Disclaimer: I own nothing except the original characters. Everything else belongs to Tolkien.

A/N: As usual the things in bold are spoken in Elvish.


A commotion causes Brianna to glance up and her heart stops. Two Rohan soldiers stumble in carrying Haldir and place him on an empty makeshift bed. Brianna rushes over and shoves one of the soldiers out of the way. She cups Haldir's face in her hands and leans her forehead against his, relieved that he is still alive. She kisses him softly before whispering in his ear, "Don't you dare leave me, Haldir."

She straightens up and begins checking his wounds with a look of determination in her eyes, not noticing the hint of a smile on his lips. The arrow was in his upper chest near his shoulder and missed both his heart and lungs. While it was the worst wound it wasn't the most dangerous one. The wound to his side isn't deep but as Valandil is cutting Haldir's tunic away from his wounded side he notices the white sticky substance the orcs use to poison the tips of their arrows and blades on the torn material.

They work quickly to clean and stitch Haldir's wounds. After his wounds are bandaged she has a pail of water brought to her. She chases everyone away and begins cleaning all the blood and filth off of his exposed skin before moving to wash his hair, hoping that it will make him more comfortable.

His fever begins to rise as the poison makes its way through Haldir's body and Brianna gently runs cool cloths over his face, chest and arms to help bring the fever down. Hours pass as Brianna keeps vigil over Haldir as the high fever rages through his body. She's only faintly aware of the commotion caused by the battle on the other side of the hall and just outside the keep, only looking up when horses were brought in from the stables.

After about three hours Haldir's fever has finally started coming down but she still refuses to leave his side for more than a minute at a time and only then to check on Huor and a few of the other more seriously injured. She looks up when she hears a familiar voice and sighs with relief when Orophin and Rumil appear in the doorway. She leaves Haldir's side for the first time in hours when she meets the brothers in the middle of the room, hugging them both tightly.

"Brianna, has Haldir been here? We," Orophin glances worriedly at Rumil. "We haven't been able to find him."

Tears spring to Brianna's eyes and Rumil quickly adds, "I'm sure he's fine, but…"

Brianna shakes her head and takes them each by the hand. "He's been hurt, badly." She leads them over to Haldir and stands at the foot of the bed. She can't bring herself to look up at either of them as they fight to control their emotions.

Orophin kneels next to the bed and grasps his brother's hand. "Will he live?" he chokes out.

"The wounds themselves are not life threatening but he was poisoned. I've done everything I can do." Brianna sits back down and brushes a strand of hair out of Haldir's face. "It's up to him now. All we can do is wait." She looks up at Rumil and notices a cut above his eye. She stands up to inspect it closer and he bats her hand away.

"I'm fine. It's just a scratch."

"Maybe so, but it still needs to be cleaned," Brianna replies as she begins cleaning the wound.

"Owe. That stings," Rumil exclaims and jerks away as she applies an ointment to stop infection.

Orophin chuckles. "Stop whining like a elfling," he teases.

Rumil glares at his brother. "Remember that when she's stitching your arm."

Brianna spins around to look at Orophin. "What's wrong with your arm?"

Orophin cringes. "Nothing. Just a cut and I already cleaned it and applied some healing herbs. It will be healed in a day or so."

Brianna walks over to him. "I think I should check it anyway just to ease my mind."

"There is no need to waste your time on a little scratch like this when there are others far worse than me," he replies.

Brianna smirks. "And they are being taken care of. Now let me see your arm and before you try any harder to get out of it just remember that I have went up against your brother and won."

"Fine," Orophin huffs and pulls his tunic off to give her access to his arm.

Brianna unwraps the bandage on his arm and sighs. "Orophin, this needs stitches."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does," Brianna says as she grabs a prepared kit. "I swear, you two are a couple of the biggest babies I have ever seen." she chuckles as she spreads a numbing salve around the cut. "You risk you life on the borders and in battle without a second thought, yet you run from the sight of salves and needles," she says as she sews Orophin's wound closed.

"If you think we're bad, wait until Haldir wakes up. He's an extremely bad patient," Rumil says.

Brianna finishes Orophin's arm and looks over at Haldir with worry. "Which I would gladly put up with right now if he'd just wake up."

"We have duties to attend to. Please send word if…"

Brianna cuts Orophin off. "I'll let you know if anything changes."

Over the next several hours Brianna continues to watch over Haldir. Much to her relief his fever finally breaks but he still hasn't woke up. During their visits to check on their brother Rumil and Orophin become increasingly worried at how exhausted Brianna is. They try to convince her to get some sleep but she refuses. Finally Rumil has had enough and approaches Valandil and asks him to give Brianna something to make her rest and he agrees.

