Remember how i said you would be suprised? Well here's the biggest suprise. I changed my name! Sorry, bad joke.
On to the reviews!
Nevermore The Raven- Why do you have this for chapter 13 and 14?
Oblivion- Because my computer is being stupid and won't delete it.
Shalimar- why did u kill raven? I'm her biggist fan! bring her back some how. you could have her soul heal her and she may have a scar but she would be fine. or you could have that guy escape and have beast boy go into a rage and kill him or get revenge somehow.
Oblivion- Actually i was planning something very similar to that.
dreamndragonfly- UPDATE SOON PLEASE! I can't stand to think it ends with Raven's death. PLEASE UPDATE!
Oblivion- It doesn't don't worry.
Shade Spitfire- Nice story. Just a little footnote...a meerkat isn't a feline, it's in the weasel family. Kay? Kay! Update, I'm stickin' with you, this story ROCKS!
- Shade
Oblivion- Did i say feline? Oops!
lurking shadow isn't suposed to be on this site for a while and thats y she hasn't updated. just thought you might have wanted to kno that.
Oblivion- Thanks a lot for listening to her! Grr... She's my buddy(my buddy who flicks me off, but nonetheless my buddy!)
Anyway here's the last chapter. It better be good because I'VE BEEN PLANNING IT FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS!
Beast Boy sat on the roof of Titans Tower watching the stars.
It had been...strange without Raven. No one realized how much she meant until she was gone. But just as it had been with Terra, the Titans moved on. Well, most of the Titans. Beast Boy wasn't able to accept that she wasn't coming back. It seemed like she was just on vacation or something.He shook his head.
"I shouldn't have let her get near him. I should have known that he would have some way to defeat us in case something went wrong." He stared at the ocean. 'But I never would have guessed that it would be deadly.'
He had tried many ways to contact her or bring her back. He had read nearaly all of her spellbooks, they had nothing on ressurection. He had tried to use her magic mirror, but it wasn't working anymore. He had even tried...
He opened his hand and stared at the only peice of Raven that he had left...her chakra. He prayed on it every night but nothing ever happened.
The hardest part was accepting the fact that this wasn't a dream and that tomorrow when he woke up things wouldn't be back to the way they once were.
Beast Boy sighed and turned around.
"I'm sorry Raven..."
Suddenly, he heard a click. His head shot up and he glared at the man standing across from him.
"Miss me?" The man laughed.
"Ah, i see you do remember me."
"How the hell did you get out of jail?" Beast Boy screamed.
"Wasn't too hard. I simply killed the gaurds."
"You Sicko!"
"Ah, resorting to name calling. How immature."
"Why did you kill her? What the hell did she ever do to you!"
"The demon? Where should i start? Let's see, one thing she did was embarass me in front of an audience of over a thousand people."
"Big deal, you could get over embarassment but we can't bring her back."
"Two, it was self-defense. If you saw a werewolf standing over you what would do?"
"She had calmed down. You saw me calming her down!"
"Like i would realize that?"
"I saw the look in your eyes! You wanted her dead!"
"And i got want I wanted." He said with a smile.
Beast Boy roared changing into a tiger. He lunged at Chrone who simply steped to the side causing Beast Boy to ram into a wall.
"Do you really miss her that much?"
"Of course i miss her!" He yelled changing back.
"And are you sure that it's me that your're mad at?"
"Are you mad at me for killing her or are you mad at her for dying?"
"How could i ever be mad at her?" He asked tears running down his face.
"I think you are."
"She didn't do anything wrong! I told her to apologize and you shot her!"
"So your mad at yourself."
"Of course i'm mad at myself! If i didn't tell her to apologize we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"If you really do miss her that much, i can help you."
"Y-You can?" His heart filled with hope.
"Of course i can."
Chrone grinned.
"You can rot in hell together." He pulled out his gun at aimed it at Beast Boy's head.
Beast Boy froze and Chrone pulled the trigger.
He was able to do nothing but wait for the end.
When bullet was within inches of its target it stopped and fell to the ground.
Chrone frowned. "What the hell-"
The two turned and saw an artic white wolf surronded by a ghostly mist.
Chrone panicked and shot the wolf several times, but nothing seemed to happen.
"You can't kill what's already dead"
The wolf lifted its head to the stars and howled. Seconds later a beam of black energy shot from the wolf's mouth. The beam shaped and took the form of a giant black raven.
Beast Boy smiled and Chrone screamed.
"Y-you c-c-can't be...I-I killed you! Your'e not here! It's just my imagination!" He screamed.
The bird shrieked and sent a barrage of demons on the screaming man.
He screeched as the demons came upon him and pulled him into a spiraling red portal.
The bird returned to the wolf as it watched its green friend.
The remaining three Titans burst through the door.
"Beast Boy!"
"Friend you are unharmed?"
"Yo, man! What happened?"
He turned to the wolf and he could have sworn that she smiled at him as she faded away in the passing wind.
Oblivion- So what didja think? Good? Bad? Let me know. Sorry, dreamndragonfly. I guess it does end with Raven's death. This wasn't my original ending, but it just seemed so perfect tome. A noteto those who did want the epilogue I apologize, but there were only a few people who wanted it. Besides it wasn't that good. I'll summerize for you.
Basically it takes place a few years later. Beast Boy lives alone with his two dogs, Terra and Raven. Terra is a yellow lab and Raven is half wolf. Raven constantly beats the crap out of Terra and Terra runs into walls. The epilogue ends with Beast Boy writing in his notebook. Basically its saying that he published a book on their adventure. The last thing he says is:
"That's about it, right Rae?"
Then she barks happily. The two dogs are Terra and Raven. That just about sums it up.
So to all those who stuck with me over the past two years, I thank you as well aseveryone who reviewed and all the other readers.You guys are awesome!
-The Dark Oblivion