"It really is sad that it has to come to this Disk." Said Morator sadly. "Liberating you now would be such a waste."
"Liberating?" Disk exclaimed trying to comprehend Morator's thinking.
"Killing you…if you put it terms of the unenlightened." Morator said critically.
"So you were saving Arc when Caedes killed him?" Disk asked his anger continuing to rise.
"That was his own choice, something that you could have prevented."
"Think about it Disk, if you had destroy the jewel when you had the chance, Arc wouldn't have to sacrifice himself, which still baffles even me. It is your fault that Arc is dead."
"How do you know all this?" Disk said though his teeth so enraged he was ready to kill Morator with his bare hands if he needed to.
"I said before Disk both of my bodyguards are programs that I designed myself, I'm aware of where they are and what they are presently doing…in fact." Said Morator concentrating. "It seems that Atropos has met up with Kagome and the Dog-boy." He said half in spite and half not knowing Inuyasha's name.
"They're alive?" exclaimed Disk too relived to consider the possibility of Morator lying.
"It seems so, quite surprising. No matter though they'll be liberated as well soon enough." Morator said nonchalantly. "Along with you Disk."
"Not Gonna happen!" Disk yelled out furiously charging at Morator striking at him with quick punches which where easily blocked by Morator, the shots where easily predictable from Disk unable to concentrate well enough due to his blinding rage. After this went on for several seconds. Morator grew bored and sent a heavy knee to Disk's chest.
Morator ripped his hand away from his back and wrapped it around Disk's neck tight, making him gasp for air. He raised him slowly into the air similar to how he had Kagome earlier.
"When are you going to understand Disk?" Asked Morator dangerously. "There's no one who is going to stop me…especially you."
Disk growled furiously and mustered as much energy as he could and sent an upward kick to Morator's chin. Causing Morator to release Disk and back up from him from the force of the attack.
Disk fell to the ground gasping for air as his hand was close to his neck. Seeing a good opening made a wide kick across the ground at Morator's feet causing him to fly into the air and fall over on his back.
"You seem quite sure of yourself." Said Atropos continuing to stand on the steel bars supporting the billboard, which the virus that was going to destroy the entire Matrix was under.
"I could say the same for you." Said Inuyasha impertinent.
"There's a big difference between you and me on that point." Atropos said her tone of voice never changing from the cold hard logical powered voice, very similar to The Architect as Kagome thought.
"For you it is just a hypothesis. Myself studying from Morator's pervious battles with you, I have learned that you have no discipline whatsoever, reckless, and easily predictable, hardly a challenge for me." She continued, annoying Inuyasha more and more with each comment.
"Oh Shut Up!" Inuyasha yelled out having enough with her. "I'll make sure that you'll eat those words."
"Oh! I see, well why don't you try then?" Asked Atropos sarcastically finally changing her tone of voice.
"You asked for it." Said Inuyasha treacherously. Reaching for his sword, he tried grabbing it, but only ended up grabbing air. He looked down at his sheath and could only stare bewildered and whispered. "You gotta be kidding me."
"…Is something wrong?" Kagome asked confused why Inuyasha had suddenly stopped and was staring at his hip where the Tetsusgia normally was held.
"Nothing!" Inuyasha yelled out angrily looking back at her. He leaped from his position toward Atropos he's claws ready to slice though her.
Atropos jumped out of the way leaving Inuyasha bending down on the same bar that she had been standing on. Inuyasha leaped again at Atropos now a few bars in front of him but was met with the same result.
Inuyasha stood up and looked around, not sure where to attack not seeing Atropos. He sense something behind and make a quick turn around but was not quick enough and was knocked into the chest by Atropos her legs extended coming down taking him all the way to the ground leaving her standing on top of Inuyasha.
Atropos standing there looking calm bended over and look at Inuyasha's face closely. "Do you understand what I mean now?" She asked if unsure if Inuyasha knew what she had been talking about.
