Raven sat on the roof of Titans Tower, the gentle breeze making her purple hair fly around. Her mind was flooded with thoughts. Two months ago Starfire and Robin had broke up and she wanted to win his heart, she just didn't know how.

The edge of the tower glowed black and pieces chipped off and fell into the water. I wish I could keep these emotions under control. She thought, sadly. I can't even think about him without things blowing up… She let out a sigh. "I'll think of something." She told herself.

Raven heard the door to the roof slowly open and she didn't even bother to turn around. Couldn't she just be alone for two seconds?

"Hey." Said the voice she loved hearing.

She turned around and felt guilty for not looking at him before. "Hey, Robin." She said, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.

"Everything okay with you?" Robin asked his voice full of concern. "You've been up here for quite awhile. I was getting worried." He sat down right next to her.

Raven felt her cheeks get warm. "I'm fine." She said coldly. "Is sitting up here a crime?"

Robin looked taken aback and stammered, "Uh…n-no." He looked right into her eyes. "If anything's bothering you, just tell me. I'm always here. I care about you, Raven. You're a member of this team."

Raven felt hurt. A member of this team? She wanted to be more. "I'm fine…" But he didn't stop looking at her and she began to give in. "Well...I just-"

The alarm blared and Robin sprung to his feet. "Tell me later, okay?" He ran down the stairs and

Raven followed, not really feeling up fight

When they came to the center of downtown Robin jumped off his R-cycle and the others stumbled out of the T-car. A car flew towards Beast Boy and Starfire pushed him to the side. "Beast Boy!" She said looking him over to see if he was okay. "Are you unharmed? Please, I do not want you to be hurt."

Beast Boy brushed the invisible dirt off himself. "Yeah, I'm fine Starfire. Don't worry."

A girl's giggle went through the air. "What's the matter Starfire?" Said the girl's voice. "Afraid I'd crush your little friend?" She giggled again and stepped out of her hiding place.

The girl had long white hair that reached about to her knees, her eyes were like cats and the color was hot pink. Her outfit was a pink halter top with a black short leather skirt, she had boots that went up a little bit over her knees that mirrored the color of her top, and she also had a black cape.

"You can either come with us now or we can get rough." Said Robin.

"Awwwww." Whined the girl. "The mean old nasty Titans are going to wreck my fun!" She smirked. "Robin, come on. You can't even begin to get rough with me."

Robin couldn't take comments like that and ran into battle. He pulled out one of his birdarangs and threw it at the girl.

She jumped into the air doing a back flip. "Ha! Ha!" She taunted. "You missed!" She stuck out her tongue. Her cat like eyes began to glow, she glanced at Raven and then at Robin. Then she stopped. "You'll be sorry you messed with Tiffany!" She used her powers to throw another car and smoke went through the air. When it cleared she was gone.

Raven glanced towards Robin and noticed he looked sick. "Guys let's get home." He said as he swayed back and forth.

"What's the rush?" Asked Cyborg. "Usually you're yelling 'Titans! We have to catch her!'"

"I just feel sick okay?" He snapped.

"Okay Dude." Said Beast Boy. "You get into the car and I'll ride your motorcycle home!"

Robin was about to tell Beast Boy this wasn't the best time to joke around but he threw up instead.

"You better not do that in my car." Cyborg said while looking at Robin weirdly.

Robin glared and got into the car. Raven sat right next to him. Why's he acting like this? She thought. He was fine a few seconds ago.

They got home and Robin went strait to his room. Raven sat down and read her book for awhile. Eventually she got tired of the boys fighting over which game was better and headed up to her room. She stopped at Robin's door. I'll just make sure he's okay. She thought. She knocked but no answer. Slowly she opened it and looked around the room.

Robin wasn't there.


Yeah? Said a voice in her head.

"Robin?" She repeated not being able to believe what had just happened.

Yeah, it's me, Robin.

(Yes I've come to haunt you with another bizarre plot! I know I should be working on Unlucky Crush which really needs to be updated but I wanted to get this idea out, no matter how weird it is. As I always say, I have no idea where I get my ideas, they just come to me. Yes, I'm weird; I've known that for a long time. Well if you're not too freaked out I'd like a review.)