Of Such Sweet Love

A.N OOOOOOOOOKAY! IM BAAACK! WOOT WOOT! Nice LOOOOOOONG chappie here for you guys, to make up for the long wait! I'm not going to respond to each review, only say that I'm COMPLETELY over whelmed and buoyed over by the immense amount of support I've gotten! You guys r soooooooo great!

Ok, now, I'm going to explain the flashback in this chapter, seeing as some people might find it confusing. Okaaaaay. At the beginning it's talking about Legolas when he left Imaldris when Arwen kicked him out. Then when it says (-100 Years Later-) its 100 years later in the flashback, when they meet again… get it? But that 100 years alter part is STILL 200 or so years before he goes back to Imaldris and they get drunk! Ok?

Ok, at the end of the next chapter I'm going to write out a little sequence of events so that NO ONE will EVER get confuzzled about the timeline/time when all this takes place! Ok? Ok! Read on…

Chapter 10 – I Love You

When she finally reached the bottom of the staircase, Legolas met Arwen.

"Good morning Arwen. Did you have a good sleep? Good. Lets go for a picnic." Legolas pulled Arwen down the hall, while he hurriedly tried to explain something to her while peeking around corners. Her brain was still too fuzzy to process most of it, but she heard something about Ciryaher, and stalking…

Arwen was following Legolas down a corridor, not quite sure of what was going on, then suddenly Legolas stopped, and practically dragged her into a room of the hall.

"Wha-" Arwen was cut off by Legolas throwing his hand across her mouth, "Shhhhh!"

He waited with his ear pressed to the door, and Arwen fumed silently. "Alright, I think she's passed," Legolas opened the door, peered both ways down the hall, then let go of Arwen.

"WHAT do you think you are doing? Dragging me down halls, shoving me into rooms! What has gotten into you?"

"It's Ciryaher! She's following me everywhere! It's not safe for me to turn corners without checking to see if she's going to pounce on me!"

"You sir, have a very large opinion of yourself. And I would appreciate if you would not discuss 'That elf' in front of me." Arwen stalked of down the hall, her dignified exit was rather spoiled by the way she bumped into a wall, trying to turn a corner that wasn't there.

Legolas hurried after her. "Arwen! Arwen wait, I didn't mean anything! Will you please come on a picnic with me so we can talk?"

Arwen agreed and the pair walked down the hall, Arwen staring straight ahead, and Legolas alternating between half-hearted comments about the weather, and biting his lip. Without even stopping for a snack, or a bite of breakfast, they stalked out of the House. Legolas hung back and let Arwen lead to where she wished.

When they were seated on the low hanging bough of a tree, often used for a bench, Legolas pondered where to begin.

"Arwen, I… I'm really sorry. About Ciryaher, and… and what I did to make you mad. I really am."

Arwen just looked at him, the anger gone from her eyes was instead filled with the same shining hurt from the night before.

"I'm sorry Arwen! It was just a dance!"

"A dance? A dance? With Ciryaher?" Arwen glared with him, her eyes narrowed and he sensed… a change… in her emotions… was she…. Jealous?

"Are you jealous Arwen?"

"Jealous? Jealous? Me? You must be joking. I am not jealous. It's just, its Ciryaher for the love of Valar! Ciryaher! While we are on the topic, why were you kissing her?"

"I wasn't! It wasn't my fault!" Legolas defended himself stoutly.

"Of course not, the fact that she was halfway down your throat had NOTHING to do with you! It's not like you actually WANTED to dance with her in the first place!" Arwen's voice was getting higher, shriller, filled with sarcasm. "Then WHY were you with her? Was it because she was half falling out of her dress? Or was it because she was pressing so hard into you anyone would have had to pry her off with a stick?" A.N sorry I couldn't think of another word to use besides crowbar…) Arwen threw her hands in the air, "Or was it something else? I suppose the only elf's who are good enough for you are the ones so top-heavy they'd sink a boat!" She poked his chest with her hand to punctuate the end of each sentence, accompanied by a grunt from Legolas.