Inuyasha said nothing but swung one of his clawed hands at her face, she moved out of the way by jumping off of Inuyasha a few feet away from him. Inuyasha slowly stood back up gasping for air. He didn't wait till he fully one hundred percent and made another charge.
Inuyasha made as many quick strikes as he could aiming primarily to the head, these where all easily dodged by Atropos as she backed up. Inuyasha had been though quite a bit today, he had to take on three agents, was attacked badly by Morator and had to jump off a roof to save Kagome, to say the least he was not at his best.
Inuyasha fired another slash; Atropos getting a quick idea grabbed him by the forearm and then flung him across the rooftop as he rolled over to Kagome. Kagome quickly ran over to check on him as he started to get up and then noticed the reason why Inuyasha was using his claws.
Disk stopped on his knees one of them up with his hand on top of it for support as Morator fell to the ground with a loud smack. Disk took a quick glance to his left and noticed something sitting on the ground.
It was...'Inuyasha sword?' Disk thought to himself.
"You forgot it!" Yelled out Kagome angrily after Inuyasha had admitted uncomfortably that he did not have the Tetsusgia with him.
"Hey! You didn't remember it either!" he retorted trying to take the blame off him.
"Since when do I have to worry about your sword?" Kagome shouted back right on cue.
Atropos stood away from them calmly uncaring. If the two of them where going to fight it wouldn't be any of her concern, besides it only gave more time for the virus to be completed.
"I can handle her just fine without it!" Inuyasha yelled out deciding that he wasn't going to be able to win this argument. He turned back to Atropos and made a sudden charge at her.
"Be careful!" Kagome yelled out her anger quickly turning to worry.
Seeing Morator starting to get up Disk rolled to his side picking up the Tetsusgia with him. He stopped his roll in standing up the sword stretched out in front of him, waiting it for transform.
Morator stood up and looked over at Disk. Much to Disk's confusion and dismay the sword stayed in it's normal form. Disk shook it slightly trying to figure out if he had done something incorrect.
In a flash, Disk nearly unable to see him move, Morator came up and sent a straight kick right to Disk's chin. Knocking him back and rolling across the roof the sword flying from his hands, Morator grabbing it in midair and inspecting it.
"Interesting, only seems to work for him for some reason." Morator said when it didn't react to him either. "Quite the program." He said impressed as Disk slowly got back to his feet.
Morator then threw up the sword grabbed it by the hand at the handle reversed and stabbed into the small building which contained the top of the stairs. "I would prefer to keep this hand to hand combat personally." He said a small smirk on his face.
Atropos once again quickly dodged Inuyasha's attacks aimed toward her head moving from side to side while taking short hops back. Finally after she felt the time was right she sent a straight hand to Inuyasha's chest stretched out like a knife. Several quick jabs to the chest area later Inuyasha was standing off in front of her holding on his chest.
Inuyasha took a glance upwards and saw the steel bars over Atropos' head and suddently got an idea. Instead of jumping toward Atropos he jumped into the air and slashed right though the steel bars as if they where butter.
Atropos quickly saw what Inuyasha's idea was and rapidly rolled out of the way of the falling bars that crashed down on the roof with a very loud roar. Atropos stood back up and looked around trying to find Inuyasha in the light coat of dust brought up. Then Atropos noticed something odd; one of the bars was moving-no being raised as she heard the sound of Inuyasha's grunting.
Inuyasha with much effort had managed to raise one of the large bars. "It's not Tetsusiga but it work just fine." He whispered to himself as he got the bar held steady. He set up his feet and swung. Atropos had a feeling this would happened and manage to jump over it.
Inuyasha doubted that she could have dodged that but decided to make sure and swung the bar again this time in the other direction. Inuyasha dropped down the far end of the bar almost collapsing with exhaustion. But quickly noticed something on the bar.
Running across the bar bended down with perfect balance was Atropos a deadly look in her eye. Inuyasha got prepared for her but to his surprise she didn't attack him right away but jumped from the end of the bar into the air, getting to an amazing height and coming back down like a missile.
