AN: Hello, I just wanted to go over a few points of this AU fic. OK, firstly, You-Know-Who is dead (as dead as he was in 1981 anyways…) He "died" Halloween Eve, at Godric's Hollow. Now secondly, the next day Sirius did NOT go after Peter, but instead went to see Dumbledore, and told him of the switch of secret keepers. Now this might be confusing, but, Harry was given to the Dursleys on Wednesday (It says in CH 1 of PS/SS the story starts on a Tuesday, and I am going to say that it was the first Tuesday in November, the 3rd.) So it's safe to say that Harry went somewhere before going to the Dursleys, and Sirius would have gone to this place to be with his godson; thus innocent Sirius would NEVER let ickle Harrikins to go to those awful relatives of Lily, since Sirius was named his guardian (I am assuming, since I never saw the will). So, Harry will never go to the Dursleys, blood protection be damned. OK, story time. Enjoy.
-- Prologue --
Sunday November 1, 1981, 11:42 PM
In a small room, in the rather large Ministry of Magic building, while most of the country was celebrating, several people were gathering for a very important, very secret meeting.
Bartemius Crouch, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, had enjoyed a long career. He had done many positive things for wizarding Britain, and saved many lives. At the moment, he was addressing several seasoned Aurors about one particular suspected Death Eater. "With the defeat of You-Know-Who, we must continually keep up our guard, and take down his supporters."
"CONSTANT VIGILLANCE!" Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody intoned.
"Quite right, Alastor. Lucius Malfoy has had sketchy dealings with You-Know-Who–" Crouch said before he was interrupted.
"Sketchy, my arse," Moody mumbled.
"Yes, yes, Alastor, he may have indeed been in You-Know-Who's inner circle. Your mission is to capture or kill Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. One warning though: they have a small son, a one year old. Be careful, the last thing the Ministry needs is for the Prophet to publish a picture of an innocent, dead one year old. Moody, you are in command - handle it well, and kill them if necessary," Barty Crouch finished the briefing.
"Aye, I will, and I'll take those bastards down!" Moody gruffly shouted.
"That's the spirit! Good luck Alastor." Crouch replied.
Ok, this is just the first chapter; later ones will generally be longer. Another chapter should be up pretty soon, maybe before midnight. Next up is the raid on Malfoy manor, and perhaps some of the consequences.
New Note: This chapter was edited to make your reading more enjoyable. The deed was done by the very grammatical, Thomas-Michael, who has graciously volunteered to be my beta. So all I will say to him: Thank You, very much!