Good Things do Happen to Good People

Chapter 2

Hermione ran through the empty corridors toward the Head Dorm. She burst in. Draco, Blasie, and Aaron, a Slytherin 6th year looked up at her.

"I've finished it!" she exclaimed as she smiled and ran to Draco. He smiled at her then took the parchment she held out to him. Aaron and Blasie both got up and read it over his shoulder.

"It's great 'Mione!" Blasie said. Draco and Aaron both agreed. Hermione giggled.

"All we need to do know is come up with the music," Draco said. The others nodded.

At Dumbledore's Office

Hermione and Draco sat in Dumbledore's office.

"We could hire the Weird Sisters," suggested Hermione. Draco nodded.

"But to lower the cost our band can perform for a bit," Draco said smirking. Hermione's head shot up and looked at him.

"I like that idea. You'll get paid as well. Now that all the planning for the Halloween Ball is finished you may leave," Dumbledore said as his eyes twinkled in delight.

As Hermione and Draco walked back to their dorm Hermione voiced her thoughts.

"What were you thinking?" she asked hysterically. Draco laughed.

"Why not get it over with by doing it at the Halloween Ball than at the End of the Year Ball?" he asked. Hermione frowned. "Besides, if Harry and Ron realize how horrible they've been you'd have the rest of the year," he said. Hermione sighed.

"I guess you're right," she said.

"Good now that, that is settled let's go practice," he said as they walked into their common room.

In the Heads Common Room Before the Ball

Hermione paced back and forth in front of the fire. Draco, Blasie, and Aaron found it rather amusing.

"Calm down Hermione. You'll do great," Aaron said. Hermione nodded then walked to a mirror to make sure she looked all right. She had on black flare jeans, black boots with buckles, a semi-tight black shirt that showed her midriff, her hair was falling gently down her back, she had on black eye liner, a little bit of blush, and a clear glitter-like lip gloss. Draco walked up and stood behind her. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"You look fine," he said and smiled. Hermione nodded then smiled as well. "Come on let's go." Then they walked to the Great Hall. When they walked in there was a stage with a huge black curtain waiting to reveal its secret. Nobody noticed Hermione and the others going behind it.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts First Annual Ball, please enjoy. For your entertainment we have hired the Weird Sisters. They will be arriving shortly, so before that please welcome the opening act," Dumbledore said. Then music started. It went completely dark.

There were places we would go at midnight

There were secrets that nobody else would know

There's a reason but I don't know why

I don't know why

I don't know why

I thought they all belonged to me

Then multicolored lights came on; plain white lights landed on Hermione everyone gasped.

Who's that girl?

Where's she from?

No she can't be the one.

That you want.

That has stolen my world.

It's not real.

It's not right.

It's my day.

It's my night.

By the way

Who's that girl...livin' my life

Oh no, livin' my life

Harry and Ron stared in awe at Hermione. Ginny looked at them then back to Hermione.

Seems like everything the same around me

Then I look again and everything has changed

I'm not dreaming, so I don't know why

I don't know why

I don't know why

She's everywhere I want to be

Alana scowled then looked at Harry and Ron. Ginny looked at them again as well. Each had a look of guilt on their faces. Ginny smiled; Alana growled.

Who's that girl?

Where's she from?

No she can't be the one.

That you want.

That has stolen my world.

It's not real.

It's not right.

It's my day.

It's my night.

By the way

Who's that girl...livin' my life

I'm the one who made you laugh

Who made you feel

Who made you sad

I'm not sorry

For what we did

For who we were

I'm not sorry

I'm not her

Who's that girl?

Where's she from?

No she can't be the one.

That you want.

That has stolen my world.

It's not real.

It's not right.

It's my day.

It's my night.

By the way

Who's that girl...livin' my life

Oh no, livin' my life

Hermione finished and looked at the crowd. They stood for a moment then cheers erupted from them. Hermione looked at Draco and smiled. He smiled back then nodded. Hermione turned back as more music began.

Any moment everything can change

Feel the wind on your shoulder

For a minute all the world can wait

Let go of your yesterday

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing...and take control?


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try

'cause it's your time

Time to fly

All your worries

Leave them somewhere else

Find a dream you can follow

Reach for something when there's nothing left

And the world's feeling hollow

Can you hear it calling?

Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing...and take control?


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try

'cause it's your time

Time to fly

And when you're down and feel alone

Just wanna run away

Trust yourself and don't give up

You know you better than anyone else

Any moment everything can change

Feel the wind on your shoulder

For a minute all the world can wait

Let go of yesterday


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try


Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try

'cause it's your time

Time to fly

In a moment, everything can change

Everyone cheered again. Hermione smiled then bowed and went behind stage. Draco was back there waiting for her. She ran to him. He picked her up and spun her around. She giggled as he put her down.

"You did it Hermione!" he exclaimed. She laughed again then threw her arms around his neck.

"You helped me. Thank you so much Draco," she whispered. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Then a cough was heard. They separated and looked at the intruders. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Alana stood there. Ginny grinning, Alana scowling, Harry and Ron both looked nervous.

"You were great 'Mione," Ginny said as she went and hugged her. Hermione smiled and hugged her back.

"Thanks Gin," she said. Harry watched them then spoke up.

"Um...'Mione?" He said quietly. Hermione looked at him and nodded, he looked down at his shoes. "'m...I'm sorry for...for ditching don't know what I was thinking," he said softly. Ron nodded.

"I feel the same, I'm sorry we'll understand if you don't want to be friends anymore," Ron said quietly. Ginny looked at Hermione. Hermione looked at Draco. He looked back at her.

"I think they mean it 'Mione. Go ahead," he said. Hermione nodded then smiled, ran and hugged them both. They smiled and hugged her back.

"I can't believe you!" Alana screamed. "Why are you befriending her again? I'm better than her! I'm prettier; I'm more fun-" she was cut off.

"Actually, 'Mione is better than you. She's smarter, and we like her just the way she is," Harry said. "So, go make new friends," he said. Ginny smirked. Ron nodded. Hermione glared. Harry looked emotionless. Alana gaped at him, screamed, stomped her foot, then turned and left. Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and Ron, laughed. Blasie, Aaron, and Draco smiled. Then they all got into a detailed account of what Harry and Ron did without her and how they were about to fail. Draco watched them sadly, sighed then walked back to his common room. Ginny, Blasie, and Aaron were the only ones who noticed him leave.

Draco walked out to the lake and sat down by it. 'You helped her get her friends back, so what's wrong with you? You should happy for her?' he thought to himself. He shook his head then sighed. Not long after Ginny and Blasie both walked out and sat on either side of him.

"What's wrong Draco?" Blasie asked. Draco sighed then shook his head.

"Something must be wrong. You can tell us you know," Ginny said softly as she laid a hand on his arm. Draco looked up at the starry night sky.

"Hermione has her friends back. I know I should feel happy for her but I can't help but think that now, she'll forget about me," he said as he looked down. Ginny looked at him sympathetically.

"She won't forget about you. I'm sure she'll try to convince Harry and Ron that you've changed before she does anything with all three of you together," Ginny said thoughtfully. Draco nodded not quite believing her. "You'll see, she won't forget that you helped her I promise you that," Ginny said.

"Draco do you must if you feel like that?" Blasie asked unsurely. Draco looked up again.

"Yeah. I think I do love her," he said quietly.

Please review!! Flames or flowers...Harry Potter does NOT belong to me nor do the songs By Hilary Duff(Fly & Who's That Girl)