Chapter 15

Kagome awoke with a start and a gasp.

"What is it?" Inuyasha asked. He sounded mildly annoyed, but he had not been sleeping, so he didn't have much to complain about. He spent the majority of the night searching for Katy, when he'd lost her sent, yet again. It was mingled with his brother's, so he knew where they would eventually end up. That is he knew where they would end up, if Kat survived that long. Sesshoumaru wasn't known for his love of humans, except maybe that little girl that followed him a round. Maybe he stole Katy as a baby sitter for the runt?

"I thought I heard Katy calling to me." Kagome recounted her dream to the others. No one seemed to pay her any mind. Obviously it was nothing, just the dreams of "a hyped up, upset, over dramatic 21st century teenager." "Over Dramatic my pink keester," Kagome yelled at Inu, whom was already off to look for Katy again.

Kikyo watched, keeping her soul eaters in check, so as not to be detected. "What would the dog demo want with the human girl? What is it with that family and humans? If their father had found a human from another world, surely she would have been claimed as well. Perhaps that is my folly, that I am not from another world. I was just a normal girl." She expected to feel angry, but instead felt sadness. Inuyasha was out, again doing favors for her reincarnation. "While I'm destined to walk the Earth alone. Even my own sister will have nothing to do with me."

"And what of me, Kikyo?" She turned at that voice.

"Bebbin? What are you doing here?" the miko asked.

"You have not yet answered my question yet, old friend." Bebbin, the Neko demon, swished her tail.

"I thought you had returned to Ireland, that you, too, had abandoned me." This was strange. Her old friend returned. A place on her ribcage tingled. She peaked down beneath her Kimono. "It calls? Even after my death?" There, over her heart, was a symbol inked into her pale skin and now it held a faint pink glow.

"Yes, my dear, it glows. The promise of our sisterhood still glows bright." Bebbin placed her own hand over her heart. "My children grow strong, but my mate is dead. Human, you see. It told me I was needed here, so I came. The hike was long, but I am here. I started out as soon as I learned of your resurrection."

"But, why? I am still a dead woman, not fit for your loveā€¦"

"STOP THAT! Kikyo, get your undead hide over here and embrace me as your sister! Quickly, the wind is shifting and the dog will soon catch my scent."

Inu had caught the scent of cat, it masked the scent of Kikyo, but he had bigger fish to fry, or in this case, find.