Uo balanced atop a ladder, rearranging a display of store cereal. As she straightened up several boxes of "Crazy Poofs" whose mascot was a multicolored seagull, a pudgy foreigner hobbled down the aisle.
The woman was dressed in tight red tracksuit that was a plus sized knock-off of Juicy Sweat pants. Across her voluminous middle was nestled a neon pink fanny-pack , probably filled brochures and chocolate bars. She had cheap, dime-store sun glasses with fake dimonds on the rims and a plastic visor covered in pink fabric with 'Louretta hearts Stan' spray painted onto it.
Uo pushed a lock of yellow hair behind her ear and made a disgusted sound in her mind. "EXCUSE ME," the woman yelled , "DO. YOU. HAVE. ANY. COOOFEEEE!" This was one of the many tourists who thought one could better understand English by yelling really loudly. Uo, of course knew what she was saying. She had learned English in school and she probably knew more of it the than this poor woman did. "Its right behind you," Uo replied calmly in Japanese.
"What?" the woman yelled back.
"Your standing right in front of it," Uo said, "Its just your ass that's blocking it."
"WHAT!" the woman said, "I DON'T. SPEAK. YOUR . LAN. GU. AGE!"
The store's pudgy manager shuffled over "Uotani, what's going on?"
"I was showing this nice woman where the coffee was," Uo answered in English. The woman stared open mouthed.
"Well then, I'll just be going."
Once the manager walked away, the woman leaned over, her face the color of a ripe tomato and said, "I'm gonna have you fired."
"The only thing that looks good on me is you."
Uo scoffed and busied herself with a row of olive oil bottles. The man followed her and breathed loudly over her shoulder.
She turned around and said, "Could you stop?"
"I'd never stop for you baby."
Uo snatched a bottle of oil off the shelf and unscrewed the cap, deftly breaking the white plastic seal with a short, sharp nail. She turned on her suitor and slowly but surely, drizzled the greasy liquid on his shoes.
"These are Italian leather! I'm gonna have you fired!… Ho!"
Uo picked idly at her nails. The florescent lighting made the setting more cold and the smell of cold cuts and 600 different types of food mixed in with the smell of any customer that passed her register. This time it smelled like cats. Without looking up, she began to scan the one carton of milk that sat on the conveyer belt. I bet its some sad old lazys with 3 dozen cats.
She looked up to find none other then Kyo Sohma. "Ahhhh," Uo said with a smile, "Well if it isn't carrot top." Kyo winced and looked away.
The barcode didn't take, so Uo sighed and said sarcastically, "Never did make it easy did ya now Kyon-kyon."
"Its hard to make things easy for a stupid Yankee like you," Kyo said.
Uo shook her head and flipped through the code book. Finding the code, she typed it in. "Cash or credit," Uo said sarcastically.
"I bet swiping a card is way too hard for you," Kyo retorted, "So I'll just pay in cash."
"Very funny," Uo said taking the money. She closed the cash register and handed Kyo the receipt.
"You forgetting the change Yankee? I'm gonna have you fired," Kyo smirked.
Uo leaned over the counter. She smiled and pushed aside the hair covering Kyo's ear. His eyes were wide with surprise as she put her mouth millimeters away from his ear and whispered very sweetly, "I'm gonna have you killed."