Brianna looks up when Valandil approaches her. "How is he doing?" he questions.

Brianna sighs," His fever broke a couple of hours ago but he still hasn't woke up. I'm afraid that the poison…"

"He'll wake. Haldir is a warrior and one of the strongest Elves I know. Not to mention that he is to stubborn to let a little thing like this defeat him," Valandil assures her. "Here. I brought you some tea. It will calm your frayed nerves."

"Thank you," Brianna says and gives him a small smile. Valandil nods his head and returns to his other patients.

Brianna drinks the tea and when her eyes begin to get heavy she curls up in the chair and rests her head against Haldir's bed.


Rumil brings Brianna a plate of food only to find her sleeping soundly in the chair next to Haldir. He sets the plate on a nearby table and pulls the blanket up over her shoulders.

"She's been asleep for almost four hours now," Valandil whispers.

Rumil smiles. "Good. She needs the rest. How's my brother doing?" he questions.

Valandil grins. "I have been watching him closely for the past little while. He is showing signs of waking and I believe he will be returning to us any time now."

"That is great news!" Rumil whispers loudly. "I must go tell Orophin."

Rumil turns to go search for his brother but Valandil stops him. "You stay and I will send someone to find him."

Rumil agrees and pulls a chair over to Haldir's bed. "Haldir," Rumil calls softly. After Rumil calls his name for the second time he hears a soft moan and Haldir's head turns slightly to the side. Rumil leans forward excitedly. "Haldir. Come on brother, it is time to wake up."

"Rumil?" Haldir whispers hoarsely.

Rumil sighs with relief. "Yes." He smiles when Haldir's eyes land on Brianna, who is still asleep. "She hasn't left your side since you were brought in."

"What of the battle?" Haldir questions hoarsely as he slowly reaches out with his good arm to brush a strand of hair out of Brianna's face.

"It is over. We were victorious though we lost many lives," Orophin replies as he appears next to Rumil. Orophin quickly realizes that Haldir's attention isn't on them but the she-elf on the other side of the bed and he grins. "Brother, we have some duties to attend to. We will return later," Orophin says and motions for Rumil to follow him.

Brianna feels something brush against her cheek and slowly sits up. She looks around curiously before glancing at Haldir. Her heart almost stops when she finds him watching her. "You're awake," she gasps and leans over him as she begins checking his vital signs to make sure they're normal.

"Stop," Haldir says as he bats her hands away.

"Haldir," she sighs. "Let me do my job."

"I'm alright," he argues.

She rolls her eyes at him. "No, you're not," she says and leans over to check the dilation of his eyes.

"Would I be able to do this if I wasn't?" Haldir tangles his hand in her hair and pulls her to him, kissing her passionately.

Brianna pulls away from him and Haldir is surprised to see tears in her eyes. "Don't play games with me, Haldir. I can't take it right now. Not after…" Brianna cries and runs into the hall that leads to the throne room.

Haldir ignores the pain in his side and shoulder as he struggles to sit up. Valandil notices Haldir trying to get up and runs over to him. "Haldir, you must stay in bed. You will injure yourself further."

Haldir glares hard at Valandil. "I'm getting out of this bed and you can either help me or get out of my way." Valandil sighs and helps him to his feet.

Haldir is exhausted when he makes it into the hall and is relieved to find Brianna sitting on a bench, her back toward him. "Brianna?"

"Haldir!" she gasps and quickly wipes the tears off her face before turning around. "What are you doing? You're going to hurt yourself."

She rushes to him intending on helping him sit down on the bench but he has other intentions and kisses her passionately. "I assure you that this is no game, Brianna" Haldir says pulling back to look her in the eyes. "I love you and when the time is right I will bind myself to you."

"Haldir, I…" Brianna starts as a tear slips down her cheek. "I don't know what to say to that."

Aware that he caught her off guard he smiles softly. "Let me know that I'm not a fool and say that you love me."

"Haldir, you are a fool," she laughs through her tears as she cups his cheek with her hand. "But you're my fool and I love you." Haldir laughs and then kisses her tenderly. He pulls her closer as he deepens the kiss but groans in pain when he moves his shoulder.

Brianna quickly pulls back and helps him sit on the bench. She sits next to him and gently lays her hand over his wound on his shoulder. She recites a spell the Lorien healers taught her that lessens pain and then looks up at Haldir. "You should be resting."

He sighs as the pain in his shoulder lessons to a more bearable level. "I am alright."

Brianna shakes her head. "You almost died, Haldir."

He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and traces her jaw with his fingers. "Yet, I did not," he says and gives her a chaste kiss. "But if it will ease your mind I will try and rest."