Inuyasha rolled out of the way leaving Atropos landing down creating a small circular crush where she was standing caused by the impact of her fall. Inuyasha took his chance and made an attack toward her ripping his claws though the air, lines of bright yellow light following the claw's path.
Atropos ducked under both slashes and made a kick while down low up to Inuyasha's chest. Shot up made a grab at Inuyasha's neck, spun around, and slammed Inuyasha into a nearby bar that was still standing up.
Artopos let go and then sent an incredible amount of punches to Inuyasha's lower chest so fast that Kagome could mostly see just blurs. Atropos stopped and left Inuyasha standing there trying to breath as blood slowly trickled from his mouth.
Atropos gave no time for him to rest and grabbed at his neck again and raising him up against the bar. She tighten her grip, Inuyasha grabbing at her hand trying to get to release while trying to get a breath.
Kagome could tell easily that Inuyasha wasn't going to be able to survive much longer she had to do something. 'But what?' She asked herself she had no bow or any weapon for that matter. She soon realized that there was only one thing that she could do to save him.
Atropos continued to choke Inuyasha a malicious smile slowly appearing on her face. She could fell his breath starting to halt it wouldn't be long now. Then she heard something from her right, running footsteps. She turned her head and was kicked right in the face by Kagome who had made a flying kick at her.
Atropos released Inuyasha and was knocked back quite a way crashing into a fallen bar on the way. Inuyasha sat at the bottom of the bar gasping for air, he opened his eyes and looked up to see, much to his surprise, Kagome standing there looking slightly nervous but still with a intent look on her face as she stared at the rising Atropos.
"What the hell are you doing Kagome?" Inuyasha asked confused as he slowly tried to get up using the bar as support but fell back down, Kagome bending down next to him seeing how badly he was hurt.
"Kagome get out of here, let me handle her." Inuyasha said concerned.
Kagome stayed silent and looked away from Inuyasha to the ground. "No, I'm not going to run." She said quietly.
"Kagome! I'm not about to let you get killed!" Inuyasha yelled out angrily.
"And neither am I!" Yelled back Kagome, creating a deathly silence between the two. "…I want to protect you Inuyasha, just like you've always done for me."
"Kagome—" Inuyasha said but was quickly interrupted by Kagome.
"My mind is made up." Kagome said standing up. "Please try to understand." She said looking at Inuyasha with slight sadness. Inuyasha said nothing and only looked off to the side his arms crossed with barley audible "feh" Kagome sighed and slowly made her way to where Atropos was.
"Damn wench." Inuyasha spat out under his breath as he tried to get up again with little success.
Disk fired a fist at Morator which was quickly grabbed by Morator, he grabbed the forearm of Disk with his other hand and slammed him across the broad side of the building which contained the top of the stairways and let him slide down to the ground.
Morator grinned with malevolence and put his foot at Disk's head and started slamming down on it pushing it into the ground. Disk screamed in agony as Morator put more and more weight on him.
Morator knew well that Disk was nearly done for, he had put up a good fight but he had no chance against him in the first place. He finally removed his foot and walked off to look over the city. The sky was now a dark orange with spots of lighting being seen in the distance caused by the virus starting it's encrypting of the system's code.
"Won't be long now Disk." He said looking back at Disk lying on the ground unmoving except for his chest rising from breathing. "And what do you know, it seems your where unable to stop me. Just like I said."
Morator looked again and saw that Disk was now starting to get up using the wall as support. "I-I'm not…done…yet." Disk said breathing heavily having difficultly pronouncing his words.
"It seems you're not the smart one are you?" Morator said annoyed.
"All right, we just have to hold them off for as long as we can!" yelled out Ruby from he control panel for one of the gun turrets. "There an't no one whos gonna save us except ourselves! So lets give em' hell!" She finished with the cheering and yelling of the rest of the crew in the turret control room, ready for anything.
"Here they come!" yelled out Stone, starting to fire his guns taking out an advancing Sentinel with ease. At the exact moment that Stone had said that over a hundred Sentinels zoomed in on the Zorah, guns firing light basting from it giving the tunnel an eerie yellow glow.
