Hi every one, This is a small story I am placing so that I can get a story out there. To warn you, the spelling and grammar might be a little bad. But hey I am going to try, I hope you enjoy, and hang in there. Here is the thing, I usually make Mary sues on accident so in this I am trying to make her less of a Mary sue.

Break away…

Sestina walked down the road in her cotton, torn dress. She hurried to a water well; and gathered some of the water in a old brown bucket. As she went to pull the bucket up; she accidentally dropped it back down. She gasped as she went for the rope. It was to late, she herd the loud noises coming from the darkened well. She slowly pulled it up hoping that it was still in one piece. She looked at it hopefully to notice there was a long crack on the side. The water was spilling out very fast. " Oh no, this is are only bucket. I'm sure in for a whooping now," she thought to herself with an expression of horror stuck to her dirty face.

She slowly put her hand on the large crack. She then ran back to the orphanage. She was scared; but knew that the sooner she got back the quicker her punishment would be over with. She stopped as she reached the great big doors of the home she was sent to live in. Her parents were to poor to take care of her and so they dropped her off here. She took a deep breath and thought of how she would break the news of the broken bucket. As she entered through the doors, she saw the head lady look at her then to the bucket.

" Care to explain Sestina?" The older lady said tapping her arm as she walked to the frightened girl. " It was, it was a accident. I accidentally dropped it. I, I… please," she tried hard to not cry but felt her frightened eyes prickled with a painful sensation. " You clumsy fool. How will we get water!" The head lady threw her head high and glared down evilly. " I am truly sorry milady." She said as a tear fell on her puffed out cheeks. " You should be! Are you crying? You know the rule on crying," She growled at the saddened girl. " I know, I am sorry." she said wiping it away. "You seem to be sorry a lot you clumsy girl. I will make you wish to never be sorry, or do anything to be sorry about again," with those words she grabbed Sestina's hand. She pulled Sestina all the way down the corridors of the orphanage.

She stopped at a door and knocked on it. A man with dark brown hair walked out. " Yes milady," he said wiping his eyes; he had just woken up. He looked as if he was around the age of twenty. Sestina had a look of fear in her eyes. The head mistress would always punish her severely; but this time the mistress was raging with anger. " Hello Darien, this one is to be whipped." She said throwing the girl to the floor.

"Yes Trichina." He nodded lifting the struggling girl to her bare feet.

Trichina gave the girl a hard whack as she left the crying girl behind. Sestina had never been whipped before. Her friend Marion had and told her of how terribly bad it hurt . She now wished Marion was here with her. " Move." he said pushing her in the room. " Please I beg you." she cried she tried to stop him from pushing her.

" Do you think I like my job? Hmm…. Do you think I like to hurt others I don't even know? Well I don't, but its my job. They all have begged for me to not whip them, what makes your pleading different from all the others I have whipped? Not much different," he said as he walked to get something to eat before he whipped her. She ran to a corner to hide; but he knew she would do that. He quickly ate then turned to the girl sobbing in the corner. " The quicker we start the quicker we end," he said standing in front of her.

" Please, this isn't fair," she cried into her hands. " How isn't it fair? You did something wrong and now your being punished for it. It sounds pretty fair to me," he said pulling his equipment out. " I'm being punished for saying 'I'm sorry' practically!" she yelled angry and frightened at the tone of her voice; and what he might say to the tone she used on him.

" It must have been more then that!" he said using the same tone she used on him. She just gave a nervous cry then began to speak. " I cracked the bucket on accident," she cried putting her head down on her knees nervously. " You must be lying because the mistress wouldn't be that cruel for something that bad. Tell me what exactly happened," he said stopping what he was doing and walking to her.

She told him every thing that had happened, and on how the mistress acted on her saying sorry. He looked at her interested at what she was saying, and on how there mistress acted. " Yeah your right, well I suppose." he said standing up. " Who are you and how long have you been here?" He asked as he sat to think. She didn't answer but looked at the whip and the whipping area nervously. " Speak!" he said looking from the ground to her aggressively. " What exactly would you like to know?" She said just as aggressively only in a nicer tone.

" Tell me about your self. Your age, name, and history. About when you came here and why. I will make my decision on how many whippings or if I'll even whip you at the end." he placed his hand to his head and waited for her reply patiently. She looked at him for a second with fear in her blue eyes. He noticed and looked down for a second. She looked around at the surroundings she was in. It had very little light and had selves of books. " I, I, my name is, umm… my name is." she stuttered nervously not knowing what to say or start with. " It is ok girl, I wont yet harm you," He said trying to help her speak. " Oh yes, you made me feel so much better," she said sarcastically. " Good," he said not getting her sarcasm.