During this tirade Legolas had shrunk back, both from her words and her fist. But then he stiffened at the end. He forced her arms to her sides and planting his feet on the ground lifted her up until their eyes were level.

"I wish you would not do that. And while you are accusing me, I beg you to remember whose throat you were throwing yourself down!" Arwen sputtered indignantly, and struggled firmly in his grasp. Legolas continued, "And letting him touch you like that! His hands were all over you!"

Arwen broke in, "Really? It's amazing you noticed! Being so occupied! But why would you care in the first place? Its not like you had conniptions when there was a pretty elleth hanging onto you! Its not like you care!"

Legolas' grip tightened, his voice lowered to a growl. "Don't even say that! You think I don't care for you! I care more for you then you will ever know! Ciryaher is nothing! But I am starting to doubt you Arwen! Letting that elf fondle you, where everybody could see! And kissing him with no abandon! Then you have the nerve, the NERVE! To tell me I don't care for you!"

Arwen had cringed with every sentence. Hanging from Legolas hands, she glared defiantly at him. "Will you put me down Master Greenleaf?" Legolas released her, and she straightened her skirts. "As for all that nonsense about caring for me, I suggest you go find Ciryaher, and tell someone who cares."

Legolas stepped back as though slapped. He stared at her, stunned, his mouth open in disbelief. This was only the second time her could remember Arwen being truly angry with him. Or maybe the third…

(-Flash Back-)

As Legolas rode through the silver gates of Imaldris, he thought his heavy heart might drag him off his horse and onto the ground.

He had had no time to try to make amends, or talk to Arwen since the morning 6 days ago when she had… informed him that he was no longer welcome.

Riding with his royal escort out of the courtyard, he had turned for a final look at the place he had, for the past years, called his second home. Spying Arwen standing half concealed by a fountain on a balcony, he had tried to call out to her, to dismount from his horse and try to explain. But Arwen had withdrawn through the drapes and that was the last time Legolas had seen her. For the next 100 years…

(-100 Years Later-)

"Ada, I find it amazing that I have been engaged to an elleth for over 100 years, and I have not met her yet! Nor do I know her name for that matter." Legolas sat at a plainly carved wooden table in his fathers study, seated across from Thranduil. "How am I supposed to fall in love with an elleth I do not know?"

Thranduil sighed, and turning to his son tried once again to explain things to him. "Legolas, my son, you are not required to LOVE the elleth, but I would have you married to a respectable elf before I sail! And as for the former, it is tradition! I have found that when the elf does not know whom he is marrying he does not end up refusing the marriage. Or maybe, that is because either way, he cant get out of it." Thranduil had been explaining this for the past century, so his sarcasm was no surprise.

"I'm not refusing the marriage father, but shouldn't I have a chance, sappy as it sounds, the find true love?"

"Son, kings don't have TIME to fall in love. Its duty. And aren't you happy that you will be marrying a respectable elleth from a respectable family? She is beautiful, and anxious to meet you, anxious for your wedding. A better match for you than that high-strung chit from Rivendell, don't you think?"

Legolas' face tightened in pain. He gripped the arm of his gilded chair, as a smiling face swam before his eyes.

Thranduil had already informed his son of Arwen's approaching marriage, the reason Legolas had consented to the marriage, however half-heartedly. Arwen's engagement was, in truth, a lie. Formed by Thranduil to ensure his only son would not end up heartbroken over the spawn of 'Lord' Elrond. The two elfin lords did not get along; reason enough for Thranduil to believe their children should not.

Also to be carefully hidden from Legolas was Arwen's presence at his wedding. She was arriving in Mirkwood today, attending the wedding tomorrow, then the day after continuing on to Lorien.

Arwen leaned on her elbow and stared out the widow of her coach. A.N did they have coaches in middle earth? O well, for the sake of this chapter, they do Years had finally reconciled her to the fact that Legolas was marrying, and moved on… slightly. She still could not think of Ciryaher… and Legolas, HER Legolas, together, without feeling physically sick.

