Valentine's Day

A short story written by White Silk Ribbon

Dedicated to lilc, da-mouse, and Syaoran no hime.

Jeanne sat in front of her computer, not sure of what to write. After a moment of thought, she began to type.

Dear Hao,

Hello Hao. It's Valentine's Day, and I just thought I should write an email to you. I know what you're thinking, I'm only thirteen, but remember, I haven't been a child ever since I was eight.

The first time I met you, I was nine,

And I hated you.

The second time I met you I was ten,

And I hated you even more.

Perhaps, when I'm sixteen, I might even have the courage to send all these emails I write for you. Sure, there's Lyserg, but I think you are more charming. It's not that I like you, know.

So, yeah...I'd better get off the computer before Marco catches me again.

"Nuns aren't supposed to surf the net," he says.

So, with all my heart...

I hate you.

-Iron Maiden Jeanne

Jeanne sighed and sunk into her chair.

"Maiden-sama!" Marco's voice called to her from downstairs.

"Coming!" Jeanne leapt down the stairs.

A bunch of nuns-in-training came into the computer room to play computer games when they noticed Jeanne's email. They giggled...and pressed the send button.


Hao was checking his email when Jeanne's email came in.

He laughed when he saw it. Immediately the Hanagumi came into his room.

"What is it, Hao-sama?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

The Hanagumi seemed unconvinced, but they had more important stuff to do.

"Hao-sama," Kana said.


"We're supposed to destroy the world today."


"Let's go!" They said impatiently."

"Not today, girls," he said, and clicked the reply button.


Ha ha. This was really fun to write. YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE WRITE MORE HAOXJEANNE! You know, when I was writing the word "Lyserg," I clicked the spellcheck button, and the alternative was "Loser." LOL!