

Chapter One: Dream

Wally was walking, no where in particular. He started to run. He was young again, wearing his orange hoody and baggy blue jeans. His hair was the bowl-shaped blonde-ness that hid his eyes purposely.
"Wally! I'm over here! Hee-hee!" He heard a voice, calling out for him. A very familiar voice. So, Wallabee Beetles ran over towards the voice.
"No, Silly! Over here!" There was that voice again! Wally ran over in the other direction. He played this game for a while longer before he finally ran into what was calling to him. It was a girl. A girl about 10. She had long charcoal hair and an oversized green sweater. She looked so familiar. The girl smiled and giggled.
"Yay!! You found me!!" She threw her arms around him. Wally rolled his eyes as if this was something that always happened, but he knew he liked it.
"Who are you?" He asked. The girl grinned and let go of him.
"You silly! You know who I am! We're friends! You're Numbuh 4!" She exclaimed and smiled, pulling him in a hug again. Wally was confused.
"Numbuh 4? But who are you?" He asked. But he felt like she was growing taller. No-- He was sinking! Drowning. The girl got scared.
"No! Wally!" She bent down to grab his hand, and he reached up for it. They gripped hands together. But they both let go and he fell.
"AH!" Wallabee Beetles sat straight up in his bed, sweat beads rolling down his face. He brought his hands up to rub his face.
"That dream again.." He sighed, kicked his covers off, and swung his legs over. Wally got up and glanced at his clock. 10 AM. Fun, fun. He walked over to his mirror and looked at himself. He saw an older man, in his early 20's. He was shirtless, revealing a lazy 6 pack, and some nice muscles. His hair was no longer bowl-shaped. It was longer, so he could slip it behind his ears. He ran a hand through it, but it went right back to it's messy shape.
"Cruddy hair.." Wallabee sighed and pulled on some jeans and a black t-shirt. He slipped his socks on, then shoved his feet in his shoes. And he was out of his room, and into the bathroom. He quickly brushed his teeth and his hair, then left the whole house. Wally got in his cruddy red Grand Am, and drove to work. He worked at the local comic store, where kids would come in and buy comics, of course. Running a couple red lights, he couldn't stop thinking about that dream. That was the 5th time he's had that. He would always look for that girl. Then end up drowning in blackness. He heard a piercing honk. The guy in back of him was telling him to go, cause the light was green. Wally drove extra slow to piss the guy off more, then pulled into the parking lot of the comic store. He yawned and got out, entering the building.
"Hey Mark. What's up?" His Australian voice was low and deep. He shoved his car keys in his pocket then got behind the counter. His friend, Mark tiredly grinned. Apparently, 10:30 was early for the both of them.
"Hey, Wally. Not much." He yawned loudly, a couple customers turn to look. Wally leaned on the glass counter and sighed.
"I had that cruddy dream again. I tell you, it's getting annoying. I don't know what it's all about!" He said, then took a seat on the stool. Mark shrugged, taking off his hat, then running a hand through his hair, then returning the hat.
"Maybe it's a sign?" He suggested. Wally shook his head. He glanced over the store, seeing a figure staring at him. Then once Wally laid eyes on it, it left the store. Wally ignored it.
"A sign? That I'm gonna drown? Well.. That might be true. I can't swim.. But I don't go swimming or anywhere near a swimming pool! Besides, that girl.." He said. Mark grinned.
"Maybe a hot chick rescues you from drowning! Haha- OW. What was that for?" Wally had hit him with a smirk.
"I doubt it. I don't know why, but.. ever since I've been 13, I've never wanted to be involved in a relationship. Something is keeping me from it." Wally said, ringing up a couple comics for a customer. Mark shrugged as he lazily took a slurp from his pop from McDonalds.
"Have a nice day.." He told the customer, then sighed slightly. The door ringed, telling everyone customers had entered the building. A group of kids came in. Wally groaned.
"Stupid kids. I swear.. they act like us adults control them. Only parents and stuff do." He said. Mark agreed, with a nod. Wally thought more about the dream. That girl.. She sounded so familiar but he couldn't place his finger on it. Her hair, her outfit.. Everything about her, he seemed to enjoy. They reminded him of.. a place he left a long time ago. But he didn't remember anything with that girl. He would have remembered in an instance. But then again, dreams were stupid. They took the most simplest thing and twisted it around. But, that's just it. Where did the Dream Maker come up with this girl and him drowning?
"Hello? Helloooooooo? HELLO!?" Wally shook his head and looked over the counter. He saw 3 boys standing there, awaiting his attention.
"Hm? Oh sorry, kid." He ringed up the comics, lazily, the girl still on his mind. He heard one of the kids mumble..
"Stupid adults.. They think they know everything. But they can't mess with the Kids Next Door!" Wally dropped the scanner gun, startling the 3 kids and Mark who had fallen asleep. Wally looked to that kid.
"What!? Repeat that!" The kid looked nervous.
"You ain't no match for the Kids Next Door!!" He said. Wally smacked his forehead. Kids Next Door.. That sounds so familiar! Why can't I think this week!? Wallabee looked to the kid again.
"What is Kids Next Door?" He asked, urgently. The kid rose his eyebrow.
"We're kids who fight adults. Gotta problem with it!?" He asked, in a fighting position. Wally shook his head as he picked up the scanner gun and quickly ran through the comics.
"Uh. twenty four dollars and ninety five cents." He had said, running a hand through his hair. One of the kids gave him a card. Wally glanced to the card and blinked. It had KIDS NEXT DOOR on it, with a group of kids. Mark shoved him.
"Run it through!" He hissed. Wally nodded and ran it through the slider then gave the card back. He grabbed a sack then put the comics in them.
"Have a nice day." Wally said, giving the comics back to the kids. They grinned then left. Wally sighed, sitting down on the stool again. Mark raised an eyebrow.
"What's your problem?" He asked him. "You look like you've never heard of them stupid Kids Next Door." Wally looked up at Mark.
"YOU know about them?! How come I don't!?" He asked, rubbing his temples. Mark sighed.
"They come in like every other Wednesday and buy comics. They always say 'Put it on the Kids Next Door tab.' and give me that card. They supposedly fight adults. I've never seen them in action, though." He shrugged a bit, slurping more pop from his cup. Wally smacked his forehead.
"But they sound so familiar! I don't know why!" He tried to think as hard as he could. Mark shrugged again.
"Maybe you heard about them somewhere?" Wally shook his head.

"It just seems as if.. I .. would know someone in there. Like I was.. in it."


Note: Hey guys! I should be finishing E.G.G but I'll do that later. I wrote this one a long time ago but.. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post it up or not. Enjoy!