After they somehow managed to get through the backlog of paperwork and the crammed meetings, both Sasuke and Naruto were exhausted. Naruto had made at least ten batches of coffee that day, and between himself and Sasuke, had drank them all.

Naruto stretched and gave a low groan as he heard his back crack. Looking over at Sasuke, he felt a soft smile play at his lips. The man was all but asleep at the desk. Head bobbing as he tried to read more of the damnable paperwork of doom.

Chuckling under his breath, Naruto softly walked over and removed the paper from nerveless fingers. Foggy black eyes tried to peer out from behind eyelids that were drooping heavily. Putting the paper back onto the desk beside the others, much less than what had been there, and would probably get finished up with tomorrow's work without too much hassle.

He gave a laugh when Sasuke tried to tell him no but only wound up making sleepy mumbled mutters. Without comment Naruto scooped up his Hokage and cradled the body against his chest.

Sasuke was doomed to fall. His eyes slid closed and his head happily came to rest on the blonds shoulder. His body easing into peaceful sleep to the soft warmth and safety those honey arms gave.

Naruto smiled and began the quiet walk to the Rokudaime's house. It was still too soon to bring the other man to his own bed. Naruto didn't feel the need to rush anyways. He wanted to enjoy it. Savor every small step forward.

Nodding to the ANBU who were guarding the doors to allow them to leave their posts, he continued on. The night air pleasantly cool, the stars bright and clear. Naruto couldn't think of anything he'd rather be, than himself at that moment.

He tucked Sasuke into his bed, after he had remove the hokage robes, sandals, and his pants and shirt. Smoothing out the sheets, Naruto allowed himself to just watch Sasuke sleep for a few minutes, brushing some stray hair off of his face.

Today, Naruto thought with a smile as Sasuke shifted and nuzzled into his pillow more, today was a good day. The best of days. As He quietly left and nodded once more to the ANBU stationed to protect the Rokudaime's home, Naruto mused quietly...

...sometimes... belated birthdays are better.

The End.

(I'm serious this time! No more! So don't beg!...the dumb muses might get ideas...)

Drace:: ...mutters to self dumb reviewers making my muses feel all guilty and creative and stuff... next i'll start plotting on more chapters for Vet Trip... grumble grumble i DO have to end these stories sometime ya know! it's not like it can go forever! otherwise they'll end up becoming part of Ashes to Ashes and be death fics! so NO MORE! no more to this story! got it!? good. now then. coughs... yeah. review and tell me how nice and wonderful i am for bowing under the pressure for more. i deserve and ego pat. XD ! thanks for reading!