I don't find some kind of room soon I'm going to scream until someone comes along to shut me up."

"That seems a little drastic, but hey, I bet it would work,"

A chill shoots through my spine at the sound of the voice. Followed shortly by a rush of adrenaline and fear, it subsides as I turn around to see my would-be spook.

"Rin! What in the hell are you doing!" I demand.

Probably following me just so she can laugh at me later for getting so horribly lost in what, to her at least, must seem like a simple set of hallways.

"Following you," she answers, echoing my first thoughts. "Have been for at least fifteen minutes," she grins evilly at me from where she's leaning against the wall.

"That's great, Rin. Just great, any reason why you didn't help me at all?"

"Where's the fun in that?" she asks, walking forward and snatching my torch. "There's a lot of trouble coming our way on the horizon Sheik, and when I say that I mean for the Sheikah as a whole, and its come to my attention that maybe, since you're a chosen Sheikah, you should start learning to act as a true Sheikah." She drops the torch on the ground and brings her foot down to put out the flames. "For starters, seeing in the dark."

There is a bright side to this at least. I'll be able to follow her out of the caverns and into the barracks.

Where Aria will, undoubtedly, be waiting for me.

How pathetic am I when even the bright side is full of shadows.

A/N – There we go, one down, hopefully I've attracted a lot of readers, if not a lot at least enough to make it interesting and worth my while.

So what did you think? Is it good? Bad? In between? Review and let me know. -