The impending wedding did nothing to lessen the heavy guilt she had, from turning him away, and losing her chance at the most wonderful elf she'd ever known. Regretful at not telling him how much she loved him when she had the chance, not making amends.

Arwen and her entourage arrived at their destination very late, almost the middle of the night. She was shown to her guest mansion and retired for the night. The next morning she woke, and almost decided to spend the day in bed. But then she did get up, and dressed. And decided that she still had time to find Legolas.

20 minutes before the wedding Arwen was starting to panic. She ran down a flight of stairs and threw open a door, and without looking, ran through it. Then she crashed into a stonewall so hard she fell backwards and bounced.

The stone wall turned out to be Legolas, but it took her a moment to recognize him, as he had grown quite a substantial amount taller, was slightly broader in the shoulders and just OLDER.

Arwen's face slowly turned crimson with mortification. He held out his hand and pulled her up. She arranged her skirts while she tried to think of something to say.


"Arwen? ARWEN? What are you doing here? Did you know I'm getting married? How did you get here?" Legolas dragged her into a smaller room off the hall. "Arwen… you look… different."

In the past century Arwen had managed to grow about 4 inches and had filled out nicely. Her eyes were still the same though; huge blue eyes that made Legolas stare.

"Legolas… I've… I've missed you." Arwen flew into his arms and hugged him tightly. He put his arms around her. Then he kissed her. Just lightly on her forehead. But then her face turned up slightly, and putting two fingers under her chin he raised it higher, murmured her name softly, then kissed her again, on the mouth, and slightly less light.

Arwen kissed him back, but then pushed away. "Legolas your getting married! …But I don't care! I've missed you for so long!"

Once again they were kissing passionately, when they were interrupted when Legolas pulled away. "Arwen I have to tell you this now. Before I go get married. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. I've loved you since I met you. I love everything about you, but in 10 minutes I am getting married. But I just want you to know that I love you."

"I love you Legolas. I don't know how long I've loved you, but I have for a long time now and… I wish I had never made you leave Imaldris. I sent you away because I loved you and I was scared. This is entirely my fault and I'm sorry. So sorry."

Arwen pulled a silver ring out of the bodice of her dress where it was hanging on a silver chain. "I would ask you still to marry me, but I cannot, so I beg you to take this back, and relieve me of any false hopes."

Legolas pressed it back into her hand. "No Niareth, it is yours. And I would marry you, now if it were possible. But I say this; I would ask you to run away with me. To leave Mirkwood, and Imaldris. Come with me to Lorien Arwen!"

Arwen hesitated, wanting more than anything to say yes, to go with Legolas. But thoughts of her father held her back. He had already lost so much, and to loose her would kill him. So she put a hand on either side of his face, and told him no.

"But Legolas, you will have my heart."

Arwen did not stay for the wedding, and the wedding did not actually proceed. Legolas refused to marry his fiancé and his father, at the … request… of Galadriel, relented.

Arwen carried on to Lorien and they did not see each other for over 200 years…

(-End Flash Back-)

Legolas glared at her back, as she made her way up to the house. Then he yelled after her, "Don't you understand? I love you! And only you!"

Arwen stopped for a moment, then continued on like before.

"What do I have to do to show you? Arwen! ARWEN! Please! Please don't do this again Arwen! Just listen to me!"

Arwen turned slowly… and biting her lip indecisively, cautiously made her way back to Legolas, where she stood warily.

"Do you truly love me?"

In answer, Legolas swept her off her feet, and in a moment Arwen was being quite thuroghly kissed.

Ciryaher watched interestedly for a moment, from behind a marble fountain, then turned back to an herb garden. "He will be mine…"

A.N Sooooo how'd you like it? Have I lost my touch with this story? I might be a little rusty, it's been a awhile… so lets have some reviews! Everyone who reviews is invited to a party hosted by theamazingtechnocoloredringwraith and me! Were going to roast TONS of marshmallows with Orlando bloom, tom Brady, heath ledger, brad Pitt, and some other hottilicious people who we invite! Ok? So EVRYBODY wants to come! So review! Please! Smiles sweetly