In the first few seconds at least twenty Sentinels where easily taken out their bodies falling to the bottom of the tunnel in a heap. More however got their way to the ship unharmed and began to cut though the helm with their powerful laser.
Many of these where also shot off, but the fact was that they we're easily outnumbered and if they stayed like this for long they would certainly be done for. Ram sighed as he was staring at his monitor, which was covered with warning screens. He looked up to the ceiling that he could hear the sound of Sentinels walking on top of it and being shot off.
"I guess they're our only hope now." He said taking a glance at the laying Disk, Kagome and Inuyasha still plugged into the Matrix.
"Coming to save your boyfriend? How sweet." Atropos said standing up with her arms crossed her tone of voice more womanly than before. Kagome said nothing as she approached however her mind was racing with thoughts.
'I can't hesitate. I just have to do it. Come on Kagome you can do this.' She thought to herself as she positioned herself in a fighting stance. Atropos stared at her unimpressed and looked if she just might ignore her.
She did not however and made a charge at Kagome making quick strikes to Kagome's upper body. Kagome managed to dodge them while backing up, doing so almost unconsciously.
Kagome decided to strike and paid for it. Atropos grabbed her fist and sent her other hand vertically against her abdomen causing her to bend over from the force of the attack.
Atropos then took her right foot and smacked it across Kagome's head as she released her hand. It wasn't much of an actual kick but more her swinging her leg in a half circle in the air, happening to come across Kagome's head in the process.
Kagome was knocked down across the ground, Atropos leaving her assuming she was knocked out and walked over to Inuyasha who was now leaning against the bar almost completely stood up.
"You see Inuyasha? It's just like a said. Hardly a challenge." Atropos said getting her hand ready to slam it right into Inuyasha's neck like a knife, hopefully breaking his neck. Suddenly she heard the same sound of running footsteps behind her. Knowing better she turned around and instead sent her hand toward where Kagome would be.
It did get fired at Kagome but was dodged at the last second, much to her own surprise. Then sent several attacks to her chest forcing her trying to keep from falling down.
Inuyasha smiled as he saw the prefect opened and ripped though the air where Atropos was, cutting though Atropos's clothing and skin sending blood flying upwards as she continued stumbling back till she came next to a standing metal bar and rested against it with her outstretched arm staring at Kagome and Inuyasha who where standing next to each other, ready to attack again.
Atropos spirited at the two aiming mainly at Kagome knocking off Inuyasha to the side slamming him into the bar he had been resting against. With incredible rage in her eyes she continued her assault on Kagome, every attack making contact.
With a final high kick across the head Kagome was shot back against the ground sliding until she was stopped by random rubble that had been brought up by the falling metal bars.
Atropos stalked her victim slowly. There was no one that could defeat her; she was designed to defeat any and all challengers. There was no way she could let this girl beat her.
She came up to the slowly rising Kagome now on her hands and knees. Atropos grabbed her by her shirt collar and raised her up so she was looking right into Kagome's eyes which where closed from the unbearable pain she was feeling from that last attack.
"Your nothing more than a stupid girl." Said Atropos spitefully "I do a favor for this world and kill you." She said gravely raising her other arm.
Morator slowly walked up and blocked two weakly thrown punches. He grabbed Disk at his forehead with one hand and smashed it across the wall he had been using as support. Morator held him here as he squeezed his hand applying pressure.
"I'm trying to understand Disk." Yelled out Morator. "Why you continue to fight."
"Hope." Disk said with great trouble the only thing he was able to get out of his mouth.
"Hope?" Yelled out Morator finding that hilarious and letting go of Disk. He chuckled and walked around a bit his hand up to his head. "Hope is simply an illusion created by those who fail to realize the truth of our existence.
"And….w-what's that?" Disk asked breathing heavily.
