The Ring has been destroyed. Victory is ours!

Erestor must have read those two simple lines a thousands times over before he really believed them. Coming to his ordinarily decorous senses, the Chief Advisor to Lord Elrond bid the young messenger the welcome of Imladris. Out of an age old habit, the orderly, dark-haired, dark-clothed Elf turned to look for a guard or someone, anyone, who could show the exhausted young man to a comfortable place to rest. Spotting only Lindir nearby, Erestor decided he would have to do and enlisted the minstrel's assistance for the messenger while he himself rushed to Elrond's study with the missive.

The Elf-lord's doors were closed, ordinarily not a good sign. Erestor took a deep breath and knocked gently but firmly. No answer. Maybe it was more than just not a good sign, Erestor wondered. Maybe Elrond was in a mood like the one he was in the day before the Council met, that was now legendary in Imladris and probably a few other realms as well. Erestor tried again, summoning a little more courage. Still nothing. Even if his mood was really that bad, this news would certainly change it, Erestor though, steeling himself as he tentatively opened the study door.

Elrond sat at his desk looking like he was sound asleep but very annoyed about it. This was a curious sight to Erestor, who reasoned that Elrond was dreaming something mildly unpleasant. 'Well, he needs to know this more than he needs another unrestful sleep,' he thought, walking to Elrond and shaking him slightly.

Immediately Elrond's eyes unglazed. "Erestor, my apologies, i was in conversation with the Lady of Lorien," he said apologetically.

Erestor looked like he was going to be ill. He had just interrupted Galadriel? Would even the news of victory over Sauron be enough to appease her for his minor transgression, he wondered.

"Please, do not look so alarmed," Elrond said impassively. "She is only my mother-in-law and i am glad to have an excuse to veil my thoughts from her again. She has been getting persistent of late. What had you to speak to me of?"

Erestor wordlessly held forth the missive from Gondor. He watched Elrond intently, hoping to see a change, some reprieve to his mostly brooding humor of late. There was not a flinch discernable to even the Elven eye. "File this with confirmations, please, Erestor," the Lord of Imladris said with no change in his vocal tone whatsoever.

Erestor received the parchment back from Elrond but did not leave, his stare fixed on the Elf-lord. "You have known this whole time, have you not?" Erestor said with a mildly accusatory tone.

"I have known, Erestor," Elrond said, rising and walking out onto his balcony.

As far as the eye could see, beauty was returning to Imladris's lush river valley. The fair green of the tiniest of the first leaves on the trees hung about the branches like a fine lace. The paths were soft and new, dotted here and there with tiny purple and white flowers. The breeze was warm and welcome and fresh. The sun shone in such a way that all seemed illuminated. No more did a fell shadow insinuate itself about the Last Homely House East of the Sea.

And yet Elrond's mood remained. "In one week's time, Est-... Aragorn shall take up his crown. In one week's time, we shall depart Imladris and go into the East."

Erestor was starting to understand his friend's strange frame of mind. This thing was at the same time hoped for and dreaded by the Master of the House. It signaled the beginning of the end. Erestor nodded in acceptance. "I shall see to the preparations. Should i prepare any letters which you might need along the way?"

"I can think of none. But it matters not, i shall let you know if i decide one is in order," Elrond replied.

"You have but one week, Elrond," Erestor needlessly reminded him.

"Aye. One week before we leave," Elrond said, stressing the word "we" as he made intent eye contact with his advisor.

Erestor stiffened. Surely Elrond did not mean...? Erestor's normally calm voice rose a good pitch or two. "Do you mean to intimate that you wish for me to accompany you to Gondor? Elrond, that is hardly possibly! How can i accompany you there and look after this place at once? Someone responsible has to remain here in your absence... I can not go walking all over Middle-"

"Lindir will stay," Elrond pre-empted.

"As i said... someone responsible must stay." Erestor's dry humor was returning.

"And Bilbo will be here with him," Elrond said, knowing exactly how much that was going to annoy Erestor.

The raised pitch returned. "A Hobbit?! Do you know what we will come back to?! The whole valley will be filled with the smoke of Elf-bane and devoid of anything even remotely edible!"

"That may be, yes, but you may have a purpose in Gondor yet, Erestor. At any rate, how far could i get without my dearest advisor?" Elrond said, putting an arm around his perturbed friend's shoulder. "See to our preparations, will you not?" he said walking him toward the door.

Erestor was still a little tense but he complied. Walking down the hall he told himself that maybe it wouldn't really be all bad. Everyone kept saying how he needed a holiday....

"Oh, and fetch Glorfindel for me, please," Elrond shouted after him, grateful that Erestor could not see his conspirator's smirk.

Erestor nearly tore his hair out at the prospect of being stuck traveling with the Balrog-slaying idiot.