Love will conquer pain


Chapter 5

Author's Note: Alright, here's the next chapter. I don't really like it, but I feel bad for not having posted for so long. Tell me what you think, If you guys really hate it, I'll take it down and rewrite it. I have a bunch of different versions of this chapter but this is the one I liked the most. Review and let me know what you think! Ja.

Now that Gaara had brought it to his attention, Naruto became very aware of the silent war going on between Gaara and Sasuke and frankly, he didn't know how to react to it. Now that he was looking for it, he noticed that Sasuke actually did spend an unhealthy amount of time staring at him, and trailing him. Coincidently, Gaara's sudden shows of affection seemed to suspiciously coincide with the times when Sasuke was paying a little too much attention to him.

Naruto was more used to people ignoring him and spiting in his general direction.

Even his so called friends weren't as close to him as they were with each other. But now he had a jealous boyfriend, and a best friend who was - for lack of a better term - 'pining' for him! He really wished that Gaara hadn't brought it to his attention, because now he didn't know what to do. Every time he caught Sasuke looking at him, he'd blush and turn away. Meanwhile, Gaara's sudden shows of affection were making him uncomfortable now that he was aware of the fact that Sasuke was looking at them with a kicked puppy look on his face.

'Gah! I need to talk to Iruka Sensei about this! I can't take it anymore!' he thought frantically to himself.

Sasuke and Gaara were once again trying to stare each other down over his head. At first he had been amused, but now that he knew the reason, it wasn't as amusing as before.

He suddenly stopped walking. So intense was their staring contest that it took a while before they noticed that Naruto was no longer walking in between them.

They both stopped at the same time and looked back at him with an inquisitive stare.

"I just remembered that I wanted to talk to Iruka sensei about something. I'm going to head back. Gaara, I'll meet up with you at home, and Sasuke… well I'll talk to you later I guess. Ja!"

They both seemed as though they wanted to protest, but before they could utter a word, Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto decided to let out some steam the best way he knew how. By sneaking up on his favorite teacher, and scaring the shit out of him. The expression on Iruka sensei's face when Naruto sneaks up on him never failed to make him laugh.

When he couldn't find Iruka at the school, he headed towards the teacher's flat. Naruto considered showing some respect and knocking on the front door for all of a second, before rejecting the idea. Where was the fun in that? So he snuck in through a window, and quietly begun searching for Iruka.

As he entered the kitchen, he witnessed the most erotic make out session of his life. Iruka was sitting on the kitchen table, with Kakashi in between his legs holding on tightly to his hair as he devoured his lover's mouth. They both had no shirts on, and Iruka was running his hands on every part of Kakashi's body that he could reach.

Naruto stood there for what felt like an eternity, staring with both disbelief and arousal, before Kakashi noticed him standing there. Without interrupting the kiss, he reached down, grabbed a kunai, and threw it in Naruto's general direction. Naruto got the message and left quietly.

Naruto knew of kakashi's numerous attempts at seducing Iruka in the past, only because he'd walked in on a number of the failed ones. Part of him had wanted to go on with the plan and startle Iruka, and tease him about finally giving in, but then, he'd have to deal with a murderous and sexually frustrated Kakashi. He shuddered at the thought.

Naruto was a bit disappointed that he didn't get a chance to talk to Iruka about his problems, but on the other hand, was glad for his teachers. He felt a twinge of arousal when he remembered the hot make out session he had walked in on. Then he felt it grow stronger when he thought about his hot boyfriend waiting for him at home. He smiled wickedly. Maybe he'd teach Gaara something new today…

Alright, here's the next chapter. I don't really like it, but I feel bad for not having posted for so long. Tell me what you think, If you guys really hate it, I'll take it down and rewrite it. I have a bunch of different versions of this chapter but this is the one I liked the most. Review and let me know what you think! Ja.