"We are a mistake that was somehow able to survive." Morator said fatally. "We have done nothing except destroy the world to its very core even before the creation of the machines. We are the darkness in this world, nothing more."
"And so…" He continued, walking to Disk. "I will purge the world of this darkness, so it may heal its wounds."
"Heh, so that's it then. You're the quite the fool aren't ya'?" Disk said sitting against the wall a slight smile on his face.
"What?" Morator said though his teeth furious.
"I'll admit humans do have a dark side. But I know that a lot of people that are more good than evil. I guess you never had someone like that did you?" Disk said with a small grin.
Morator stared at him saying nothing, his face hard to decipher. "So is that what your fighting for? A few good people in this world?" Morator finally said apathetically
"No." Said Disk quietly while once again standing up. "I fight because I want to fight…because I believe in something." He looked up at Morator intensely "Because I choose to." He said vigorously.
Morator gave a small smile. "Well at least you have your priorities in order." He said and ran up to Disk. Disk simply stood there looking if he would fall down any minute completely oblivious to his current situation.
Morator sent of barrage of punches all with as much strength as he could manage, he wanted to get this over with now. But much to his surprise and horror Disk blocked every single one of the punches with almost no effort as evident by his eyes, which looked almost glazed over.
Disk grabbed an incoming fist and bended it backwards causing Morator to yell in pain stopping his attack. Disk sent his other hand across Morator's chest with an open palm causing Morator to fly across the rooftop once Disk had released his hand, crashing into the guard wall.
Morator furiously shot his head up looking at Disk, veins looking if to explode in fist and arms. He stood up and noticed something odd about Disk. His code it was…glowing? Morator well knew that this mean the code had a direct connection to the source but no human could have that much connection to the source…unless.
"No…that's impossible there's no way they would let something like that survive." Morator whispered to himself. It was now for the first time he could remember he was actually nervous, or was this fear? He never felt either of these before and was unable to tell the difference between the two.
Disk simply continued to stand silently, no motion whatsoever. His face was impassive, with his eyes looking if they weren't focusing on the events around him. 'And yet he was able to attack me like that.' Morator thought to himself trying to get the courage to attack again now knowing that this was certainly not the Disk he had been fighting beforehand.
Atropos fired her hand at Kagome's unprotected neck. It was over now; no human could survive from an attack like that. Then she realized her hand never came in contact with Kagome, instead Kagome's hand closed against Atropos wrist had stopped it. Atropos stared shocked at the closed hand and tried to release her hand from Kagome's grasp, but to no avail.
She looked to Kagome and saw the same thing Morator saw. Kagome's face was expressionless and with glazed over eyes, and something Atropos couldn't describe but could sense within her.
Kagome raised her other hand to Atropos' chest then in spark of bright blue light Atropos shot though the air crashing into the building which contained the stairs of the building that they where on. The force of her crash was so strong that it created a huge hole on the wall, shaped much like Atropos' body.
Inuyasha had just raised his head when Atropos was fired across the roof. He wasn't sure if what he was seeing was right he stood up and looked over to Kagome in as much surprise as Atropos had been. He knew that it was Kagome, but it seemed if something had been released within her, something that had been trying to escape all this time, and now was free.
Kagome raised her arms and placed them together causing a bright blue light to appear within her hands, she pulled back her right arm the blue light turning into the shape of a bow and arrow. Inuyasha watched bewildered as Kagome aimed at Atropos who was unmoving from her place in the wall her eyes staring horrified and disorientated.
Morator smiled and flipped out a pistol from his pocket as he stood up, he rarely used weapons but he felt this was a good time if any to use it. Morator didn't give Disk any time to prepare for it and fired several shots as soon as possible, all the shots fired directly at Disk.
Disk casually raised his hand in front of him as Morator pulled out the gun, his expression unchanging. Morator look quickly changed from smug to terrified as he saw the bullets he had fired slowed down and stopped in midair in front of Disk's open hand.
Disk lowered his hand and the bullets fell to the ground harmlessly. Morator trembling dropped his gun and started backing up slowly muttering "No" over and over under his breath.
