Disclaimer: I'm only going to do it once, so here it is. I don't own x-men. I thought up this story when listening to the song 'Sarah Jane' by Out of Eden, so i don't own Sarah or Marcus either:(

The Difference

1. Sarah Jane

I ran through the rain, the ice pellets hitting my face and body, but I didn't care, I kept running. People who saw me would probably wonder what I was running from or too, but no one ever sees me, they all try not to.

I pulled my coat tighter trying to cover my round belly. I was pregnant, but I hadn't done anything to be this way. We all thought I was getting fat but as it grew, its real meaning came clear.

I crawled into an alley and slumped down, my back against the wall. As I rubbed my bruised face my mind wandered back to my past.

I hadn't always been as I am now. I was once a beautiful, happy girl with friends and family.

"Sarah! Sarah Jane Montgomery what are you doing up there!" screamed my mother up the stairs. My best friend Liana and I fell back on our bed laughing.

"Nothing mum!" I gasped out.

Li and I had been conducting an 80's exercise class on my bedroom floor. That's a pretty dumb thing to do for 14-year-old girl, I should be acting mature, by I didn't care. I had always cared, yet not cared what people thought of me. Is that understandable?

I would dress, talk, and act like the kids at school, but I liked to enjoy life in my own personal ways as well.

"'Nothing' doesn't involve two teen girls banging a hole through the ceiling." My mother called back. This only made us laugh more.

A man crawled out from a box in the alley and looked me over.

"An what 'appened to you?"

"Nothing." I replied, getting really scared.

" Yoah a pretty little thing ain't ya," he said. He walked over to me and stroked some of my tangled raven hair out of my face. I flinched, and slid out of his reach.

"Awe come on love, I jus' wanna be friends wit you." The man took another step towards me.

"Stay away!"

The man leapt at me and I had no choice. I felt the water flowing through me like it had only two days ago.

My whole body broke apart and I had become water, there was nothing human left about me. The man stopped and his mouth dropped open revealing rotting teeth.

"My Gawd! Yoah one of dem!" he let out a scream as I smashed my wave into him full force. He was swept off his feet and skidded down the street.

When he stopped skidding, he stood up and went running as far away from me as possible. I splashed to the ground and quickly began to gather up, my human form returning shape.

I leaned against the wall and cried; he had said I was one of them. I didn't want to be, but I that is what I was, what I had become. I was a mutant.

"Gee Sarah Jane, you look pretty."

I blushed at the compliment. I was at the school dance with the cutest guy in the school, Jordan Harris.

I was never the most popular kid, but Jordan had asked me to be his date anyway. I had a crush on him since I was thirteen and there was no why I would refuse him.

The night before the dance I couldn't sleep. In fact, I hadn't slept for the past two weeks. The strange thing about that was that I was never tired, not at night, not during the day. But I was way to excited to think anything of it.

The night of the dance finally arrived and I put on my pretty blue dress. I like blue, it matched my eyes, and it was also my birthstone colour.

My dress had been bought the day before. I had to buy it that close to the dance in order for it to fit my growing stomach. Thanks to its frills, it hid the small lump perfectly.

I met Jordan at the dance; he wasn't about to pick me up on his bike or anything.

The party was wonderful until about 10 O'clock. That's when everything went wrong.

I had been dancing a lot, yet I wasn't thirsty. Jordan on the other hand was in desperate need of a cold beverage.

He went to off to get one, when one of his friends, Charlie, grabbed me and began to dance. I didn't really want to dance with him, but he was holding me so tight I couldn't escape.

He suddenly pulled my so close that he could feel the bulge of my belly. When he felt it, he pulled away and stared at me.

"Do we have a little secret then?" he asked in a sly voice.

"Not at all." I said, trying to act calm.

"Then explain that." Charlie reached forward to touch my stomach, and I jumped back. He lunged and grabbed hold of my wrists, and then it happened.

I was angry and filled with rage and something began to feel strange. I didn't feel like me anymore, and all the people were staring, wide eyed at me.

I ignored the stares and ran at Charlie. I felt myself make contact with him, but it didn't hurt like I thought it would. When I looked down, he was soaking wet, sitting in a puddle of water.

I wondered who had thrown water on him, and as I scanned the room I looked in the mirror and caught sight of something terrible. Standing there, staring angrily back at me was a water monster.

Actually she seemed more like and angel, with a smooth face, and her hair in thick strands all created out of water. She didn't have any feet, just a huge stock of water. I looked down at my own feet and realized I had none! I was the water woman!

I panicked and suddenly splashed like a wave out of the building and when I was a block away I stood still and concentrated. I

felt something about me coming together, and when I opened my eyes I saw that I was back to flesh again. I felt my skin and hair and realized I was dry. I was so confused and scared, but I had to be sure.

I stuck my palm out and closed my eyes, concentrating. When I felt my self-shifting, I looked down and watched as a huge blast of water shot from my hands.

I let out a cry and ran all the way home. When I got there, my family was waiting on the front porch, my father with a baseball bat in his hand.

"Daddy, what's wrong?"

"Your what's wrong. Your friend Liana called, told us what you did, told us what you are," said my Father, a look of disgust on his face.

" Please Daddy, I didn't mean to."

"Don't call me that. I'm no father to any mutant," he spat out.

I ran into the house and up to my room, tears blinding my vision.

"Get out of my house freak!" I heard my father screaming. I don't know how I kept my head, but I grabbed a jacket and pulled it on. I was going to be kicked out and I knew I would need it.

My father banged into my room and swung a hand at my face. I hardly felt the pain of the blows my father landed on my head, I only felt pained by in the look of disgust my father gave me, and the way my family cheered him on.

When I had the chance, I stood up and fled the place. I never stopped running. I spent the night in the forest. When I awoke, my stomach was larger, and I knew I was pregnant, pregnant without reason.

I moved away from the alley, in the opposite direction then the man had run.

I needed money, I need something to eat and a place to stay. But no one saw me, no one heard me. I wondered if I had ever ignored people as they were doing to me now. What had I done in life to deserve this?

I put a sad hand to my face, but instead of feeling the sting of my bruises everything was normal. I prodded my face more and realized that they had healed.

They had vanished when I had become the water freak.

The monster.

Well there is my first chapter. I really need some feed back to hear what i'm doing right and wrong. I'm thinking of starting in third person instead, what do you think?

Leh Sundance