"My name is Sestina, I'm sixteen and I am elvish. My parents dropped me off here when I was two and I lived here ever since. I cant remember them but I am told my father was Elven and my mom was from man kind. They say I look like my mother, and I have my fathers eyes and ears, that I act more like my father," She said sadly. " Do you have an idea of what your mom looks like in your head?" He asked her; he could see the pain and how frightened she was in her eyes and he felt bad about it. " No," she said trying to keep her over whelming emotions bottled inside.

" I have an idea. She has brown curly hair that hangs to her back, maybe some other color of eyes then blue? Maybe with tan skin since your kind of in-between and elf's have pail skin. Your dad is strong and he likes to speak up," He said trying to make her feel better. " You only say that because I have brown curly hair to my back. And I have blue eyes." she said sadly.

" Yeah maybe that's why. But your not smiling? It was suppose to make you smile," he said looking frustrated. " I don't usually smile when I'm going to be punished. And just because some of the staff say that I look like my mom and have my dads eyes and ears that I really do." She said looking down and bringing her face to her knees again. " I'm not going to punish you, I can tell you have been through a lot. But I don't know how to get it past Trichina. Ill have to ask her to give you to me as a worker or a prisoner or slave, or something. Maybe ill just ask if you can be put into a dungeon." he said not sure on what to say to the brown haired girl.

He found her interesting in a way. She had a fire in her that he noticed. No one ever since he started this job ever yelled him or even back at him. She wasn't the most beautiful of girls he ever saw, but she wasn't ugly. She thought differently of him. To her he was a rude and aggressive man, who had no morals. She thought of him as attractive but extremely barbaric and scary. The only thing she liked about him at the moment was the fact he wasn't going to punish her.

" Thank you," she said letting the breath she held in out. " No problem, you should wait here while I go talk to Trichina," he said walking to her. " Ok," she said not sure whether to run or what to do. Maybe if she stayed Trichina would say no and he would change his mind, or maybe she would agree and he would either be nicer then Trichina or maybe he would be meaner to her then Trichina was. " I can trust you to stay here right?" He asked accusingly. " I don't know." She said honestly. " Stay here for your safety, should I tie you up?" He asked her. She looked at him like why are you asking me. " No, If I leave I leave," she said angrily. " Actually I now decide, I'm trying to protect you so I am sorry for this," he said grabbing her. " Let me go you big bully!!!" She started to scream as he grabbed her.

" Stop struggling." he said throwing her over his shoulder. " Don't touch me! I don't know you! LET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as loud as possible. " Don't argue with me, I'm trying to help!" he yelled getting frustrated with her. She hit him then tried to run for the door. He grabbed her then just dragged her to a closet." Here is a warning, never hit me!" he yelled slamming the closet door and locking it so only him or some one from the out side could open it. He then left the room.

She sobbed to her self and asked why it was that she was doomed with this fate. Yes she was a clumsy person, but she didn't deserve to go through this. She was a nice girl, a quiet, shy girl. She thought to herself that she didn't deserve this but she didn't deserve much. She was very sad and missed her friend at the moment. She then herd something and placed her ear to the door.

" Yes, you can keep the girl, she isn't worth much," she recognized the voice of the woman speaking. " I know milady, but I need some help with stuff so thank you," he said politely. " Well this is to be whipped as well," she said throwing some one down. Sestina was a nosey girl in a way, she was a very curious one, yet she was young and most younglings were curious. She then herd the person sniffle and ask them not to whip her. The person in there was a girl.


Hey every one I know this doesn't have anything to do with the lord of the rings yet, but don't worry each fellowship member will make there appearance in this story. At this moment I have no idea were the story is going. I just thought about writing a story and sat there and just started writing so I'm not sure how good it is. I hope you thought it was ok any ways. I am just trying to this girl into the story. I feel so bad on how I made her so clumsy, lol. That's ok though, she is nice I suppose which counts. She is pretty plain though, but I might change that later. Well if any one has any ideas on anything on a character or some ideas on the story or on what I need to work on then please your more then welcome, and it would be appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.

gives a little wink ;-)

-love4horses- could open it