Rating: Uhmm.. I guess it's just PG-13... though it may change.

Paring/s: Schu x Ran/Aya

Disclaimer: Well, I don't own White Cross obviously. Must I say more?

Author's Notes: I hope you like my fic. Reviews, comments, suggestions, flames even (though go easy, I just started-;;) are all welcome, either I can stop writing this or continue will obviously depend on the feed back I receive. Well, enough of my endless chatter and on with the fic.

Forgive typos.

WARNING: Spoilers for Gluhen. Fic takes place after the final episode.

/telepathic conversation/

"talk, talk"


llllll -somewhere else, at some point in time kinda depends -;;


Chapter 1

Somebody must have died again tonight...

A certain redheaded German said to himself. Buried in his own thoughts and maybe even drowned in the soul of the one he sensed to be dead floating in the air of Tokyo. He had been just lying down in his richly covered velvet bed. Completely still, he was staring up the ceiling, which looked at the moment the most interesting thing in the world at the moment to his green eyes. He glimpsed at times at the bathroom door in front of him and be happy that his room was fairly big.

Like his bed, the rest of the furniture was pretty, well, expensive looking. There was a desk by the large windows on the left, covered by a nice dark colored curtain. Fluffy pillows is where the German laid his head, a table by the side of the bed with a lampshade that was on, but it's light was dim.

He sighed loudly. He actually didn't really care about some dead woman or man. It was the fact that he was bored... And probably wishing he was the one who was spilling evening blood and having so much fun than what he was doing now, being bored out of his mind.

He needs to find something else to do than just stare at this 'very' entertaining ceiling. Then, a sudden train of thoughts plunged into his brain... This wasn't his, now was it? He was stunned at first... These thoughts... Beautifully remorseful paining memories, they flooded his mind almost too quickly for him to actually to block it from entering. But not like he wanted to block it. Images of a young girl being hit by a car, a very familiar one at that, thoughts of dead people sliced up into to 2. A galore of emotions of pain and revenge...

These are old no doubt... The much fresher batch was that of repentance, a wanting to go to hell very soon and yet not, probably to leave the earth soon is more like how it should be said. A killer... Who wants to be killed?

He grinned. He knew this person... Not only that, he was very close by and very unaware of all that is happening to him. He is a lost soul... The angel with black wings tainted with blood has lost his meaning to live.

Immediately, he sat up and got off his bed.

There was something far more to his liking tonight... he got lucky.


He didn't know where he was going. All he knew he was headed somewhere. Far away from everything, everything on this sick sad world.

After his mission, he had given his money to charity... He didn't need it. He didn't want it and he won't have single use for it... Not where he's going at least. He tried it once, to leave this place. The kid that lives in the streets back in that place where he had done his last crime stabbed him. The kid who probably was a mugger, a petty thief, he didn't care he was going to die there, he silently hope...

But then, some rather religious fellow saved him. He didn't hate it, it was actually good that the world had a slight bit of morality left the guy even paid for all the expenses and he interrogated Aya while he was still in the hospital including where he lived. The assassin being polite just gave the general address, which was of course his country, Japan. The good man then, insisting, paid for his flight back to where he should belong.


The thought almost made him smile, laugh even.

He doesn't belong much of anywhere. His sister was awake, the very person that caused him to kill. He wanted her to live. Live happy, forever. He didn't want to leave her behind but... He knew she might be better without him. Her brother... No, no longer a brother... Something more inhumane... a killing puppet he had become, only for her. Now that it has become an old habit, and as they say... 'Old habits die hard.'

He was walking in the sidewalk near some small stores he guessed. He wasn't sure anymore because he also hoped he was walking in the street and very soon a truck will come by and hit him. But of course, it probably won't happen but it was never really bad to dream, was it?

He had but a blank façade on. Walking, thought drifting on the fact that he's been given another chance to live. A thing he didn't ask for but was able to get. It's ironic. The more you crave... You'll never get it. But if you despise it, it will come by and hunt you.

/Now, now kitten... You shouldn't muse on death too much./ He heard some voice in the back of his thoughts speak slyly. The Weiss redhead stopped in his tracks. How could it enter his mind like this? The only person he knew could that was...

Schuldig.... Aya hissed in his own thoughts. He heard the foreigner laugh.

/The one and only./ Obviously responding to the thought which the assassin didn't want Schuldig to hear. /It's been such a long time since I've seen you. And my you're still such a fine young thing.../

/Get out of my head./ Ran said in a impassive tone. He continued his slow strides to who-knows-where. He doesn't have to talk to this creep...

/That's cold, Aya... But I guess... That's what make you so attractive./ He couldn't see the German. But he knew he would be giving him one of those grins he disliked so much. He ignored it. /If you keep walking around like that you might fall into a manhole./ The mind reader said somewhat concerned and at the same time amused.

/Like you care./ Aya once again retorted coldly.


He watched him just walk. He in his trench coat and odd clothing.

Not caring to look at anything else. He just stalked him from the rooftops of the stores as they walked. He can't just jump there right in front of him and kidnap him and get rid of the assassin's urge to kill himself. No. He needed a plan and he had to think fast. But first... At least let the little kitty know where he's at.

/Kitty, can you look up?/ Schuldig requested. Oddly, before Ran could think of anything else. He looked up and saw Schuldig there on the rooftop in his... Well, he wore a hat and pants a thin jacket and under was a shirt, usual Schuldig like clothing. As Aya stopped the German winked at the Aya who glared back. How could he just look up like that? Doubt the other redhead used in sort of mind controlling skills; even at Aya's state he isn't that weak.

Is it possible that he wanted to see how good Schuldig looked too?

He shook the thoughts out of his head before the mind-reader can read it and kept at his unemotional pace. But the German had caught a glimpse of it and smirked.

/Aww.. Aya, how sweet. You love me too./ The stalker teased.

/Shut up. I have no idea what you're talking about./

/Oh don't deny it, my kitten... Submit to your own emotions./

/Didn't I already tell you to keep your mouth shut?/

/Really? I remember "Shut up" but I don't remember "keep your mouth shut"./

/Did it ever occur to you that they mean the same thing?.../

/Nope. Oh my, my Japanese vocabulary must be failing on me.../ The mind-reader mocked and the assassin fumed with annoyance. Schuldig found this most amusing. Aya was indeed very beautiful but what made it more intriguing was that even after such a long time Schuldig didn't have the will to go back into his place he wanted to watch this cat forever. He really needed a plan to somehow get him back on his feet. He was in a bad mental condition no doubt and not only that but physically exhausted as well.

/Damn y-.../

"AAHHH!! LOOK OUT!!!" Someone screamed.

Before the thought could be completed... A scream of brakes was heard and echoed around the area.



Sorry for typos! Please review!