Disk took a step forward for every step Morator took back, keeping the space between them the same. "You Keep Away From Me!" Yelled out Morator getting dangerously close to the edge.
"Damn it all! They're Breaking Though The Hull!" Yelled out Flame.
"Just Keep Shooting Them!" Yelled back Stone who was too worried about his own and the other's life to be enjoying the destruction of the sentinels
Ram sighed and looked down at the floor "Sorry Arc." He whispered then with a slight view he noticed something odd with the Matrix code, it was going much faster than before speeding across the screen in a blur Ram unable to read it. "What The Hell?" he exclaimed never seeing anything like it before.
"What's the matter? Scared?" asked Disk, his voice emotionless but at the same time with a powerful tone. Continuing to stalk Morator
Morator tried backing up faster and found himself with his foot knocking against the guard wall. He tried to keep his balance but fell backwards off the rooftop.
Morator's scream broke the odd trance that had overcome Disk. He quickly ran over to the guard wall and looked over and quickly looked away as he saw Morator fall upon the city street.
Disk sat down trying to figure out what happened, he barely remembered what had happened it was mostly just a blur but he did somehow remember stopping Morator's bullets in mid-air.
'But that's impossible, there's no way I could have…unless.' Disk's thoughts turned to what the Architect had said about him being the descendant of the One. Then his mind suddenly went back to Morator as he remembered the virus that would now activate now that he was dead.
Disk shot up and looked around soon realizing that he had no idea where the virus was. Then he noticed something in the distance it was difficult to see but it looked like a bright blue light. Curious and having no other leads, grabbed the Tetsusgia not wanting to leave it behind and started jumping across the rooftops toward the blue light.
Kagome fired the arrow; it shot across the rooftop and struck perfectly at Atropos' heart. The light from the arrow grew as it soon covered all of Atropos' body it disintegrating from the purification as she was screaming in terror. In a matter of the seconds the light slowly disappeared revealing Atropos gone.
Inuyasha looked over to Kagome still trying to figure out how she was able to do that. He stared as Kagome slowly walked over to the device that was the virus. The virus was now acting up a strange light starting to appear from it's bottom and Inuyasha could smell the sent of fire and machinery working within it.
Kagome raised her arms and placed her opened hands together at the bottom of the palms stretching her arms aiming at the device, As she did this the Shikon Jewel slowly raised from her pocket floating in front of Kagome's hand.
The light appeared once more this time radiating out from the Shikon Jewel, so bright that Inuyasha had to cover his eyes so not to be struck blind. This was an aura that he could decipher. It was that of a priestess, but it was an aura so powerful that he had never sensed within Kagome before, or anywhere else for that matter, even from Kikyo.
The light once again disappeared, the smell that had been coming from the virus completely disappearing. Kagome looking exhausted fell down to the ground in a heap.
"Kagome!" yelled out Inuyasha running over to Kagome's side and holding up her head trying to see if she was still alive. He sighed in relief as Kagome slowly opened her eyes smiling as she saw Inuyasha.
"We did it." She whispered happily.
"Heh, you did it." Inuyasha replied back.
Ram was looking up at the hull as the sentinels ripped open a hole in it removing the base protection from them. Ram stared proudly as he waited for the sentinels to start ripping though his skin but it never came.
The sentinels had stopped moving both at the hole and outside the ship stopping the crew from firing creating a silence so strong that you could hear the wind as it slowly blew though the tunnel.
Outside the ship one of the sentinels floated within the small satellite dishes expanding from several of the end of their tentacles. With some nearly silent machinery sounds, the sentinel flew off down the tunnel the rest of the sentinels quickly following, leaving the crew of Zorah dazed and confused.
Ram soon realized and gave a slight chuckle "They did it." He hopped out of his seat yelling in joy and laughing happily. Running down to the gun turret room to celebrate with the others.
Inuyasha and Kagome heard something turning their attention away from each other, the two looked at Disk who had just landed on the rooftop, beaming with joy to see the two of them still alive.
