Chapter 1: Birthday Boy

Kikyou felt her dancing partners hands slide down her torso then off to the sides of her woman hood. He gripped her too tightly for her liking, so she took her hands off from around his neck and took his hands in her own where she turned her self to face him.

"Did you like dancing with me" she asked lust in her voice. Her hand shifting down ward towards the bulge that was clearly standing out. When Kikyou heard his moan instead of an answer she took it as a yes.

"Then lets leave" Kikyou demanded more than asked.

Kagome sat at the table drinking vodka and coke her and her friend Kikyou shared. Kagome watched Kikyou with some disgust, she did this every weekend.

She looked across the people to see if there was any one else there that she knew. She couldn't find any familiar faces. Kikyou came back with a big smirk on her face saying that ' I knew that I could get some guy tonight' and the man who followed behind her like a little puppy dog waiting for it's next order.

Kagome smirked at the thought which made Kikyou think that her friend didn't even care that she got a man before she did. But the again Kagome wasn't like that Kikyou thought.

"Hentai" was all Kagome heard before she turned her head to see Sango smack some guy.

Kagome giggled then got out of her seat to run to her friend Sango. Forgetting about Kikyou, who left a moment later with her 'puppy' so to say.

"Sango, what are you doing out this late and clubbing for that fact". Kagome said joyfully.

Sango turned her head to the voice that said her name. Sango smiled brightly when she saw her best friend coming towards her, almost forgetting about the man who had grabbed her just a few seconds ago. Kagome was now by her side hugging her. Sango greatly returned the hug that her friend gave her.

"What are you doing here?" Kagome said loudly because of the music that was playing for the other dancers.

"It's my friends brother's birthday and he wanted to take him out" Sango said.

"You see he's a little stubborn so we had to beg him to come out here, he isn't really a 'people person' per say, you know what I mean?" Sango explained a little more.

"Oh well that's new I love my birthday, which might I add isn't to far away" Kagome giggle at the last part that she added.

"Ahem" came a cough like gesture.

"Oh and this is Miroku" Sango pointed to the male who once stood beside her but was now standing in front of Kagome holding her hand in his. "And what is your name my beautiful lady?" Miroku gave a very sexual grin. Kagome closed her eyes, turned her head and slighly down and begun to blush until she noticed that the grip that was holding her hand was gone and she heard a "Ouch, my lady Sango if you wish to hurt me I am fine with that but can we do it in private? and that can be arranged, my love."

Sango blushed three shades of red 'this causes for some drastic measures' she thought evilly to herself.

Having the grin that she did Miroku started to sweat. "Why my Sango why are you lo-"was all he got out before Sango just started to walk away with her friend. Miroku thought of the worst thing that she had ever done to him ten times over thinking that, that's what she would do to him. But never would he think that his precious Sango would just walk away.

"Wow Sango you just left him, just like that, don't you think that you were a little to harsh I mean you did probably cracked his skull" Kagome stated.


"Just forget about him tonight I'm sure we will be able to meet other guys here I mean look at all of them" Kagome pointed at all the men around the room. This gesture made Sango smile.

"Alright fine, let's go meet the birthday boy and Inuyasha"

"Inuyasha, I shall not dance with those whores"

"Come on Sesshy, they wont bite"..."Much" said one of the girls who was licking her lips looking at everything but Sesshomaru's face.

Sesshomaru turned his head in disgust when he saw Sango coming up with probably another whore to try and seduce him.

"Hey birthday boy, how is your day going? Oh and this is my friend Kagome, Kagome this is Sesshomaru and Inuyasha" she said holding out her hand to each of the males as she said their names.

Inuyasha turned around when he heard Sango's voice and stared at the beauty that was standing in front of him with his friend.

She wore a black shirt that came down in front to almost belly button, ' I wonder how it stays in place so nothing shows when she moves?' Inuyasha thought to himself her shirt hung loosely but tight enough to show her curves she had on tight black pants with the zipper he noticed was in the back when she turned around, he was checking out her ass.

Sesshomaru thought she was very pretty, and he felt better that she wasn't there to seduce him.

"Hi, how is your birthday going?" Kagome asked with a bright smile. Sesshomaru noticed her white teeth. 'Well at least she has good hygiene, and she smells very nice, wait what the hell am I thinking I don't even know her.

"Umm Sesshomaru, umm are you alright?" Kagome asked sweetly but with some concern. 'Why is he staring at me did I do something wrong?" She thought to herself

"I am fine and this place is to loud, I rather be home" he said with the same tone throughout his sentence.

"Doing what?" she asked wanting to leave also.

"Nothing that concerns you" he said flatly

"Well I was only trying to help you don't have to be so grouchy about it" Kagome said irritated.

Everyone stop when they heard Kagome back talk Sesshomaru.

"What!?!" Kagome said a little frustrated.

I thought that this would be a good time to end I hope that you enjoyed this story, I'll update soon...Sorry this wasn't a very long chapter but it's my first so I'll get the hang of it.

Always true
