Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, it would simply be impossible for me to claim that I was... I could get sued among other things. So all I do is take the characters and screw with their lives. But I do own Aki. Here you go, chapter 1

They stood on the corner of her street, holding hands. They had been dating for months now and still not a single one of her friends approved. Yugi had told her flat out that it looked like he had a hidden agenda. What do the guys know? They're guys... Aki is really sweet. I think I love him. She thought to herself as he shuffled his feet and stepped closer to her. Téa looked up at his beautiful face and smiled up at him. He was so much taller then him that she had to stand on her toes and he had to bend down a little to meet her lips. The kiss was long and tantalizing. She couldn't explain the feeling seeping in her body like an angry virus. She smiled and tightened her arms around his torso. He moved his mouth to the corner of hers and broke the kiss. Her eyes opened slowly and her lips twisted into a disappointed look. Aki smiled at her and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Good-night?"

"I don't want you to go." She complained tugging down on the lapels of his jacket. Aki flashed a bright smile at her again and bent down, rubbing his nose against hers and clapping his hand with hers.

"I don't want to go either, I love being with you... but—" he pulled on her jacket and she stumbled against his body. His arms wrapped around her waist and she frowned up at him. "I got to."

"No, stay, just for tonight."

"Téa that would be taking advantage of you."

"I didn't mean we have to have sex." He shook his head and tugged lightly on her ear and turned from her, still holding onto her hand. He walked her up the walkway to her porch and he stood on the bottom step while she stood on the top.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You know it, babe." She said playfully, brushing her fingers down his cheek filled with stubble. "Promise to shave?"

"I thought you liked the look?"

"Yeah, three days ago. What can I say," she shrugged carelessly, "I'm a fickle girl." She bent down and planted a lingering, but quick kiss on his mouth and she turned and ran inside. The door slammed closed and Aki walked down to the road. He turned around and looked up and through the top window he could see his girlfriend, holding onto the mesh white curtain and looking down at him, give him a small wave. His arm shot up and he waved back to her before turning around, pocketing his hands and walked down to his car. Téa closed her curtain and pulled her socks off. She crawled onto her bed and scooted over to her drawer. Opening the bottom one she pulled out her camisole and sat on her knees and began unbuttoning her blouse. The door opened and she pulled her blouse shut. "Daddy!" she screamed and the door slammed shut. Téa quickly re-buttoned every single button and slid off her bed and went to open her door halfway. "What?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were in."

"I'm in. You see me."

"Are you hungry?"

"No, Aki took me to eat."

"So you're okay?"

"All set." She promised and smiled wryly at him. He shrugged and stepped back.

"Okay, good-night." She repeated the words and shut the door, grumbling. She went to finish changing and when she got half her head all the way through half the camisole the phone rang. She tugged the camisole down and picked up her phone. It was nice having her very own phone line. No one would pick up the phone and listen to her conversations; she could say almost anything she wished.

"Hello?" she smiled when she recognized the voice on the other line. "Hey, What's up, Joey."

"How was your date?" he asked candidly. Ah, he was always the frank one. Never veiled anything.

"It was good, Joey, thanks for asking. I don't know why you guys are so itchy around Aki, he's so sweet."

"Sorry, Téa. We're guys and you know how girls get certain... vibes from girls? Well same thing for guys. We're just getting bad ones from this Aki."

"I can't believe you could say this Joey Wheeler. I mean, I don't go around judging your relationship with an older, flashy woman."

"Okay... I back off; there is no way I can argue with you now, take care Téa."

"Good night." She hung up the phone. Téa pulled back the covers and jumped into bed. Another day of school tomorrow.