He ran over to them and helped Inuyasha get Kagome up to her feet who was also glad to see him. "You took care of that bastard right?" Inuyasha asked with some arrogance also glad to see him safe.
"Heh, yeah no problem at all, I guess you guys took care of the virus?" Disk replied
"Yes." Kagome said her voice still quite weak, trying to be able to stand on her own.
"Overall a success." Said another voice. The three of them looked up to see the Architect walking towards them, looking quite out of place with his all white suit. Kagome and Disk stared at him with resentment while Inuyasha stared at him confused never seeing him before.
"It still baffles me, this…"hope" that so many humans rely on. It removes logical thought from them, and yet at the same time providing them with the strength they need more often than not. Almost contradictory, but obviously here it served it's purpose well" The Architect said in his usual tone while continuing to walk towards them and stopping in front of the Shikon Jewel, which had fallen on the ground.
"What are you doing here?" Disk asked angrily.
"Here to take back what was originally mine." The Architect said going down to pick up the Shikon Jewel.
"You get your hands off that!" Yelled out Inuyasha stepping forward claws ready.
"Your concern of this item is pointless now." The Architect said raising the jewel in his hand.
"What do you mean?" Asked Disk little change in his voice.
"Interestingly enough the Jewel's code is now nearly destroyed after helping to create the virus Morator used and to destroy it as well. It is worthless to anyone besides me now. So I'm taking the liberty of returning to the source myself, once again restoring the balance of the system.
Both Disk and Inuyasha didn't back down, they weren't going to trust him with such an important item.
"He's right." said Kagome getting Disk's and Inuyasha's attention, "I can barely sense it now, almost all of it's power has disappeared."
Inuyasha returned his gaze to the Architect growling under his breath. He gave a feh turned away and yelled out. "Do whatever the hell you want with it see if I care."
"Well then." Said the Architect turning to look at Disk after staring at Inuyasha. "I suppose I will be off then." He said while turning to walk away.
"What about the Matrix?" Disk asked causing the Architect to look around at Disk.
"What about it?" He asked uninterested
"Are you going to keep humans stuck here now that you know one of them tried to destroy you?"
"The human race will still have the choice if they wish to be free or not. I am not concerned of the attempt to destroy the Matrix, especially by a human." The Architect said.
With that he turned and walked off whispering to himself. "That's why I have you two." He made his way to the doorway of the stairs and exited the rooftop leaving the three alone.
"Don't worry about him, no point in letting him spoil our day." Kagome said happily smiling exchanging glances from Inuyasha to Disk, both of them eventually also smiling glad that Kagome was back to her usual self.
Kagome's face grew more cheerful as the sun started peaking out from the clouds shinning on the city giving it a unique beauty all it's own. The three of them all sat down looking out to the horizon the sun splashing against them.
Kagome continued to grin. She may have lost almost everything if her life but as she sat there with the two people she cared the most about she knew that everything would turn out alright.
((well…that's it folks…The end of The Matrix Has You….I hoped that everyone enjoyed the story. I should give some thanks out…first should thank Rumiko Takahashi for her creation of the Inuyasha series as well as Andy and Larry Wachowski Brothers for their work on the Matrix series. I would like to also thank both and Mediaminer for providing us inspiring writers a place to express ourselves. I would also want to thank "IluvMyMirkou" who was the editor for many of my earlier chapters, My parents for being supportive of this and also reading my story (even though they didn't understand it too well ;) ) and of course all those that read and reviewed my story, sticking it out and taking it to the man with the underground Inu fics…I don't know how that works…
anyway if your wondering I will be back to writing soon…though my next story will be quite different from this one…here's the summary I plan to use…
"The Okibi Clan"- A group of assassins from the north are hired to retrieve the Shikon Jewel. Can Inuyasha and the others handle one of the most feared group of assassins in Japan?
Look for that sometime in September and so…I say adue and say…review…please…till we meet again! And remember… there is no spoon ;) ))