Disclaimer: See chapter for details.

A/N: No lyrics in this chapter, folks. Sorry,but I'm not sure exactly what regulations are on any lyrics posted, but I just got a story banned because of it. Anyways, this is basically a small intermission that might explain a few things.Buffy's POV in italics.

Tara's instinct was supposed to be 'Rush forward, help lover', but her thoughts were telling her something completely different. A strange aura swept over the air, of tension, pain and confusion. She knew she had only gone to for a walk, but she also knew that whatever seemed normal in this world never was.

The brunette, butchy-type girl ran and picked Willow up from Buffy's arms, carrying her to the couch and laying her down. Buffy stood beside Tara, staring at her. She could feel eyes on her, but avoided connecting with them. She was just as confused about this as anyone else, and had no answers to offer.

What was I seeing? Was it a demon in her likeness or... was it really Tara? I had so many questions as I'm sure Kennedy and Willow did, but I recalled the memory of when I was brought back.; there were so many questions, but everything was too bright and hot and distracting to answer. I remembered the pain, and the loneliness, but also the inclination to touch someone.

I watched Kennedy prop pillows on the arm of the couch beneathe Willow's head. When she looked up I wanted to grab Tara and run.

"I don't know who the fuck you are, or why you're doing here, but I'd recommend you leave before I make you." The brunette muttered. Fear flickered in Tara's eyes briefly before she remembered there was nohing to worry about. Buffy would protect her, she hoped.

She opened her mouth to speak but words failed her as her throat was sandy and dry.

"Kennedy, go get Tara a glass of water." Buffy spoke firmly.

"T-Tara...?" Her eyes widened. Buffy made a face at her and Kennedy was off.

Buffy turned and faced her, looking her directly in the eyes.

"Tell me how this happened."

"I...uk.." It was more difficult to speak now than it had been with her stutter.

Kennedy returned with a cold glass of water, and handed it to Tara, looking defeated and lost.

Tara took it and nodded thanks, drinking it quickly without stopping for breath.

"Being dead kinda makes you thirsty, I guess." Kennedy muttered, sitting down on a chair, averting her eyes as Buffy glared at her.

"Better?" Buffy asked, taking the glass from her and putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Y-yes." Tara began, sounding normal again. "Buffy, what happened here? A-and what does she mean I'm dead? Who is she anyways?" Tara frowned deeply, a crease becoming visible on her forehead.

Buffy sighed. "I think you should sit before I even try to start to explain."

Where the hell could I start? Willow was out cold so she would be no help, and I didn't trust Kennedy to say a word.

"I'm Kennedy, the bad, malfunctioning replacement." She mumbled into a pillow she had on her knees.

"Shut up, okay?" I looked at her and then back at Tara. Pfft, replacement. Hardly.

"That's Kennedy, Willow's... girlfriend." I proceeded with caution. I didn't want Tara to get confused and hurt. She seemed okay, though. Knowing her, if strength is visible on the outside it most likely exists on the inside too. Do I know her? Did I ever? Wow, I have a lot of questions suddenly.

"Um... I guess there's no way to step around the whole you being dead thing..."

"How long?" She asked quietly, looking at Willow subtley.

"A couple years... I guess." Tara nodded. I think she just made some sort of inner peace with herself, knowing that Willow was alright, and moving along well. She was, but I still don't think Will ever got over Tara. I know I didn't. That sounded uber wrong... what I meant was Tara was a good friend, and she was missed a lot by everyone. Oh my god, Dawn. She should be home soon...

As if on cue, I heard the door creak open.

"Buffy, I'm home...What the..." her eyes widened.

"Don't you DARE faint too."

"Why would I faint?" Dawn made a face and walked past me, right past Tara, who was very visible.

"Dawn? Are you okay?" What the hell? I looked on in confusion as she poked Willow.

"What's up with her? I'm fine... what's up with you guys today?" Tara ducked her head down, her hair falling over her eyes. Just like she used to do. I pointed to her with my mouth gaping open.

"Dawn...how do you not...?"

"She can't." Tara whispered.

"What? The curtains? Yes, Buffy, they go on the windows." She mocked me.

I sighed. "Dawn...why don't you go over to Janice's tonight for dinner?" I had to get something solved.

"Really? COOL!" She shrieked in her usual Dawn tone and ran upstairs, probably to call Janice.

"Tara... what the hell is going on?" I whispered, even though Dawn was out of hearing range.

"She can't see me, because I'm..." Tara looked down, drifting off.

"What? You're what?" I put my hands on her shoulders.

"A ghost." I recieved a reply from Willow, who was sitting up slowly.